On approval of the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport

Updated Unofficial translation

Order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 2, 2019 No. 612. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on August 2, 2019 No. 19188.

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with subparagraph 34-33) of paragraph 2 of Article 14 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 8, 2001 “On Railway Transport” I HEREBY ORDER:

      1. To approve the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport in accordance with the Annex to this order.

      2. The Transport Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the manner prescribed by law shall:

      1) ensure state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this order, send a copy hereof both in Kazakh and Russian languages to the Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Republican Center of Legal Information of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for official publication and inclusion in the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      3) ensure placement of this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      3. The control over the execution of this order shall be assigned to the Supervising Vice Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      4. This order shall come into effect upon expiry ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.

      Minister of Industry and
      Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan


      Ministry of National Economy

      of the Republic of Kazakhstan


  Annex to Order of the
Minister of Industry and
Infrastructure Development of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
dated August 2, № 612

The Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport Chapter 1. General provisions

      1. These Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) have been developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 8, 2001 “On Railway Transport” (hereinafter referred to as the Law) and shall determine the procedure for the transportation of cargo by railway transport in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      2. Transportation of cargo by railway transport in international and transit traffic through the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international treaties ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      3. The technical conditions for the placement and securing of cargo, the procedure and conditions for the transportation of liquid cargo in bulk, dangerous cargo, not provided for by these Rules, shall be established by international agreements (treaties) adopted within the framework of the Organization for Cooperation between Railways and the Railway Transport Council of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (hereinafter referred to as the CIS), Georgia, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania and the Republic of Estonia and other international agreements (treaties) to which the Republic of Kazakhstan is a party.

      4. The following concepts are used in the Rules:

      1) a circular route - a train set of an established weight and length, consisting of wagons loaded with a homogeneous cargo by one consignor from one departure station to the address of one consignee with an assignment to one station and drawn up by one railway bill of consignment (hereinafter - the bill), with one hundred percent return of empty wagons from unloading to the original station of departure;

      2) delivery-cleaning of wagons - movement of wagons by a shunting locomotive:

      from station tracks - to places of loading, unloading (detraining), access roads;

      on access roads - between acceptance (goods siding) tracks and places of loading, unloading (detraining) of the counterparty;

      3) preparation of wagons (containers) for loading - carrying out works with wagons (containers): sealing existing damages to walls, floors, roofs, ceiling hatches, door and other works before loading the declared cargo in order to ensure its safety and security along the route;

      4) electronic data exchange (hereinafter - EDE) - the exchange of data (documents, messages) on the issues of transportation of cargos, carried out through the use of information networks, software and hardware, agreed by the parties;

      5) places of loading and unloading - tracks intended for loading and unloading cargos, at stations open for the production of cargo operations, places of storage of cargos, warehouses, grounds, platforms;

      6) a unified technological process for operation of the access track and the junction station (hereinafter - UTP) - a technological act that determines the conditions for interaction of the access track and the junction station, which is developed for the access track of an organization serviced by its own locomotive and having an average daily freight turnover of 50 or more wagons;

      7) technological period for the turnover of wagons on the access track - the time required to process the wagons on the access track from the moment they are received by the branch owner from the carrier from the acceptance (goods siding) tracks until they return back to the same tracks;

      8) additional fees - rates of fees and payments for additional operations, services or works not included in the tariff;

      8-1) dual cargo operation - use by the consignee of a wagon or container unloaded by him for loading cargo;

      9) specialized containers - containers with a special design and intended for certain types of cargos: bulk, liquid, perishable, dangerous and other cargos;

      10) route - a train of a set weight or length, formed by a consignor on an access track or at a railway station;

      11) own wagon (container) - a freight wagon (container) belonging to an individual or legal entity on the basis of ownership or other legal basis, provided as a vehicle (equipment) and having the appropriate numbering (prefix);

      12) an inventory wagon (container) - a freight wagon (container) registered in the Automated database of the information and computing center of railway administrations for the railway administrations of the CIS countries, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia;

      13) a medium-tonnage container - a container with a maximum permissible gross weight of 3 and 5 tons, respectively, with a capacity of 5 and 11 cubic meters, having a nine-digit numbering, starting with 3 and 5, respectively;

      14) cargo on its own axles - a rolling stock traveling in an empty state according to a transportation document with payment of freight charges;

      15) package - an enlarged place of cargo, formed with the help of packaging means, having control signs indicating the integrity of the package (seal, control tape fastened in a lock, shrink film);

      16) adjustment task - the task of the station for delivery from unloading and acceptance for loading of empty inventory wagons (containers) and wagons (containers) that are in the carrier's management on other legal grounds, as well as ensuring quality indicators of the use of rolling stock and an even distribution of wagons ( containers) by stations;

      17) tariff guide (price list) - a document of the carrier, which indicates the calculation tables of fees, tariffs and other payments (rates of charges) due to the carrier, as well as their application;

      18) transportation charges – payments, including the transportation charge, the fare for the conductor, road train drive, additional fees and other charges that arose from the conclusion of the transportation contract to the delivery of the cargo to the consignee, including those related to reloading of cargo or rearrangement of trucks on trucks of other track gage;

      19) transportation plan - an application (plan) for transportation of cargos for the planned month, accepted and agreed by the carrier;

      20) electronic dossier of transportation (hereinafter - EDS) - a set of data located in the computer memory and providing the ability to compile documents and messages necessary for electronic exchange regarding the transportation and escort of cargo;

      21) terms (technological time) of loading, unloading (discharging) - the time spent on loading and unloading of cargo by mechanized or non-mechanized methods, taking into account the time spent on preparatory, auxiliary and final operations at the loading - unloading sites and access roads (hereinafter - technological time);

      22) transportation in direct mixed traffic – transportation of cargo carried out by two or more modes of transport, organized by issuing a single transportation document for the entire transportation, regardless of the number of carriers involved in the transportation;

      22-1) transit of cargo - transportation of cargo from one country to another through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, during which the cargo arrives at the railway station of the Republic of Kazakhstan and (or) leaves the railway station outside the Republic of Kazakhstan with the performance of one or more of the following operations: parking, reloading, warehousing, cargo crushing, changing places, weight, quantity of cargo and mode of transport;

      23) large-capacity container - a container with a gross weight of 10 tons or more and a length of 10 or more English feet, having a marking code conforming to the ISO standard and registered by the International Containers Bureau.

      Footnote. Clause 4 as amended by the order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 28, 2020 № 320 (shall be enforced upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication); dated 16.05.2023 № 362 (shall be enforced upon expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      5. Other concepts used in these Rules shall be applied in the meanings defined by the Law.

      6. For the carriage of cargo between the carrier and the shipper, a contract of carriage shall be concluded in accordance with Article 689 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (special part) dated July 1, 1999, according to which the carrier shall be obliged to deliver the cargo entrusted to him by the shipper in a timely manner and from the departure station to the destination station and issue to the consignee, and the shipper (consignee) shall be obliged to pay for the transportation of cargo and ensure its acceptance.

      The contract for the carriage of cargo shall be executed by drawing up a railway bill of lading.

      The bill with a calendar stamp and a receipt issued by the carrier to the shipper on the basis of it (when transporting in international traffic - a duplicate of the bill) confirm the conclusion of the contract of carriage.

      The contract of carriage shall be deemed to be executed upon receipt by the consignee or by a person authorized by him the railway bill of lading and signing the road bill, as well as acceptance documents for the acceptance of the cargo (carriage submission-cleaning list, acceptance operator record).

      7. The centralized management and organization of the transportation process, the provision of cargo rail network services by carriers shall be carried out by the National Infrastructure Operator.

      8. The carrier shall use the services of the main railway network, which are provided by the National Infrastructure Operator, in order to fulfill its obligations on the transport of cargo.

      9. The National Infrastructure Operator shall ensure that rolling stock passes through the main railway network, proceeding from the requirements for the efficient use of technical means and ensuring the safety of railway traffic, shall coordinate, centrally manage and organize the transportation process.

      10. The shipper, consignee to perform work related to the carriage of cargo, shall use the services of a branch owner, carrier, cargo forwarder, owner of rolling stock, and other individuals, on the basis of an agreement, subject to the safety of traffic, technical equipment and rolling stock.

      11. The operator of carriages (containers) shall provide services for providing participants of the transportation process on a contractual basis with carriages (containers), distribution and control of the movement of carriages (containers), and shall also participate on the basis of an agreement with the carrier in the transportation process by providing the services of an operator of carriages (containers).

      12. Access roads, their structures and devices shall provide rhythmic loading, unloading (discharging) of cargo, shunting in accordance with cargo turnover, as well as the rational use of rolling stock.

      13. The cost of the carrier’s services, participants in the transportation process and other persons involved in organizing and/or performing services related to the carriage of cargo, shall be determined by the parties to the contract of carriage of cargo.

      14. Transportation of cargo through the main railway network shall be carried out by the carrier on the basis of the accepted application of the shipper for the transportation of cargo.

      15. Carriers, on the basis of requests from shippers, shall form a plan for the carriage of cargo and provide the National Infrastructure Operator with an application to include their trains in the timetable.

      The execution of the application for the carriage of cargo according to the agreed plan shall be taken into account by the carrier in the shipper's account card in the manner established by these Rules.

      16. Cargo shall be transported by locomotive traction of the carrier or locomotive traction operator in the carriages (containers) of the carrier, shipper (consignee) or the operator of carriages (containers).

      Rolling stock registered in the State Register of rolling stock of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be allowed to the transportation process in accordance with the Rules of state registration of rolling stock and its security, approved by order of the Acting Minister of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 26, 2015 № 333 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 11119).

      17. The carrier performing the transportation shall be indicated in the transportation documents.

      18-1. In order to keep records and generate reports on the transportation of cargoes, all primary accounting, reporting documents and books provided for by these Rules, as well as the forms of documents established by the carrier, can be compiled electronically in a specialized automated system (hereinafter referred to as SAS), including those integrated with information systems of the National Infrastructure Operator.

      Acts of the general form, records of supply and cleaning of railway wagons, acceptance operator records, accumulative cards and other forms of documents intended for collection of fees and other payments related to the carriages, established by these Rules and the Tariff guide (price list) of the carrier can be drawn up in electronic form using the SAS, including those integrated with the information systems of the National Infrastructure Operator.

      Coordination and signing of documents can be carried out through EDI according to the agreements of the parties adopted between the transportation process participants, the technology and standards of information interaction within the framework of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On electronic document and electronic digital signature". An electronic document shall be equivalent to a paper document.

      Footnote. The rules have been supplemented by paragraph 18-1 in accordance with order № 220 of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.05.2021 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

Chapter 2. Procedure for transportation planning Paragraph 1. Monthly cargo transportation planning

      19. Monthly planning of transportation of cargo in carriages and containers shall be carried out on the basis of monthly applications for the basic plan of transportation of cargo submitted by shippers to the carrier on the basis of an application (plan) for transportation in the form of GU-12, according to Annex 1 and an application (plan) for transportation in the form GU-12K in accordance with Annex 2 to this Rules, not later than fourteen days prior to the planned month in inter-regional and international traffic, and not later than twenty calendar days from the international traffic to third countries.

      Applications for a cargo transportation plan filed within the time limits established by this paragraph shall be the main plan.

      Applications for a cargo transportation plan filed by shippers later than the time limits established by this paragraph shall be an additional plan and shall be considered not later than five calendar days before the day of loading.

      20. The list of nomenclature groups of goods, the transportation of which is planned in tons and carriages, is given in Annex 3 to these Rules.

      21. Applications for the cargo transportation plan shall be provided by shippers.

      22. Shippers shall submit to the representative of the carrier at the departure station a decade application according to the basic plan for the transportation of cargo of the GU-11 form in accordance with Annex 4 to these Rules, promptly and evenly during the days of the decade and month present the cargo for loading in the sizes stipulated by the application, and load in deadlines set by the decade application.

      A ten-day application for the basic plan shall be submitted not later than twelve hours before the onset of a decade or month.

      The shipper in agreement with the representative of the carrier at the departure station, may adjust the decade application according to the basic plan not later than 12 hours 00 minutes on the day of loading, and the adjustment should not exceed the previously declared decade norms.

      A decade application of the form GU-11 for an additional plan should be filed with the application for an additional plan of the form GU-12.

      The carrier shall provide timely and rhythmic delivery of carriages at all points of cargo loading in accordance with the accepted applications for the cargo transportation plan.

      23. Monthly applications under the plan for the transportation of cargo in containers shall be provided indicating the mass of cargo in tons and the number of containers in physical units.

      24. Monthly applications under the cargo transportation plan shall be drawn up in the carrier’s automated system.

      A paper application shall be submitted once prior to registration in the carrier’s automated system.

      When sending cargo from an access road that does not belong to the shipper, a monthly application for the carriage of cargo shall be submitted to the carrier after it is agreed with the railway owner by putting an appropriate mark in the monthly application.

      25. Information in the monthly application for the cargo transportation plan, including codes shall be entered by the shipper (except for the column "application number according to the plan") in hard copy.

      26. Shippers shall submit a separate monthly application for the cargo transportation plan:

      for each station of departure;

      for each nomenclature of goods;

      by signs of shipping: in carriages, in containers;

      by signs of ownership of carriages and containers;

      by name of the owner of the carriages;

      by type of communication.

      Monthly applications for the carriage of cargo on its axles shall be provided indicating the number of units of cargo on its axles and its mass.

      27. The monthly application of form GU-12 and GU-12K shall be filled in using regulatory information of the carrier.

      Codes of the types of carriages shall be indicated in the column "Codes of the types of carriages" in accordance with the list of individual types of cargo carriages in accordance with Annex 5 to these Rules.

      28. Planning for the transportation of cargo in containers shall be carried out on the basis of applications submitted by shippers according to the plan for the transportation of cargo of the GU-12K form.

      29. The monthly application of the GU-12 form shall be filled out in the manner prescribed in Annex 1 to these Rules.

      30. The transportation of empty inventory containers and containers, which are managed by the carrier on other legal grounds, sent according to regulatory tasks shall be planned according to the nomenclature group “Other and groupage cargoes”.

      31. Cargoes intended for liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations in the republican traffic shall be accepted by the carrier upon presentation.

      32. Shippers, along with the monthly applications for the cargo transportation plan, shall submit to the carrier, not later than 14 calendar days before the start of the planned month an application for the transportation of cargo by routes, in the amounts stipulated by the monthly application for the transportation plan of the GU-114 form in accordance with Annex 6 to these Rules.

      An application for transportation of cargo by routes shall be attached to the main monthly application.

      33. The calendar schedule of loading routes by the day of the month, broken down by rolling stock, developed by the shipper 5 calendar days before the start of the planned month, shall be agreed and approved by the carrier.

      34. The agreed procedure for the execution of the application of the GU-11 form for the cargo transportation plan shall be entered in the registration card for the fulfillment of the transportation plan of the GU-1 form in accordance with Annex 7 to these Rules.

      35. The carrier, upon written requests from shippers, shall change in applications for the basic plan in the internal republican communication and appointment at stations of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan:

      1) departure station, cargo destination station;

      2) one type of cargo by another within the limits provided for by one nomenclature group of goods;

      3) own carriage, container for inventory carriage, container;

      4) covered open rolling stock by uncovered one if the transportation of this cargo in open rolling stock is allowed in the manner established by Chapter 20 of these Rules, as well as one kind of open rolling stock by another, taking into account the rational use of certain types of carriages;

      5) the schedule of loading routes in agreement with the shippers three days before the start of the decade.

      6) on the eve of the day of loading - the destination station of the route within the destination roads.

      Upon written request of the shipper not later than five calendar days before the end of the current month, by appointment to third countries, one calendar day in the internal republican message and neighboring states.

      36. The carrier, upon written requests from shippers, shall change the loading standards provided for by the application for the basic plan for the carriage of goods:

      not later than one calendar day before the end of the current month in intra-republican communication and appointment at the stations of the Russian Federation, Republics of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan;

      not later than five calendar days before the end of the current month by appointment to third countries and with the participation of transit railway administrations.

      37. Applications for an additional plan for the carriage of cargo shall be submitted by shippers not later than five calendar days before the day of loading.

      For the confirmation of the additional plan, the fee shall be indicated in the carrier’s tariff guide (price list).

      Applications for such transportation shall be executed on the forms of the GU-12, GU-12K form in one copy with the mark “additional”.

      In the event that it is not possible to carry out transportation according to an additional plan, the carrier shall notify the applicant of the refusal of such transportation within three days.

      In international traffic, a transportation permit under an additional transportation plan shall be valid until the end of the current calendar month.

      In inter-regional communication, the additional transportation plan shall be valid until the end of the current month from the moment of receipt of the application, taking into account the technical and technological capabilities of the transportation.

      Responsibility for the implementation of the additional transportation plan shall be similar to liability under the basic transportation plan.

      38. The carrier shall refuse to accept the monthly application for the cargo transportation plan:

      1) if it indicates loading volumes exceeding the technical capabilities and processing capacity of the enterprise (shipper);

      2) in case of failure to fulfill monthly planned applications due to the fault of the shipper in the previous three or more months in part of the exceeding volume;

      3) in the absence of a contract for the spotting and picking of carriages or the written consent of the branch owner ;

      4) in case of incorrectness, inaccuracy or incompleteness in it of information specified by the shipper, necessary for input and processing by means of an automated transportation planning system;

      5) in case of termination of railway communication.

      In these cases, the carrier shall return an application for the carriage of cargo indicating the reasons for the refusal to the shipper.

      39. The carrier shall agree to transport according to the supplementary plan without prejudice to the fulfillment of the application for the basic plan for the carriage of cargo in international traffic due to refused and underloading for other cargo and shippers to the same destination roads, in inter-regional traffic and in the direction of the corresponding kind of rolling stock in empty condition, both due to rejection applications, and by increasing the efficiency of use of rolling stock.

      40. Applications for the basic transportation plan in the republican traffic and destination at the stations of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan shall be valid until the 5th day of the month following the reporting month (with the establishment of an account card for the implementation of the transportation plan of form GU-1).

      Paragraph 2. Planning for international transportation to third countries (export)

      41. Carriage to third countries shall mean transport of cargo by appointment to countries other than the CIS member states, as well as Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia.

      42. Monthly planning for transportation of cargo in international rail traffic to third countries shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure for planning transportation of cargo established by this chapter of the Rules.

      43. Monthly planning for the transport of cargo in international traffic to third countries shall be carried out by shippers in accordance with their general plans for the transportation of the corresponding types of cargo in accordance with the established specialization of seaports and border stations by type of cargo and destination countries.

      44. The carrier, 3 calendar days before the start of the planned month, shall inform the departure stations of the agreed volumes of international cargo transportation to third countries by shippers with the indication of forwarders making payments for transit railway administrations involved in transportation.

      45. Coordination of cargo transportation by appointment to the seaports of the Republic of Kazakhstan by transshipment with discharge and further for export (in international traffic to third countries) shall be carried out by the carrier on its own with the port and all involved port administrations involved in the carriage of goods, and transportation through seaports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the railway-ferry complex in international traffic to third countries (export), as well as with the involved railway administrations of the port railway stations, participating in transportation 10 calendar days before the start of the planned month, indicating the shipper, departure station, cargo name, cargo volume in carriages and tons, port station name, shipper name in port, name of destination country.

      46. The carrier shall approve applications for the carriage of cargo under an additional plan in international rail traffic to third countries in the following order:

      1) transportation of cargo through border railway stations shall be agreed by the carrier with the railways of third countries through the railway administration of the Russian Federation;

      2) transportation of cargo through the port railway stations of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia shall be agreed by the carrier through the National Infrastructure Operator with the involved railway administrations.

      47. The carrier shall keep track of the fulfillment of the application according to the plan for the transportation of cargo for export on separate registration cards.

      48. The approval of monthly applications for the basic and additional plan for the carriage of cargo between the carriers of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the People’s Republic of China through the border crossings of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be carried out on the basis of agreements between the railways of neighboring countries with different gauge.

Chapter 3. The procedure for drawing up a registration card for the implementation of the transportation plan

      49. Fulfillment of the accepted application under the cargo transportation plan shall be taken into account on the registration card of the GU-1 form in accordance with Annex 7 to these Rules. The registration card shall be maintained by the carrier at the shipment station separately for each accepted application. At the request of the shipper, he shall be provided with a copy of the registration card.

      The registration card shall be assigned a number corresponding to the application number.

      If the shipper has access to the specialized automated system of the carrier, the registration card shall be maintained in an automated way.

      The registration card shall be signed by the shipper and the carrier’s representative at the station at the end of the calendar day, and at the end of the month shall be signed by the station manager. If the shipper refuses to sign the registration card, the carrier shall draw up an act of the general form.

      50. The registration card shall be maintained as follows:

      column 1 shall indicate the date of the month;

      in column 2, the carrier shall indicate the number of carriages (containers) in accordance with the accepted application for the plan of cargo transportation on the days of loading.

      If the loading dates are not provided for by the ten-day application of the shipper, the carrier shall fill in column 2 of the registration card on the basis of a uniform average daily loading in accordance with the accepted application for the monthly cargo transportation plan.

      Column 3 shall be filled in for the cargo planned in carriages and tons. When transporting cargo planned only in carriages and containers, this column shall not be filled out.

      Column 4 shall indicate the number of carriages and containers actually delivered by the carrier to the shipper on the reporting day to ensure loading according to the application according to the cargo transportation plan. At the same time, the following shall be considered as delivered:

      empty carriages, containers delivered for loading on the reporting day (including in the double operation order), which based on the technological time, can be loaded by the shipper on that day;

      carriages, containers that remained unloaded on the previous day;

      carriages, containers served by the carrier without taking into account (based on the technological time of loading and unloading operations) the possibility of providing the shipper with their loading before the end of the reporting day, but loaded by the shipper before the end of the reporting day;

      carriages delivered at the request of the shipper during the planning month on account of replenishment of underloading.

      Column 5 shall indicate the number of carriages and containers actually loaded by the shipper for the given reporting day.

      Column 6 shall indicate the number of tons loaded on the reporting day for cargo planned in carriages and tons, this column shall not be filled while transporting cargo only in carriages and containers.

      In columns 9-10, the results of the plan for the reporting day shall be verified by the signatures of the representative of the carrier at the station and the representative of the shipper, respectively.

      51. Registration for the implementation of the application for the plan of transportation of cargo shall be carried out every ten days in the following order:

      column 2 shall count the number of carriages and containers planned for the decade, column 4 - the number of carriages and containers served, column 5 - the number of actually loaded carriages and containers.

      For the cargo planned in carriages and tons, the results shall be summarized in columns 3 and 6.

      By comparing the amount calculated in column 2 and the amount calculated in column 5, the fulfillment of the application according to the plan for the transportation of cargo per decade in carriages shall be determined, and in tons - the amount calculated in column 3 and the amount calculated in column 6 respectively.

      52. If it is established that the application for the plan of cargo transportation for the decade has not been completed, the following calculation shall be made:

      the number of unloaded carriages, containers by the carrier for a decade shall be established by determining the difference between the results of columns 2 and 4, followed by subtracting from this difference the number of undelivered carriages, containers by the shipper (due to the busy front of the loading carriages that are idle above the norm, due to lack of cargo due to non-payment).

      The number of carriages, containers not loaded by the shipper shall be determined by subtracting the amount calculated for the decade in column 5 from the amount calculated in column 4.

      If the circumstances that relieve the carrier or the shipper of responsibility for failure to comply with the application for the cargo transportation plan are indicated in columns 7, 8, the number of containers not delivered and not loaded as a result of this shall be also subtracted from the difference received.

      53. The following shall be recognized by the shipper as not fulfilling the application for the cargo transportation plan:

      failure to submit to them ten-day applications for the number of carriages ensuring uniform and rhythmic loading during the month for fulfilling the application of the GU-12 form according to the cargo transportation plan in accordance with Annex 1 to these Rules;

      non-presentation of the cargo;

      failure to use vehicles submitted by the carrier upon a ten-day application.

      Therein the failure to submit a ten-day application shall be taken into account by carriers as a refusal to provide carriages for loading provided by the shipper untimely.

      54. The size of the total non-fulfillment of the application under the plan for the carriage of cargo in tons allowed through the fault of the carrier or shipper shall be determined by multiplying the number of unloaded carriages and containers by the amount of static load. The value of the static load shall be calculated by dividing the number of tons indicated in column 3 by the number of carriages and containers indicated in column 2.

      Carriages not served by the carrier due to the fault of the shipper (lack of cargo, employment of the loading front by carriages, non-payment, non-arrival of their own carriages, containers) shall be attributed to the fault of the shipper, the presence of these circumstances shall be indicated in column 8.

      55. Data on property liability shall be entered in the second part of the registration card.

      56. If the application is not fulfilled according to the plan for the carriage of cargo in carriages, but is met in tons for cargo whose carriage is established in carriages and tons, the application shall be considered completed.

      Underloading according to plan in tons due to non-fulfillment by the shipper of technical standards for loading the carriage shall be considered to be underloading of the shipper. If the shipper has underloaded the carriages to full capacity (taking into account their carrying capacity) and for this reason the application for the plan for the carriage of cargo in tons was not fulfilled, the carrier shall not deliver the carriages.

      57. In case of non-fulfillment of the application according to the plan for the transportation of cargo in tons (for cargo whose transportation is planned in carriages and tons) with full use of the norm in carriages and the implementation of the technical norms for their loading, the carrier shall additionally submit carriages for loading in the amount necessary to fulfill the application for cargo transportation plan in tons.

      58. Payment for non-fulfillment of the monthly application according to the cargo transportation plan shall be made ten-day, but not later than 5 working days after the end of the month.

Chapter 4. The procedure for receiving cargo for transportation.

      59. Acceptance for the carriage of cargo shall be carried out on acceptance (goods siding) tracks.

      60. Cargoes shall be transported by shipment. Shipment shall be understood as the cargo accepted for transportation under one consignment note from one consignor at one departure station to the address of one consignee to one station of destination.

      The following shall be accepted as one shipment:

      cargo loaded into a wagon (wagon coupler), if the cargo presented for transportation requires a separate wagon or it is required to connect two or more wagons (wagon coupler);

      cargo loaded into a container;

      cargo on its own axles (railway rolling stock, railroad cranes, track and construction vehicles on railroads).

      By agreement between the consignor and the carrier, the cargo can be issued with one waybill presented for transportation from one consignor from one departure station to the address of one consignee to one station of destination, if:

      there is one item, transported in two or more wagons (except for couplers);

      one item, transported in two or more containers;

      on their axes of the same name in more than one unit.

      The shipper shall be registered with SAS.

      Footnote. Paragraph 60 as amended by order № 220 of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.05.2021 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      61. Speeds shall be determined in accordance with the delivery time of cargo, in accordance with Annex 8 to these Rules.

      The type of transportation speed shall be determined and indicated on the consignment bill by the shipper.

      If the carriage according to the Tariff guide (price list) of the carrier should be carried out only at high speed, the shipper in this column shall indicate exactly this speed.

      62. The carrier shall notify the shipper of the forthcoming delivery of carriages and containers for loading to the shipper not later than two hours prior to filing with simultaneous registration of such a notice in the notification book on the time of delivery of carriages for loading. The procedure for supplying and cleaning carriages to access roads shall be established in accordance with the agreement for the spotting and picking of carriages. At the request of the shipper, a different notification procedure may be established. For notification, available means of communication, including an electronic data exchange network, shall be used. In order to ensure the receipt of notifications by the shipper, the persons responsible for receiving the notifications shall be determined whose names and phone numbers (faxes, telexes) shall be notified in writing to the carrier.

      If the shipper does not receive notification of the supply of carriages, the carrier shall deliver the carriages without notice, the delivered carriages are counted by the shipper and the time spent on the access road shall be calculated after two hours after the actual delivery of the carriages.

      When delivering carriages late with the deadline and when delivering carriages earlier than the deadline specified in the notification, the time spent by the carriages on the driveway shall be calculated from the moment of actual delivery. If the delay exceeds two hours, the carrier will again notify the shipper of the upcoming delivery.

      63. Until the payment for the carriage of cargo and other due payments for the previous carriage of the cargo have been made, the carrier shall suspend the provision of services.

      64. Loading of cargo should be carried out in technically sound, suitable for transportation of this cargo and cleaned carriages.

      Preparation for loading carriages, containers shall be carried out at the expense of the person to whom the carriages and (or) containers belong by right of ownership or other legal basis.

      The preparation of carriages for loading dangerous cargo shall be carried out in compliance with the conditions provided for this dangerous cargo.

      65. If the shipper refuses to load arrivals in accordance with his application to the loading station of empty specialized carriages of the carrier and the inability to use them for another day by another shipper at the station, the carrier will charge him for the mileage of these carriages from the station from which they were sent to the loading station, but not more than 300 kilometers.

      66. The technical suitability of the carriages and containers supplied for loading shall be determined by the carrier.

      Commercial suitability of carriages, containers (the condition of the cargo compartments of carriages, containers suitable for the transport of a specific cargo, the absence of an odor inside the carriages, containers, other adverse factors, with the exception of the effects of precipitation in open carriages, as well as the features of the internal structures of the carriage bodies, containers affecting the condition of cargo during loading, unloading and transportation) for the transportation of the specified cargo shall be determined in relation to:

      carriages - by shippers if loading is provided by them, or by the carrier if loading is provided by them;

      containers - by shippers.

      67. If the consignors refuse from the carrier's wagons, containers unsuitable for the carriage of specific cargoes, the carrier shall replace the specified wagons, containers with serviceable wagons, containers suitable for the carriage of such cargoes.

      Footnote. Paragraph 67 as amended by order № 220 of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.05.2021 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      68. The facts of the unsuitability of the carriages for the carriage of cargo, including those used in the double operation (after unloading the cargo from the carriage) shall be documented by the Act of the general form GU-23 in accordance with Annex 9 to these Rules, which shall be signed by the representatives of the carrier and the shipper.

      69. The loading of cargo into carriages, containers on access roads and at places of loading and unloading shall be carried out by the shipper or on a contractual basis by the carrier. At places of loading – unloading, loading may be carried out with the exception of dangerous cargo.

      70. Shippers prepare cargo for loading and transportation in such a way as to ensure the safety of movement and loading and unloading, the safety of cargo, carriages, and containers.

      The cargo, in order to protect them from damage, spoiling, loss and shortage, as well as to prevent pollution and clogging of rolling stock, railroad tracks and the environment, shall be presented for transportation in packaged form using standardized transport containers and technical conditions necessary for safe transportation cargo.

      Requirements for containers and packaging of cargo, the quality of products transported by the carrier shall be established by standards and technical conditions in the relevant industry and production, including international treaties ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Shippers, at the request of the carrier, present standards or specifications for the products being shipped, as well as for containers and packaging, if the cargos are packed.

      71. Cargoes for which containers and packaging standards and specifications have not been established shall be presented for transportation in good packaging, ensuring their full safety during transportation and the requirements of these Rules.

      72. When transporting cargo that are not combustible but packaged with the use of combustible materials (cloth, matting) or protected from damage by combustible materials (paper, sacking, shavings, straw and others), as well as when transporting upholstered furniture, inspection of carriages containers and their preparation for loading shall be carried out in the same way as for combustible cargo.

      73. The shipper presents packing and piece cargo with transport marking for transportation, regardless of whether the marking complies with the requirements applicable to other modes of transport. The content of the transport marking, place and method of its application, location, dimensions of the marking labels and inscriptions shall be applied standardized.

      74. The standardized loading, placement and securing of cargo in carriages and containers shall ensure the safe operation of trains, the possibility of mechanization and safety of loading and unloading operations, and the safety of cargo, carriages, and containers. Placement and securing of cargo in carriages and containers shall be carried out in accordance with the conditions of placement and securing of cargo.

      Cargoes, on the packaging of which there are handling signs and warning labels, shall be loaded onto the carriages in compliance with the requirements of these signs, labels.

      The equipment, materials, packaging, and other equipment necessary for loading, securing, and transporting cargo shall be provided by shippers. Installation of such devices during loading shall be carried out by shippers or the carrier, depending on by whom loading is carried out. Loading in one carriage of cargo that by their properties can damage or spoil other cargo shall not be performed. Cargoes shall be loaded into carriages, containers up to the full capacity of carriages, containers not exceeding the carrying capacity according to the stencil on the carriage, container.

      75. When presenting cargos for transportation, the consignor shall indicate in the consignment bill their weight, and when presenting tare and piece cargoes, also the number of packages. The total weight of cargo, the loading of which to the full capacity of wagons, containers may lead to an excess of their permissible carrying capacity, shall be determined only by weighing. At the same time, the mass of cargoes transported in bulk shall be determined by weighing on a wagon scale.

      The consignor shall determine the total weight of cargoes.

      The total weight of the cargo (gross) is determined depending on the type of cargo and technical feasibility by weighing or by calculation.

      By calculation, the total weight of the cargo is determined by:

      stereotyped pattern , by summing up the cargo total mass (gross), indicated in the marking of each cargo article;

      according to the standard, by multiplying the standard weight of a cargo unit by the number of cargo packages;

      by measurement, by multiplying the volume of loaded cargo calculated on the basis of measurements by its volumetric mass;

      by measuring the filling height (for ethyl alcohol - the under-filling height) with determining the volume of the filled cargo according to the tank calibration tables developed by their manufacturer, while determining the temperature of the cargo and the density of the product;

      using counters or other verified means of measurement.

      The total weight of the cargoes carried in containers shall be determined by the consignor in all cases.

      Footnote. Paragraph 75 as amended by order № 220 of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.05.2021 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      76. The equipment with the required number of weighing instruments for weighing the transported cargo on access roads shall be made by the owners of these routes.

      77. When determining the mass of a cargo by weighing on a carriage scale, the mass indicated on the carriage shall be taken as the tare mass of the carriage.

      If the check of the carriage’s tare mass is performed before loading, then when determining the mass of the cargo, the mass determined during weighing shall be taken as the carriage’s tare mass.

      78. When transporting cargo with removable equipment and fastening details, including vegetables, breadboards and insulation, the mass of these devices and materials shall not be included in the mass of cargo and shall be indicated separately in column 4 of the consignment bill “Special statements and marks of the shipper”. The mass of non-removable bread shields shall be included in the tare mass of the carriage.

      Inventory of fastening hardware shall be indicated by shipper in column 4 of the bill "Special statements and marks of the shipper".

      79. Upon presentation of a frozen cargo for carriage, the shipper shall indicate in the consignment bill, in accordance with these Rules, in the column “Special statements and marks of the shipper” the percentage of moisture in the cargo and measures taken to protect it from freezing, for example: “The frozen cargo”, “Interspersed with lime in the amount of ...%","Oiled in the amount of ...%", "Arranged in layers of wood sawdust". In addition, the shipper at the top of the consignment bill shall affix the stamp “Frozen”.

      Humidity data for the loading of earth, clay, sand, rubble and gravel may not be indicated on the consignment bill.

      80. The carrier, if the shipper has the written consent of the consignee, who has heaters or other heating devices, to receive cargo transported under these conditions and to ensure their timely unloading, shall accept frozen cargo for transportation without the use of preventive measures. In this case, the shipper makes a note in the bill in the column “Special applications and marks of the shipper”: “With the consent of the consignee - without prevention”.

      81. The method of determining the mass of the cargo, as well as by whom (the shipper or the carrier) determined the mass of the cargo shall be indicated in the corresponding columns of the consignment bill. When determining the mass of cargo according to the standard, the mass of one place shall be additionally indicated.

      82. Loaded carriages, containers shall be sealed by the carrier if the cargos are loaded by the carrier or by shippers if the cargos are loaded by shippers.

      83. After loading is completed, the shipper shall clean the roof, loading hatches of covered and specialized carriages of the remnants of the loaded cargo, shall wipe the screen labels on the carriage and clean the frame and running gears of the carriage.

      84. The carrier shall accept the cargo loaded by the consignor into covered wagons and containers for transportation, inspecting the condition of the wagons and containers from the outside, checking the condition of hatches and doors, the presence and serviceability of seals, as well as the compliance of the signs on the seals with the information indicated in the consignment bill.

      The carrier shall check the seals on the containers loaded by the consignor into the wagons, if the placement of the containers in the wagon provides access to them. The carrier does not check the number of the cargo packages, weight and condition.

      The carrier shall accept loaded by the consignor in an open wagon or container, the cargo transported with the indication of the number of packages in the consignment bill, without checking the cargo total mass, inspecting from the outside only the condition of the visible cargo packages (their parts) and checking the safety markings, as well as the number of packages, if they can be visually calculated.

      More than one hundred cargo packages loaded by the consignor into a wagon or open type container shall be accepted by the carrier for transportation without checking the weight of the cargo, inspecting from outside only the condition of the visible packages of the cargo (their parts) and checking the applied safety marking.

      Cargo transported in bulk in open-type wagons, shall be accepted by the carrier for carriage by checking the uniformity of the surface of the cargo and absence of recesses in the cargo or by weighing the wagon with the load minus the tare of the wagon indicated by the standard on the wagon.

      Transported cargo accompanied by conductors of the consignor, shall be accepted by the carrier for transportation without checking the number of packages, weight, condition of the cargo and the presence of seals.

      If the cargo is loaded by the carrier or the cargo is loaded by the consignor on an open rolling stock, the carrier shall make an external inspection of the container or packaging of the cargo available for inspection. If, during an external examination of the cargo, it is found that the cargo that needs tare or packaging is given for transportation without tare or packaging, in defective tare or packaging, as well as in tare or packaging that do not correspond to the properties of the cargo or do not ensure its reloading from wagon to wagon in a transshipment, the carrier shall not accept such cargo for transportation until the consignor eliminates the identified violations.

      For each cargo package, the mass of which is determined by the standard, the consignor must indicate its number, gross and net weight.

      Goods in containers or packs or piece goods, the weight of which is indicated on each cargo package, as well as cargo packages with the same standard weight, are not weighed when accepted for transportation.

      Footnote. Paragraph 84 as amended by order № 220 of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.05.2021 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      85. Upon presentation of the cargo for transportation, the shipper shall submit to the carrier for each shipment of cargo, a duly drawn up bill and the necessary accompanying documents.

      In confirmation of the acceptance of cargo for transportation, the shipper shall be issued a receipt on receipt of the cargo against receipt in the spine of the road sheet. The specified consignment bill and a receipt on receipt of the cargo issued on its basis to the shipper shall confirm the conclusion of a contract for the carriage of cargo.

      The date of acceptance of the cargo for carriage shall be certified by superimposing the carrier’s calendar stamp in the corresponding column with the date of the current day, regardless of the time of day when the cargo was processed.

      If the shipper has access to the carrier’s SAS, reception, execution, control and printing of shipping documents, their approval and sighting can be carried out by electronic data exchange in accordance with the technology and standards of information interaction adopted between the shipper and the carrier. Issuing an electronic waybill is similar to issuing a bill.

      Upon completion of the loading and execution of shipping documents, the shipper shall transmit acceptance paths defined by the contract supply-cleaning carriages, carriage or container to the carrier, through acceptance of operations with putting signatures in the memo commodity receiving on spotting-picking of carriages the form GU-45 in accordance with the Annex 10 to these Rules and (or) statements of spotting and picking of the carriage of the form GU-46 in accordance with the Annex 11 to these Rules.

      86. When transferring/receiving loaded carriages, representatives of the carrier and the shipper shall inspect in technical and commercial terms.

      87. The list of services related to the carriage of cargo is set out in Annex 12 to these Rules.

Chapter 5. The procedure for delivery of cargo

      Paragraph 1. Notification of arrival of cargo at destination station

      88. The carrier, in accordance with the contract, may provide the consignee or the person authorized by him with preliminary information on the approach of cargo to him. The method and timing of notification shall be established by the contract.

      89. The consignee shall be registered with the SAS of the carrier in the manner established by the carrier.

      90. The carrier shall notify the consignee or a person authorized by him of the arrival of goods at the destination station at his address no later than 12 at noon on the day following the day of arrival.

      The procedure and methods for notifying the arrival of goods at the destination station shall be established by the carrier. Under the agreement of the carrier with the consignee, it is allowed to establish a different notification procedure. Available means of communication are used for notification.

      To ensure the receipt of notifications by the consignee or a person authorized by him, the persons responsible for receiving notifications, whose names and telephones, faxes, telexes are communicated to the carrier in writing shall be determined.

      Transmission of the notification shall be simultaneously registered at the station in the book of notifications of the arrival of goods in the form established by the carrier.

      The notification of the arrival of the goods shall contain the date and time of the notification transmission.

      To complete the customs transit procedure, the carrier upon arrival of the wagon (container) with cargo under customs control at the destination station, shall notify the state revenue authority by providing transportation and accompanying documents.The state revenue authority, in whose region of activity the station is located, shall confirm the fact of notification by affixing seals and stamps of the established form on sheets 1 and 2 of the carriage document.

      In the presence of information exchange between the carrier and the state revenue authorities, notification of the customs transit procedure completion and confirmation of such notification by the state revenue authority shall be carried out through electronic data exchange.

      If the carrier does not notify of the arrival of cargoes, the consignee shall be exempted from payment for the use of wagons, containers and from the fee for storage of cargoes until receipt of notification of their arrival.

      Footnote. Paragraph 90 as amended by order № 220 of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.05.2021 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      91. Upon arrival at the destination station of the cargo, the carriage of which is executed using an electronic transportation document (hereinafter referred to as the Electronic consignment bill), an electronic message (messages) containing information about the transportation documents shall be transmitted to the special automated workstation of the cargo cashier at the destination station from the carrier’s information system.

      If the consignee has access to the SAS of the carrier, the notice of arrival of cargo at his address shall be carried out by electronic data exchange in accordance with the technology and standards for information interaction between the shipper, the consignee and the carrier.

      Paragraph 2. Delivery of carriages to acceptance routes

      92. Carriages arriving at the destination station shall be served on acceptance routes determined by the agreement for the spotting and picking of carriages for carrying out acceptance operations between the carrier and the consignee or a person authorized by him/her.

      93. The carrier, not later than two hours before delivery, shall notify the consignee or the person authorized by him/her of the supply of carriages on the acceptance route.

      When carriages are delivered before the expiration of two hours or after the expiration of two hours of notification, the time of liability of the consignee or a person authorized by him/her shall be calculated from the moment of their actual submission.

      If the delay exceeds two hours, the carrier will again notify the consignee or the person authorized by him/her about the upcoming delivery.

      94. During acceptance operations with carriages, including loaded containers, the parties involved, through technical and commercial inspection, shall verify the condition of carriages, containers, and also in accordance with the information indicated in the carriage sheets and railway bills.

      The carrier shall transfer the cargo loaded by the shipper into the carriage, arriving for serviceable seals of the shipper in the serviceable carriage, and the consignee or the person authorized by him/her receives, inspecting the condition of the carriage from the outside, checking the condition of the hatches and doors, the presence, serviceability of the seals, and also the conformity of the signs on the seals information indicated on the bill.

      The number of pieces of cargo, weight and condition of the cargo shall not be checked.

      95. When transporting cargo in open rolling stock, it is necessary to make sure that there are no visible signs of damage (deterioration) and loss of cargo.

      If a commercial malfunction is found in the carriage or container, the carrier’s representative shall draw up an act of the general form GU-23.

      In case of technical malfunctions in the carriage, container, the representative of the carrier draws up an Act on the technical condition of the carriage, container of form GU-106 in accordance with Annex 13 to these Rules.

      Paragraph 3. Delivery of cargo

      96. The cargo is released at the destination station to the consignee or a person authorized by him after paying the fee for the carriage of cargo and other payments due to the carrier, established by the Tariff guide (price list) of the carrier.

      The consignee shall ensure the acceptance of the cargo that arrived at his address. The consignee may not refuse to accept the cargoes that arrived at his address.

      The cargo shall be handed after the signature of the consignee or a person authorized by him in the freight bill indicating in it the number and date of the power of attorney to receive the cargo, and the issuance of the original invoice to him.

      Acceptance operations shall be performed in accordance with the terms of the contract for the supply and removal of wagons regulated by these Rules.

      The cargoes shall be unloaded from wagons and containers by the consignee or a person authorized by him.

      When unloading cargo at the places of loading and unloading on access roads using the means of the consignee or a person authorized by him without participation of a representative of the carrier, confirmation of the actual delivery of the cargo is the signature of the consignee or a person authorized by him in the memo of the acceptor or the list of delivery and removal of the carriage in the column "Carriage accepted ".

      Footnote. Paragraph 96 as amended by order № 220 of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.05.2021 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      97. When transporting cargo using an electronic consignment bill after making final settlements with the carrier at the destination station, the consignee shall be given a paper copy of the electronic consignment bill, certified by the signature of the cashier and the destination’s calendar stamp on issuing the cargo in accordance with these Rules. The consignment bill shall be issued to the consignee against signature in a paper copy of the electronic road sheet. If the consignee has access to the SAS of the carrier, the delivery of the bill for the cargo arriving at his address shall be carried out by electronic data exchange, in accordance with the technology and standards of information interaction adopted between the shipper, the consignee and the carrier.

      98. Electronic accompanying documents shall be transmitted as an accessory in electronic or paper form. If electronic accompanying documents are sent to the addressee in paper form, they are printed by the carrier’s representative at the destination station in the form of a paper copy of the electronic document and certified by the carrier’s calendar stamp.

      99. Upon receipt of the cargo, the consignee or a person authorized by him/her shall submit to the carrier a power of attorney for the right to receive the cargo and an identity document.

      A power of attorney on behalf of a legal entity shall be issued signed by its head or another person authorized to do so by its constituent documents, with a seal imprint of this organization.

      A power of attorney shall be issued for a one-time receipt of cargo on a specific bill. In this case, after the transportation documents are credited, it shall be attached to the road sheet. A power of attorney issued for a long period shall be stored with the representative of the carrier at the destination station.

      The power of attorney shall indicate the data of the passport or of the identity document of the person to whom the power of attorney was issued, the actions that it is authorized to perform (credit of documents, making payments for transportation, signing a memo of the consignee, statements of carriage submission-cleaning, commercial act or others), as well as the number carriage (container) and bill number, if the power of attorney is issued to receive the cargo on a specific bill.

      100. Cargoes addressed to individuals shall be issued to the consignee only upon presentation of an identity document against the signature in the road sheet indicating the date of receipt of the cargo and data of the identity document (series, number, by whom issued, date of issue).

      101. The carrier arrives for serviceable seals of the shipper or customs authorities in a serviceable carriage, container, and the consignee receives, inspecting the condition of the carriage, container from the outside, checking the condition of hatches and doors, the presence, serviceability of seals, and also the conformity of signs on seals information indicated on the bill.

      The number of pieces of cargo, weight and condition of the cargo shall not be checked.

      The carrier transfers the cargo loaded by the shipper into the open-type carriage or container, indicated on the bill of lading, and the consignee receives without checking the mass of the cargo, inspecting from the outside only the state of the visible places of the cargo (its parts) and checking the safety marking, as well as the number of places, if they can be visually calculated.

      The carrier transfers cargo 5 loaded with the shipper into an open-type carriage or container with more than 100 seats, and the consignee receives without checking the mass of the cargo, examining from the outside only the state of the visible cargo places (their parts) and checking the safety markings applied.

      The carrier transfers the cargo transported in bulk in open-type carriages, and the consignee accepts by checking the uniformity of the surface of the cargo and the absence of recesses in the cargo.

      The cargo transported accompanied by the conductors, the carrier transfers to the consignee without checking the number of places, weight, and condition of the cargo and the presence of seals.

      The carrier transmits the cargo on its axles, transported without a guide, and the consignee receives it by carrying out its external inspection.

      102. The delivery of cargo from a carriage, container, arrived at the destination station, sealed by the border station in connection with the border, sanitary, quarantine and other types of control, confirmed by the acts of opening the carriage (container), shall be carried out without checking the quantity and condition of the cargo.

      103. At the request of the consignee, the carrier can take part in checking the condition of the cargo, its mass, the number of seats on a contractual basis.

      The results of the issuance and verification of the status of the arrived cargo, its mass and number of seats are made out in the manner provided by these Rules.

      104. On the issue of cargo without the participation of the carrier, the station, at the request of the consignee, in the column “Notes on the issue of cargo”, the consignment bill makes the following note:

      For cargo arriving in carriages, containers, sealed by the shipper, the customs authority or other authorized body: “The cargo on this consignment bill arrived in a serviceable carriage, container (cross out unnecessary) № _____ for serviceable checkpoints of the shipper, customs authority or other authorized body and issued "____" __________ without verification. "

      For cargo, the transportation of which is allowed without locking and sealing devices, as well as in open rolling stock:

      "The weight of this consignment has arrived in good train number ___ without loss of features and issued " ___ "________ without verification."

      105. Upon delivery of the cargo, the carrier, depending on the results of the issue, draws up a commercial act of the GU-22 form, and for international traffic, a commercial act in the form established by the Agreement on international railway cargo traffic. On the issue of cargo, a mark shall be made in the memo of the transceiver or in the sheet for the spotting and picking of carriages in the column "Note" indicating the number of the act of the general form GU-23 and issuance with the participation of the carrier.

      Upon delivery of the cargo with the participation of the carrier, the carriage sheet shall indicate not only the time the carriage was delivered for unloading, but also the start and end time of the unloading.

      106. If there is a shortage, damage or damage to the cargo, when a commercial act was drawn up before it was issued (including along the route), the representative of the carrier at the destination station issues the cargo to the consignee after determining the size of the actual shortage, damage or damage to the cargo in accordance with the presented consignee documents.

      In case of shortage, damage or damage to certain parts of furniture, equipment, spare parts, tools or component parts, the consignee shall attach documents confirming the cost of repairing the damaged cargo or the separate cost of missing parts, spare parts, tools, component parts (calculation, receipt, and bill).

      If these documents are not submitted, the cargo shall be issued to the consignee, with a detailed description in the commercial act, of which the cargo became available or after drawing up, in appropriate cases, the examination report.

      If there is a shortage, damage or spoilage of cargo transported by route or group shipment, if the damage or spoilage of the cargo was not in all, but only in one or several carriages, the acceptance certificate and other carriages arriving on the route are attached to the commercial act or group sending in good condition.

      107. When the carrier carries out the delivery of cargo at the loading and unloading places and access roads, the confirmation of the release of the cargo shall be the mark on the back of the bill in the column “Notes on the delivery of cargo”, made by the representative of the carrier at the destination station and certified by the carrier’s stamp.

      108. When unloading at the places of loading and unloading, the requirement to check the mass of cargo by the carrier on a carriage scale, the consignee declares before unloading begins.

      When unloading carriages on access roads, the requirement to check the mass of cargo on the carriage scales of the consignee shall be presented to them at the time of receiving carriages in the manner prescribed by the contract.

      Checking the mass of cargo at the destination shall be carried out on the scales of the same type as the cargo was weighed at the point of departure. If the consignee and the carrier have no carriage scales, the cargo transported in bulk, if the carriages are in good working order, shall be issued without checking their weight.

      109. The period of time an involuntary downtime of a carriage or container in anticipation of the arrival of the carrier representative to participate in the delivery of cargo in the total time the carriage or container is in use by the consignee shall not be included.

      This circumstance shall be confirmed by the act of the general form GU-23 indicating the idle time of the carriage, container from the moment the carrier is notified of the need for the presence of the carrier representative until its arrival. The act of the general form GU-23 shall be signed by authorized representatives of the consignee and the carrier.

      110. The carrier, upon delivery of the cargo, shall check, in cases of arrival:

      1) in a damaged carriage, container;

      2) in a carriage, container with locking and sealing devices of associated railway stations, as well as in the absence or damage of locking and sealing devices;

      3) with signs of shortage, damage (spoilage) during transportation on open rolling stock or in covered carriages without locking and sealing devices, when such transportation is provided for by the transportation rules;

      4) with violation of the delivery time or violation of the temperature regime when transporting perishable cargo in refrigerator carriages;

      5) loaded by the carrier;

      6) when the unloading is carried out by the carrier;

      7) when bulk cargoes are accepted by the carrier according to the mass of the cargo determined in accordance with paragraph 84 of these Rules.

      If the carrier is involved in checking the mass of the cargo, the number of pieces and the condition of the cargo, the number of pieces of cargo and the mass of cargo are determined by checking in the following order:

      1) for packaged and unpackaged cargo, the mass of which before delivery for transportation is determined according to the standard or according to a stencil, check the number of pieces of cargo in shipment, and in damaged places of cargo check the number of pieces of cargo or the mass and condition of the cargo in them; if the mass of the cargo was determined by the stencil, then check the numbers of the cargo;

      2) if they detect packaging damage or other circumstances that may affect the condition of the cargo, check the mass or number of units of cargo and the condition of the cargo in the damaged cargo areas, revealing the damaged cargo places and comparing the contents of the damaged places with that indicated in the accompanying documents;

      3) for the cargo transported in open boxes, check the number of seats and the mass of the cargo or check the number of seats and the number of units in each box;

      4) for cargo transported in bulk, check the total mass of the cargo.

      Checking the weight of the cargo during delivery shall be carried out in a manner similar to the method of determining it during loading.

      The weight of the cargo shall be considered correct if the difference in the weight of the cargo determined at the departure station, in comparison with the weight found at the destination station, does not exceed the norms of maximum weight discrepancy and natural loss established in accordance with the rules of transportation.

      If the consignee and the carrier have no carriage scales, the cargo transported in bulk are issued without checking their weight.

      If damaged packages detected by the carrier’s means are detected at the destination station, the carrier checks the contents of the transport package and in the damaged places the quantity, weight and condition of the cargo on bills. The results of the audit are made out in accordance with these Rules.

      When transporting timber, lumber, firewood in stacks, the verification of the amount of cargo shall be carried out by measuring only in stacks with broken fastening.

      The decrease in the carriage of the height of timber cargo and firewood due to draft and compaction during transportation shall be considered normal if it does not exceed three centimeters per meter of stack height.

      When transporting cargo in packages, including saws of sawn lumber and timber, their delivery in case of faulty transportation shall be carried out with checking the number of packages and the condition of the cargo only in faulty packages.

      Meat and meat products transported without packaging in isothermal rolling stock are issued by checking the mass of the cargo (by weighing on a commodity scale) and the number of places in cases where their number is indicated on the bill.

      The mass of cargo transported in bulk shall be checked by the carrier together with the consignee in the same way as the mass of such cargo was determined upon departure. Checking the condition, mass and number of places of the arrived dangerous cargo shall be carried out by the consignee in the presence of the representative of the carrier.

      The issuance of dangerous cargo shall be carried out on driveways.

      111. In case when checking the mass of the cargo, it is found that the mass of the cargo does not match the data indicated on the consignment bill, a commercial act shall be drawn up only when the decrease in the mass of the cargo or the increase exceeds the established norms.

      112. In cases where the carrier, in accordance with these Rules, issues the cargo with verification, he shall make a note in the column “Notes on the delivery of cargo” on the bill as follows:

      1) in the absence of circumstances for the preparation of the commercial act, the carrier makes a note "The cargo was delivered according to the transportation documents correctly";

      2) in the case of the delivery of the cargo corresponding to the data of the associated commercial act, the carrier makes a note “The cargo have been issued in accordance with the commercial act № ___ of ____________ st. __________ identically”;

      3) for detecting shortage of cargo weight not exceeding norms attrition mass of the load, the mass measurement error values net, and upon detection of excess load mass not exceeding values of the measurement error net weight "When checking the weight of cargo" __ "________ it turned out ________ kg (in numbers and words) ";

      4) when you make a mass test results and the number of seats cargo commercial act in the column "Notes of the carrier" consignment bill shall be made as follows: "Compiled commercial record number of ____" __ "________ on _____________ (on).".

      Marks on the issue of cargo shall certified by the carrier’s signature, certified by the lowercase stamp of the carrier at the destination station.

      The consignee shall present to the carrier at the destination station a waybill for making the marks indicated in this clause on the day of unloading or not later than the day following the day of unloading.

      When delivering cargo according to the documents, the mark "The cargo were issued according to the transportation documents correctly", provided for by this paragraph, shall be affixed by the carrier regardless of the requirements of the consignee.

      113. In cases where the carrier issues the cargo with inspection, the carrier shall open the carriage or container in the presence of the consignee. When opening the carriages and containers by the consignee independently, without the participation of the representative of the carrier, the carrier does not bear responsibility for the safety of the cargo.

      114. When unloading container and piece cargo on access roads used by one shipper/consignee in cases where the delivery of cargo is carried out with the participation of the carrier, the consignee stacks the cargo separately from the previously unloaded so that, if necessary, it is possible to re-check the unloaded cargo.

      115. Upon delivery by the carrier of cargo transported with removable equipment, including vegetables, breadboards, as well as insulation and cushioning materials, the mass of this equipment and materials shall be included in the tare mass of the carriage.

      The mass of insulation materials, vegetable boards and other removable equipment shall be taken according to the data indicated on the bill.

      116. If during unloading at the places of loading and unloading at the destination station, excess cargo is found that arrives in the carriage loaded and sealed by the carrier, or in open rolling stock loaded by the carrier, the carrier's representative at the destination station informs the loading station about this. In this case, surplus places of packing and piece cargo remain at the destination station until their ownership is clarified or are issued according to the receipt to the consignee. Excess masses of cargo transported in bulk as well as perishable cargo that are in danger of deterioration, shall be issued to the consignee against a safe receipt along with the main amount of cargo indicated on the consignment bill.

      Similarly, a surplus of cargo shall be given to the consignee under a safe receipt when unloading cargo at the places of loading and unloading and access roads. The consignee's consignment bill contains information about the non-use of the surplus received and their return at the first request of the carrier.

      The representative of the carrier at the departure station, after receiving a telegram from the representative of the carrier at the destination station, informs the shipper of this, which within four days, and for perishable cargo within two days, informs the representative of the carrier at the departure station how to dispose of excessively unloaded or issued cargo . If you do not receive the information from the carrier’s representative at the station of sending information, the cargo unloaded at the places of loading and unloading are subject to sale in accordance with Chapter 17 of these Rules. Cargoes issued under a security receipt remain at the disposal of the consignee after the carrier returns the consignment to the consignee.

      117. In the case, if the cargo has not arrived at the destination station within the prescribed period of delivery consignee makes the carrier representative at the destination station genuine a receipt of the cargo or a certificate of origin station. The representative of the carrier at the destination station makes sure that the cargo has not arrived at the destination station and, in order to verify the authenticity of the presented receipt of the cargo for transportation, requests from the representative of the carrier at the departure station. The representative of the carrier at the departure station, having received such a request, gives a response within one day with confirmation of the acceptance of the cargo for transportation, indicating the details of all columns of the consignment bill in accordance with the book of acceptance of cargo for departure. After receiving a response confirming the authenticity of the presented documents, the carrier’s representative at the destination station makes a note in the presented receipt or the certificate of the departure station “Cargo did not arrive” and certifies the record with the carrier’s calendar stamp at the destination station and his signature.

      In the event of loss, damage by the carrier of carriages, containers owned by shippers, consignees, other legal entities or individuals, or rented by them - the shipper, consignee, in addition to a receipt on acceptance of cargo for carriage, a document is presented confirming the right of ownership or rental of carriages, containers, their residual value, fact and the size of the damage.

      The search for cargo that has not arrived for the intended purpose within the period specified in the receipt for the receipt of cargo shall be carried out at the request of the consignee by the carrier.

      In support of the validity of the requirement to search for cargo, the consignee submits a receipt for the acceptance of the cargo, and in the absence of one of the following documents: the supplier's bill (in original or in copy), the document of the supplier (shipper), replacing the bill, if these documents they have data on the nature of the cargo, the date of shipment, the departure station, the destination station, the number of the consignment bill by which the cargo were handed over for transportation, and the number of the carriage (when sending the cargo in the carriage) or the number of the container - when sending the cargo in the container.

      In case of non-arrival of the cargo transported using paperless technology using the electronic consignment bill, the consignee presents the carrier with a request to search for the cargo at the time indicated in the receipt for the delivery of the cargo. For this, the consignee submits to the representative of the carrier at the destination station a written statement indicating the electronic shipment number and the departure station. The search for cargo shall be carried out through the information system of the carrier.

      The search for cargo coming from third countries or from railway stations of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Georgia, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia (hereinafter referred to as the Railways) shall be carried out by the carrier of the destination station under the terms of existing international agreements.

      118. Issuance of cargo transported on additionally sent transportation documents shall be made:

      the arrived part of the cargo with basic transportation documents - against a receipt in the road sheet with the delivery of the consignment bill and the commercial certificate for shortage of cargo to the consignee;

      the missing part of the cargo arrived according to the shipping documents - against the receipt in the shipping list upon presentation by the consignee of the main waybill and the commercial certificate. In this case, the commercial act remains with the carrier, regardless of the ownership of the carriages.

      The final payment for transportation is made on the main waybill. On the issue of cargo arriving according to the shipping documents, the carrier’s representative at the station marks the main waybill.

      In the event of the arrival of the cargo according to the shipping documents before the arrival of the cargo according to the main transportation documents, the delivery of the arrived part of the cargo shall be carried out against the receipt of the consignee on the shipping list. In addition, the consignee gives the carrier a certificate stating that the received part of the cargo will be counted against the main shipment. This certificate shall be kept by the carrier.

      In case of arrival on additionally sent transportation documents of all cargo according to a receipt of cargo station on the basis of the receipt of a copy of the bill and the cargo bill, instead of lost and registration of issue shall be made in the manner prescribed by this Chapter.

      119. In the case of the shipment of carriages disconnected from the main shipment, drawn up using paperless technology using an electronic consignment bill, delivery of the cargo shall be carried out:

      the arrived part of the cargo on the electronic consignment bill for the main shipment with the issuance of the commercial act and making a mark on the undelivered part of the cargo in the electronic consignment bill and a paper copy of the electronic consignment bill;

      the arrived part of the cargo according to the shipping documents after the arrival of the main shipment - against the receipt in the original of the shipping list (when following the shipping list with the car) or in a paper copy of the shipping list (with paperless transportation technology) upon presentation by the consignee of a commercial certificate and an bill for the main shipment, if it was issued to the consignee;

      the arrived part of the cargo with shipping documents before the arrival of the main shipment - against a receipt in the original shipping list (when following the shipping list with the car) or in a paper copy of the shipping list (with paperless transportation technology) with the receipt by the consignee of the carrier that the received part of the cargo it will be counted against the main shipment.

Chapter 6. The procedure for the use of locking and sealing devices for sealing carriages and containers

      120. To ensure the safety of the transported cargo and prevent the entry of unauthorized persons, loaded carriages and containers shall be sealed with locking and sealing devices of:

      1) the carrier when the cargo are loaded by him or reloaded along the route;

      2) the shipper when the cargo are loaded by the shipper;

      3) port, wharf, when the cargo is reloaded by the port, the wharf along the route and they are the shippers;

      4) the customs authorities during an opening on the way to check in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Customs in the Republic of Kazakhstan" and the customs legislation of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as the Law.

      Therein locking and sealing devices of the customs authorities shall be equalized to shipping ones.

      121. Locking and sealing devices (control elements combined in a single design with locking devices) must not allow the possibility of removing them from the carriage or container without violating their integrity.

      Installation of locking and sealing devices shall be carried out on serviceable locking devices of carriages and containers, providing the possibility of unhindered visual reading of the information printed on the locking and sealing device.

      Locking and sealing devices shall be installed:

      1) on a universal covered carriage - on the door linings on each side of the carriage - one locking and sealing device;

      2) on the tank - on the cover of the upper loading hatch - one locking and sealing device, with the exception of cases when a special sealing procedure is provided for by these Rules;

      3) on the covered hopper carriage for grain - on the locking device of each helm of the unloading hatch and the rod fixing the loading hatches - one locking and sealing device;

      4) on a covered hopper carriage for mineral fertilizers - on the locking device of each helm of the unloading hatch and the rod fixing the loading hatches - one locking and sealing device;

      5) on the covered hopper carriage for cement - on the locking device of each helm of the unloading hatch and for each loading hatch - one locking and sealing device;

      6) on a covered carriage for the carriage of cars - on the locking devices of the doors of each end platform and the transition platform - one locking and sealing device;

      7) on containers - one locking and sealing device per handle located on the left, on the right door leaf, which is closed last; on a specialized insulated carriage — on doors equipped with a pressure plate and a locking device lever, on each side of the carriage — one locking and sealing device, or — on doors equipped with lower cheeks for sealing on each side of the carriage — one locking and sealing device.

      On other types of carriages, locking and sealing devices shall be installed in places or units specially designed for their sealing.

      The imposition of locking and sealing devices on the lower drain devices of tanks is allowed.

      Locking and sealing devices contain the following characters:

      1) the literal abbreviated name of the railway administration;

      2) individual test mark no less than six characters;

      3) trademark of the manufacturer;

      4) the last digit of the year of release of the locking and sealing device;

      5) the name of the locking and sealing device.

      The use of locking and sealing devices with the same, as well as unclear and incomplete individual control signs shall be prohibited.

      Technical requirements for locking and sealing devices for carriages and containers are established in accordance with Annex 14 to these Rules.

      A locking and sealing device with an individual control mark applied to it is subject to strict accounting by the manufacturer, shipper, and carrier (when using locking and sealing devices). Used locking and sealing devices after transportation shall be disposed of by the consignee.

      122. For shipper’s locking and sealing devices, serviceable customs locking and sealing devices shall be equated if, for the purposes of border and customs control, as well as sanitary, phytopathological and other types of checks, carriages, containers were opened, and as a result, the original seals were replaced or locking and sealing devices.

      123. If a carriage, container is found en route without a locking and sealing device, or with a damaged locking and sealing device or with a locking and sealing device that does not comply with the information specified in the consignment bill, a new locking and sealing device shall be installed with preliminary removal of a damaged locking and sealing device or locking and sealing device that does not correspond to the information indicated on the consignment bill.

      On the installation of the locking and sealing device in the consignment bill in the column “carrier marks”, a corresponding mark shall be made indicating the control marks of the locking and sealing device.

      The presence on the carriage, container of a locking and sealing device of a customs or other body of state control (supervision) shall not be a basis for verification by the carrier upon delivery of the cargo of its condition, weight and number of seats.

      If the carrier draws up a commercial act, a locking and sealing device shall be applied to it in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.

      In cases of checking the condition of the cargo along the route, as well as for customs inspection or another type of state control (supervision), it shall be allowed not to make a complete replacement of all locking and sealing devices, but to limit ourselves to replacing only that locking and sealing device that was removed to carry out the inspection about which an act of general form GU-23 shall be drawn up and a mark shall be made in the transportation document.

      In cases where locking and sealing devices from previous transportations are found at the departure station on the carriage or container, they are removed by the shipper or the carrier, depending on who is loading the cargo.

      124. On the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the transportation of cargo listed in Annex 15 to these Rules shall be permitted without locking and sealing devices, but with a mandatory twist (cable) for locking doors and hatches.

      125. The transportation of empty own and rented carriages and containers, 918 series carriages converted from refrigerated carriages, isothermal 800 numbering carriages, specialized platforms for passenger carriages of the 927 series shall be carried out by imposing locking and sealing devices at the expense of the consignee.

      When redirection empty covered, isothermal carriages to unloading stations ( decontamination centers) after unloading cargo that require sanitary treatment in the second and third categories, twists shall be applied to the doors and hatches.

      126. The procedure for introducing a new type (model) of locking and sealing devices and the operation of an automated accounting system (registration, re-registration), control, storage, use and disposal of locking and sealing devices, as well as the procedure for their use for sealing carriages and containers in railway transport, shall be established by the carrier.

      Organization of accounting, storage and disposal of locking and sealing devices (agreed upon and included in the List of locking and sealing devices) shall be provided by manufacturers of locking and sealing devices using automated systems for accounting and control of locking and sealing devices through electronic data exchange between locking manufacturers -filling devices and carrier.

      A new type (model) of locking and sealing device approved for use on the railway transport for sealing a specific type of rolling stock or container in domestic and/or international traffic shall be entered in the corresponding List of declared locking and sealing devices of the carrier.

      The use of locking and sealing devices not accepted for accounting, control and disposal shall be prohibited.

      127. Locking and sealing devices intended for sealing carriages and containers are subject to mandatory registration on the basis of information on the name of locking and sealing devices, their individual control signs, as well as other information, including information on official authorized suppliers of locking and sealing devices, shippers (senders), names of railway stations from which it is planned to send sealed carriages, containers.

      Registration (re-registration) shall be confirmed by an extract from the automated accounting system for locking and sealing devices (hereinafter referred to as the Register), which contains information about the type, model of locking and sealing devices, individual control signs, the name of the shipper (sender) and the stations from which it is planned to send sealed carriages , containers. A register shall be issued to each shipper (sender).

      Manufacturers of locking and sealing devices apply an additional means of visual protection to locking and sealing devices and inform the carrier of the applied control marks and changes.

      Transfer of locking and sealing devices from one shipper (sender) to another shipper (sender) is allowed after their re-registration.

      Re-registration of locking and sealing devices shall be carried out by making changes to the registration information about locking and sealing devices in an automated system for recording locking and sealing devices of the manufacturer of LSD (locking and sealing devices).

      The fact of re-registration shall be confirmed by the registry and the introduction of changes in registration information on locking and sealing devices.

      Accounting for information on locking and sealing devices shall be carried out during the execution of transportation documents.

      Identification of the fact of loss, damage to locking and sealing devices or the detection of damaged locking and sealing devices installed on carriages, containers, including during transportation, information about the name and individual control signs of lost, damaged locking and sealing devices shall be taken into account in the manner established by the carrier.

      128. Redemption of locking and sealing devices — annulment of individual control marks — shall be carried out by the manufacturer of locking and sealing devices on the basis of information received on the used locking and sealing devices, as well as information on lost, damaged and expired storage periods.

      Locking and sealing devices should be stored in packaged form in boxes in enclosed spaces equipped with special means to ensure their safety.

      Used locking and sealing devices after good transport are disposed of by the consignee.

      In the case of a commission unloading of cargo with the participation of the carrier, locking and sealing devices removed from carriages and containers, the carrier attaches to the commercial act for carrying out the act-claim work. After the expiration of the claim and limitation periods, locking and sealing devices shall be disposed of by the carrier.

      The way and method of disposal shall be agreed with the carrier and the manufacturer of locking and sealing devices.

      The collection of used, damaged, expired locking and sealing devices, accounting in the automated accounting systems of locking and sealing devices of their names and individual control signs shall be provided by manufacturers of locking and sealing devices under contracts (agreements).

      Disposal of locking and sealing devices consists in bringing the design of locking and sealing devices to a state that excludes the possibility of reuse, with the destruction of individual control signs, including the cancellation of individual control signs in an automated accounting system of the manufacturer of locking and sealing devices.

      129. The use for sealing carriages, containers of locking and sealing devices made without taking into account the requirements of these Rules shall be prohibited.

Chapter 7. The procedure for drawing up of consignment bill and transportation documents

      Paragraph 1. The procedure for drawing up of consignment bill and transportation documents

      130. The transportation of cargo, empty of own (rented) carriages, shall be made out by waybill or by a set of transportation documents, consisting of:

      1) consignment bill (follows with the cargo and issued by the carrier to the consignee);

      2) a road sheet (follows with cargo and remains with the carrier);

      3) the counterfoil of the road sheet (remains with the carrier);

      4) receipts for the receipt of cargo (remains with the shipper).

      Transportation documents shall follow with cargo along the entire route of the carriage (container) in the train from the departure station to the destination station and are located with the representative of the carrier.

      131. Forms of transportation documents shall be filled in by typewriting or manually using ballpoint pens. Separate information shall be indicated in the form of stamps. Erasures and blots in shipping documents shall be prohibited. If it is necessary to change the information entered by the shipper into the transportation document, the shipper shall fill out a new form for such a document. Changes and additions to the information entered into the carrier’s transportation document shall be certified by the signature of the carrier’s representative at the station issuing the transportation document and the carrier’s stamp.

      132. The consignment bill issued by the shipper in accordance with these Rules and issued on the basis of the consignment receipt to the shipper shall confirm the conclusion of the contract for the carriage of cargo.

      The consignment bill together with the road sheet shall follow with the cargo to the destination station, where it is issued to the consignee against receipt on the road sheet. The receipt of the cargo shall be issued to the shipper against signature in the corresponding box of the counterfoil of the road sheet. The counterfoil of the road sheet shall remain with the carrier.

      When arranging transportation using an electronic transportation dossier, the cargo should be accompanied by paper transportation documents (copies of electronic documents) or unaccompanied (with paperless technology) according to the technology approved by the carrier.

      If the cargo payer is the cargo forwarder, then at his request the carrier shall give him a copy of the road sheet for a fee in accordance with the agreement on the organization of cargo transportation concluded between them.

      133. It shall be prohibited to draw up with one transport document the transportation of:

      1) perishable cargo following together with other cargo, with the exception of the following accompanied by conductors;

      2) perishable cargo following in refrigerator sections;

      3) cargo that by their properties are not allowed for joint transportation in one carriage;

      4) cargo requiring special precautions during transportation, with cargo that do not require such measures;

      5) cargo requiring compliance with sanitary, veterinary, other special norms and rules with cargo that do not require compliance with such norms and rules;

      6) cargo with different storage periods in accordance with these Rules.

      134. The carrier shall check the correctness of the information indicated by the shipper in the consignment bill and the presence of the accompanying documents specified in the consignment bill.

      135. Transportation documents along with text information contain its encoded information. Places for coded information shall be provided in the corresponding framed places on the forms of transportation documents. The encoding procedure for the information contained in the transport documents shall be established by the carrier.

      136. An electronic file of carriage shall be drawn up at the SAS of the carrier.

      137. Data shall be entered into the electronic transportation dossier according to the details of the authorized person: shipper, departure station, carrier along the route, destination station.

      138. The column “Speed" - shall indicate how fast cargo should be transported.

      139. The columns “Carriage type”, “Carriage number”, “Carriage capacity”, “Number of axles”, “Information on bearing”, “Grip code, Carriage type”, “Carriage body volume”, “Technical loading norm” shall be filled in with respect to each carriage when loading cargo by means of the shipper.

      When transporting cargo in the refrigerator sections, the letters "RS" shall be put down in the column "Carriage type", and in the column "Carriage number" it shall be indicated by the fraction: in the numerator - the number of the refrigerator section, in the denominator - the number of the car.

      When filling in the column "Carriage №", in addition to the carriage number, a digital code of the railway administration - the owner of the carriage shall be additionally indicated.

      When transporting cargo in trailers or with cover, information related to the carriages shall be indicated for all carriages in the coupler.

      Only carriage numbers registered in the Automated Carriage Park Fleet Data Bank, which is a collection of data on cargo carriages of the inventory fleet of railways, carriages owned by enterprises and organizations of the countries of the Commonwealth, Georgia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Lithuania and the Republic of Estonia, are entered on the consignment bill.

      140. In the column "Type of oversize" the degree of oversize shall be indicated by a five-digit index in the following sequence: 1st sign - the letter "O", 2nd sign - the degree of lower oversize , 3rd sign - the degree of lateral oversize , 4th sign - the degree of upper oversize , 5th sign - vertical oversize . In the absence of oversized cargo, the column “Oversize Index” shall not be filled.

      141. The column "Technical rate of loading" shall not be filled.

      142. The column "Station and departure road" - indicates the exact name of the station of departure and its code in accordance with the classifier of stations used in the information systems of the carrier. This column shall be filled by affixing the carrier's stamp.

      When registering the carriage of cargo using the electronic transport dossier, the name of the departure station shall be indicated in accordance with the classifier of stations of the SAS carrier.

      143. Column "Station and destination road" - the exact name of the destination station and its code shall be indicated in accordance with the classifier of stations used in the carrier’s information systems. In cases where the cargo goes to the station at which the unloading of cargo is carried out only on the access roads in the column "Destination station and the carrier" under the name of the station makes a mark "with delivery to the access road ..." and indicates the name of the consignee, for the service of which driveway is intended.

      When registering the carriage of cargo using the electronic file of carriage, the name of the destination station is indicated in accordance with the classifier of stations of the SAS carrier.

      144. Column "Shipper" - indicates the exact and full name of the shipper and its code assigned to the SAS carrier. If the consignment is sent by an individual, the surname, name and patronymic (in full) of the person sending the consignment shall be indicated.

      145. Column “Postal address of the shipper” - indicates the full postal address (with zip code) of the shipper with the name of the republic, region, district, city, village, street and house number.

      146. The columns “Consignee” and “Postal address of the consignee” shall be filled out in the same manner as the columns “Shipper” and “Postal address of the shipper”.

      When filling in the columns “Shipper” and “Postal address of the consignee”, the name of only one legal entity or individual shall be indicated.

      147. The column "Payer" shall indicate the name of an individual or legal entity or surname, name and patronymic (in full) that make calculations for the carriage of cargo upon departure and delivery, as well as the payer code assigned in the carrier's SAS.

      148. Column "Signs of the shipper" - indicates the distinctive signs marked by the shipper in packages.

      149. The column "Number of seats" - indicates the number of pieces of cargo separately for each type of cargo (group shipment), for each kind of packaging and the total number of seats.

      When transporting cargo in packages on pallets, this column shall be indicated by the fraction:

      in the numerator, the number of packets formed on pallets;

      in the denominator - the total number of seats in packages;

      for cargo transported in bulk - the word "In bulk";

      for cargo transported in tanks - the word “In tanks”.

      150. The column "Packing" - the abbreviated kind of container cargo, such as "box.", "case", "barrel", "basket" are indicated when packing cargo, respectively, in boxes, cases, barrels, baskets.

      Upon presentation of unpackaged cargo for carriage, this column shall be abbreviated as "N/P".

      When registering the carriage of cargo using the electronic transport dossier, the abbreviated name of the package shall be indicated in accordance with the classifier of automated workplaces of the cargo cashier.

      151. In the column "Name of the cargo" - the full name and code of the cargo shall be indicated in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature of Goods (hereinafter - UTSNG) and the code of the cargo in accordance with the Harmonized Nomenclature of Cargos (hereinafter - HNC).

      When indicating in the column "Name of the cargo" various names of cargo, the full name of each cargo shall be indicated in accordance with the Unified Tariff-Statistical Nomenclature of Goods and the Harmonized Nomenclature of Cargos.

      When indicating in the column different names of cargoes related to the same position of the nomenclature of goods, the code of the position shall be indicated as a code in accordance with UTSNG and HNC. When specifying in the column different names of cargoes related to different positions of the nomenclature of cargoes, the code of the cargoes related to this position and additionally the code for group shipment in accordance with UTSNG and HNC shall be indicated as a code.

      If there is not enough space in the freight bill to list all the cargoes transported in one shipment, the consignor on the forms of his organization (no more than the format of the transportation document) draws up a list indicating signs, brands, number of packs, packaging, name and weight of all cargoes transported. The list shall be compiled in four copies, certified by the seal used in financial transactions, and by the signature of a person authorized by the head of the consignor organization.

      The total number of packages and the cargo total weight shall be indicated in the corresponding columns of the consignment note, and in the column "Designation of the cargo" "Aggregated shipment is indicated, a list of cargos is attached."

      Copies of the list shall be firmly attached to the consignment note and to the spine of the freight bill. One copy of the list is issued to the consignor with a receipt of acceptance of the cargo.

      When registering the cargo carriage using the electronic transportation dossier, the name of the cargo shall be indicated in accordance with the cargo classifier of the automated information system of the National Infrastructure Operator, compiled on the basis of the tariff guide.

      In the column "Name of the cargo" it is also necessary to indicate:

      the number and height of the main stacks and the number of stacks stacked in the upper narrowed part of the loading outline (in the "head"). This information is indicated when transporting timber cargo using the upper narrowed part of the loading outline; the height of the loaded timber, sawn timber above the level of the side of the open wagon - when transporting timber cargo and sawn timber;

      filling height, density, temperature of the cargo - when transporting cargo in bulk, if it is provided for by these Rules;

      full name of the conductor (conductors), series, number of the identity card (passport) and number of the travel certificate - when transporting cargoes accompanied by the conductor (conductors) of the consignor (consignee). When registering the cargo carriage using the electronic dossier of the carriage, the number of conductors shall also be indicated.

      When presenting for transportation loaded wagons that do not belong to the carrier or are rented by it, the consignor shall indicate in the consignment note in the column “Name of the cargo”: “Wagon not owned by the carrier. Owner ___” or “Rented car. Operator of wagons (containers) _____”.

      When presenting an empty wagon for transportation, the consignor shall indicate in the consignment note in the column “Name of the cargo”: “An empty wagon not owned by the carrier. From under ___ (name of cargo). Owner _____” or “Empty rented wagon. From under ___ (name of the cargo). Wagon (container) operator _____” or “Empty wagon not owned by the carrier. From under ___ (name of the cargo). Wagon (container) operator _____"

      When transporting cargoes under special conditions, this column is marked “transportation under special conditions according to the carrier’s telegram, dated “__” _____________” № __”.

      If there is no space for this mark, it is made in column 4 of the invoice.

      Footnote. Paragraph 151 as amended by order № 220 of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.05.2021 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      152. The column "Cargo weight in kg determined by the shipper" shall be filled in by the shipper if the mass of the cargo was determined by him or with his participation. When determining the mass of a load on a carriage scale, the gross, net and tare mass of the carriage shall be indicated in the appropriate columns.

      Upon presentation of packing and piece cargo of different types and in different packaging in one package, the weight of each item separately for each type of packaging and the total mass of cargo presented for this document are indicated.

      When transporting cargo on its axles, the columns “Total net mass” and “Tara of the carriage” are not filled in, and the columns “Cargo mass in kg , determined” and “Gross weight” indicate the mass of the cargo transported on its axles.

      When determining the "Total Net Mass" on the carriage scales, the appropriate columns shall indicate:

      “Total net mass”, defined as the difference between the gross mass of the carriage and its packaging;

      gross weight of a carriage determined by weighing on a scale;

      When determining the tare weight of a carriage on the scales, information shall be indicated obtained by weighing with crossing out the abbreviation “with br.”, if the tare mass was determined on the basis of information on the carriage, the abbreviation “check.” shall be crossed out. The tare weight of a carriage shall be determined taking into account the mass of removable or non-removable equipment in it, which shall be not given to the consignee at the destination station along with the cargo, but is not included in the tare weight of the carriage.

      When indicating in the column "Name of cargo" different names of cargo or cargo of the same name in different packaging in the column "Mass of cargo in kg, determined", the mass of cargo of each name shall be indicated separately for each kind of packaging and the total mass of cargo in shipment.

      153 Column “Total places” - the total number of places of all cargo items presented for transportation shall be indicated in words.

      154. The column "Total mass" - indicated in words the total mass presented for transportation of cargo.

      155. The column "Method for determining the mass" - indicates how the mass of the cargo shall be determined (to be filled in when the mass of the cargo was determined by the shipper or with his participation).

      If the mass of the cargo shall be determined according to the standard, this column indicates the standard gross and net mass of one package.

      When registering the transportation of cargo using the electronic transportation dossier, the column "Method for determining the mass" shall be filled in accordance with the classifier of the automated workplace of the cargo cashier.

      156. The column "Information about the LSD" shall indicate whether the seal was made by the shipper or the carrier.

      In the column "Type of LSD" indicates the type of locking and sealing device installed on the carriage.

      In the column "K/signs" indicates the control mark of LSD.

      The columns "Type LSD" and "K/signs" shall be filled in for all locking and sealing devices installed on the carriage in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 6 of these Rules.

      157. For cargo requiring special precautions during transportation and storage, the shipper shall affix the inscriptions provided for in these Rules, including stamps, and other marks characterizing the special properties of the cargo at the top of the consignment bill (“place for special marks and stamps”).

      158. The column "Declared value" - shall be indicated in words in the amount declared by the shipper of the value of the cargo in tenge.

      159. In the column “Hereby I am liable for the correctness of the information entered on the consignment bill”, the shipper or a person authorized by power of attorney legibly signs it, and also indicates his position (except when the shipper is an individual).

      When filling out an electronic bill, data on the position, surname and initials of the person responsible for the correctness of filling in the bill are entered in it.

      160. On the reverse side of the consignment bill, in column 1, “The cargo shall be placed and secured in accordance with the __ ______ figure ______ chapter ___________ of the Technical Conditions correctly” is filled in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Conditions for the placement and securing of cargo in carriages and containers (hereinafter referred to as the Technical conditions). This information shall be certified by a signature indicating the position, surname, initials of the signatory.

      When registering the carriage of cargo using the electronic transportation dossier, data are entered in it according to the technical conditions, as well as the position and surname of the person responsible for the placement and securing of the cargo.

      161. The consignor makes other marks in column 4 (for example, information necessary for the consignee about the range of cargoes, brand of products):

      “transportation in open rolling stock with the consignee is agreed upon, permission dated _______ № _____.”;

      the number of pallets - upon presentation of the cargo for transportation on pallets; names and number of devices installed by the consignor in the wagon (for example, vegetable shields, ovens, bread shields);

      weight of equipment and insulation materials when transporting cargoes with removable equipment and insulation;

      preventive measures taken by the consignor to protect the cargo from freezing;

      the presence of visible damage to the unpackaged cargo presented for transportation (for example, “___ part is broken off the machine”, “the headlight of the car is broken”);

      the names of the documents attached by the consignor (for example, specification, technical passport, drawings for fixing an inventory fixed fastening), pursuant to the requirements of these Rules, as well as documents established by the requirements of the authorized state control bodies. The attached documents are firmly fastened to the shipping documents.

      In the event of presenting an empty own wagon (container) for transportation, the consignor shall make in column 4 the marks provided for in paragraphs 609, 610 of these Rules.

      Footnote. Paragraph 161 as amended by order № 220 of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.05.2021 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

Paragraph 2. Filling in the bill by the station of departure

      162. In the column "Place for special marks and stamps" the following marks shall be made:

      on the necessary cover of the carriage as part of the train in cases provided for by the rules for the transport of dangerous cargo, instructions for the transportation of oversized and heavy cargo on 1520 mm gauge railways, the rules for the technical operation of railway transport, instructions for the movement of trains and shunting;

      restrictions on the mass, type of rolling stock, or loading size in a given direction of transportation (a note about this shall be done when a waybill is sighted);

      “do not lower down the hill” - in cases provided for by the rules for the transport of dangerous cargo, the rules for the technical operation of railway transport and instructions for the transportation of oversized and heavy cargo on the railways of 1,520 mm gauge; "Sending route № __ direct", "Sending route № ___ with spraying at the station ______" or "Sending route № __ to be disbanded at the station _______" when transporting cargo by sending routes at st. ___ "," Step route № _________ direct "," Step route № _____ with spraying at the station _________ "when transporting cargo by step routes.

      In addition, the “Security” stamp shall be affixed in this part of the consignment bill in case of escort of cargo along the entire route of the militarized security.

      163. The “Bill №” column shall indicate the typographical number of the road sheet or the shipment number assigned by the carrier.

      When registering the carriage of cargo using the electronic transport dossier, the shipment number shall be affixed by machine in accordance with the numbering of the consignments.

      164. In the column “By Application № ___”, the number of the application accepted by the carrier shall be indicated. When receiving cargo without an application, the number of the loading order shall be indicated.

      165. The column "Importation of cargo is authorized for " ___ "_______" shall be filled in all cases of presentation of cargo for transportation at the places of loading and unloading.

      166. The column "Loading is assigned to" ___ "_______________" - shall be filled in all cases both when loading cargo at the places of loading and unloading, and on access roads used by one shipper/consignee. The procedure for sighting bills shall be established by the carrier.

      167. The columns “Cargo mass in kg determined by the carrier” and “Method for determining the mass” shall be filled in by the carrier when determining the mass of the cargo by the carrier. This indicates the type of balance.

      When registering the transportation of cargo using the electronic transportation dossier, the column "Method for determining the mass" shall be filled in according to the classifier of automated workplaces of the cargo cashier.

      168. The column “Carrier's transceiver” legibly lists the carrier's transceiver at the departure station in cases where the mass of the cargo was determined by the carrier or with its participation.

      When registering the carriage of cargo using the electronic file of carriage, the name of the shipper shall be entered if the mass of the cargo was determined by the carrier or the shipper together with the shipper of the carrier.

      169. The column "Mark railway" not filled out.

      170. Column 2 "Importation of cargo in parts" shall not be filled.

      171. The columns "Tariff marks", "Calculation of payments for __ km ", "Upon departure" shall be filled in according to the Tariff guide (price list) of the carrier, the exclusive tariff code shall be indicated in the column “Excl. Tariff №”

      In the column “At departure”, the carrier charging or collecting payments for the carriage of cargo shall indicate the amount of the carriage charge, the fare for the conductor(s), the charge for the declared value of the cargo and other marks on payments, including tariff components.

      When registering cargo transportation using the electronic transportation dossier, codes of tariff marks are affixed in accordance with the classifier of the automated information system of the National Infrastructure Operator. The columns "Calculation of payments for ___ km" and "Upon departure" are generated programmatically in the automated workplace of the cargo cashier.

      172. In the column "Payments collected at the departure station" - the receipt number of various fees or the number of the payment card shall be indicated. Collection of payments shall be certified by the signature of the representative of the carrier at the station.

      If the shipper and consignee are individuals, the columns “Shipper” and “Consignee” are supplemented by a digital code.

      When registering the carriage of cargo using the electronic transportation dossier, information on cargo charges shall be generated programmatically in the SAS of the carrier, depending on the place of collection and type of payment.

      173. In the upper left corner of the back of the consignment bill and the road sheet, as well as on the front side of the counterfoil of the road sheet and receipt, the carrier’s calendar stamp on the date of receipt of the cargo for transportation shall be placed.

      When registering the carriage of cargo using the electronic file of carriage, the date of receipt of the cargo for carriage shall be entered into the electronic transportation document through the carrier’s SAS.

      174. After checking the completed consignment bill presented by the shipper, the station of departure transfers the information and marks contained therein to the road sheet, the counterfoil of the road sheet and the receipt of the cargo.

      When registering the carriage of cargo using an electronic consignment bill, the date of registration of the acceptance of cargo for carriage shall be entered in the electronic consignment bill.

      Paragraph 3. Filling the bill with stations along the route

      175. On the way, all marks provided for in these Rules are made by the carrier’s representative at the station on the back of the consignment bill in column 5 “Carrier marks”.

      When drawing up acts related to this shipment, the number of the act, the date of its preparation, about which the act was drawn up (for example, “about the lack of ____ places”, “about the lack of mass ____ kilograms”) shall be indicated. About the reasons for the delay in cargo which shall be the basis for lengthening the delivery time.

      When transporting cargo using the electronic transportation dossier, the marks are entered in the electronic transportation dossier in accordance with the carrier’s SAS functioning technology and are put in a paper copy of the electronic consignment bill (if the cargo is followed by paper copies of electronic shipping documents).

      176. When redirecting cargo with the execution of new shipping documents, marks are made as follows:

      in new transportation documents in the column “Name of cargo” - “Cargo was forwarded by order of ______ (name, position of the person who issued the permit) № ______, initial consignment bill № ______, departure station, destination station _______”.

      The marks shall be certified by the signature of the carrier’s representative at the station and the carrier’s stamp redirection.

      When transporting cargo using the electronic transportation dossier, the data specified in this paragraph and the name of the carrier’s representative who entered them in the transportation documents at the station are filled in the new and initial electronic transportation document, respectively. The paper copies of the new and original electronic bills of the form GU-27-U-VTs printed during redirection are certified by the signature of the carrier’s cashier’s carrier and the carrier’s stamp in the column “Carrier marks”.

      177. When redirecting cargo according to the initial transportation documents, the name of the destination station and its code, the consignee and his code in the transportation document shall be crossed out (so that it is possible to read the crossed out if necessary) and new data and their codes shall be indicated in accordance with the transfer order. Corrections shall be certified by the signature of the carrier’s representative at the station and the carrier’s stamp.

      When transporting cargo using the electronic transportation dossier, the data specified in this clause are filled in paper copies of the original electronic bill of the form GU-27-U-VTs and the road sheet of the form GU-29-U-VTs, which are certified by the signature of the cashier and the carrier's stamp in the column "Carrier marks." Change of the destination station and the consignee in the electronic transportation dossier shall be made in accordance with the technology of functioning of the automated information system of the carrier.

      178. If the consignee is changed without changing the destination station, the name of the consignee and his code are crossed out (so that it is possible to read the crossed out if necessary) and the name of the new consignee and his code are indicated on the basis of the shipper's application. Corrections made are certified by the signature of the carrier’s representative at the station and the carrier’s stamp. When transporting cargo using the electronic transportation dossier, the name of the new consignee and its code are filled in paper copies of the original electronic bill of the form GU-27-U-VTs and the road sheet of the form GU-29-U-VTs, which are certified by the carrier’s cashier’s signature and the carrier’s stamp in the column "Carrier marks". Change of the consignee in the electronic transportation dossier shall be made in accordance with the carrier’s SAS functioning technology.

      179. In the event of a cargo being transshipped en route to another carriage, the carriage number and other information about it are crossed out in the transportation document (so that it is possible to read the crossed out one if necessary), and then new information shall be added about the carriage into which the cargo shall be loaded. This correction shall be certified by the signature of the representative of the carrier who was in charge of the transshipment and the stamp of the station where the cargo was reloaded into another carriage.

      When transporting cargo using an electronic consignment bill, in addition to the data specified in this clause, the position and surname of the carrier's representative at the station managing the transshipment are also entered.

      When transporting cargo using the electronic transportation dossier, the data specified in this clause, as well as the position and surname of the carrier’s representative at the station managing the transshipment, are entered in paper copies of the electronic consignment bill form GU-27-U-VTs and the road sheet form GU-29- U-VTS. Changing the number of the carriage in the electronic transportation dossier shall be made in accordance with the operating technology of the SAS carrier.

      Paragraph 4. Filling in the bill at the destination station

      180. In the column "Upon arrival" - the amount of the carriage charge for the final settlement, the additional fees charged on the transportation documents at the destination station, the total amount of the carriage charge and all payments due to the carrier are indicated.

      181. In the column "Payments are collected at the destination station" - the receipt number of various fees or the number of the payment card shall be indicated. The collection of payments by the carrier from the consignee at the destination station shall be confirmed by the signature of the carrier’s representative indicating the position, surname and initials, and the station’s calendar stamp on the time of issuing the cargo shall be affixed to the back of the consignment bill and road sheet.

      Column 3 “Cargo export” on the back of the consignment bill shall be filled in by the carrier’s representative at the station when unloading cargo at the places of loading and unloading and exporting cargo from the destination station.

      182. In the column “Unloading of cargo by the carrier or delivery for unloading by means of a consignee” - on the back of the consignment bill and road sheet is the calendar stamp of the destination carrier on the date of unloading of cargo by means of the carrier or the time of delivery for unloading by means of the consignee.

      183. Column 3 “Cargo export” on the back of the consignment bill shall be filled in by the carrier’s representative at the station when unloading cargo at the places of loading and unloading and exporting cargo from the destination station. If the cargo is exported in stages, then an appropriate mark shall be made in this column about the export of each part of it.

      At stations where the procedure for the export of cargo from the station by passes shall be established, in the name of this column, after the words “Export of cargo”, “Pass № ________” shall be indicated.

      184. The carrier’s marks in case of redirection of the arrived cargo are made in the column “The cargo was redirected by order of __________________________ (position of the person who signed the order) from ___" ________ "№ ____ to the station ________________________ railroad.” The mark shall be certified by the carrier’s representative at the station and the carrier’s stamp.

      185. In column 6 "Notes on the delivery of cargo" on the back of the consignment bill, notes are made on the delivery of cargo to the consignee provided for by these Rules.

      186. When registering the carriage of cargo using the electronic transportation dossier, the data provided for in these Rules shall be entered in the electronic transportation dossier with the issuance of a paper copy of the electronic consignment bill.

      Paragraph 5. Filling in the bill at the destination station

      187. In confirmation of receipt of cargo and payments for transportation, the consignee and the carrier fill out the following columns of the road sheet:

      The column "The cargo received __________________" ____ "_______________." - shall be filled in by the consignee.

      Column "By power of attorney № ________ from" ____ "______________." - shall be filled in by the destination station with the number of the power of attorney submitted by the authorized person for receiving the cargo and the date of its issue.

      In the column "Identity card (passport) of the series ___________________ № ____________ registered in the city ________________ st. ________________ Building № _______ Appart. № ______" the carrier’s representative at the station indicates the series and passport number of the person authorized to receive the cargo and the address at which the passport holder shall be registered.

      188. The information entered in the road sheet shall be certified by the signatures of the consignee and the representative of the carrier at the station.

      Paragraph 6. Filling in railway memorandum bill

      189. According to Annex 16 to these Rules, the package road sheet of the GU-29-O form shall be filled out by the carrier along the route in cases of separation of cargo and shipping documents when sending cargo to the destination station, as well as separation of part of the cargo from the main shipment.

      190. When transporting cargo on an electronic consignment bill, the carrier draws up an electronic additionally sent road bill of the form GU-29 U-VTs according to Annex 30 to these Rules.

      191. The additionally sent road bill shall be filled in the following order:

      in the road sheet and the counterfoil of the waybill indicates "Additionally sent";

      the column "Delivery time expires" shall not be filled out;

      in the column "Type of carriage" the type of carriage shall be indicated;

      columns "Carriage №", "Carriage Capacity", "Number of Axles", "Oversize Index", "Tank Type/Volume", "Carrier", "Transmission Stations" are filled in the manner established by this Instruction;

      in the columns "Road sheet №" and "Counterfoil of the road sheet №", the shipment number assigned by the carrier shall be indicated;

      in the column "Speed" indicates "Cargo";

      in the column "Departure station" are indicated in accordance with the classifier of stations used by the carrier, the exact name and code of the station issuing the additionally sent road bill;

      the column “Shipper” shall indicate the name of the representative of the carrier who issued the additionally sent road bill;

      columns "Post address", "Payer", "Loading by means", "Declared value" and "Tariff marks" are not filled;

      in the column "Destination Station" shall be indicated in accordance with the classifier of stations used by the carrier, the exact name and code of the destination station;

      the column “Consignee” shall indicate the name of the representative of the carrier at the destination station.

      filling in the column with information about the cargo and its mass shall be based on the original bill of lading. In addition, under the name of the cargo, the mark “It is sent to the shipment № ________ for delivery _______________________ (the name of the consignee, his mailing address)” shall be indicated, information on locking and sealing devices, as well as on the compiled general form or commercial act;

      the column "Payments made at the departure station" shall not be filled. The representative of the carrier who issued the package of road signs indicates in it his last name, first name, patronymic and puts a signature;

      in the column “Calendar stamps” of the road sheet and the counterfoil of the road sheet, the calendar stamp of the carrier issuing the additionally sent road sheet shall be affixed.

      Paragraph 7. Filling out a set of transportation documents

      192. In order to expedite the execution of transportation documents when transporting cargo in carriages and in small shipments, sets of transportation documents of the GU-29-0 form are used in accordance with Annex 16 to these Rules, or the GU-27 bill form in accordance with Annex 17 to these Rules, consisting of a bill of lading, road sheet, counterfoil of the road sheet and receipt of cargo.

      193. The form of the forms included in the set of transport documents allows using carbon paper to simultaneously fill in the indicated documents in identically arranged columns.

      194. Filling out a set of transportation documents by the shipper and the carrier shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by Chapter 7 of these Rules.

      195. After filling out the set of transportation documents, an appropriate number shall be assigned based on the numbering allocated to the stations.

      196. A bill of the form GU-27-U-VT shall be drawn up for each loaded and empty container presented for transportation by rail.

      197. The transportation of empty containers of the inventory park can be made out on one bill with the application of the list of containers.

      In the consignment bill in the column “Name of the cargo” shall be indicated “For repair, a set of containers, the sheet is attached” or “In the regulation, a set of containers, the sheet is attached”;

      the column "Number of places" indicates the number of containers indicated in the statement; in the "Packing cont ., kg." the total tare weight of containers indicated in the statement shall be indicated; in the column "Gross, kg." the total gross mass of the containers indicated in the statement shall be indicated.

      When a set of own empty containers is sent from one shipper to one consignee, one bill shall be drawn up for a set of containers with a container sheet attached to it. The consignment bill in the column “Name of cargo” shall indicate “Set of own empty containers, the sheet is attached”; in the "Tare cont., kg." the total tare weight of containers indicated in the statement shall be indicated; in the column "Gross, kg." the total gross weight of the containers shall be indicated by statement.

      When sending a set of (several) containers loaded with cargo from one item of the cargo nomenclature from one shipper at one departure station to one consignee at one destination station, it shall be allowed to issue one waybill for a set of containers with the enclosed list of containers.

      In the consignment bill in the column "Name of cargo" under the name of the cargo shall be indicated "Set of containers, sheet attached";

      in the column "Gross, kg ." indicates the total gross mass of containers according to the statement;

      in the column "Net, kg ." indicates the total net weight of the cargo in containers indicated in the statement.

      198. For each loaded specialized container loaded onto a railway platform or in a low-sided carriage, the shipper draws up the original of the railway bill of lading form GU-29 to in accordance with Annex 18 to these Rules. On each form of the consignment bill in the upper part of its front side in the column "Type of shipment" shall be affixed in capital letters "SCK", which corresponds to the designation of specialized containers of all types.

      In cases where the technical conditions for the placement and fastening of cargo in carriages and containers do not provide a way to place and fasten specialized containers of this type and gross weight, the shipper makes a note in the bill in column 3: "The container is placed and strengthened according to the approved drawing _______ of _____".

      199. When transporting empty specialized containers in carriages or by small shipments, in the consignment bill in the column "Name of cargo" shall be indicated: "empty SCK", and in the column "Mass of cargo, kg, determined by the shipper" - the total weight of all empty containers (container tare weight according stencil) following this consignment bill.

      200. When filling out transportation documents for cargo presented for transportation in transport packages, the shipper and the carrier in the appropriate columns of the waybill, road sheet, and counterfoil of the road sheet and receipt of cargo shall indicate:

      in the column "Number of places": in the numerator - the number of packages, in the denominator - the total number of cargo places in packages (only for cargo accepted for transportation with the account of places);

      under the name of the cargo - "package";

      in the column “Cargo mass” - the gross cargo mass (together with packaging materials), and when transporting groupings consisting of several items of cargo, also the weight of each item;

      when transporting cargo by small shipments in transport packages formed using pallets, in the consignment bill in the column “Cargo weight” indicate: in the numerator - the gross package weight, in the denominator - the net package weight (package weight excluding the mass of the pallet).

      201. Under full transportation documents empty own or rented tanks and bunker low-sided carriages are transported.

      Therein the shipper of the empty tank indicates (after cleaning) in the column of the consignment bill “Cargo name”: “The empty tank from under the carriage (the full name of the cargo shall be indicated) arrived at consignment bill № ___ from the station ________ (the number of the consignment bill, the name of the station) was completely merged, cleaned, washed and neutralized."

      In this case, the shipper shall put down on the consignment bill the stamps on hazard transported in it and the emergency card number.

      202. If the shipper has access to the SAS, the shipper fills in the data in the electronic file of carriage in accordance with the procedure established in Paragraph 1 “Filling of the consignment bill with the shipper” of this Chapter. The departure station fills in the electronic file of carriage in accordance with the procedure established in Paragraph 2 “Filling in the consignment station of departure” of this Chapter. The procedure for electronic data exchange shall be determined by the functioning technologies of the carrier’s automated information system and information interaction between the shipper (consignee) and the carrier.

      203. When the documents issued using the electronic transportation dossier are credited , the destination station enters the electronic transportation dossier with information in the manner specified in Paragraph 4 “Filling in the consignment bill at the destination station” and Paragraph 5 “Filling out the road sheet at the destination station” of this Chapter.

      204. Electronic transport and accompanying documents are issued at destination stations in electronic or paper form. When printing paper copies of the forms GU-27-U-VTs, GU-29-U-VTs and electronic accompanying documents, all stamps, inscriptions and signatures, the affixing of which is provided for by these Rules, are presented on paper transportation documents by departure stations and along the route in a machine –printed form.

      Paper copies shall be certified:

      a paper copy of the electronic transportation dossier, printed in the form of GU-27-U-VTs — by the signature of the cargo cashier, the carrier’s representative at the station, and the carrier’s calendar stamp in the “Cargo Handling” column;

      a paper copy of the electronic transportation dossier, printed in the form of GU-29-U-VTs — by the signatures of the representative of the consignee who had cleared the electronic bill and the cashier after the data on the credit , as well as the calendar stamp of the destination carrier in the column “Clearance of cargo delivery”;

      paper copies of other electronically accompanying documents – by the calendar stamp of the carrier of destination.

      It is allowed if the consignee has access to the carrier’s SAS to issue a bill for the cargo received in his address in electronic form.

      205. It is allowed to arrange the transportation of containers using the electronic transportation dossier, while a paper copy of the electronic transportation document is the bill of lading GU-29 K for transportation of cargo in a universal container. The bill GU-29 K shall be issued for printing both on roll paper of teletype format (narrow), and on separate sheets of 11 format.

      Only container numbers registered in the Automated database of the inventory of universal containers inventory are entered on the bill.

      When arranging transportation using the electronic transportation dossier, the container should be accompanied by paper transportation documents (copies of electronic documents) or unaccompanied (with paperless technology) in accordance with the technology for organizing transportation adopted on rail transport.

      The electronic transportation dossier shall be drawn up at the workstation of the cargo cashier and shall be transmitted through the electronic data exchange network to the carrier’s AIS. The information system ensures the safety and security of electronic transportation document data, confidentiality and protection against unauthorized access to information.

      The contract of carriage using the electronic file of carriage shall be considered to be concluded after the receipt in the automated workplace of the cargo cashier from the AIS of the carrier of positive confirmation of receipt of the AIS message — an electronic document (receipt) and the receipt of the shipper's receipt of the cargo (in paper or electronic form).

      If the shipper or consignee has his own automated system, clearance is allowed by transferring transportation documents by electronic data exchange in accordance with the technology and standards for information interaction between the shipper (consignee) and the carrier. Electronic data exchange uses electronic digital signatures in accordance with Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 7, 2003 "On electronic document and electronic digital signature" or by agreement of the parties.

      Data shall be entered into the electronic transportation dossier according to the details of the authorized person by the shipper, departure station, stations along the route, destination station.

      206. When registering transportation documents at a cargo spraying point, a person authorized by the shipper and consignee, if he has access to the carrier’s SAS, enters into the electronic waybill the information required by the technology for the operation of the carrier’s automated system. If necessary, a paper copy of the electronic bill shall be issued.

      Paragraph 9. Filling the bill of transit

      207. The transportation of empty carriages of the carrier shall be made out by a consignment bill in the form GU-27SP in accordance with Annex 19 to these Rules.

      208. The transportation of empty tanks, bunker low-sided carriages of the carrier, following to the points of loading of oil and oil products, shall be drawn up by:

      consignment bill in the form of GU-27DS in accordance with Annex 19 to these Rules - when transporting empty carrier tanks from under the discharge of light oil products;

      consignment bill in the form of GU-27DT according to Annex 19 to these Rules - when transporting bunker low-sided carriages and empty tanks of the carrier from under the discharge of dark oil products.

      209. A consignment bill shall be drawn up by the consignee for each carriage unloaded by him and presented to the station therein as notification of the completion of unloading (discharging) of cargo. Without presentation of the consignment bill, the carriages are not accepted by the station.

      210. Therein as the consignment bill, the consignee fills in the back of the consignment bill for each carriage unloaded by him, remaining at the station of departure of the empty carriage.

      211. The carrier, having received the consignment bill from the consignee, checks the correctness of its filling, the presence of a legible signature and stamp (seal) of the consignee in the column confirming the completeness of unloading (discharging) and cleaning of the carriage.

      212. The back side of the consignment bill containing the results of the inspection of the arriving carriage shall be filled in at the new loading station of this carriage in cases of incomplete unloading, non-cleaning and unsuitability of the carriage for next loading.

      213. All forms of redirection bills are typographically numbered and consist of a bill and a counterfoil bill. The consignment bill accompanies the transportation of an empty carriage, and the counterfoil of this bill remains in the affairs of the unloading (discharging) station and the shipment of the empty carriage.

Chapter 8. The procedure for the transportation of bulk cargo by routes and groups of carriages on one waybill

      214. Cargo presented for carriage by groups of carriages shall be drawn up according to one bill subject to the following conditions:

      1) cargo uniformity;

      2) the shipment of cargo shall be presented by one shipper at one station of departure;

      3) the shipment of cargo shall be sent to the address of one consignee at one station of destination;

      4) the mass of the cargo and the number of carriages along the route by the shipper, consignee or carrier are not changed.

      Upon a written application of the shipper, it is allowed to transport carriages with homogeneous cargo, going to one destination station to the address of one consignee, by route (group) on one bill with the consent of the consignee and the carrier.

      215. When forming the departure route, both the route core and each group of carriages that are part of the trailer part of the route, as well as each single carriage of the trailer part of the route, are drawn up with separate bills. One waybill may be issued for transportation of animals by a group of carriages accompanied by a guide.

      The bill form GU-27e in accordance with Annex 20 to these Rules shall be filled in accordance with these Rules. Moreover, in its name, the shipper crosses out:

      when transporting cargo by route, the words "or a group of carriages";

      when transporting cargo in bulk, the words "route or". The number of places and the weight of the cargo, as well as the cargo charge, are indicated in the bill for each carriage in the appropriate columns, and the total number of places, the mass of the entire shipment of cargo and the total amount of cargo charges are on the front side of the bill.

      Information on locking and sealing devices for each group carriage shall be indicated by the shipper in an additional sheet attached to the consignment bill. An additional sheet shall be filled out and signed by the shipper in triplicate. In the consignment bill under the name of the cargo, the shipper makes the mark "Information on locking and sealing devices, see the additional sheet." The consignment bill and three copies of the additional sheet are presented by the shipper to the departure station. The station shall enter the bill number in all copies of the additional sheet. The first and second copies of the additional sheet are applied by the departure station respectively to the consignment bill and to the counterfoil of the road sheet, and the third copy, together with the receipt of the cargo, shall be returned to the shipper.

      When arranging transportation using the electronic transportation dossier, the bill form GU-27-U-VTs shall be filled in accordance with these Rules. In this case, the number of places, the mass of the cargo, information on locking and sealing devices, as well as the cargo charge shall be indicated for each carriage. The cargo should be accompanied by paper transportation documents (copies of electronic documents) or unaccompanied (with paperless technology) in accordance with the technology for organizing transportation adopted in rail transport.

      216. Redirection of cargo following one consignment bill by route or group shipments shall be carried out by the carrier at the request of the shippers (consignee).

      217. In the case of a detachment along the route of a carriage (group of carriages) from a route or group shipment (hereinafter referred to as the main shipment) due to its (their) malfunction, the station where the carriage (group of carriages) was unfastened draws up an act of the general form GU-23 in duplicate, indicating the reasons for the release of the carriage (group of carriages), as well as the shipment number, names and codes of the destination station, the name and code of the consignee, his mailing address, name and code of the cargo.

      In the column "Marks along the way" of the consignment bill and the road sheet that follows the main shipment, a mark shall be made indicating the number of the uncoupled carriage (s), the name of the uncoupling station, the reason for the uncoupling, the number of the act of the general form and the date of its preparation. The entered data shall be certified by the signature of the corresponding station employee and calendar stamp. If there is not enough space in the consignment bill (road sheet), information about the carriages detached along the route shall be entered in additional sheets of a size equal to the size of the consignment bill. At the top of these sheets shall be written: "Additional sheet №__ to the consignment bill (road sheet) №__". Additional sheets are attached to the consignment bill and road bill. In the column "Marks of the National Infrastructure Operator" the consignment bill is made the entry "Continuation of data on uncoupled carriages, see in additional sheet №__".

      The first copy of the act of general form GU-23 shall be attached to the shipping documents that are sent with the shipment, the second copy remains in storage in the affairs of the station where the carriage was uncoupled. Data on the uncoupled carriage (group of carriages) shall be also deleted from the carriage sheet that followed with the main shipment. Such a correction with the reason for the release of the carriage (group of carriages) shall be certified by the signature of the corresponding station employee and the carrier's calendar stamp. After the station eliminates the malfunction, on the basis of the data of the act of the general form GU-23, a new carriage sheet and a package road sheet are drawn up for each uncoupled carriage , with which such a carriage follows to the destination station. When compiling the shipping list, the column “Consignee” indicates “DS __________” (cargo destination station), the column “Cargo name” shall be filled in, under which is marked “Sent to the main shipment of the station _______________ waiting № ______ for delivery (name of the consignee, his mailing address) "and information on locking and sealing devices shall be indicated.

      218. In the case of a detachment along the route due to a malfunction of a carriage (group of carriages) from a route or group shipment, the transportation of which is carried out using the electronic transport dossier, the station at which the uncoupling occurred, requests a paper copy of the electronic consignment bill from the SAS of the carrier in the form GU-27 -U-VC. When following a shipment accompanied by paper copies of electronic transport documents, the release station draws up an act of general form GU-23 in two copies indicating the reason for the release. In the section "Marks along the route" of the main consignment bill form GU-27-U-VTs and the road sheet of the form GU-29-U-VTs, a mark shall be made indicating the number of the uncoupled carriage, the name of the uncoupling station, the reason for uncoupling, the number of the act of the general form GU 23 and the date of its compilation. The entered data shall be certified by the signature of the station employee and calendar stamp. The first copy of the act shall be attached to paper copies of electronic transport documents with which the main shipment follows. The second copy of the act, stitched with a typewritten document received from the SAS carrier, remains in the affairs of the station. Messages are sent to the carrier’s SAS with information about the release, indicating the act and reasons for the release to adjust the electronic transportation dossier in accordance with the carrier’s SAS functioning technology. When following the shipment using paperless technology only accompanied by an electronic transport dossier, the act of general form GU-23 shall be drawn up in one copy, which remains with a typewritten copy of the bill form GU-27-U-VTs received from the SAS carrier in the affairs of the station. Information on the release shall be entered in the electronic transport dossier indicating the act and reasons for the release according to the carrier’s SAS functioning technology. After eliminating the malfunction of the carriage, the station worker, on the basis of the data of the machine-printed waybill form GU-27-U-VTs, obtained from the AIS, and the general form act GU-23 draws up an electronic sending road sheet for each uncoupled carriage. The electronic consignment bill in the “Consignee” column shall indicate “DS ____” (cargo destination station), as well as information on the carriage number, cargo code and name, main shipment number, consignee code and name and mailing address, information on locking and sealing devices. It is allowed to follow the carriage to the destination station, accompanied only by the electronic road shipping list (paperless technology) or with its paper copy.

      219. The destination station, upon delivery of cargo arriving by route or group shipment, if there is a mark (s) on the detachment of a carriage (group of carriages) along the route, based on the act (acts) of the general form GU-23 attached to the transportation documents, draws up a commercial act indicating the numbers of non-arrived carriages. In the column of the consignment bill “Carrier's notes”, the entry shall be made: “The shipment arrived in __ carriages. For the not arrived ___ carriages № ________, a commercial act № _______ was drawn up.” The cargo arriving at the destination station on the delivery road sheet shall be issued in accordance with these Rules to the consignee after presentation of a copy of the commercial certificate issued to him and the delivery note. The representative of the carrier at the destination station in all copies of the commercial act in section "Zh" and in the delivery note in the column "Carrier's notes" makes a note on the arrival of the cargo on the additionally sent road sheet, indicating the number of the additionally sent road sheet, the number of the carriage, the station that issued the additionally sent, the date of registration of the additionally sent and the date of delivery of the cargo to the consignee. Upon arrival of the last carriage indicated in the commercial act as not arrived, the commercial act shall be returned by the consignee to the destination station for storage. The delivery of cargo arriving on the additionally sent road bill before the arrival of the main shipment shall be made against the consignee's signature in the additionally sent road bill. On arrival of the main shipment, in this case, the commercial act shall not be drawn up.

      Carriage charges are not charged on the additionally sent road bill.

      220. Upon arrival at the destination station of the main route or group departure using the electronic transportation dossier, in which there are notes on the unhitching of a carriage (group of carriages) along the route by the destination station, on the basis of an act(s) of the general form GU-23 on uncoupling a carriage (group of carriages) a commercial act shall be drawn up indicating the numbers of non-arrived carriages. Information shall be transmitted to the SAS in accordance with the technology for the functioning of the SAS.

      221. If at the destination station there is a discrepancy between the number or numbers of arriving carriages with the data indicated in the shipping documents that accompanied the shipment, the delivery of cargo will be processed in accordance with these Rules depending on the method of processing the shipping documents (in paper or electronic form)

      222. Upon delivery of the cargo arriving by route or group shipments, the destination station shall make the final calculation related to the carriage of the cargo by waybill (electronic waybill) for the number of carriages indicated on the waybill. Clearance of the delivery of cargo arriving by route (group) shipment using the electronic transportation dossier shall be made in accordance with these Rules.

Chapter 9. The procedure for the transport of cargo with declared value

      223. Shippers, if necessary, present cargo prepared for carriage with a declaration of their value.

      Declaration of value is necessary upon presentation of the following cargo for transportation:

      1) gold, silver and platinum, as well as products of them;

      2) precious stones;

      3) valuable furs, for example, beaver, blue fox, ermine, marten, mink, otter, astrakhan, seal, fur-seal, silver fox, skunk, sable, as well as products from these furs;

      4) filmed movies;

      5) paintings;

      6) statues;

      7) art products;

      8) antiques;

      9) household items.

      The announcement of the value of the remaining cargo shall be made only at the request of the shipper.

      Upon presentation for transportation of household items with a declared value in the bill, the shipper shall draw up their inventory in triplicate, indicating the name, quantity and cost of household items placed in each package (box, case).

      The inventory shall indicate the total number of places and the total cost of household items, which must correspond to the value declared on the bill. The first copy of the inventory remains at the departure station, the second at the shipper, the third copy must be enclosed in household items and follow along with them to the destination station.

      It shall be prohibited to declare the value of cargo transported in bulk, on open rolling stock, with conductors, behind locking and sealing devices of the shipper, as well as perishable and dangerous cargo. It is also prohibited to declare the value of part of the cargo transported on one bill.

      224. The value of cargo shall be declared based on their value.

      The value of the cargo shall be determined on the basis of its price indicated in the seller’s account or stipulated by the contract, and if they are absent, based on the price, which under comparable circumstances is usually charged for similar cargo.

      225. Upon presentation of cargo with declared value for carriage, the shipper, together with the consignment bill, shall submit to the carrier at the departure station an inventory for the carriage of cargo with declared value in the form GU-112 in accordance with Annex 21 to these Rules.

      When cargo of various values are presented for carriage on a single consignment bill, their distinguishing features, the number of places and their value are indicated in a separate line in the inventory.

      The inventory for the transportation of cargo with declared value shall be made in triplicate, one of which shall be returned to the shipper, the second shall be fixed inside the carriage, container in a conspicuous place, or put in one of the packages when transporting cargo by small shipment, and the third copy of the inventory shall remain with the carrier at the station Departure

      226. The carrier shall require inspection of the cargo presented for carriage to verify its value, if there is reason to believe that the shipper is overvalued.

      227. When completing the transportation documents submitted by the shipper, the representative of the carrier at the departure station shall:

      check the correctness of the shipper filling the inventory,

      indicate the number of the railway bill,

      sign in the line "List accepted"

      affix the calendar stamp of the carrier of departure.

      If the inventory is drawn up on several pages, the calendar stamp and signatures of the shipper and the carrier’s representative at the station shall be stamped on each sheet.

      228. The shipper pays the carrier a fee for the declared value of the cargo in accordance with the Tariff guide (price list) of the carrier. The amount of the fee charged shall be indicated in the transportation documents.

Chapter 10. Norms of accuracy of weighing cargoes on carriage scales

      229. The error limit in weighing cargo on a carriage scale should not exceed the limits established by standards, other regulatory and technical acts, technical regulations, technical conditions and technical passports of the manufacturer of carriage scales.

      The accuracy standards for weighing cargo on a carriage scale are given in Annex 22 to these Rules.

Chapter 11. Norms of natural loss of mass of cargo

      230. In relation to cargo which due to their natural properties, are subject to loss of mass during transportation, the carrier, regardless of the distance traveled by the cargo, is only responsible for the part of the shortage that exceeds the following rates in percent:

      1) two percent of the mass of liquid or delivered for transportation in the wet (humid) state of the cargo;

      2) one percent of the mass of dry cargo.

      For cargo transported in bulk, if they are loaded on the route, these rates increase by 0.3% for each transshipment.

      For cargo that, due to their natural properties, are not subject to loss of mass during transportation, the carrier, regardless of the distance traveled by the cargo, is only responsible for that part of the shortage that exceeds 0.2% of the mass of the cargo.

      If several pieces of cargo are transported on the same waybill, then the loss shall be calculated for each place if its weight was separately indicated on the waybill or can be established in another way.

      231. In the case of multimodal transportation of cargo, the norms of natural loss of mass for each type of transport involved in the transportation are applied in a single size for the entire distance of transportation on this type of transport.

Chapter 12. The procedure for calculation of transportation and carriage charge

      232. Payments for the carriage of cargo, passage of conductors accompanying cargo, for loading, unloading, fees for using carriages of the inventory fleet, charges for weighing by means of the carrier, storage and other payments, and fees associated with carriage established by these Rules and the Tariff guide ( pricelist) the payer pays the carrier at the departure station to the commodity cash carrier cash, using credit cards or through a centralized settlement organization by debiting money from personal payer's account (with the existing pre-paid amount) under a contract of organization of settlements.

      233. In case of untimely unloading (discharging) of cargo by consignees, the carrier increases the fee for using carriages and containers of the inventory fleet detained over twenty-four hours in excess of the technological time for unloading (discharging) of cargo, but no more than ten times.

      In case of carriage downtime, an increased fee for the use of carriages and containers of the carrier shall be introduced no earlier than 24 hours after the announcement of an increase in the fee is posted at the station.

      234. All payments due for the carriage of cargo, and other fees and charges associated with carriage established by these Rules and the Tariff guide (price list) of the carrier, shall be paid by the shipper, forwarder until the cargo are shipped, unless otherwise provided by contract. A receipt in the receipt of cargo (and for transportation in international traffic - a duplicate of the waybill) indicating the amount of the cargo charge shall be issued to the shipper by the representative of the carrier at the departure station when processing transportation documents.

      235. The final payment for the carriage of cargo shall be made by the consignee upon arrival of the cargo at the destination station. Therein before the issuance of cargo, the representative of the carrier at the station checks the correctness of the collected cargo charge calculates and presents shortfalls made at the departure station, as well as all payments and fees formed along the route and at the destination station.

      Refund of the sums of search in these cases shall be made in the complaint procedure.

      236. If the shipper has access to the carrier’s SAS, the issuance of a receipt for the receipt of the cargo indicating the amount of the cargo charge is allowed in electronic form.

      237. In cases where it becomes necessary to recover additional cargo charges or fees from the consignee (arising along the route or at the destination station), collection shall be carried out in the same manner.

      If two or more carriages of a different gauge are required for transshipment of a shipment at an adjoining station of railroads of different gauge from one carriage of one gauge, cargo charges for cargo loaded into each carriage shall be calculated separately as for independent shipment.

      238. When making a carriage using the electronic carriage dossier, the marks on the calculations for carriage specified in these Rules are formed in the electronic carriage dossier.

      239. In the case of a change in the route due to the occurrence of obstacles to the carriage of cargo for reasons beyond the control of the carrier, cargo charges are calculated for transportation on the changed route.

      240. In the event of a transshipment of one shipment from one carriage to two or more carriages, for reasons beyond the control of the carrier, cargo charges for cargo loaded into each carriage are calculated separately as for independent shipment.

      241. For an incorrect indication in the bill of the name of the cargo, its special properties or the necessary precautions, as well as for the shipment of cargo, the carriage of which is prohibited, from the shipper in favor of the carrier, along with compensation for losses caused by these circumstances, a fine of five times the cost of transportation.

Chapter 13. The procedure for concluding contracts for the spotting and picking of carriages and the mandatory conditions of such contracts

      242. Railway access roads adjoin directly or through other access roads to the main and (or) station tracks.

      243. Depending on the ownership of the access road and the locomotive serving the access road, the following types of contracts are concluded:

      1) an agreement for the spotting and picking of carriages - between the carrier and the branch owner, the shipper (consignee), having a driveway and a locomotive on the basis of ownership or other legal grounds;

      2) an agreement for the spotting and picking of carriages - between the carrier and the branch owner or counterparty when serving them with locomotives of the national infrastructure operator or carrier.

      244. Contracts for the spotting and picking of carriages are developed by the carrier and the branch owner, taking into account the technology of operation of the adjoining station and the technology of operation of the access road, and, as appropriate, taking into account the unified technological processes of the operation of the access road and the adjoining station.

      245. The unified technological process for the operation of the access road and the adjoining station (hereinafter referred to as UTP) shall be developed for access roads of organizations serviced by their own locomotives and having an average daily cargo turnover of 50 carriages or more.

      The cargo turnover of the access road shall be determined by the number of loaded and unloaded carriages during the year divided by the number of days in a year.

      The development of the UTP shall be carried out by a joint commission, which includes authorized representatives of the carrier, the National Infrastructure Operator and the branch owner. In the event of a change in the technology of the main production of the access road or the expiration of the contract for supply, the cleaning of the UTP carriages shall be drawn up again or adjusted. The need to develop or adjust the UTP shall be determined by the Carrier, the National Infrastructure Operator and the branch owner. In the development of the UTP, the Rules for the development of uniform technological processes for the operation of access roads and adjoining stations are used.

      246. The developed draft UTP shall be sent by the carrier to the branch owner. The branch owner within a month considers it and returns the signed draft UTP to the carrier. If there are comments on the project, then regardless of this, the branch owner signs the draft UTP and, together with the protocol of disagreements (with justification), returns it to the carrier within one month.

      The branch owner indicates the presence of disagreement in the draft UTP.

      247. If the branch owner within the specified month does not return the signed UTP or returns it without the signature and protocol of disagreements, it shall enter into force as amended by the Carrier.

      248. Upon receipt of a signed draft UTP with a protocol of disagreements, the carrier's representative shall within a month consider the protocol of disagreements. The branch owner shall be notified of the date of the consideration of disagreements by the representative of the carrier not later than 10 calendar days before the appointed date of consideration.

      If during the consideration of the disagreements there were inconsistent issues that could not be resolved, the draft UTP with the protocol of disagreements shall be sent by the representative of the carrier within 15 calendar days after drawing up the protocol of disagreements to the carrier.

      Upon receipt of the UTP project, the carrier shall, within one month, consider issues that have not been agreed upon. The branch owner shall be notified of the date of the consideration of disagreements at least 25 calendar days before the appointed date of consideration.

      After consideration of the protocol of disagreements, the UTP shall be signed by the carrier or by the National Infrastructure Operator.

      If the branch owner does not appear, without good reason, to consider the protocol of disagreements, the UTP shall enter into force as amended by the carrier. If the carrier does not set a date for the consideration of the protocol of disagreements within the established time limits, the UTP shall enter into force as amended by the branch owner.

      249. The considered disagreements on the UTP are recorded in the protocol signed by the carrier and the branch owner. Disagreements remaining unresolved are referred by the carrier to the judiciary.

      250. The contracts for the spotting and picking of carriages establish the procedure for the spotting and picking of carriages, as well as the technological time for loading and unloading (discharging) or the technological terms for the turnover of carriages. When calculating the technological terms for the turnover of carriages, the terms for loading and unloading operations with cargo carriages are used, given in Chapter 14 of these Rules, in Tables 1 - 28 of Annex 24 to these Rules and Annex 26 to these Rules.

      251. When servicing the counterparty’s driveway with a locomotive of a branch owner, relations between them are regulated by the contract without the participation of the carrier.

      When servicing the counterparty’s driveway adjacent to the paths of another branch owner, by the locomotive of the carrier, a contract for the spotting and picking of carriages shall be concluded between the counterparty and the carrier. Such an agreement shall be concluded on the basis of the written consent of the branch owner to pass counterparty carriages along their routes.

      Settlements related to depreciation, maintenance and repair of the access road of the main branch owner, as well as settlement of disagreements arising between the counterparty and the branch owner, are made between the counterparty and the branch owner without the participation of the National Infrastructure Operator or the carrier.

      If counterparties within the branch owner’s access road only have warehouses, cargo storage areas and loading and unloading mechanisms, then contracts for the spotting and picking of carriages with the locomotive of the National Infrastructure Operator or the carrier are not concluded with them. The procedure for servicing these enterprises shall be established by the contract for the spotting and picking of carriages, concluded by the carrier with the branch owner.

      252. Contracts for the spotting and picking of carriages are concluded for a period of five years.

      In case of a change in the technical equipment, technology of the station or access road, amendments are made to the contracts, additions are made out by additional agreements or new contracts are concluded.

      253. Contracts for the spotting and picking of carriages with enterprises of branches and representative offices of the national railway company are not concluded. The procedure for supplying and cleaning carriages, the technological terms for finding them on access roads and all other conditions shall be established by order of the National Infrastructure Operator. The order shall be issued for a period of five years.

      In the event of a change in the technical equipment, technology of the station or enterprise, changes or additions are made to the order.

      254. The procedure for supplying and cleaning carriages on the station’s path, designed to perform loading and unloading of cargo, the technological terms for carriages being on these routes and all other conditions are established by the National Infrastructure Operator.

      255. In the event of a change in the branch owner with whom an agreement has been concluded for the spotting and picking of carriages, a new agreement for spotting and picking of the carriages shall be concluded between the new branch owner and the carrier.

      256. The carrier, together with the branch owner, not later than three months before the expiration of the contract for the spotting and picking of carriages, begins to develop a draft new contract.

      257. Prior to concluding an agreement for the submission - cleaning of carriages, the branch owner submits to the Carrier documents confirming the right of ownership of the access road.

      258. When developing a contract for the spotting and picking of carriages, these instructions on the procedure for servicing and organizing traffic on the access road, technical passport, plan, longitudinal profile of the access road, drawings of artificial structures and the data of the inspection certificate of the access road, drawn up in accordance with Annex 25, are taken into account to these Rules.

      259. Before concluding an agreement for the spotting and picking of carriages, the National Infrastructure Operator, together with the carrier and the branch owner, inspects the access road and its technical equipment. The survey results are drawn up by the act of inspection of the access road in the form in accordance with Annex 25 to these Rules, which indicate all the information necessary for the development of the draft contract.

      260. The act of inspection of the access road shall be signed by a commission composed of authorized representatives of the National Infrastructure Operator, branch owner and carrier. The driveway survey shall be led by the station manager and an authorized representative of the branch owner. The branch owner participating in the survey signs the act of inspection of the driveway, and in case of disagreement with the data entered in the act, signs it and sets forth its comments in it.

      The act of inspection of the access road shall be made in triplicate, one of which remains with the branch owner, the second in the affairs of the station; the third shall be transferred to the carrier. At the request of the carrier, the branch owner applies a large-scale scheme and plan of the access road with the loading and unloading points marked on it and specifying the specialization of the railway tracks, warehouses and mechanisms to the copy intended for him.

      261. The development of a contract for the spotting and picking of carriages shall be carried out by the carrier in accordance with these Rules.

      The carrier sends two copies of the signed draft contract to the branch owner for signature. The branch owner signs the draft contract received and returns it to the carrier within a month.

      The indicated period shall be calculated:

      when sending the draft contract on purpose - from the date of receipt of the addressee in the receipt of the contract indicating the position and name of the person who received it;

      when sending by mail with a notification - from the date of receipt by the addressee of the draft contract indicated in the notification.

      If, upon signing the contract, the branch owner has objections to its terms, he draws up a protocol of disagreements and sends two copies of it together with the signed draft contract to the carrier. The presence of disagreements shall be specified in the contract.

      In the event the branch owner does not return the signed contract to the carrier within one month, the contract shall enter into force as amended by the carrier.

      The carrier considers it within one month from the date of receipt of the protocol of disagreements. The carrier shall notify the branch owner of the date of joint consideration of the disagreement not later than 10 calendar days before the appointed date of the dispute resolution. If the carrier does not set a date for disagreement within one month, the contract shall enter into force as amended by the branch owner.

      Disagreements under the contract for the spotting and picking of carriages are considered and resolved by authorized representatives of the carrier and the branch owner.

      If the representative of the branch owner does not appear to consider the protocol of disagreement, the contract for the spotting and picking of carriages on the access road comes into force as amended by the carrier or the National Infrastructure Operator.

      If the parties have not agreed on the terms of the contract, the dispute shall be referred by the carrier to the judicial authorities within fifteen days after signing the protocol of disagreements.

      On matters of ensuring traffic safety and the safety of rolling stock, decisions are made by an authorized representative of the National Infrastructure Operator.

      Prior to resolving disputes, all relations between the parties are governed by a previously concluded agreement for the spotting and picking of carriages.

      262. The counterparty, in accordance with the agreement with the main branch owner, which carries out transport services for the counterparty with its locomotive, may entrust such branch owner with the receipt of cargo or independently accept the cargo and the carriage.

      263. The carrier’s relationship with sea and river ports during the carriage of cargo shall be regulated by contracts for the spotting and picking of carriages.

      264. The supply of carriages to the access roads during the period of their construction shall be allowed on the terms of a short-term contract concluded between the carrier and the organization carrying out the construction, or the organization for which the access road is built, for a period of not more than one year.

      The contract shall be signed after approval of the instruction on the procedure for servicing and organizing traffic on the access road, which regulates the procedure and conditions for the movement of locomotives and carriages on the access road under construction.

      265. Cases of damage on the access road of carriages, other than those belonging to the branch owner, are documented by the act of damage to the carriage of the VU-25 form, which is signed by authorized representatives of the carrier and the branch owner.

      266. For each driveway upon completion of construction and acceptance of the driveway into operation with the participation of an authorized representative of the National Infrastructure Operator, an instruction is developed on the procedure for servicing and organizing traffic on the driveway (hereinafter referred to as the “Instruction”). The instruction shall be developed by the branch owner and approved by the National Infrastructure Operator. Branch owners, counterparties, the National Infrastructure Operator and carriers operating on access roads must comply with the requirements of the Instruction.

      Prior to the approval of the Instruction, the supply of carriages to the access road shall be prohibited. The specified instruction shall be revised when changing the technical equipment of the access road or its operation technology. In the event of a change in ownership of the driveway, a new Instruction shall be approved.

      267. The instruction contains the following main sections:

      1) characteristics of the access road;

      2) the procedure for acceptance operations;

      3) the procedure for supplying and cleaning carriages to the driveway;

      4) the procedure for shunting on the driveway;

      5) traffic safety measures when working with dangerous cargo;

      268. For the delivery of carriages by the locomotive of the carrier to the loading and unloading fronts on the driveway or on acceptance (exhibition) tracks, and for the cleaning of carriages, a fee shall be charged for the spotting and picking of carriages.

      The distance for which the fee for the spotting and picking of carriages is charged shall be indicated in the contract for the spotting and picking of carriages.

      The distance of the spotting and picking of carriages shall be determined from the axis of the railway station according to the scheme or passport data of the access road, the technical and administrative act of the station (TAA) or the scheme of the station, and if not available, by actual measurement.

      When servicing the access road with the locomotive of the carrier, the National Infrastructure Operator, the distance for the spotting and picking of carriages shall be determined from the axis of the railway station to the points of loading, unloading (discharging) of cargo on the access roads both ways.

      If there are several carriage supply-cleaning points on the driveway, the carriage supply-cleaning distance shall be determined as the weighted average depending on the distance and number of carriages for each point.

      When servicing a driveway with a locomotive of a branch owner, the distance of supplying and cleaning carriages to acceptance (exhibition) tracks shall be determined, including the length of these tracks, from the axis of the passenger building (railway station) at both ends.

      In the absence of a passenger building (railway station), the distance for supplying and cleaning carriages shall be determined from the axis of the duty room at the station.

      269. The time spent by carriages and containers with the shipper, consignee, and branch owner in the case of locomotive servicing by the National Infrastructure Operator or carrier shall be calculated from the moment the carriages were actually delivered to the place of loading or unloading cargo until the station receives notice from the shippers, consignees, and branch owners of the readiness of the carriages for cleaning followed by written confirmation.

      The time spent by carriages on access roads serviced by the locomotive of the owner of these tracks shall be calculated from the moment of transfer of the carriages on the exhibition tracks to the branch owner until their acceptance on the exhibition routes.

      270. When supplying and cleaning carriages according to notifications, schedules or at set intervals, the time spent on the access road shall be calculated when submitting:

      1) for notifications - not earlier than the period specified in the notification;

      2) according to the schedule - not earlier than the period provided for by the schedule;

      3) at intervals - not earlier than the expiration of the time interval after the previous supply.

      When the carrier delivers carriages without notice, the submitted carriages are counted for the consignee, shipper, branch owner and the time spent on the driveway shall be calculated after two hours after the actual delivery of the carriages.

      When submitting carriages with a violation of the time period specified in the notification, the time spent by the carriages on the driveway shall be calculated from the moment of actual delivery. If the delay is more than two hours, the carrier will again notify the consignee, shipper, branch owner of the upcoming delivery.

      271. The delivery of carriages to the shipper (consignee) who does not have an access road to the access road of the branch owner shall be made with his consent. Such consent must be drawn up in writing by the branch owner with the shipper (consignee). With the consent of the carrier with the terms of the agreement, he signs it and gives permission for the supply of carriages to the driveway. The agreement remains in the affairs of the station. A reference to the agreement shall be made in the sheets for the spotting and picking of carriages drawn up by the shipper (consignee).

      The form of the agreement is indicated in Annex 23 to these Rules.

      272. Accounting for the time spent by carriages on the access road is carried out by numbering according to the spotting and picking lists of carriages in the form established by the carrier.

      If the branch owner has access to the SAS of the carrier, registration and transfer of acceptance documents shall be carried out in electronic form.

      273. Delay of carriages, containers at the destination station in anticipation of delivery to the access road for unloading, reloading, for reasons depending on the consignee, branch owner, as well as delay in the delivery of empty carriages that arrived for loading cargo, for reasons depending on the shipper, branch owner, drawn act of general GU-23 form for further charging for occupation of station tracks and for carriages, containers and the carrier charging for the use of carriages, containers awaiting delivery under cargo operation, to include the numbers delayed carriages, containers. The fact of the delay is the impossibility of the Carrier to deliver carriages and containers within the time period established by the contract.

      The delay in supplying empty own or rented carriages arriving on full transportation documents shall be documented in the act of the general form GU-23 for charging fees for occupying station tracks, regardless of the accepted application (plan) for the carriage of cargo.

      274. In case of delayed loaded carriages and empty own and rented carriages at intermediate stations due to their non-acceptance by the destination station for reasons depending on the consignee, the owner of the branch at the destination station, the carrier’s representative issues an order to delay the carriages at the intermediate station and notifies the carrier about this. Based on this order, the representative of the carrier at the destination station notifies the consignee, the branch owner of the delay in the carriages in the order established by the contract for the spotting and picking of carriages, and the representative of the carrier at the intermediate station draws up an act of the general form GU-23 for further charging fees for occupying station tracks and for carriages, containers of inventory, fees for the use of carriages, containers.

      275. Delay of carriages on the access road due to force majeure circumstances, as well as natural and man-made emergencies, military operations, the imposition of a state of emergency, blockade, epidemic that caused an interruption in the access road, and other circumstances in which it is forbidden to carry out operations loading, unloading (discharging) of cargo, as well as accidents that have occurred at the shipper, consignee, branch owner and terminated as a result of which the implementation of the main production activity shall be documented in the general form of the SU-23. An act of the general form of GU-23 must be accompanied by an opinion of the competent authorities on the reason and qualification of the circumstances, as a result of which loading, unloading (discharging) operations on the driveway cannot be performed.

Chapter 14. Terms of loading and unloading (discharging)

      276. Technological time (term) of loading, unloading (discharging) shall be used when:

      1) the development of the technological process of the cargo station;

      2) the development of a single technological process for the operation of the access road and the adjunction station;

      3) the calculation of the technological time (term) of the turnover of carriages on the driveway;

      4) the calculation of the time interval through which feed-cleaning of corrals shall be carried out to/from the access road;

      5) determination of the processing ability of the access road, which is taken into account by the shipper when filling out an application for the carriage of cargo in terms of compliance of the loading sizes with the unloading capabilities of consignees.

      277. Technological time for loading and unloading operations shall be provided for in contracts for the spotting and picking of carriages.

      278. The technological time (term) for loading and unloading (discharging) in a mechanized and non-mechanized way shall be established in accordance with Annex 24 to these Rules. If loading and unloading mechanisms are used on the driveway or the loading and unloading (discharging) of cargo shall be carried out in a mechanized way not specified in Annex 24, the technological time (term) for loading and unloading (discharging) of cargo shall be calculated in accordance with Annex 26 to these Rules. At the time of the necessary calculations, the carrier sets, but not more than six months, the technological time for loading and unloading (discharging) of cargo in accordance with Annex 24 to these Rules.

      279. When transporting cargo in eight-axle carriages, the technological time (term) for loading and unloading operations is increased by 100% compared with the technological time set for four-axle carriages.

      280. The technological time (term) for loading, unloading (discharging) of oversized cargo and cargo transported on conveyors and specially equipped platforms shall be set by the carrier together with the shipper, consignee, and branch owner, based on local working conditions of the stations.

      281. The technological time (term) of filling and discharge for the entire simultaneously supplied batch of tanks and bunker low-sided carriages at the places of filling and discharge does not exceed:

      For loading:

      1) at mechanized filling points, regardless of the type of cargo and the carrying capacity of tanks and bunker low-sided carriages - 2 hours;

      2) in points of non-mechanized filling, regardless of the type of cargo for tanks and bunker low-sided carriages with four or more axles - 3 hours;

      To drain:

      3) in mechanized drain points for tanks and bunker low-sided carriages with four or more axles - 2 hours;

      4) in non-mechanized drain points for tanks with four or more axles - 4 hours.

      The points of mechanized filling and unloading are those points where the filling of tanks shall be carried out by gravity from storages or by means of pumps with a mechanical drive, and the discharge from tanks shall be carried out using the same pumps or by gravity through the lower drain opening of tanks.

      Items of non-mechanized filling and discharge are considered to be those points where the filling of tanks shall be carried out by hand pumps.

      282. Upon receipt of T-1, T-2, TS-1 fuel and aviation gasoline at the fuel discharge point, if necessary, an additional time of 35 minutes shall be set for the entire batch of arrived cargo for analysis.

      283. If it is difficult to drain viscous and solidifying cargoes and if it is necessary to warm them up in the cold season, the technological time shall be set taking into account the additional time for heating and draining such cargoes.

      Additional technological time for warming up and draining viscous and solidifying cargoes shall be taken no more than:

      for cargo of group I - 4 hours;

      for cargo of group II - 6 hours;

      for cargo of group III - 8 hours;

      for cargo of group IV - 10 hours.

      In the case of non-mechanized discharge of cargo of group I, the technological time increases for a tank with four or more axles - by 2 hours.

      When draining from tanks with a steam jacket, an additional technological time shall be set which shall not exceed: for cargoes of groups I and II - 3 hours; III and IV groups - 4 hours.

      If it is necessary to heat viscous and solidifying cargoes during the warm season, the technological drainage time increases for cargo of groups I and II, as well as when draining from tanks with a steam jacket - by 1 hour; for cargo of groups III and IV - for 2 hours.

      284. The need to increase the technological time for the discharge of viscous and solidifying cargo shall be determined by the representative of the carrier at the station in each individual case at the request of the consignee on the basis of data provided by the consignee on the physicochemical properties of the cargo, their residence time, temperature conditions, and the methods used to discharge and performance.

      285. When supplying carriages for double operations, when a separate period for double operations (unloading and loading) shall be established under the agreement for the spotting and picking of carriages (unloading and loading), that is, the time after which the carriages from under unloading are credited for loading, in the supply-cleaning sheet carriages of the GU-46 form according to Annex 11 to these Rules, in the column “Note” opposite those carriages that have been unloaded and loaded are marked “Dual operation”. If the deadline for a double operation is not set, then the recording shall be made, as in two independent operations. Therein in the column “Note”, the marks “Left for loading” or “From under unloading” are made accordingly.

      Technical readiness for loading cargo shall be confirmed by the signature of the inspector of carriages in the book VU-14.

      286. The technological time (term) for loading, unloading (discharging) of carriages in a mechanized way shall be established by calculation based on the productivity of the mechanisms with the most rational use and rational organization of loading and unloading operations, taking into account the peculiarities of loading and unloading operations under given conditions. When setting the terms for loading, unloading (discharging) of carriages, the maximum combination of operations shall be taken into account.

      287. The technological period for the turnover of carriages on the access roads of organizations served by their locomotives includes:

      1) time for acceptance operations, which is determined depending on the number of carriages in the transmission at the rate of 1 minute per carriage, but not more than 30 minutes for the entire simultaneously transmitted batch of carriages;

      2) the time for moving carriages on the access road and for performing shunting operations, which is determined by calculation based on the distance and speed of movement.

      The speed of movement shall be taken in the amount established by the Instruction on the procedure for servicing and organizing movement on the access road;

      3) technological time for loading, unloading (discharging) of carriages in accordance with Annexes 24,26 to these Rules;

      4) the time for the disbandment and formation of trains on access roads shall be determined by calculation or on the basis of timing observations and should not exceed 25 minutes for disbandment and 30 minutes for the formation of trains.

      If there are counterparties on the driveway, the carriage turnover period shall be determined taking into account the work of the counterparties.

Chapter 15. Terms of delivery and rules for calculating delivery terms

      288. The delivery time for cargo, as well as for its own (rented) empty carriages, is the rate of time for moving cargo from the departure station to the destination station, based on the distance over which the cargo charge is calculated; calculated in days, is made up of the norms of time for operations related to the departure and arrival of cargo, its movement in sections and the norms of time for additional operations.

      289. Incomplete days when calculating the delivery time of cargo are considered as full.

      290. Calculation of the period of delivery starts at 24 pm cargo reception for transportation specified in the date stamp of the carrier on the plate and the receipt for the cargo.

      291. The expiration date of the delivery of cargo shall be indicated by the carrier at the departure station in the transportation documents, including the receipt of the cargo issued to the shipper (duplicate bill of lading).

      292. The delivery time for cargo for which individual carriages are provided, including departures by groups of carriages, are calculated on the basis of the daily mileage norms in accordance with Annex 8 to these Rules.

      293. When transporting cargo by shipment routes, the delivery time shall be calculated on the basis of the daily mileage established for route shipments. These terms are calculated:

      1) for direct routes loaded by the shipper at one departure station to one destination station, based on the daily mileage established for route shipments over the entire transportation distance;

      2) for shipping routes directed to the spraying (disbanding) stations, separately for the distance from the departure station to the spraying (disbanding) station, based on the daily mileage established for route shipments, and separately from the spraying (disbanding) station to the station destination - based on the daily mileage established for carriage consignments, while the remaining distance of the carriage shall be considered the normative distance range;

      3) if there is a core in the route (the main part of the shipment route of the set weight, which follows without reformation to the destination station in case of a change in the weight of the train along the route) - based on the daily run rate for route shipments only for carriages included in the specified core.

      294. The terms of delivery of cargo, calculated on the basis of the daily mileage, are increased by:

      1) 2 days - for operations related to the departure and arrival of cargo (1 day for the departure station and 1 day for the destination station);

      2) 2 days - for each intermediate loading station of the refrigerator section, in cases of loading, at several stations;

      3) 1 day, associated with the transshipment of cargo, when transferring to another mode of transport, receiving from another mode of transport of cargo transported in direct mixed traffic;

      4) 2 days - with the ferry crossing of carriages;

      5) 2 days - when reloading cargo into carriages with wheel sets of a different gauge;

      6) 2 days - when rearranging wheel sets of carriages from one gauge to another;

      7) 1 day - for operations related to the redirection of cargo;

      8) 1 day - when transporting cargo at a distance of up to 1000 kilometers, 2 days - when transporting at a distance of over 1000 kilometers of cargo transported in containers, for their accumulation and sorting.

      295. Cargoes delivery time shall be extended for the duration of the delay in the following cases:

      1) delays of cargoes by customs and other state control bodies on the way for more than 1 day, given that the border, customs, phytosanitary and other bodies carry out their activities on the territory of the station in the operating mode of the station;

      2) delays of goods along the route to correct the loading, eliminate the overload of cargoes, admitted through the fault of the consignor;

      3) delay of wagons, containers along the route, related to the correction of their technical or commercial condition, which arose for reasons beyond the carrier’s control;

      4) delays of wagons, containers en route due to force majeure, hostilities, blockades, epidemics or other circumstances that prevent the carriage of goods;

      5) delays of wagons, containers along the route due to non-acceptance by the destination station for reasons depending on the consignor (consignee) specified in the transportation document.

      If there are obstacles to transportation due to the fault of the consignor, consignee or forwarder, the carrier shall notify them of this within 24 hours.

      On the reasons for the delay of the cargo provided for in this paragraph, and on the duration of this delay, the carrier shall draw up an act of the general form GU-23 in two copies. The first copy of the act is attached to the transportation documents and at the destination station - to the freight bill. In the column of the consignment note “Carrier’s notes” and in the freight bill, under the name of the cargo, the following note is made: “The cargo is delayed at the station __________________ for ___________________ (the reason for the delay is indicated).

      The delivery time is increased by ____ day, about which an act of the general form № _______ dated "__" _______ 20__ was drawn up. The note is certified by the signature of the carrier, or a person authorized by him, and the carrier's calendar stamp.

      When carrying out transportation using an electronic transportation dossier, the marks indicated in this paragraph are put down in paper copies of the electronic consignment note and freight bill. Information in the electronic dossier of transportation about the cargo delay and increase in the delivery time is entered if this functionality is available in the carrier's SAS.

      Footnote. Paragraph 295 as amended by order № 220 of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.05.2021 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      296. Delivery terms of oversized cargo, except for cargo of the 6th degree of oversized and oversized, are determined by the actually traveled distance, based on the following standards:

      1 day for every 100 kilometers (at a distance of less than 100 kilometers shall be considered full) the following - for cargo from the first to the fourth degree of oversize inclusive;

      1 day for every 80 kilometers (at a distance of less than 80 kilometers shall be considered as full) the following - for cargo of the fifth degree of oversize.

      Delivery periods for cargo of the sixth degree of oversize and for oversized, requiring a special speed limit for the entire route, are not set.

      297. The terms of delivery of cargo from the 1st to the 5th degree of oversize (inclusive) are increased by 1 day - for departure from the moment of obtaining permission to pass the cargo.

      298. The delivery time for cargo at the station of the railway line under construction or sent from the stations of such a line to the main lines transported under a single transportation document shall be determined as the sum of the delivery time separately for the distance along the main routes and separately for the distance for the railway under construction.

      The terms for the delivery of cargo over the distance along the railway line under construction are calculated on the basis of the halved daily mileage, with an increase of 2 days for operations to transfer cargo from main lines to the railway line under construction and vice versa.

      In the case of transportation of cargo in the refrigerator section to several consignees located at one or different destination stations of the railway line under construction, the daily run rates are reduced by three times when calculating the delivery time for the railway line under construction.

      299. The delivery time shall be considered fulfilled if the cargo arrives at the destination station before the delivery deadline and the carrier notifies the consignee of the arrival of the cargo and the possibility of transferring the cargo to the consignee.

      Cargoes are also considered delivered on time if they arrive at the destination station before the deadline for delivery and the delay in receiving the carriage, container, for reasons depending on the consignee, about which a general form shall be drawn up.

      An empty, rented carriage shall be considered to be delivered on time if it is handed over by the carrier to the consignee or a person authorized by him/her at the destination station, before the delivery deadline.

      300. When concluding agreements providing for different terms of cargo delivery than those specified by these Rules, the carrier makes a note in the bill in the column “Special statements and marks of the shipper”.

      301. The penalty for late delivery of cargo by the carrier shall not be paid if the consignee has not received the cargo within 1 day after the carrier has notified the arrival of the cargo and the possibility of transferring them to the consignee.

Chapter 16. Storage of cargo

      302. Storage of cargo shall be allowed:

      1) at the places of loading and unloading on the tracks of the station, designed to perform loading and unloading of cargo:

      in case of delivery of cargo earlier than the day of the designated loading, as well as in the case of the transportation of cargo that was failed or delayed at the request of the shipper, delivered earlier than the day of the appointed loading;

      when loading and when carriages are idle, pending the execution of shipping documents;

      2) located in carriages, containers and to be unloaded by the consignee, as well as cargo on its axles, idle on station tracks.

      303. In open warehouses, on platforms and platforms - places of loading and unloading, the storage of cargo specified in the List of cargo allowed to be stored in open warehouses, platforms and platforms in accordance with Annex 27 to these Rules shall be allowed.

      The time limits (time) for storing cargo at the places of loading and unloading are reflected in Annex 28 to these Rules.

      In case of delivery of cargo to the place of loading and unloading earlier than the day of the appointed loading, as well as in case of the transportation of cargo that were delivered earlier or not scheduled or postponed at the request of the shipper earlier than the day of the appointed loading, the shipper will be charged for the storage of the cargo during the time the cargo was at the station.

      304. For storage of cargo, time limits (time) for storage shall be established. The term of maximum storage of cargo shall be calculated from the moment of unloading (discharging) of cargo by means of the carrier or from the moment the carriage or container shall be delivered to the place of unloading by means of the consignee.

      The dates of unloading (discharging) of cargo by means of the carrier or delivery of carriages, containers for unloading (discharging) by means of the consignee are indicated on the back of the bill of lading by affixing the carrier's calendar stamp.

      305. The material responsibility for damage to the cargo caused by being at the place of loading and unloading, for reasons that depend on the shipper and consignee, lies with the shipper and consignee.

      306. For storage of cargo, the fees are indicated in the Tariff guide (price list) of the carrier.

      307. Storage fee shall be charged for:

      cargoes unloaded at the places of loading and unloading from the moment of unloading;

      cargoes in wagons, containers idle on station tracks, at places of loading and unloading located on station tracks, subject to unloading by means of the consignee, as well as cargoes on their axles idle on station tracks, after twenty-four hours from the date of notification of the consignee about the arrival of the cargo at the destination station;

      cargoes in wagons, containers, cargoes on their axles, idle on station tracks waiting for diversion after twenty-four hours from the moment of notification of the consignee about the arrival of the cargo at the destination station.

      Footnote. Paragraph 307 – in the wording of the order of the acting Minister of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 30.05.2024 № 198 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      307-1. The fee for storage of defective loaded and empty own cars uncoupled for current uncoupling repair shall not be charged.

      Footnote. The rules as added by the paragraph 307-1 in accordance with the order of the acting Minister of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 30.05.2024 № 198 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      308. The storage fee increased in accordance with the carrier's Tariff Manual (price list) to ten times the amount shall be applied after forty-eight hours from the date of notification of the consignee about the arrival of the cargo at the destination station, after posting an announcement about the increase in the fee.

      The accrual of the increased fee for storing goods shall not exceed thirty working days.

      Footnote. Paragraph 308 - in the wording of the order of the acting Minister of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 30.05.2024 № 198 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Chapter 17. The procedure for the retention, sale of cargo, the transfer of cargo to state bodies

      309. The carrier holds or sells cargo when it is impossible to deliver or issue to the consignee, due to:

      possible damage or loss of cargo during further transportation;

      non-receipt of the shipper's instructions on what to do with the cargo arriving at the consignee who is not in the area of the destination station;

      delivery of cargo not provided for by the contract;

      detection of cargo, the belonging of which cannot be established (without documents);

      evasion by the consignee of payment for the carriage of cargo and other payments due to the carrier;

      finding cargo at the station over the time limit for storage.

      310. The sale of cargo, the transfer of cargo to state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be carried out in accordance with these Rules, Article 52 of the Law, and Article 242 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      311. All cargo received at the sales warehouse shall be recorded in the book of the established form.

      312. Cargo shall be sold after an examination of quality and appraised value in accordance with the local act of the carrier.

      313. After the assessment of the cargo, their implementation shall be carried out according to the acceptance certificate drawn up by the representative of the carrier and the representative of the person acquiring the cargo.

      The acts of evaluation and acceptance of cargo are in triplicate, of which:

      the first remains with the carrier;

      the second shall be issued to the representative of the person acquiring the cargo;

      the third remains in stock for sale.

      314. The sale of cargo shall be carried out after advance payment by the buyer of the cost of the cargo to the carrier's account.

      The amount received by the carrier for the cargo sold, minus all payments due to the carrier, shall be kept by the carrier on deposit terms until the expiration of the claim and limitation period.

      In the absence of a claim by the shipper/consignee about the return of money from the sale of cargo, after the expiration of the limitation period established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on railway transport, it shall be recognized as the carrier’s income.

      315. Banknotes found in household items shall be deposited in a bank servicing the carrier on a deposit basis before the expiration of the claim and limitation period.

      The costs associated with making a deposit are compensated from the amount of detected banknotes.

      Settlement and cash departments of the bank issue a receipt to the carrier in accepting banknotes.

      After three months, unclaimed by the shipper money shall be transferred to the carrier’s account.

      Securities, precious metals, stones and pearls found in household items, as well as products from them, are sent according to the inventory with the indication of the name of the values, their quantity and weight to the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      In this case, the first copy of the inventory shall be enclosed in the additionally sent, the second shall be sent simultaneously with the additionally sent as a separate package, and the third remains in the affairs of the carrier or warehouse.

Chapter 18. The procedure for redirection, return to the shipper

      316. The carrier, upon a request in an arbitrary form from the shipper or consignee, may redirect (change the contract of carriage) of the cargo being transported with a change in the consignee and/or destination station indicated in the transportation documents. An application for the redirection of the transported cargo shall be submitted in writing (including by fax, teletype and telegraph) by the shipper or consignee to the carrier.

      The cargo redirection application shall indicate:

      carriage or container number;

      number of the bill;

      name of the cargo;

      name of the shipper, station and railway of departure;

      name of the original consignee;

      name of the station and railroad of original destination;

      name of the station and railway for new purposes;

      name of the new consignee.

      When redirection in an intra-republican message, a receipt on receipt of the cargo shall be attached to the application, and when redirecting in an international message, a duplicate of the bill shall be attached to the application.

      317. Cargo redirection by the carrier may be carried out at the destination station or en route.

      It shall be prohibited to change the contract of carriage, which leads to the division of the shipment.

      Redirection of oversized and heavy cargo shall be carried out taking into account the requirements of the instructions for the transportation of oversized and heavy cargo on railways.

      318. Redirection of cargo under customs control shall be carried out with the consent of the relevant customs authority.

      Changing the place of delivery of cargo shall be permitted by the customs authority, subject to the integrity of the means of identification, subject to superposition.

      319. The carrier shall return the cargo to the shipper at his expense in the following cases:

      arrival of the cargo to the address of the improper consignee;

      refusal to receive the cargo by the consignee specified in the contract of carriage;

      evasion of the consignee from fulfillment of obligations to receive the cargo;

      the absence of an order for cargo from the shipper within four days (in relation to perishable cargo - two days);

      delays of carriages and containers with cargo along the route and the impossibility of further transportation of cargo for reasons beyond the control of the carrier.

      320. If the shipper or consignee has access to the carrier's SAS, the redirection application shall be transmitted electronically.

      321. Legal entities shall submit applications for redirection cargo on letterhead, in the absence of a letterhead, with a seal (if any) on the application. The application for redirection of cargo shall be signed by the head of the organization declaring the redirection. Individuals in the application for redirection the cargo indicate the number of the passport or identity card, an individual identification number and address of the place of residence.

      Redirection of cargo shall be carried out by the carrier subject to the submission by a person authorized by the shipper or consignee of a power of attorney to provide him with the right to arrange redirection of this cargo. At the station that redirects cargo according to new transportation documents or according to the original transportation documents, the power of attorney presented to the representative of the carrier shall be kept by the carrier.

      322. A permit for the redirection of cargo shall be sent in writing to the carrier for implementation of the redirection.

      When redirection along the route, the permit for redirection the cargo shall be addressed to the head of the station at which the redirection is to take place and a copy to the head of the station of the original destination. The station that carried it informs of the redirection made by telegraph to the station of the original destination.

      323. Cargo redirection shall be carried out:

      1) according to old documents with registration of an additional road sheet - when traveling from railway stations of the CIS, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia and destination at stations of the Republic of Kazakhstan (AICT document) with redirection to a new destination station located on the railways of the CIS and Georgia , Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia;

      2) according to new AICT documents - when following from stations of the Republic of Kazakhstan by appointment to stations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, issued according to internal documents, redirection to a new destination station located on the railways of the CIS, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia;

      3) according to old AICT documents - when following from railway stations of the CIS, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia by appointment to stations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, redirection to a new destination station of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      4) according to new documents - when traveling from stations and destination at stations of the Republic of Kazakhstan (transportation within the republic, executed according to internal documents) to a new destination station of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      5) according to old documents - when following cargo on their axles from stations and destination at stations of the Republic of Kazakhstan (transportation in an internal republican message, drawn up according to internal documents) to a new destination station of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      324. When making the redirection, the applicant (shipper or consignee) makes payments for the carriage of cargo according to the original transportation documents and makes all payments for new transportation documents.

      325. Redirection of individual carriages following in the route or group shipment shall be allowed only at destination stations with the execution of further transportation according to new transportation documents.

      326. When making redirection, the carrier shall make a corresponding note about the redirection in the original waybill and road sheet.

      327. When redirecting cargo transported on an open rolling stock with the issuance of new transportation documents, the marks in column 1 of the back of the original bill are transferred to the new transportation documents with an Annex to them of the layout and securing of the cargo, if it was attached to the original transportation documents.

      328. Redirection of perishable cargo in case of violation of the delivery time, temperature of transportation, ventilation, other conditions of transportation, which may lead to deterioration of the quality of cargo, as well as cargo in carriages with faulty locking and sealing devices and acts of associated stations, is allowed if these defects are found after verification condition and quality of the cargo with the issuance of a new document on its quality.

      329. Redirection of cargo in faulty carriages, containers, with signs of spoilage, damage, shortage, as well as with faulty locking and sealing devices, violation of the temperature regime and ventilation procedure and acts of associated stations shall be permitted provided that the discovered defects are eliminated.

      330. In the absence of the consignee indicated in the consignment bill in the area of ​​destination, the cargo shall be redirected according to the initial transportation documents only within the Republic of Kazakhstan with the collection of payments due to the carrier from the consignee at the new destination station.

      When transporting cargo by electronic transport dossier in the absence of the consignee in the area of ​​the destination station, the station can transmit the request to the shipper by electronic exchange of data on how to dispose of the cargo, in accordance with the technology of information interaction between the shipper and the carrier.

      331. In the event of a change in the consignee or destination station, the party at whose request such a change is made is responsible to the original consignee for the consequences of such a change and settles between the shipper, the original consignee and the actual consignee.

      From the moment the cargo shall be redirected by the consignee, the shipper's obligations under the contract of carriage apply to him.

      The shipper’s actions for the redirection of the cargo ceases from the moment the consignment bill shall be issued to the consignee or the cargo arrive at the frontier station of the destination country if the carrier already has a written statement from the consignee about the change in the contract of carriage.

      332. Redirection of cargo transported through the electronic transportation dossier can be carried out with the execution of further transportation according to new electronic transportation documents or according to the initial electronic transportation documents.

      The procedure for filling in electronic transportation documents when making a redirection is similar to the procedure for filling in transportation documents set forth in Chapter 7 of these Rules.

      The redirection station receives from the SAS the carrier and prints paper copies of the original transportation documents - a bill in the form GU-27-U-VTs according to Annex 29 to these Rules and a road sheet in the form GU-29-U-VTs according to Annex 30 to these Rules. The party issuing the cargo redirection with the preparation of new electronic shipping documents, the station shall issue a paper copy of the new electronic bill form GU-27-U-VTs according to Annex 29 to these Rules, certified by the signature of the cargo cashier in the column "Commodity cashier" and the calendar stamp in the column “The stamp of the station of departure (acceptance of the cargo for carriage).”

      The redirection station transmits redirection messages and draws up new electronic transportation documents in accordance with the SAS of the carrier.

      In the case when transportation of cargo to a new destination station for some reason cannot be carried out by electronic file of carriage, the station where the redirection shall be carried out draws up the usual set of transportation documents.

      If further transportation will be carried out according to the original transportation documents, then a paper copy of the electronic consignment bill in the form GU-27-U-VTs according to Annex 29 to these Rules with a mark for redirection in the column "Carrier's Marks", certified in the same column with calendar, should be with the cargo with a stamp, signature of the cargo cashier, and a paper copy of the road sheet of the form GU-29-U-VTs for transportation of cargo (except liquid bulk) in accordance with Annex 30 to these Rules. Therein in paper copies of the electronic consignment bill in the column "Destination Station" the name and code of the new destination are indicated, in the column "Consignee" - the name and code of the new consignee, in the column "His mailing address" - the postal address of the new consignee.

      333. The carrier charges a fee for redirection cargo in the amount established by the Tariff guide (price list) of the carrier.

      334. During the stay of carriages, containers of the inventory fleet with cargo, cargo on its axles, pending redirection for reasons depending on the shipper, consignee, the carrier charges a fee for using carriages, containers of the inventory fleet, a fee for storing cargo, payments for occupying the station ways to the moment of redirection.

Chapter 19. The procedure for transportation in bulk

      335. Cargoes are transported in bulk, representing a homogeneous mass of fractional components (particles, pieces), in the form of powder, grains, granules, capsules, which have mutual mobility (flowability).

      336. In bulk, cargo is transported that do not have the property of flowability and have a heterogeneous fractional composition, transported without miscalculation.

      337. In bulk, in unpackaged form, consignments are transported in carriages that are loaded without counting places (pieces) and which do not have the property of flowability and have a heterogeneous fractional composition, which by their physical properties cannot be classified as bulk cargo.

      338. Cargoes requiring protection against atmospheric precipitation and spraying are transported in bulk in specialized covered carriages (for example, flour carriers, grain carriers, cement carriers, mineral carriers), and specialized containers. Covered carriages can be used to transport bulk cargo in packaged form. Before loading cargo to be transported in bulk, the shipper takes measures to close the structural clearances of the carriages. The closure of the clearances of the carriages is necessary to exclude spillage along the route of cargo to the railroad tracks and environmental pollution. Transportation of cargo in bulk in covered carriages is allowed only with door barriers installed by the shipper.

      To block the doorways of carriages, shields, boards, slabs, barriers from other dense materials shall be used. Providing door barriers in the carriage is made by the forces and means of the shipper. The shipper, before loading, shall make sure that the carriages and panels are commercially serviceable, cleaned, not infected by pests, do not have openings or slots through which grain can leak. When unloading the cargo, the consignee removes the door barriers without damaging the carriage.

      Bread cargo, oilseeds and legumes are presented for transportation by the shipper within the Republic of Kazakhstan with a quarantine certificate, for export with a phytosanitary certificate in accordance with Article 13 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 11, 1999 "On Plant Quarantine".

      When issuing transportation documents for the carriage of cargo in bulk in the consignment bill in the column "Number of places" the shipper shall indicate, respectively, "bulk" or "in bulk".

      339. Cargoes that do not require protection against atmospheric precipitation are transported in bulk in open rolling stock, including in specialized open carriages (for example dump carriages, hopper batchers).

      In case, if the external examination of the loading on the open rolling stock is visually impossible to calculate the number of places in all cases in the bill in the "Places" indicated "in bulk".

      In order to preserve the cargo transported in bulk on open rolling stock, the shipper uses shields, boards, netting, tarpaulins or barriers made of other materials of the same strength as protective equipment.

      When making shipping documents for cargo transportation in bulk in specialized carriages and closed-bottom low-sided cars shipper in the consignment bill in the "Special statements and mark the shipper" makes a note as follows: "Carriage in specialized carriages (or, respectively, in closed-bottom low-sided cars) agreed with the consignee unloading devices are available. "

      The list of cargo transported in bulk shall be indicated in Annexes 31, 32 to these Rules.

Chapter 20. The procedure for transportation on open rolling stock

      340. For transportation in open rolling stock (open carriage, platform, conveyor and other open-type special carriages ), container and piece cargo, which by their size and weight cannot be transported in other types of carriages, in containers, cargo transported in bulk not requiring protection from precipitation.

      341. The type of open rolling stock shall be chosen by the shipper depending on the type of cargo being transported, loading, unloading (discharging) conditions, the availability of devices and mechanisms for carrying them out. Loading and unloading operations are carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents containing requirements for ensuring the safety of carriages and containers.

      342. The list of cargo, the carriage of which is allowed on open rolling stock, is indicated in Annex 33 to these Rules.

      343. The type and type of open rolling stock, depending on its specialization, shall be selected by the shipper depending on their own load, the type used for loading, unloading structures, devices, mechanisms.

      344. For packaging cargo transported in open rolling stock, depending on its properties, transport packaging shall be used that meets the requirements of the relevant standards and technical conditions. The use of low-combustible materials for packaging and sheltering of cargo during transportation in open rolling stock shall be prohibited.

      345. Carriage in open rolling stock of dangerous cargo shall be carried out in accordance with Chapter 31 of these Rules and with the rules for the transport of dangerous cargo.

      346. Scrap, waste of ferrous metals, their alloys are transported prepared in accordance with the standards in a condition safe for transportation, rendered harmless from fire and explosion hazard and radioactive materials, cleaned of harmful chemicals and accompanied by a document certifying their explosion safety.

      347. The possibility of transporting the cargo indicated in the List , the carriage of which is allowed on open rolling stock in accordance with Annex 33 to these Rules, containing fine fractions (particles whose size does not exceed 13 millimeters) on open rolling stock shall be determined by the shipper.

      348. Before loading cargo containing small fractions, the shipper shall make sure that the transportation of the presented cargo in this rolling stock will not cause its losses, pollution of the railway track and the environment. If, when the platform or carriage body is in good condition, cargo losses are possible through structural clearances, the shipper takes additional measures against spillage to ensure the safety of cargo.

      349. When loading cargo containing small fractions on open rolling stock, the shipper takes measures to prevent the blowing out of small particles of cargo during movement, as well as shedding of cargo in cases of loading it above the level of the sides of the carriages (with a “cap”). These measures are developed by the shipper for each type of cargo. The surface of the load in all cases leveled and compacted in accordance with the terms of placement and fastening of cargoes in carriages and containers. In this "cap" in the cross section is given the shape of a trapezium. The bottom base of the “cap” after cargo compaction does not exceed the upper harness of the low-sided carriage body.

      For leveling and compaction of cargo in carriages, mechanized installations and other devices can be used.

      350. In cases of loading mineral-building materials above the sides of a low-sided carriage, the base of the cargo “cap” should be not less than 50 mm below the level of the sides.

      351. Cargo subject to freezing shall be transported in accordance with Chapter 25 of these Rules.

Chapter 21. The procedure for transportation accompanied by conductors

      352. Accompanied by the guides of shippers and consignees, the following cargos are transported loaded into the carriage:

      cargo requiring service along the route;

      perishable cargo requiring maintenance during transportation, if the equipment of refrigerator carriages, refrigerator containers is served by persons who are not employees of the carrier, then these persons are considered conductors and the documents required for the conductor are drawn up on them;


      cargo on its axles: locomotives, carriages multiple units trains, railway cranes, travel and construction machines, rail-mounted.

      353. In the consignment bill under the name of the cargo, a note shall be made that the cargo should be accompanied by conductors indicating the number of conductors, their names, first name, middle name (in full).

      354. In the event of obstacles to transportation and the need for the delivery of cargo, the conductor performs the functions of the shipper. The assignment of the functions of the shipper to the conductor shall be marked on the bill in the column “Special applications and marks of the shipper” with an exact description of the authority granted to the conductor.

      A power of attorney to provide such powers on behalf of a legal entity shall be issued with the signature of its head or another person authorized by the constituent documents certified by the seal (if any) of this organization.

      When arranging transportation using an electronic transportation dossier, the information provided for in this paragraph of the Rules shall be entered into the electronic transportation dossier in accordance with the operation technology of the automated railway information system and the electronic document management system between the shipper and the carrier.

      355. The transit of conductors shall be allowed:

      in the carriage in which the cargo is transported;

      in a separate carriage provided by the carrier at the request of the shipper;

      in a separate carriage owned by the shipper, consignee or rented by them.

      For the passage of the conductors accompanying the cargo, the shipper shall be charged a fee in the amount established by the Tariff guide (price list) of the carrier. The fare for the conductors shall be indicated on the bill.

      356. The conductor carries with him in the carriage free of charge his hand luggage weighing not more than thirty-five kilograms.

      If the conductor has hand luggage over the established norm, he will be charged a cargo charge for the excess weight of hand luggage at the tariff (as for cargo for personal (household) needs).

      357. The conductor, who is entrusted with escort and protection of cargo, presents the station of departure with a passport (identity card) and a travel certificate, on the basis of which, as well as transportation documents, the conductor shall be given a certificate to the conductor of the cargo of form GU-18 in accordance with Annex 34 to these Rules representative of the carrier at the station or an employee authorized by him/her and certified with a calendar stamp.

      Upon receipt of the certificate by the conductor in the counterfoil of the road sheet under the calendar stamp of the carrier of the item, the entry “Certificate received” shall be made and the signature of the conductor shall be indicated with the surname, name and patronymic. Upon receipt of the certificate, the conductor acquaints himself with the basic duties of the conductor set forth in the certificate and signs this in the certificate and in the registration book for issuing certificates to the conductors of the shippers (consignees) of the departure station.

      358. The number of conductors for escorting cargo shall be determined by the shipper (consignee). Therein the appointment of conductors in an amount of less than two people shall be prohibited.

      359. Additional conditions for escorting dangerous cargo are established by Chapter 31 of these Rules.

      360. The shipper places and secures the cargo to be accompanied, in accordance with the requirements of the technical conditions for the placement and securing of cargo.

      361. Conductors use flashlights that meet fire safety requirements and standard-type cast-iron stoves using solid fuels (coal, firewood). On the way, the conductors comply with fire and personal safety requirements.

      When the shipper equips the carriages with carriages, the shipper for fire extinguishing purposes provides the conductors with a supply of water in plastic or metal containers with a volume of at least 100 liters or a fire extinguisher.

      362. All removable devices necessary for the carriage of cargo accompanied by conductors that do not cause damage to rolling stock and satisfy the requirements of traffic safety and fire safety are provided by the shipper.

      363. The installation of furnaces and furnace equipment in a cargo carriage shall be carried out in the manner prescribed by the fire safety requirements. When installing furnaces, the distance between the cargo and the furnace shall be at least 1 meter, and between the upper level of cargo loading and the ceiling of the carriage — at least 50 centimeters. In carriages in which, along with the load, the conductor is supposed to be located, in the doorways, loads, stocks of solid fuel, and other materials are not placed.

      364. When carriages and furnace equipment are installed in carriages that belong to the shipper (consignee), the shipper shall indicate their number in column 4 of the back of the consignment bill “Special applications and marks of the shipper”.

      365. The supply of carriages with solid fuel for furnaces for the entire route shall be provided by the shipper.

      366. In cases where the cargo is in danger of deterioration and it is not possible to deliver it in full safety to the consignee, the shipper or an authorized conductor independently disposes of the cargo.

      If the carrier detects a violation of fastening or stability of the cargo, the conductor submits a written application to the station manager to make a decision on the unhitching of the carriage and takes measures to correct the fastening, restore the placement and stability of the cargo. The results of checking the fastening or loading of the cargo and the time of the carriage downtime due to the fault of the shipper are documented in an act of general form GU-23 in two copies. One copy of the act shall be attached to the shipping documents and column 5 of the back of the consignment bill "Carrier's Marks" indicates the number of the act of the general form GU-23 and the date of its preparation. The second copy of the act remains at the station where the carriage was uncoupled.

      367. If a technical malfunction of carriages following escorted by conductors is found along the route and it is impossible to continue following these carriages with this train, such carriages are unhooked.

      In case of damage to the carriage that occurred due to the fault of the shipper or the conductor, an act on damage to the carriage of the VU-25 form shall be drawn up in accordance with Annex 35 to these Rules and an act of the general form GU-23. In case of disagreement with the content of the carriage damage act, the conductor signs it with comments indicating the reasons for disagreement. The first copy of the carriage damage act shall be attached to the shipping documents for delivery at the destination station to the consignee or to the shipping list if the damaged carriage was part of a group shipment. Therein the number of the act on damage to the carriage, the date and reason for its compilation shall be indicated in the shipping list under the name of the cargo or in column 5 of the back of the consignment bill “Carrier Marks”. The second copy of the damage to the carriage shall be attached to the bill for damage to the carriage, which is issued by the carrier for payment to the consignee. The third copy of the carriage damage act remains at the station where the carriage was uncoupled.

      If the group of carriages, which included a technically faulty carriage, was accompanied by several conductors, then one of the conductors remains with the detained carriage.

      In the case when, in order to eliminate a technical malfunction of a carriage, the cargo shall be reloaded into another carriage, a note shall be made in the transportation documents or in the shipping list (if the unhooked carriage followed as part of a group shipment).

      368. If it is impossible to continue escorting the cargo with conductors (for example, due to illness), the representative of the carrier at the station, upon written request from the conductors, notifies the shipper or consignee through the departure or destination station. In cases where the conductors cannot submit a written application, the basis for the notification and changes in the procedure for escorting the cargo is a certificate submitted by the appropriate authorized body, organization (for example, a medical institution, law enforcement agency). Upon receipt of the notice, the shipper or consignee shall replace the conductors.

      In this case, cargo carriages are delayed at the station until the arrival of new conductors of the shipper or consignee, which is an act of general form GU-23. For new conductors, the station at which the carriages with cargo are detained issues a certificate in the manner prescribed by paragraph 357 of these Rules. Information about new conductors, the station at which the carriages with cargo are detained, is indicated in the column of the consignment bill "Carrier's Marks", with which the cargo follows.

      Upon arrival of the cargo at the destination station, the carrier, on the basis of the act of the general form GU-23 attached to the transportation documents, will charge the consignee the costs incurred by the carrier related to finding the carriages at the station awaiting the arrival of new conductors.

      These requirements do not apply to the transport of dangerous cargo accompanied by conductors.

      369. The carriages, accompanied by guides, are placed in the train as one group.

      370. In cases where the cargo is in danger of deterioration and it is impossible to deliver it completely to its original destination, the carrier, upon the written request of the conductor, unhooks the carriage and assists the conductor in transferring the cargo to other organizations.

Chapter 22. The procedure for transportation by sending routes

      371. Consignment routing of cargo transportation helps to reduce the time for delivery of cargo, accelerates the turnover of carriages, reduces the volume of their processing at stations, saves material resources, creates conditions for ensuring the safety of cargo during transportation and provides mutually beneficial conditions between the carrier and the shipper when forming consignment routes.

      372. Sender routing shall be based on the following:

      1) concentration of cargo flows by:

      ensuring rational attachment of consumers to suppliers and areas of unloading (discharging) to loading areas;

      thickening of bulk cargo loading into separate route destinations;

      scheduling of cargo loading to destinations by one shipper from one station;

      accumulation of carriages of a certain purpose on the access roads of enterprises or station tracks of one shipper;

      2) compliance with the plan for the formation of cargo trains when organizing routes by destination at spray stations and ensuring the safe passage of departure routes or their entire core from formation stations to destination stations;

      3) the rational use of technical means of shippers, consignees, carriers and the national infrastructure operator;

      4) continuous improvement of forms and methods of organizing route transport.

      373. The plan for the organization (formation) of routes from carriages loaded by one shipper at one station, assignment to one station for unloading or spraying provides for the mandatory exemption of at least one station from route processing in accordance with the plan for the formation of cargo trains

      374. The weight and length of the route shall be set by the carrier. Deviation from the established norms in the direction of reducing the route length by no more than one physical carriage is allowed in agreement with the National Infrastructure Operator. If it is not possible to create routes on the shipper's access road of the established weight norm (for example, restriction on the loading front), it is planned to organize routes from groups of carriages weighing a multiple of the weight of main line trains.

      375. If there are decreasing weight of the train (breakpoints) along the route directions of the stations, the routes are organized from the core (the main part of the sender route is the set weight, which follows without reformation to the destination railway station if the train weight changes along the route) and trailed part, next to the points of weight fracture. In directions where parallel norms of weight or length of the train are established, such routes are skipped by all stations without changing the train. The weight and length of the route core are set by the carrier. The established standards for the weight and length of the route core for specific destinations are announced to shippers.

      It shall be prohibited to disband the core of the routes along the route when changing the weight or length of its composition at the stations of the breaking of the weight norms.

      The replenishment of the route by the carrier to the full weight or length at the stations of breaking the weight standards of trains shall be carried out by carriages in accordance with the destination of the shipment route, and in the absence of such carriages - by long-distance carriages according to the train formation plan established for this station.

      376. Routes by the method of their organization and formation by the carrier are divided into:

      shipment routes formed from carriages loaded by one shipper at one station, as well as formed on one driveway from carriages loaded by a branch owner and other shippers-contractors of this access road;

      stepped routes formed from carriages loaded by different shippers at one station (station stepped route), one shipper or several shippers at one or several separate points (local stepped route).

      According to the purpose of the included carriages, the routes are divided into :

      1) direct routes formed from carriages by appointment to one unloading (discharging) station to one or more consignees (a list of such stations and consignees having the necessary technical facilities for receiving cargo by routes shall be established by the National Infrastructure Operator);

      2) routes at the station of one unloading (discharging) section with selection of carriages by groups at destination stations (the maximum number of carriages in a group to one consignee corresponds to the unloading capacity of its unloading (discharging) point) established in the contract for the spotting and picking of carriages, taking into account liability shipper, consignee;

      3) routes by appointment to the spray station, organized according to the plan for the formation of cargo trains of stations located along the route, taking into account the greatest reduction in processing along the route;

      4) routes to spraying points where carriages are registered at unloading (discharging) stations and to consignees within the limits established for these points of areas of action (a list of spraying points of routes and areas of their operation shall be established by the National Infrastructure Operator);

      5) routes to inlet or distribution stations receiving fuel loads, where rail carriages with these cargo are addressed at unloading (discharging) stations (the list of inlet and distribution stations and their areas of operation are established by the National Infrastructure Operator).

      The routes designated by subparagraphs 2), 3), 4) and 5) of this paragraph relate to spray routes (disbanding).

      377. Shipment and stepped routes are organized from homogeneous and heterogeneous cargoes.

      When planning the transportation of cargo by routes, the maximum range of routes without processing shall be provided. Shippers, along with the application for the carriage of cargo, submit to the carrier an application for the carriage of cargo by routes of the GU-114 form in accordance with Annex 6 to these Rules, in triplicate.

      In the monthly applications for transportation by routes submitted by shippers, the carrier checks the technical and economic efficiency of the routes, the compliance of the plan with the detailed transportation plan, excludes from the plan routes that do not provide processing of the carriage flow . Monthly plans for routing cargo for stations are developed on the basis of the carrier’s assignment.

      378. When transporting cargo by shipment routes to shipment points, in monthly applications (plans) for transporting cargo by shippers, shippers indicate the name of the dispensation points of the routes, the number of routes and the total number of carriages in them with distribution to destination stations of unloading (discharging) within the area of ​​this spray point.

      379. The carrier, establishing, in agreement with the shipper, the order of fulfillment of applications, provides for the enlargement of transportation by days and appointments, develops with the participation of shippers and approves a schedule for loading routes, ensuring the fulfillment of tasks for the transportation of cargo by routes. The approved schedule shall be announced to route loading stations and shippers not later than three days before the scheduled month. Route loading schedules can be adjusted by the carrier in decades by agreement with shippers three days before the start of the decade.

      380. The procedure for supplying carriages for loading, unloading (discharging) routes, their formation to the specified weight and length, return after loading, unloading (discharging) and the technological terms for loading, unloading (discharging) of shipping and groups of carriages of stepped routes are established by contracts for the supply -carriage cleaning. When establishing a common technological term for the turnover of all carriages, these agreements provide for a separate technological term for loading, unloading (discharging) of routes.

      381. When loading shipment routes in parts, the number of parts, the number of carriages in them, the technological term for loading each part of the route, as well as the general technological term for loading the route, calculated from the moment the first part shall be delivered until the end of the loading and delivery of the last part of the route, shall be provided for in parts of contracts and processes. For loading, unloading (discharging) of the shipment route on access roads by the time limit set by the carrier for loading, unloading (discharging) of carriages, and transportation departments, additional technological time shall be provided depending on local conditions.

      382. In areas with the loading of coal, timber, grain, and other bulk cargo, the transportation departments establish a uniform procedure for stations and enterprises that are shippers of the whole section, providing for loading, the formation and departure of routes, as well as the timing of loading, taking into account the organization of shunting work this site.

      383. The supply of carriages for loading onto access roads shall be made taking into account the use of carriages after unloading (discharging) on ​​these tracks. The shipper replaces the carriages submitted for loading routes with other carriages of the corresponding kind that are under loading, unloading (discharging), except for carriages from the ring train and turntables.

      384. Loading of the route shall be considered not secured due to the fault of the carrier in the following cases:

      1) non-delivery of carriages, in whole or in part, for loading a route or supply of carriages that are faulty or inappropriate for the type of cargo for that cargo;

      2) the supply of carriages for loading the route with an incomplete period for loading on these reporting days, if the shipper has not loaded and delivered to the carrier before the end of the reporting day. The supply of carriages for loading the route with an incomplete period for loading on these reporting days does not exempt the shipper, the separation of the road, the station from its organization. Loading of the route ends at the time established by the contracts for the spotting and picking of carriages.

      385. The loading of a route shall be considered not secured through the fault of the shipper if:

      1) the route designated for loading on a given day and provided by the carrier with carriages with a full period for loading shall not be loaded and not delivered to the carrier before the end of the reporting day;

      2) the shipper refused to load the route stipulated by the schedule;

      3) the route or core of the route is transferred to the carrier with a smaller mass or number of carriages against the established norm or it is formed by the shipper in violation of the plan for the formation of trains and the Rules for the technical operation of railway transport, approved by order of the Minister of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 30, 2015 № 544 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 11897).

      An interruption of loading of a route shall not be considered to be the case when the replacement of the original destination of the route with a new one was made in agreement with the carrier in accordance with these Rules.

      386. The shipper and the carrier are exempted from property liability for not ensuring loading of routes during replenishment during the given calendar decade of admitted non-fulfillment of the plan for loading routes on certain days of this decade, as well as for not ensuring loading of stepped routes, both through the fault of shippers and through fault carrier.

      387. The station of loading the departure route or the station of the formation of the stepped route, in the consignment bills and road sheets for the carriages, following the route or the route core to the station of unloading (discharging) or spraying, marks the following with a stamp: "Exit route № ____ direct", "Exit route № _____ with spraying at station __________ "" Step route № _____ direct "," Step route № ___ with spraying at station _________________ ".

      388. Carriages arriving as part of the route to the spraying points with a stamp in the documents “Exit route № ____ with spraying at the station ___, are addressed by the representatives of the shipper, and the carriages arriving at the inlet or distribution stations receiving cargo, representatives of the consignees, the carrier at the unloading station (unloading) appearing in the action area of spraying points or input and distribution stations. Addressing such carriages for unloading stations (discharge) shall be performed on the original documentation.

Chapter 23. The procedure for transportation of small and low-tonnage shipments

      389. Transportation of cargo by small shipments shall be carried out between stations open for receiving and issuing these shipments.

      It shall be prohibited to load cargo in one carriage in small shipments, following the appointment to different stations of the same railway junction.

      390. Packing and piece cargoes, except perishable, are allowed for transportation by small-tonnage shipments.

Chapter 24. The procedure for transportation in containers and transport packages

      391. For the transportation of cargo, containers are used that meet the requirements of international agreements, standards and technical regulations governing their parameters and admission to international transport involving railroad transport. They are marked in a standard form, and all large containers are affixed with a KBK plate (certifying the safety of its operation) and the CPC plate (confirming its suitability for the transport of cargo under customs control), as well as stencils for the term of the next inspector tweaked or repair.

      392. Transportation of cargo in containers shall be carried out between stations that are open for operations with containers, of an established gross mass. Transportation of cargo in containers between stations not open for operations with containers is carried out with the consent of the carrier.

      Reception of containers through ports that are not included in the mixed railway-water communication, and the direction of containers through ports and stations that are not open for transshipment, are not allowed.

      The list of stations open for operations with containers in the classifier used in the carrier's SAS.

      The shipper establishes the suitability of the container commercially for the transport of cargo.

      The mass of the cargo loaded into the container and the number of places are determined by the shipper. The mass of the cargo loaded into the container and the packing of the container in total must not exceed the gross mass of the container indicated on the container doors.

      The cargo in the container must be placed and secured in such a way as to ensure the safety of the cargo and the safety of transportation, damage to the container during loading, transportation and unloading is excluded, the doors of the container must freely open and close.

      393. The owners of containers are indicated in the List of owners of containers belonging to railway administrations and their letter codes in accordance with Annex 36 to these Rules.

      394. The mass of one piece of cargo loaded into a large container does not exceed 1,500 kilograms, and loaded into a medium container does not exceed 1,000 kilograms. Therein the concentrated load on the container floor from loaded cargo places, including taking into account the formed stack, does not exceed 1 kilogram-force per square centimeter in a large-tonnage container and 0.5 kilogram-force in a medium-tonnage container.

      If the specified specific load on the floor of the container is exceeded, the package shall be installed either on a standard pallet or on linings (with a cross section of at least 100 x 20 millimeters) with the corresponding supporting surface. Such packages are placed in a container in only one tier.

      395. After loading the container with the cargo, the doors of the container are closed, locked and sealed in accordance with the procedure established by Chapter 6 of these Rules. The loaded containers are accepted for transportation by external inspection of containers and seals or locking and sealing devices for weight and seals or locking and sealing devices of the shippers' group, with the presence and correctness of entering information about the seals or locking and sealing devices on the consignment bill.

      396. Loading containers into carriages and carriages and unloading them from carriages and carriages at the places of loading and unloading shall be carried out by the carrier, shipper, and consignee. On the customer’s driveways, these operations are performed by shippers and/or consignees.

      397. The placement and fastening of containers on rolling stock shall be carried out in accordance with the technical conditions of loading and securing cargo.

      To prevent containers from moving along the route, they are loaded onto railway platforms, cleared of debris, dirt, ice and snow, and in the winter, also with a layer of 1-2 millimeters added to the floor of clean dry sand. In this case, the supporting surfaces of the containers (bottom) are carefully cleaned from dirt, ice and snow before loading onto the platforms.

      Empty large containers are transported by sealing with locking and sealing devices or by twisting on the container door with the doors facing out onto the carriage.

      398. In the case of declaring the value of the shipped cargo when transporting cargo in containers, the shipper shall draw up an inventory of the cargo in accordance with these Rules.

      399. The issuance of containers at the destination station shall be carried out in an order similar to the procedure for their acceptance for carriage.

      Cleaning of containers owned by the carrier after unloading shall be provided by the consignee. If the consignee does not comply with the requirements for cleaning the container, the carrier does not accept containers from the shipper until the specified requirements are met.

      400. The delivery and removal of containers from the station by shippers, consignees who have contracts with the container operator shall be carried out on orders for the removal of the container from the station and its return to the station of the form KEU-16 in accordance with Annex 37 to these Rules, which is written out by the representative of the carrier in duplicate.

      The time spent by containers on the shippers, consignees shall be recorded according to the orders of the KEU-16 form in accordance with Annex 37 to these Rules. Accounting for the time spent by containers on the access roads of shippers and consignees shall be made according to the instruction sheet of the transceiver of the GU-45 form in accordance with Annex 10 to these Rules, by the container operator. For this purpose, in the KEU-16 outfits and in the instructions of the transceiver of the GU-45 form, according to Annex 10 to these Rules, the container numbers are affixed.

      When issuing a loaded or empty container, and also when returning an empty or loaded container to the station, the representative of the carrier shall indicate the date and time of issue and return of the container in the appropriate columns of the order. Two copies of the order are issued together with the container to the consignee, shipper, and one copy of the order remains with the carrier.

      Cargoes arrived in their own containers are issued to the consignee along with the containers and the carrier shall not be responsible for the return of the containers. Cargoes arrived in a working container with an intact shipper seal are issued to the consignee by inspection of the container and seal without checking the weight, condition and number of cargo places. At the request of consignees, household cargo of citizens is issued with verification according to the inventory.

      If the container is returned by the cargo owner or redirection organization in a technically malfunctioning state, an act shall be drawn up on the technical condition of the container of form GU-106 in accordance with Annex 13 to these Rules, which shall be signed by the inspector of the carriages and the representative of the carrier at the station.

      During the time that the containers provided by the carrier are located, the carrier shall charge a fee for using containers with shippers and consignees. In case of damage or loss of containers provided by the carrier, shippers, consignees repair them or reimburse the carrier for the cost of damaged or lost containers.

      401. The transportation of dangerous cargo in containers shall be carried out in accordance with the rules for the transport of dangerous cargo.

      402. Loading of specialized containers on railway rolling stock and their unloading shall be carried out on access roads.

      Reception, issuance and storage of specialized containers (except for containers in which dangerous cargo are transported) shall be carried out on access roads, provided that the containers are equipped with the necessary devices to perform the appropriate operations, ensuring the safety of containers and the safety of staff.

      403. Placing on platforms - container carriers of specialized large-capacity containers shall be carried out in accordance with the technical conditions for the placement and securing of cargo.

      404. Loaded specialized containers shall be presented for transportation with locking and sealing devices sealed by the shipper.

      The procedure for returning specialized containers shall be governed by agreements between container owners and the shipper.

      405. A package is an enlarged cargo place formed with the help of packaging means having control signs indicating the integrity of the package (seal, control tape fastened into the lock, shrink film). For all packets in the same shipment, the same control characteristics are used.

      406. The package during transportation and storage should provide:

      the possibility of mechanized loading, unloading and transshipment;

      the integrity of the package (the impossibility of removing individual places from the package without damaging the control signs);

      cargo safety and train safety;

      the safety of workers performing warehouse, handling and reloading operations;

      the multiplicity of the size of the package to the size of the carriage, container, and when transporting on open rolling stock - fit into the loading envelope;

      the stability of the package, and if necessary, the ability to secure the packages from longitudinal and transverse displacements during transportation.

      407. Transportation of cargo in transport packages on open rolling stock shall be carried out in accordance with these Rules.

      408. Cargo in packages loaded into a carriage or container are accepted for carriage on access roads. According to the conditions of admission, the transport package is equivalent to a separate cargo unit.

      The mass of the transport package (the mass of the cargo together with the packaging equipment) shall be determined by the shipper and indicated in the corresponding column of the consignment bill.

      409. Placement and fastening of transport packages in carriages and containers shall be carried out in accordance with the technical conditions for the placement and securing of cargo and compliance with the rules for the transport of cargo.

Chapter 25. The procedure for the transportation of frozen cargo

      410. Freezing cargoes include bulk cargoes that lose their usual flow properties at outdoor temperatures below 00 ° C due to the freezing of cargo particles among themselves and their freezing to the floor and walls of the carriage body.

      411. Prior to the onset of the cold season, during which preventive measures are taken to prevent freezing of cargo, shippers and consignees conduct appropriate training, which includes, first of all, the creation of necessary reserves of preventive measures at loading points for freezing cargo, and repair of installations for carrying out bulk prevention cargo and carriage bodies during loading, as well as mechanisms and devices for restoring the flowability of frozen cargo at unloading points .

      412. Prior to presenting cargo subject to freezing for carriage, the shipper shall take measures to reduce their moisture to safe limits in respect of freezing established by GOST, technical specifications for products.

      413. In the absence of the possibility of reducing the moisture content of bulk cargo to safe limits, the shipper, when loading such cargo in carriages during the cold season, takes measures to prevent its freezing and freezing to walls and low-sided carriages by using appropriate preventive measures.

      414. Measures and means of prevention against freezing are also used by ports (marinas), if they are shippers. In this case, the port (wharf) marks the consignment bill.

      415. Preventive measures against freezing of bulk cargo are carried out from November 15 to March 15.

      416. In cases where the applied preventive measures have not been effective enough, the consignee takes measures to restore the flowability of the cargo at the unloading point.

      417. The list of bulk cargoes related to freezing cargo is set out in Annex 38 to these Rules.

      Among the preventive measures that protect cargo from freezing (hereinafter referred to as the Preventive measures) include:

      preliminary drying of bulk cargo to safe humidity;

      freezing moistened cargo before loading;

      uniform spraying of their mass, as well as the floor and walls of low-sided carriages and platforms with coal and mineral oils, preventive fluids;

      transfer of cargo with quicklime, sawdust.

      Preventive measures to prevent freezing of bulk types of cargo transported in bulk are given in Annex 39 to these Rules.

      418. When transporting cargo at low ambient temperatures, changing climatic and meteorological conditions (especially during transitional periods of the year), and consignees equip their freezing points with heating or mechanical loosening means to restore the flowability of such cargo.

      To warm frozen cargo, we use greenhouses and other heating devices (for example, infrared emitters).

      For mechanical loosening of such cargoes, boring mills, self-propelled vibration- shock installations, various types of vibratory rippers, excavator-type installations are used.

      Warming up frozen cargo, restoring the flowability of cargo by mechanical loosening or other methods that ensure unloading, shall be carried out in accordance with the instructions approved by the consignee. The instructions indicate the operating parameters and technology of using these tools, safety regulations and measures to prevent damage to the rolling stock.

      419. It shall be prohibited to accept freezing cargo for transportation, unless the consignment bill indicates measures taken by the shipper during loading against freezing or the consignee agrees to the transportation of cargo without the use of preventive measures.

      420. In the case of cargo arrival in a frozen state that occurred as a result of the shipper’s violation of preventive measures or the shipment of frozen cargo, the carrier draws up an act of general form GU-23 with the participation of the consignee. The act confirms the arrival of the cargo in a frozen state.

Chapter 26. The procedure for the transportation of congealable cargo

      Paragraph 1. General terms

      421. Perishable cargo include cargo that, in accordance with standards, technical regulations, and technical specifications for their properties during transportation, require protection from exposure to high or low outside temperatures, leaving or special service along the route.

      Perishable cargo are transported in insulated carriages (refrigerated carriages, carriages - thermoses, tanks - thermoses, insulated carriages - tanks), covered carriages, universal and refrigerated containers.

      422. The shipper determines the necessary protection measures and the type of carriage or container for the transportation of perishable cargo, taking into account the thermal state and physiological state of the cargo before loading, its shelf life, estimated delivery time, and the most adverse climatic conditions along the route.

      423. Perishable cargo presented for transportation, as well as their containers and packaging must comply with the requirements established by regulatory documents (standards, specifications and other documents containing requirements for the quality of cargo and packaging).

      424. Upon presentation of perishable cargo for transportation together with the transportation documents, the shipper shall submit to the carrier accompanying documents for each cargo carriage in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the implementation of sanitary-quarantine control over the import and spread of infectious and parasitic diseases at the State border of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which coincides with the customs border of the Customs Union, and ensuring sanitary protection of the border and territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by Order of Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 18, 2015 № 107 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under №10521), the Republic of Kazakhstan law on February 11, 1999 "On Plant Quarantine" and on July 10, 2002 "On veterinary" .

      425. Perishable cargo are not accepted for carriage if the transportability period indicated on the bill is less than the delivery time established in accordance with Chapter 15 of these Rules.

      426. Serviceable carriages, containers are provided for loading perishable cargo, and if necessary, they meet the established veterinary and sanitary requirements.

      Compliance of carriages, containers with veterinary and sanitary requirements for the transportation of perishable cargo shall be determined by the shipper.

      Preparation of specialized tanks that are not owned by the carrier or leased by them, for loading milk, wine, wine materials and other bulk food cargo shall be carried out by the shipper.

      427. The carrier, in cases of cargo arrival with violation of the delivery time, non-compliance with the temperature regime when transported in refrigerator carriages, issues perishable cargo at the destination station, checks its condition, weight and number of places.

      428. When drafting a commercial report on the deterioration of perishable cargo transported in refrigerated carriages with maintaining the temperature regime, an extract from the working journal on the temperature regime along the route, certified by the signature of the head of the serving team, shall be attached to the commercial act.

      429. At the request of the shipper, the carrier provides covered carriages for the transportation of perishable cargo in stoves with furnace heating. Furnaces and furnace equipment are purchased and installed by the shipper at his own expense.

      In some cases, on contractual terms and with the permission of the carrier, the conductor should be in the service carriage of the refrigerator sections or in autonomous refrigerator carriages with a service department (hereinafter referred to as the ARV-E).

      430. Covered carriages after unloading fish, potatoes, beets, carrots, watermelons, fresh cabbage, salted and pickled vegetables in barrel containers and living plants, isothermal carriages after unloading perishable cargo are subject to mandatory washing.

      Refrigerated carriages after unloading meat, meat products and fish and carriages (containers) used to transport animals, poultry, raw animals are subject to mandatory disinfection in accordance with Article 20 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 10, 2002 "On Veterinary Medicine".

      431. For carriages that have undergone veterinary-sanitary treatment, in the prescribed manner, the competent authority in the field of veterinary supervision, issued the appropriate document. After the veterinary and sanitary treatment of the refrigeration sections or ARV-E, the head of the service team shall be given a copy of this document, which serves as the basis for loading perishable cargo into them, including those controlled by the state veterinary service.

      432. When transporting cargo in the refrigerator section, the shipper shall submit a consignment bill and other accompanying documents for each cargo carriage.

      Paragraph 2. Placement and stacking of perishable cargo

      433. When loading perishable cargo, the shipper places and stacks them in a carriage, container without contaminating the places, damaging the packaging and internal equipment of the carriage (container) in accordance with the technical conditions for the placement and securing of cargo in carriages and containers and ventilation conditions.

      434. Perishable cargo (except fruits) shall be stacked in a dense stack without the use of rails. Boxes with tight packing are placed along the length of the carriage (container) tightly to one another and the end walls. Clearance along the width of the carriage (container), which occurs due to the multiple dimensions of the boxes and the width of the cargo area, shall be distributed evenly between the boxes.

      Cargoes transported in barrels, bags, nets with multiple sizes of cargo and the width of the carriage (container) are placed symmetrically to the longitudinal axis of the carriage, container.

      435. When transporting in covered carriages and universal containers during the winter season, barrels must be left blank for 10-15% of their capacity, as indicated by the shipper in the consignment bill in the column “Special applications and marks of the shipper”.

      436. The cargoes in the carriage are placed so that the doors open freely on both sides.

      437. Perishable cargo in crates, the loading height of which is not specified in these Rules, shall be stacked to such a height that the mass of the loaded cargo does not exceed the screen carrying capacity of the carriage. Between the top of the cargo stack and the ceiling of the carriage without equipment, leave a gap of at least 70 centimeters. If there are air ducts and beams with hooks in the carriage, the distance between them and the load shall be set at least 40 centimeters. Placing places with such cargo in the inter - door space, if necessary, is allowed along, across or diagonally of the carriage with installation in the doorways at the height of the two upper tiers of the stack of boards warning the pile of cargo on the door, and also taking into account the stability of the entire stack. In order to avoid a shift, stepwise disordered installation of boxes in the upper tiers shall be prohibited.

      438. The shipper ensures the availability of equipment, materials and other devices necessary for loading, securing and transporting perishable cargo.

      The installation of such devices during loading and their removal during unloading shall be carried out by shippers, consignees or the carrier, depending on who is loading and unloading.

      Paragraph 3. Meat and meat products

      439. Loading carriages of meat and meat products is permitted after being examined by a veterinarian or veterinarian. The shipper shall notify the state veterinary service body of the appointed time for loading meat and meat products at least three days before the carriages are loaded.

      440. Meat and meat products are presented by the shipper for transportation only to that station and to the address of the consignee indicated in the veterinary accompanying document. Change of the destination station and the consignee indicated in the veterinary certificate during loading (redirection) is allowed only with the consent of the state veterinary service. Redirection of such cargo shall be carried out in agreement with the state veterinary service.

      441. The time limits for the transportation of meat and meat products by periods of the year in refrigerated carriages are specified in Annex 40 to these Rules.

      Paragraph 4. Fish and fish products

      442. Frozen fish, fish and scallop fillets, mussels, sea cucumbers, crab sticks, crabs, boiled-frozen shrimps and other sea products frozen for transportation are frozen at a temperature not exceeding minus 18° C. Transportation of crab sticks, boiled, not frozen crabs and shrimp shall be prohibited.

      443. Cold and hot smoked fish and balyk products, dried and other fish products are transported only in containers. Transportation of hot smoked fish and balyk products is allowed only in frozen form.

      444. The time limits for the transport of fish and fish products by periods of the year in refrigerated carriages are specified in Annex 40 to these Rules.

      Paragraph 5. Fresh fruits and vegetables

      445. Fruits and vegetables shall be presented for transportation fresh, clean, without mechanical damage and damage by pests and diseases, without excessive external moisture in the presence of a quarantine certificate, when transported within the Republic of Kazakhstan and phytosanitary certificate for export, issued by the authorized body in the field of plant quarantine.

      446. Vegetables in refrigerated carriages, refrigerated containers and covered carriages shall be carried only in containers.

      447. The time limits for the transportation of fresh fruits and vegetables are specified in Annex 40 to these Rules.

      Paragraph 6. Products of the dairy, creamery and fat industry, eggs

      448. Products of the dairy, creamery and fatty industry, eggs shall be presented for transportation in a chilled state clean, without extraneous smacks and smells, a homogeneous liquid without sediment, white in color with a slightly yellowish tint. Frozen cottage cheese shall be presented for transportation with a temperature not exceeding -12 C.

      449. Hard margarine, frozen confectionery, bakery and culinary fats (hereinafter referred to as Frozen fats), packaged in bars, wrapped in parchment or laminated foil, are packed in boxes, and bulk (in the form of a monolith) are packed in boxes lined with parchment or polymer film and transported in isothermal carriages, and during the transition period when the outside temperature is not higher than +10 C. These cargos are allowed to be transported in covered carriages.

      450. Soft margarine, packaged in a polymer package with a net weight of 100 to 500 grams and packed in corrugated cardboard boxes with a maximum net weight of a box of not more than 9 kilograms, shall be accepted for transportation with a temperature not exceeding + 10 C. Soft margarine shall be transported in insulated carriages . During the transition period of the year at an outdoor temperature of no higher than + 10 C, soft margarine can be transported in covered carriages.

      451. The time limits for the transportation of products of the dairy, oil-cheese and fatty industry, eggs in refrigerated carriages are specified in Annex 40 to these Rules.

      452. Bees are transported in hives or plywood packages, accompanied by the conductors of the shipper and consignee. The temperature regime, frequency and duration of ventilation of refrigerated carriages during transportation of bees are set by the shipper.

      453. The time limits for the carriage of other perishable cargo are specified in Annex 40 to these Rules.

      Paragraph 8. Terms of use of insulated, covered carriages, refrigerated and universal containers

      454. For the transportation of perishable cargo, insulated and covered carriages, refrigerated and universal containers shall be used. Isothermal carriages, refrigerated containers have a body insulation that allows limiting heat transfer between the load and the outside air. In refrigerated carriages and refrigerated containers, compliance with the specified temperature conditions for the transport of cargo shall be ensured. In carriages - thermoses for a certain period of time, heat or cold accumulated by the cargo is stored. Covered carriages and universal containers protect the cargo from precipitation, and when insulated - they retain heat or cold accumulated by the cargo for a certain period. Covered carriages, in addition, allow for uncontrolled through ventilation of the cargo area during cargo transportation.

      455. In refrigerated carriages, which include refrigerated sections and ARV-E, perishable cargo is transported.

      456. Thermally prepared perishable cargo with a shelf life of more than 10 days shall be transported in thermos carriages. Fruits, which emit biological heat, shall not be transported in thermos carriages.

      457. The temperature regime and the need for ventilation when transporting perishable cargo in refrigerated carriages shall be established depending on the type of cargo or the temperature of the cargo at the time of loading in accordance with Annex 41 to these Rules.

Chapter 27. The procedure of transportation of animals and birds

      458. Presentation by rail of all types of animals and birds (including fur animals, laboratory, zoo and domestic animals, sea animals, bees, fish) (hereinafter referred to as the Animals and birds) shall be carried out in the presence of veterinary accompanying documents issued by the relevant authorized bodies in field of veterinary medicine and the Annex to the consignment bill, indicated in the column "Documents attached by the shipper".

      459. Loading, unloading of animals shall be carried out on access roads.

      460. Animals shall be transported in special carriages or in covered carriages specially equipped by the shipper for such transport.

      The equipment of covered carriages for the transport of animals shall be made by the shipper.

      461. Clean carriages shall be spotted for loading animals, and washed and disinfected for loading breeding animals. The suitability of carriages for transporting animals shall be established by the shipper together with the veterinary inspector or veterinarian in accordance with Article 21 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 10, 2002 "On Veterinary Medicine".

      462. Loading, unloading of animals shall be carried out with mandatory notification of the representative of the veterinary service, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on veterinary medicine.

      Loading, unloading of animals shall be carried out in the daytime. Loading, unloading of animals in the dark shall be allowed only if there shall be sufficient illumination of the places of loading and unloading of animals.

      463. The loading of animals into covered carriages shall be carried out in the following quantities:

      cattle (adult) - from 16 to 24 animals, depending on its size and weight;

      young cattle - from 24 to 28 animals;

      calves - from 36 to 50 animals, depending on age;

      sheep and goats - from 80 to 100 animals;

      pigs - from 50 to 60 animals (with a mass of one animal up to 80 kg), from 44 to 50 heads (with a mass of 80 to 100 kilograms), from 28 to 44 animals (with a mass of 100 to 150 kilograms), from 20 to 28 animals (weighing over 150 kilograms);

      horses - no more than 14 animals;

      Camels - no more than 8 animals.

      After placing the indicated number of animals in the carriage, a sufficient gap shall be left to accommodate another animal. The loading rates for breeding and highly productive animals are determined by the shipper in consultation with the state veterinary service.

      464. Horses shall be placed parallel to the longitudinal axis of the carriage with their heads towards the inter door space, two rows in each half of the carriage. For the passage of the conductor in the middle rows, there shall be one horse less than in the last row.

      For loading horses, carriages are equipped with four transverse planks - hinges, two door planks - bookmarks, two longitudinal and four fodder planks.

      Carriage of horses shall be allowed only in unshod form.

      465. Cattle in a carriage shall be are placed transversely or longitudinally.

      Cattle are loaded into specialized carriages only in a transverse way.

      Before loading cattle, with the transverse method of its placement, iron rings (or staples) are attached to the fixed boards of the longitudinal wall of the carriage with screws to attach animals at the rate of one ring per 1, 2 animals. At the end walls of the carriage, shelves are laid, each consisting of two boards stacked on fixed boards across the carriage close to the end walls of the carriage. After loading cattle, grates are installed in the doorways of the carriages.

      With the longitudinal method of accommodating cattle, the carriages are also equipped as for the transport of horses, but instead of door planks-mortgages, lattices are installed in the doorways. Sheep, goats, calves, pigs and young cattle are loaded onto carriages without a leash.

      466. Joint transportation of bulls and cows, sheep and sheep, boars and sows, as well as different types of animals in the same carriage shall be prohibited.

      It shall be prohibited to load pigs in winter at an outdoor temperature below -25 ° C, and in the summer - large fat pigs weighing more than 100 kilograms at a temperature of +25 ° C and above.

      467. Small animals shall be transported in cages and crates in several tiers. The spaces between the cage and the roof along the side wall of the carriage are at least 0.2 meters. Boxes and cages shall be installed near the longitudinal walls leaving a passage for animal care and ventilation.

      468. The transportation of wild animals and animals in carriages shall be carried out on the conditions established in each individual case by the carrier in agreement with the state veterinary service and the shipper.

      Fur animals, depending on their type, are transported in metal or durable wooden cages with a metal lattice door. The cell doors have strong constipation, eliminating the possibility of self-opening, and can be locked.

      469. Birds shall be transported in cages with a continuous waterproof bottom.

      470. The shipper shall provide animals with feed, containers for water and bedding throughout the route, taking into account the delivery time of the cargo, which adds two days.

      471. Separate carriages are provided for the transport of feed and bedding at the request of and at the expense of the shipper.

      472. The conductors accompanying the animals shall fulfill the requirements provided for in Chapter 21 of these Rules. At the request of the shipper and at his expense, separate carriages are provided for animal guides.

      473. When transporting animals, conductors water them at least twice a day in the summer, once or twice in the winter and transition periods.

      Stations where animals are watered shall be determined by the carrier.

      474. Cleaning of manure of carriages with animals located in them along the route shall be carried out by the conductors during the period of the train’s stay only at stations established by the carrier in agreement with the state veterinary service. Such stations supply carriages with animals to the railways provided for cleaning the carriages.

      Cleaning of carriages from manure along the route shall be prohibited when revealing sick animals, as well as when transporting animals on special conditions.

      475. Each case of a massive or a single disease, death of animals along the route, as well as their refusal to take food and water, the conductors shall notify in writing through the carrier the veterinary authorities in the territory of which the station is located, in order to make a decision on the possibility of further transportation of animals or their detention.

      Slaughter of sick animals along the route shall be prohibited.

      476. About all cases of delay of carriages with animals, about the removal of animals from the carriage, the station shall draw up an act of general form GU-23 in the manner prescribed by Chapter 29 of these Rules.

      A copy of the act, together with the written request of the authority in the field of veterinary medicine, shall be attached to the transportation documents. In the column of the consignment bill "Carrier's notes", the station makes a note on the preparation of the act of the general form and on the actual costs incurred by the carrier in carrying out unplanned work with sick or dead animals. At the destination station (border or transshipment), based on the mark on the bill, the consignee (forwarder), in accordance with applicable law, will charge the actual costs incurred by the carrier for the removal of sick or dead animals.

      477. In the event of a technical malfunction of a carriage in which animals are transported, the carrier shall immediately repair the carriage. If the carriage cannot be repaired immediately, the carrier, with the permission of the authority in the field of veterinary medicine, reloads the carriage into another carriage that has undergone veterinary and sanitary treatment.

      478. The carrier shall notify the consignee and the authorities in the field of veterinary medicine about the arrival of animal carriages for unloading.

      479. At the end of the unloading of animals, the carriage guide carries out storage of manure and litter residues in the inter door space of the carriages (except for carriages subject to further processing in the third category).

      To store manure and litter residues, at the request of consignees, the carrier sets an additional time depending on the number of arriving carriages and local conditions.

      480. Disinfection of carriages shall be carried out at the expense of consignees.

      481. In cases of quarantine by the authorities in the field of veterinary medicine, the carrier announces the temporary suspension or restriction of the loading of animals.

      Carriages with animals that arrived at the station where quarantine was declared on the basis of the application of the shipper, consignee and by decision of the authorities in the field of veterinary medicine are forwarded to other stations.

Chapter 28. The procedure for transporting cargo subject to veterinary, phytosanitary control

      Paragraph 1. General terms

      482. Products and raw materials of animal origin, animal feed are allowed to be transported from territories not exposed to contagious animal diseases, under the supervision of an authority in the field of veterinary medicine.

      483. Cargoes subject to veterinary, quarantine phytosanitary control are accepted by the carrier, subject to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on veterinary medicine and plant quarantine and the presence of accompanying documents issued by the relevant authorized bodies in the field of veterinary, quarantine phytosanitary control and the annex to the bill with the indication in the column "Documents attached by shipper."

      484. If a cargo controlled by the authorities in the field of veterinary medicine is found without accompanying veterinary documents or if it is suspected that the cargo is a product of the slaughter of animals infected with infectious diseases, the cargo shall be delayed upon request of the authority in the field of veterinary medicine. The question of the possibility of further transportation of such cargo shall be decided by the authority in the field of veterinary medicine.

      485. An act of general form GU-23 shall be drawn up on the delay for checking the cargoes subject to veterinary and sanitary inspection along the route in the manner established by Chapter 29 of these Rules, with the participation of a representative of the authority in the field of veterinary medicine, which indicates the reasons for the delay and measures for their elimination. A copy of the act shall be attached to the shipping documents, about which the carrier makes a mark in them in the column "Carrier's Marks".

      486. Carriages after transportation of products and raw materials of animal origin, as well as carriages intended for transportation of meat and meat products, are subjected to veterinary and sanitary processing.

      Veterinary and sanitary processing of carriages shall be carried out at the expense of consignees.

      Paragraph 2. Transportation of plant products from quarantine zones

      487. Acceptance for carriage of cargo subject to quarantine phytosanitary control, including products of plant origin and other regulated products (hereinafter referred to as Regulated products), which may be carriers of quarantine pests, pathogens of plants and weeds (hereinafter referred to as quarantine objects), from territories declared under the quarantine procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of plant quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the quarantine zone), is allowed only upon presentation of the cargo by the quarantine certificate holder - for transportation within the Republic of Kazakhstan or phytosanitary certificate - for export, issued by the authorized plant quarantine authority at the places of shipment of regulated products and certifying the absence of quarantine organisms in the cargo.

      488. Upon receipt of an official notification from the authorized plant quarantine authority on the declaration of a quarantine zone, as well as a specific list of regulated products, the export of which has been restricted, the carrier will immediately notify the railway stations of this.

      489. The established form of a quarantine or phytosanitary certificate shall be presented for each carriage, container or for each shipment (batch) of regulated products when there are several consignments (lots) of cargo in one carriage or container. The original certificate shall be attached to the shipping documents, a copy remains at the departure station and shall be stored as a strict reporting document. The shipper shall enter a note on the application of the certificate indicating its number and date of issue.

      490. The diversion of regulated products exported from the quarantine zone along the route shall be prohibited.

      The consignee unloads quarantined products received from quarantine zones only with the permission of the authorized plant quarantine authority in whose territory the unloading takes place.

      491. After unloading of quarantined products, the consignee cleans the carriages, containers, and destroys the remaining cargo and garbage in specially designated places on the instructions of the state plant quarantine inspector.

      492. All costs associated with the destruction of regulated products infected with quarantine pests and diseases, with the quarantine disinfection of carriages and warehouses with regulated products, shall be borne by the consignee, who shall recalculate with the shipper, as appropriate.

      Paragraph 3. Transportation of plant products subject to quarantine phytosanitary control

      493. Transportation of regulated products controlled by the authorized plant quarantine body shall be allowed only if there is a phytosanitary or quarantine certificate issued by the authorized plant quarantine body. When transporting regulated products for export, a phytosanitary certificate shall be attached by the shipper to the AICT consignment bill with the number and date of issue in the column “Documents attached by the shipper”.

      494. The importation into the Republic of Kazakhstan of regulated products of cargo is allowed only through phytosanitary control posts. Customs documents for regulated products are issued after the completion of state quarantine phytosanitary control and supervision.

      495. The regulated products are transported across the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan in covered or insulated, intact and sealed containers, sealed packages, and carriages.

      496. The transshipment of regulated cargo is allowed only with the permission of state plant quarantine inspectors.

      When carrying out quarantine phytosanitary control operations, it shall be prohibited to exceed the time limits for processing a train provided for by the technological process of station operation.

      497. In the case of sampling of regulated products by state inspectors of phytosanitary control posts for inspection and laboratory analysis or examination, they draw up an act in accordance with article 13 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 11, 1999 "On Plant Quarantine", which shall be drawn up in the presence of the carrier’s representatives border transfer station and customs authority. One of the copies of the act shall be attached to the shipping documents, the other shall be stored in the files of the station where the samples were taken.

      In the case, during a visual examination and (or) analysis of samples (probe) of regulated products, no organisms similar in morphological characteristics to quarantine objects are found, regulated products shall not be delayed until the official receives an expert opinion on the examination. In this case, the authorized body of the place of sampling shall notify the authorized body at the place of completion of customs clearance in the event that the expert opinion confirms the infection (contamination) of regulated products by quarantine facilities.

      If during a visual examination and (or) analysis of samples (probe) of regulated products, organisms similar in morphological characteristics to quarantine objects were found, the decision on further movement of regulated products shall be made by an official of the authorized body after receiving an expert opinion, but not later than after 72 hours from the date of sampling (quarantine) of regulated products.

      498. A delay of a carriage or container at a transfer station when compulsory quarantine measures are taken shall be made out by the station representative with an act of the general form indicating the beginning and end of the measures. One copy of the act of the general form GU-23 shall be attached to the shipping documents for presentation to the consignee.

      499. After unloading quarantined products, the consignee thoroughly cleans the carriages and containers with waste disposal and in cases provided for in Chapter 34 of these Rules, rinses in accordance with the instructions of the state plant quarantine inspector.

      500. Quarantine products in which quarantine objects are found are subject to return, disinfection, removal of quarantine weeds or technical processing. The costs associated with the disinfection, cleaning or processing of regulated products are reimbursed by the cargo owners.

      If quarantined products infected with quarantine objects cannot be decontaminated, cleaned or processed, then such products must be seized and destroyed in the manner prescribed by the Rules for the seizure and destruction of quarantined products infected with quarantine objects, not subject to disinfection or processing, approved by order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic Kazakhstan dated June 3, 2015 № 15-4/513 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Normative Legal Acts № 11753).

      501. In all cases of detection of damage to carriages and containers with regulated products, traces of the loss of this cargo, the carrier or the administration of the stations immediately report this to the authorized plant quarantine body.

Chapter 29. The procedure for drawing up acts

      Paragraph 1. Drawing up a commercial act

      502. The carrier shall draw up a commercial act upon delivery of the cargo to certify the following circumstances:

      1) inconsistency of the actual name, as well as the mass and number of places with the data specified in the transportation document;

      2) damage (spoilage);

      3) cargo detection without shipping documents or shipping documents without cargo;

      4) return of the stolen cargo to the carrier;

      5) non-delivery of cargo by the carrier to the place of unloading (discharging) within twenty-four hours after the issuance of documents on the issue of cargo. In this case, a commercial act shall be drawn up only at the request of the consignee;

      6) transfer of cargo for sale.

      The carrier makes a mark in the shipping documents on the preparation of the commercial act.

      503. In case of proper transportation, prior to submission to the access road or to the places of loading and unloading upon written request of the consignee, the carrier on a contractual basis takes part in checking the condition of the cargo, its mass, number of places and, if necessary, draws up a commercial act.

      504. A commercial act shall be drawn up by the carrier:

      when unloading cargo at the places of loading and unloading - on the day of unloading;

      when unloading cargo on customer’s driveways - on the day of unloading of cargo, while cargo verification shall be carried out in the process of unloading them or immediately after unloading cargo,

      along the route of cargo - on the day of discovery of the circumstances to be formalized by a commercial act.

      If it is not possible to draw up a commercial act within the time periods specified in this clause, it shall be drawn up not later than the next 24 hours.

      505. Data in a commercial act shall be indicated on the basis of transportation documents, as well as accounting documents, the forms of which are established by the carrier.

      506. In the case of the preparation of a commercial act for the transportation of perishable cargo, animals, regulated cargo and cargo controlled by the authorities in the field of veterinary medicine, the first copy of the commercial act shall be accompanied by a duly certified copy of the accompanying document issued by the relevant authorized bodies in the field of veterinary supervision and plant quarantine.

      507. When issuing, with the participation of a representative of a carrier, homogeneous goods transported in bulk and arrived from one consignor to one consignee in serviceable wagons without signs of loss, cases of shortages that exceed the rate of natural loss of mass of such goods and the error limit in net weight measurements, as well as cases of surpluses that make up the difference between the mass of goods determined at the departure station and the mass of goods determined at the destination station, taking into account the measurement error limit of the net mass discovered in respect of such goods transported by individual consignments, when checked for the given calendar day, they shall be executed in one commercial act, but not more than five shipments.

      508. Upon the delivery, with the participation of a representative of the carrier, of cargo transported in bulk with transshipment en route, arriving from one shipper to one consignee in serviceable carriages without signs of loss, in one commercial act cases of shortage or surplus are determined based on the results checking the entire batch of simultaneously issued cargo.

      509. In the commercial act of the GU-22 form in accordance with Annex 42 to these Rules, in the commercial act in the form established by the Agreement on international railway cargo traffic for international traffic, approved by members of the organization for cooperation of railways (hereinafter referred to as the AICT), shall be indicated for each shipment carriage number, type of carriage, number of locking and sealing devices and information printed on locking and sealing devices, number of places and mass of cargo indicated in the transportation documents and provided Party or in stock.

      In the case of determining the mass of cargo on a carriage scale, the list that shall be attached to the commercial act indicates the gross mass, the tare weight of the carriage (from a stencil or checked on the scales) and the net weight. The list shall be signed by the persons who signed the commercial act.

      510. Commercial acts are drawn up by the carrier in triplicate on a letterhead with the typographic numbering provided for in these Rules and are filled out on a computer or typewriter without blots, erasures or any corrections. Each commercial deed shall be affixed with a lowercase stamp of the carrier.

      The first copy of the commercial act shall be used by the carrier to investigate the circumstances that served as the basis for its preparation.

      The second copy of the commercial act:

      1) issued to the consignee at his request, if the commercial act is drawn up at the destination station;

      2) shall be attached to the consignment bill and follows to the destination station if the commercial act shall be drawn up at the departure station or at a passing station.

      On the preparation of the commercial act, a mark shall be made on the back of the bill in the column "Carrier's Marks" indicating the number of the commercial act, the date and reason for its preparation. This record shall be certified by the signature of the representative of the carrier and the stamp of the station that made up the commercial act.

      The third copy of the commercial act shall be kept by the carrier at the station that composed it.

      511. If the carrier has SAS, the commercial act shall be compiled electronically.

      When following a cargo using paperless technology accompanied by an electronic file of carriage, a commercial act drawn up at the departure station or at a passing station accompanies the cargo in electronic form to the destination station. When the cargo is being followed along the electronic transportation dossier with paper copies of electronic shipping documents, a paper copy of the electronic commercial act, certified by the carrier’s calendar stamp, which printed it, shall be attached to them.

      512. In cases where the consignment bill contains a note on the preparation of a commercial act by a passing station, but was not included in the transport documents arriving with the cargo, the commercial act shall be drawn up at the destination station based on the results of the delivery of the cargo. The absence at the time of delivery of the cargo of a commercial act drawn up at the passing station (regardless of the presence or absence of a corresponding mark on the consignment bill) shall not be the reason for its non-recognition.

      In accordance with the information available in the commercial act drawn up at the passing station and the cargo verification data, the new commercial act shall not be drawn up at the destination station by the carrier. In section “Zh” of the commercial act of the associated station he makes the following note: “When checking the cargo issued on _______, there was no difference with this commercial act.” This mark shall be certified by the lowercase stamp of the carrier and the signatures of the consignee and the carrier. A commercial act shall be registered in the book of accounting of commercial acts drawn up for unsafe transportation of cargo. The serial registration number in the book of accounting of commercial acts shall be transferred to the commercial act, indicated under the typographical number of this act shall be issued to the consignee at his request.

      In the event that the consignee is issued a commercial act drawn up at the associated station, a copy of it shall be stored in the affairs of the destination station.

      In case of discrepancy between the information available in the commercial act drawn up at the passing station and the cargo verification data by the destination station, a commercial act shall be drawn up. Therein at the destination station, consignments drawn up by passing stations are not issued to the consignee, except for commercial acts, in which facts of non-compliance with the requirements established by these Rules by the shipper are recorded.

      In cases where a commercial act was drawn up along the route or at the destination station, and the cargo arrived in a carriage with serviceable locking and sealing devices of the shipper or serviceable loading on open rolling stock, which indicates the responsibility of the shipper, the destination station gives the consignee genuine the commercial act of the associated station, regardless of the issuance of the commercial act drawn up by it upon delivery of the cargo.

      513. An examination of damaged places, containers and quality of cargo shall be carried out in accordance with these Rules. A note shall be made in section "E" of the commercial act about the examination carried out.

      In the event that the examination act establishes that the cargo is fully or partially unsuitable, that is, subject to cancellation or destruction, the act of cancellation or destruction must be attached to the commercial act.

      In case of shortage, damage or damage to certain parts of furniture, equipment, spare parts, tools or components, documents confirming the cost of restoring damaged cargo or the separate cost of missing parts, spare parts, tools and accessories (calculation, receipt, bill, etc.).

      If these documents are not submitted, the cargo shall be issued to the consignee, with a detailed description in the commercial act, of which the cargo became available or after drawing up, in appropriate cases, the examination report.

      514. A commercial act shall be drawn up and signed within the time stipulated by these Rules, the consignee at the destination station (by power of attorney for the right to sign a commercial act) and the representative of the carrier. In the case of checking the container of a carriage by a transceiver who did not participate in weighing the cargo on the day of its unloading, section "D" of the commercial act indicates the names of the transceivers involved in weighing the cargo and checking the container of the carriage. The commercial act shall be signed by the consignee, who checked the carriage packaging.

      Persons signing a commercial act may disagree with their content.

      515. The carrier, at the request of the consignee, issues a commercial act within three calendar days. The consignee may present a request:

      1) legal entity - upon presentation of a power of attorney to receive the cargo;

      2) an individual - upon presentation of an identity document.

      The issuance of a commercial act shall be made against signature on a copy of the commercial act remaining with the carrier.

      516. In the absence of a commercial act, a claim for shortage, damage (spoilage) of the cargo must be accompanied by a document appealing the carrier’s refusal to prepare a commercial act, as well as a document confirming the claimant’s damage, namely, payment of the cost of the cargo by the consignee (payment claim, bank statement or other documents confirming payment for the shipped cargo).

      517. If a commercial act is issued to the consignee for the shortage of cargo arriving on the main shipment, then upon arrival of this cargo according to the delivery document, the carrier upon presentation by the consignee of the bill for the main shipment and the commercial certificate issued to him on the bill and in all copies of the commercial act in section "G" makes a note that the missing cargo of the shipment arrived according to the delivery document (indicating its number). In addition, the carriage number (carriage numbers), the name of the station that issued the package, the date of registration of the package and the date of issue of the missing cargo are indicated in the mark.

      The mark shall be certified by the carrier’s stamp and signatures of the carrier’s representative and the consignee.

      Upon arrival of the last part of the cargo, indicated in the commercial act as not arrived, the consignee shall return the commercial act for storage to the carrier.

      518. In cases of detection of leakage, damage or soaking of cargo that occurred due to a technical malfunction of a carriage, container, in addition to a commercial act, an act shall be drawn up on the technical condition of the carriage, container of the GU-106 form in accordance with Annex 13 to these Rules.

      The Act on the technical condition of the carriage, container of the GU-106 form in accordance with Annex 13 to these Rules, shall be drawn up in two copies. The first copy of the act shall be attached to the first copy of the commercial act, the second remains with the carrier.

      The act on the technical condition of the carriage, container shall be drawn up on the day the malfunction of the carriage, container shall be discovered and not later than the day the commercial act shall be drawn up. The act on the technical condition of the carriage, container must indicate the nature of the malfunction and its origin.

      519. The act on the technical condition of the carriage, container shall be signed by the master of the operational carriage depot or inspector of carriages, containers and the representative of the carrier.

      520. When carrying out transportation using the carrier’s SAS, an act on the technical condition of the carriage or container shall be prepared in electronic form.

      Paragraph 2. Drawing up an act of general form

      521. Acts of the general form GU-23 in accordance with Annex 9 to these Rules shall be drawn up at the stations by the carrier to certify the following circumstances:

      loss of documents attached by the shipper to the consignment bill provided for by these Rules;

      delays of carriages at the destination station pending their delivery for unloading;

      in cases of overloading of carriages and containers in excess of the permissible carrying capacity;

      delays of loaded carriages at intermediate stations due to their inadmissibility of the destination station for reasons depending on the consignee, branch owner and the lack of technical capacity for the accumulation of carriages at the destination or adjoining station;

      non-cleaning of carriages, containers from cargo and garbage residues after unloading by means of the consignee;

      non-cleaning of the outer surface of tanks and bunker low-sided carriages after filling and draining;

      the absence of a locking and sealing device on the carriage, container (if there is a mark on their presence on the carriage or container in the waybill or carriage sheet);

      damage or replacement of the locking and sealing device (if there are no circumstances in the certificate of which commercial acts are drawn up);

      detection of a locking and sealing device on carriages, containers with unclear information without any intentional damage on the way or at the destination station (if the readable information matches the data on the waybill and carriage sheet);

      detection of a locking and sealing device on carriages, containers without traces of intentional damage and the presence of information on them that does not correspond to the data in the waybill and carriage sheet;

      detection of carriages, containers with commercial malfunctions that threaten the safety of traffic and the safety of the transported cargo along the route;

      damage to the carriage, container;

      unauthorized occupation by the carrier of carriages, containers belonging to the shipper, consignee, operator (carriages, containers) to other organizations or rented by them;

      unauthorized use by the shipper, consignee, other organizations of carriages, containers belonging to the carrier;

      delays in the issuance of cargo in case of evasion by the consignee from paying fees for the carriage of cargo and other payments due to the carrier;

      delays of cargo guarded by militarized guards at the destination station due to the fault of the consignee;

      opening by the consignee without representatives of the carrier of the carriage or container arrived at a commission issue;

      refusal or evasion of the shipper, consignee, and other organizations from signing the carriage damage act, container damage act, acceptance certificate, carriage filing and cleaning sheet, registration card for fulfilling the cargo transportation request and other documents stipulated by the railway transport operation technology. In these cases, unspecified documents in the place where the signing is provided, a mark shall be made on the preparation of the act of the general form , indicating its number and date of drawing up, which shall be signed by the representative of the carrier at the station and certified with a lower case stamp of the station.

      Acts of the general form are also drawn up in other cases to certify circumstances that may serve as the basis for the liability of the parties, if it does not require the preparation of a commercial act or an act of another special form.

      522. The acts of the general form are drawn up by the carrier in the amount established by these Rules. On each copy of the act of the general form in the column "Station" a line stamp of the carrier shall be affixed.

      523. An act of general form shall be drawn up at the departure and (or) destination stations of the carriage, container in triplicate:

      the first copy of the act of the general form shall be attached to the carriage document to recover fines, charges and (or) other payments from the shipper, consignee or other organizations;

      the second copy shall be issued to the shipper, consignee, cargo forwarder (upon request);

      the third copy remains with the carrier.

      In case of refusal or evasion of the shipper, consignee, other organization from signing an act on damage to a carriage, an act on damage to a container, a memo of an acceptor, a sheet for filing and cleaning carriages, a registration card for fulfilling an application for the carriage of cargo, an act of a general form together with a second copy of these unsigned bilateral documents sent by registered letter to the shipper, consignee, other organization.

      The mail receipt for sending the letter, together with a copy of the letter and the first copy of the unsigned document and the general form act, shall be kept by the carrier.

      524. An act of general form shall be drawn up at stations along the route of a carriage, container in triplicate in the following cases:

      1) detection of loaded carriages, containers with commercial malfunctions that threaten the safety of traffic or the safety of cargo;

      2) detection of signs of theft, shortage and damage to automotive vehicles;

      3) detection of violation of cargo securing, which caused damage to the carriage, while not causing damage (spoilage) of the cargo;

      4) detection of loaded carriages, containers with signs of theft.

      5) violation of the delivery time and the rules for calculating the delivery time specified in chapter 15 of these Rules.

      Therein , two copies are attached to the shipping documents, the third remains with the carrier at the station that composed it.

      In cases of delayed carriages due to other circumstances that arose not due to the fault of the carrier, the general form shall be drawn up in triplicate along the route at the butt border stations.

      525. An act of a general form, when transporting using an electronic transport dossier, shall be made in two copies at the stations of investigation:

      in cases of uncoupling a carriage (group of carriages) from a route or group shipment, indicating the reason for uncoupling - one copy of the act follows with the main shipment, from which the carriage (group of carriages) is unhooked, the second copy remains with the carrier at the station, stitched with a paper copy of the electronic waybill forms GU-27-U-VTs.

      526. The act of general form sets out the circumstances that served as the basis for its preparation.

      If, under an agreement with the shipper, the carrier provides for the delivery by the means of the shipper of uncleaned empty carriages, containers unsuitable for transportation of cargo, then in the case of delivery of such carriages, containers for loading at the station, a general form shall be drawn up. The general form act states that the carriages and containers are submitted for loading with the consent of the shipper, the numbers of the carriages and containers are listed, as well as the contract number and the date of its signing.

      If in the event of a delay in cargo, an act of a general form shall be drawn up along the route in circumstances requiring an increase in the delivery time of cargo, then the act indicates the reason and time for the delay of carriages and containers.

      When drawing up an act of general form at stations along the route in cases of detection of carriages, containers with commercial malfunctions that threaten the safety of traffic and the safety of the transported cargo, the act shall indicate: detected malfunctions, results of a cargo check, the condition of the carriage body, container, locking and sealing devices, twists, locks on doors and hatches, as well as the condition of loading the cargo, indicating the completeness of the load of the carriage, the uniformity of the surface of the cargo, the number of tiers in the inter - door space and others e circumstances due to which the carriage, container are sent for a commission inspection. If the cargo is loaded in bulk and counting rows and tiers is not possible, the location of the cargo in the inter door space is described by the uniformity of loading, the numbers of the packages, and the special features of the package.

      When transporting motor vehicles, the general form indicates damage to the equipment, lack of parts and assemblies, and in case of violation of individual places with spare parts and tools, if there is no inventory, their actual availability. If there are signs of theft, they are described in detail with the exact location, size of the recesses of the cargo, violation of the packaging of the packages and other circumstances. The act of the general form also indicates the way to eliminate the possibility of access to the cargo, information on locking and sealing devices superimposed on the carriage, container, and automotive equipment.

      If a carriage arrives at a station with a commercial malfunction already issued by an act of general form, and the condition of the carriage (cargo) has not changed compared to the description in the act, a passing act of the general form shall be recorded in the book of registration of commercial malfunctions (form GU-98), and the act shall be repeated general form shall not be compiled.

      527. An act of general form shall be signed by no less than two persons participating in the certification of circumstances that served as the basis for its preparation.

      When transporting cargo accompanied, an act of the general form shall be also signed by the person accompanying the cargo (guide of the shipper, consignee, and employee of the militarized guard).

      In cases where the carrier’s employee draws up a general form certificate at the station along the route on the basis of data transmitted to him by telephone or radio, the first copy of the general form act attached to the transportation document shall be signed by the person who composed it, indicating the names, surnames and inspection staff. The second copy of the act of the general form shall be signed by all persons indicated in it. Persons specified in the act of general form sign the act and, if they disagree with its content, express their opinion.

      In case of refusal or evasion of signing the act of the general form by the representative of the shipper, consignee, other organizations, a note on his refusal or evasion from signing this act shall be made in the act of the general form. This mark shall be re-certified by the signatures of persons participating in the preparation of the act of the general form.

      Paragraph 3. Drawing up the act on opening for administrative control

      528. When opening a carriage, a container, as well as a car, tractor and other self-moving vehicles carried on open rolling stock at the station, an act of opening the carriage and container shall be drawn up for administrative control.

      529. Act of opening the carriage, container shall be drawn in triplicate:

      the first copy shall be attached to the transportation document and follow the cargo to the destination station for delivery to the consignee;

      the second copy shall be presented to the representative of the state body, at the request of whom the carriage, container was opened to reimburse the cost of the locking and sealing device, newly installed on the carriage, container, car, tractor and other self-propelled machine (in case of application of the locking and sealing device by the carrier);

      the third copy - together with the locking and sealing devices removed from the carriage of the container, shall remain with the carrier at the station that draw the act.

      At the station that completed the act, container, on the reverse side of the bill in the column "Notes of the carrier", or under the name of the cargo in the shipping statement, the representative of the carrier shall make a note on the drawing up the act of opening the wagon, container. The mark shall be certified by the signature of the employee who drew up the act and the carrier's calendar stamp.

      530. The act of opening a carriage or container shall contain information about locking and sealing devices removed and superimposed after the control of the carriage and container, including: who installed locking and sealing devices (customs or other state control bodies), as well as control signs and type locking and sealing device. The act shall be signed by the representative of the carrier, representatives of state control authorities, who opened the carriage, container and shall be certified by the carrier's calendar stamp.

      531. When implementation of carriage using the electronic file of carriage, the opening act for the carriage or container shall be compiled in electronic form.

      Paragraph 4. Drawing up the act on damage to carriage

      532. The act on damage to carriage of the VU-25 form in accordance with Annex 35 to these Rules shall be drawn up by the carrier in all cases of damage to the carriage. Including damage to the locking devices of the carriage or devices for setting up a locking and sealing device that is subject to major, depot, current (uncoupling, uncoupled) repairs or exclusion of the carriage from inventory, as well as in the event of a collision and derailment of the car’s wheel pair from rails. When a wheel pair of a carriage leaves the rail, an act on damage to the carriage shall be drawn up in all cases, including the absence of damage to the carriage.

      533. The act on damage to carriage shall serve as the basis for recovery from the carrier, shipper, consignee, other organization that damaged the car, a fine for its damage and losses to the carrier, shipper, consignee, other organization due to carriage damage.

      534. The act on damage to a carriage shall be drawn up by the carrier in the presence of a representative of the shipper, consignee, and another organization that damaged the carriage.

      If the carriage damage occurred as a result of a collision or derailment, the act on damage to carriage shall be drawn up with the participation of the chief auditor for the safety of the carrier’s transportation department or the carriage manager of the transportation department. In case of damage to the carriages of the refrigerator section, AFC-E (autonomous refrigerated carriage) or their special equipment, the carriage damage report shall be drawn up by the head (deputy head) of the operational carriage depot in the area of ​​which the damage occurred, together with the chief safety inspector of the transportation department (in the absence of the carrier’s transportation department, the employee, appointed head of the operational carriage depot and head of the service crew of the refrigeration section, AFC-E).

      535. The act on damage to a carriage shall be signed by the persons involved in its preparation and certified by a seal used for financial transactions, an operational carriage depot and the shipper, consignee or other organization that damaged the carriage. In case of refusal or evasion of the shipper, consignee, other organization from signing the act on damage to the carriage, a general form shall be drawn up in accordance with these Rules.

      The act on damage to a carriage shall be drawn up separately for each carriage, in case of damage in the amount of current repair - in triplicate, in case of collisions and derailing - in four, in case of damage in the amount of planned repairs, and in case of exclusion of the carriage from inventory - in five copies.

      If the refrigerator section is damaged, the AFC-E carriage damage report shall be drawn up in six copies. The first copy of the act on damage to carriage shall be handed over to the consignee, shipper or other organization that damaged the car, the second shall be attached to the consignment note for damage to the car, the third shall be kept in the operational carriage depot, the representative of which signed the act on damage to carriage, and the fourth shall be transferred to the auditor on the carriage facilities of the department, the fifth - shall be sent to the plant or carriage depot, where the carriage is sent for repair with accompanying documents; the sixth copy of the act shall be presented to the head of the service crew of the refrigeration section, AFC-E, for transfer to the home depot.

      On the way, the carriage damage report shall be drawn up without the participation of the representative of the shipper, consignee, and other organization in an amount less than one copy than provided for in these Rules. If carriages belonging to shippers, consignees, and other organizations are damaged, an additional copy of the act on damage to carriage shall be drawn up, which shall be issued to them upon their request. When transporting goods accompanied by representatives of shippers or consignees, it is allowed to sign the act on damage to the carriage by the conductor accompanying the goods, which are assigned the functions of the shipper and there is a description of his authority in the consignment note.

      536. The act on damage to the carriage, container indicates the reasons and list of damages to the carriage, the scope of work and the type of repair required, as well as the cost of damaged parts and restoration of the carriage. In case of damage to the refrigeration section, AFC-E, the carrier and the registration depot shall also be indicated in the act on damage to the carriage. If the carriage is damaged in a collision, collapse or crash, then in the act of carriage damage in the line "Additional data" indicates: the maximum bend in the vertical and horizontal plane of the spinal beams, longitudinal side channels and buffer bars, as well as the name of the carriage frame elements requiring repair.

      537. In cases of damage to the carriage during collisions, derailing and crashes, when the carriage received additional damage during restoration work, the workers of the operational carriage depot draw up an annex to the act on carriage damage. The annex shall list the damage and the circumstances that caused them. The annex to the act on damage to the carriage, container shall be also drawn up if it has been established during compilation that the carriage has frame corrosion, structural and other wear defects in such a volume and size that the carriage must be excluded from inventory. The annex to the act on damage to the carriage, container shall be signed by the head (deputy head) of the operational carriage depot, the chief auditor for traffic safety of the transportation department, the inspector of the carriage department of the transportation department, and the head of the recovery train. The signatures in the carriage damage certificate and in the annex to it shall be certified by the seal of the operational carriage depot used for financial transactions. When a carriage is sent for repair to a factory (depot), the name of the factory (depot) and the date of compilation of the cover bill for sending the faulty carriage for repair of the form VU-26M are indicated in the act on damage to the carriage.

      538. If the damaged carriage is repaired by the shipper, consignee, other organization, then in all copies of the carriage damage report by the representative of the carriage depot who accepted the carriage after repair, a note shall be made on its acceptance indicating: date, time, serial number of the entry in the carrier’s carriage book damaged and repaired by enterprises (form VU-16) and shall be certified by its signature.

      When carrying out carriage using the electronic file of carriage, the act of damage to the carriage shall be drawn up electronically.

      Paragraph 5. Drawing up the act on damage to container

      539. The act on damage to container of the form VU-25k in accordance with Annex 43 to these Rules shall be drawn up in all cases of damage to container, including damage to the container’s locking devices or devices for setting up a locking and sealing device that is subject to total, planned, maintenance or excluding a container from inventory. The act on damage to container shall be the grounds for recovery from the carrier, shipper, consignee, and other organization that damaged the container, a fine for its damage to the benefit of the container owner and carrier losses due to damage to the container.

      540. The act of damage to a container shall be drawn up by the container operator specified in the shipping document in the presence of a representative of the shipper, consignee, and another organization responsible for damage to the container.

      The act on damage to container shall be signed by the container operator and the representative of the organization that damaged the container, indicating its position, surname, first name, patronymic and shall be certified with a line stamp of the container operator and the seal of the organization that damaged the container.

      In case of refusal or evasion of the shipper, consignee, and other organizations that damaged the container from signing the act on damage to the container, the act of the general form shall be drawn up in accordance with these Rules.

      The act of damage to a container shall be prepared separately for each container.

      541. In the event of damage to the inventory container, an act on damage to the container shall be drawn up in triplicate. The first copy of the act on damage to container shall be attached to the consignment note sent to the organization responsible for the damage to the container. The second copy shall be stored in the files of the container operator at the place of drawing up the act. The third copy with a notice on repair of a faulty container (form VU-23M) shall be sent to the address of the repair organization that repairs the container.

      In the event of damage to its own container, an additional fourth copy of the act on damage to container shall be prepared, which shall be issued to the shipper, consignee, and another organization at their request.

      The act on damage to the container shall indicate the reasons and list of damage to the container, the amount of work and the type of repair required, as well as the cost of damaged parts and restoration of the container.

      542. When carrying out transportation using the electronic transportation dossier, the act on damage to the container shall be drawn up electronically.

      Paragraph 6. Drawing up the act on underdrain of tanks (low-sided hopper carriages) found at loading point or at washing and steaming station

      543. In the event that tanks (low-sided hopper carriages) are found at loading points or at washing and steaming stations with a cargo remaining more than the norm established by these Rules, the act on underdrain of the tank (low-sided hopper carriage) discovered at the loading point or washing and steaming station of the form GU-7a shall be drawn up in accordance with Annex 44 to these Rules.

      544. The act on underdrain of tank (low-sided hopper carriage) shall be the grounds for recovery from the consignee who has allowed the tank (low-sided hopper carriage) to be paid back for the use of the carriages for the entire time the carriage has been cleared of the remaining cargo.

      545. The act on underdrain of tank (low-sided hopper carriage), discovered at the loading point or at the washing and steaming station, shall be made in four copies for each tank (low-sided hopper carriage) with the rest of the cargo. Three copies together with the consignment note, according to which the tank (low-sided hopper carriage), arrived shall be sent to the carrier. The fourth shall remain at the loading point or at the washing and steaming station and serve as the grounds for material accounting of the remaining cargo taken from the tank (low-sided hopper carriage). Therein, the first copy of the act shall be attached to the document, according to which the consignee who committed underdrain of tank (low-sided hopper carriage) shall be charged a fee for using carriages, the second copy shall be issued to the consignee, the third copy shall remain in the files of the carrier at the stations at which the dispensing was made.

      The act on underdrain of tanks (low-sided hopper carriages), discovered at the loading point or at the washing and steaming station, shall be signed by the station’s acceptance/supply inspector and inspector of the tanks. On the reverse side of the act on the underdrain of the tank (low-sided hopper carriage) discovered at the loading point or at the washing and steaming station, the number of hours during which the tank (low-sided hopper carriage) was cleaned shall be indicated. Only the time taken to remove cargo remains without taking into account the time for steaming and washing the tanks (low-sided hopper carriages) shall be included in the indicated period. These data shall be confirmed by the signatures of the head of the loading point or team leader with the stamp or stamp of the loading point or washing and steaming station.

Chapter 30. The procedure for transportation of liquid cargo in bulk in tank carriages and low-sided hopper carriages

      546. Cargo carried in bulk in tank carriages (hereinafter referred to as the Tanks) and bunker-type carriages for the transportation of petroleum bitumen (hereinafter referred to as the Low-sided hopper carriages) shall be divided into non-hazardous, which are transported in compliance with general conditions, and dangerous, for which they must be carried out in addition to general, also special traffic conditions provided by these Rules and the Rules of transportation of liquid cargo in bulk in tank carriages and hopper type carriages for transportation of bitumen, approved on The 50th meeting of the Board of Rail Transport from States Members of the Commonwealth on May 22, 2009.

      547. For the carriage of cargo in bulk, only technically sound tank carriages and specialized tanks, low-sided hopper carriages, both inventory and own (rented) carriages, shall be intended for this purpose.

      Tanks intended for the carriage of bulk cargo must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents (standards, specifications, technical operation rules) and be tested in the amount of requirements for rolling stock. In the technical conditions for the development of a specific model of the tank, the name of the cargo or their list (of cargo) for the transportation of which this tank is intended shall be indicated.

      Tanks for the transportation of oil and petroleum products must have one of the stencils: "Petrol-Oil" ("CT"), "Petrol" ("C"), "Oil" ("T"), "Fuel oil" ("T"), and special and specialized tanks - the exact name of the oil product.

      548. Low-sided hopper carriages may only be used for transportation of viscous petroleum bitumen and petroleum carbonite. It shall be prohibited to transport hard bitumen in them.

      549. The use of tanks intended for the transport of light oil products for the loading of oil, fuel oil, motor fuel and other dark oil products, as well as oils, shall be prohibited.

      550. It shall be prohibited to transport cargo in tanks, low-sided hopper carriages in the following cases:

      if less than one month remained before their scheduled repair and/or technical inspection of the boiler and fittings;

      absence of a clear carriage number, marking plate, manufacturer's plates;

      absence or malfunction of external (if it is provided for by the carriage design) stairs, walkways, work platforms and their fences;

      leaks of the boiler of the tank, low-sided hopper carriage, malfunctioning of shut-off and drain-loading fittings, the presence of a hole in the steam jacket of the tank, low-sided hopper carriage;

      cracks on the covers of loading and drain hatches;

      absence of a working safety inlet valve of the tank;

      absence of a gasket tank on the cover of the loading hatch;

      absence of danger signs, inscriptions, stencils and distinctive coloring;

      absence or malfunction of two or more adjacent folding bolts for fastening the loading hatch of the tank cap, the absence of an eye for sealing the manhole cover by the established rules for sealing carriages and containers with the type of locking and sealing device.

      Empty tanks supplied for loading dangerous cargo shall be presented for maintenance during the day before loading, with an appropriate mark in a separate book of the VU-14 form.

      During a commercial inspection of the tank, the correct color of the boiler and the application by the owner (lessee) of special inscriptions and stencils are also checked.

      551. When transporting dangerous cargo by the shipper, danger signs and United Nations numbers (hereinafter referred to as the UN) shall be applied to tanks in accordance with the Alphabetical Index of cargo transported in bulk in tank carriages and low-sided hopper carriages according to the Annex to the Rules for the transport of liquid cargo in bulk in tank carriages and bunker-type carriages for the transportation of petroleum bitumen, approved at the 50th meeting of the Council on Rail Transport of the Member States of the Commonwealth of May 22, 2009.

      552. The loading of cargo transported in tanks and low-sided hopper carriages shall be carried out in specially equipped places that meet safety requirements.

      Compliance of the place of loading and unloading of cargo with safety requirements shall be ensured by the shipper.

      To provide the possibility of filling bitumen into low-sided hopper carriages during precipitation (for example, rain and snow), the loading fronts should be equipped with devices to prevent atmospheric precipitation from entering the hopper.

      553. Preparation for loading carriages, containers shall be carried out at the expense of the person to whom the carriages belong on the basis of ownership or other legal basis and in accordance with the concluded agreement.

      554. In case of leakage of cargo from the tank on the railway tracks of the departure station, the shipper shall immediately take measures to ensure the safety of the cargo and the environment, including by transferring the cargo to another tank or tank.

      555. The calculation of the degree of filling of tanks shall be made in accordance with Annex 45 to these Rules.

      556. At the end of loading, the shipper shall provide:

      correct installation corresponding to the diameter of the cover, gasket;

      tight final of a cover of a loading hatch, the bunker, drain and bulk armature, caps;

      sealing with a locking and sealing device of the tank cap in accordance with the procedure for sealing carriages and containers;

      removal of contaminants during loading of cargo from the outer surface of the cargo capacity of the carriage, frame, chassis, brake equipment of the tank and low-sided hopper carriage.

      In case of violation of the requirements set forth in this paragraph, the carrier shall not accept tanks, low-sided hopper carriages from consignees until elimination of the revealed violations.

      557. Consignees shall take measures in advance to organize the discharge of cargo, and, if necessary, to warm it up. It shall be prohibited to discharge cargo through the lower drain device with the upper hatch cover closed because of the possibility of an unacceptable vacuum in the tank boiler.

      558. To unload bitumen from low-sided hopper carriages, consignees must have appropriate acceptance and steam heating devices.

      559. Unloading bitumen from the low-sided hopper carriage shall be made sequentially from each bunker. Simultaneous unloading from two or more bunkers of a low-sided hopper carriage shall be prohibited in order to avoid overturning of a low-sided hopper carriage.

      560. The discharge of cargo from tanks and low-sided hopper carriages should be carried out completely with the removal of viscous products from the inner surface of the boiler and hopper. Petroleum products shall be considered to be completely drained from tanks with an overflow in the presence of a residue of not more than 1 centimeter (measured under the cup). In low-sided hopper carriages, a residue of no more than 3 centimeters is allowed (measured in the middle of the bunker). By agreement between the shipper and the consignee, the cleaning of the inner surface of their own (leased) tanks may not be carried out.

      The carrier can check the completeness of the discharge of tanks and low-sided hopper carriages. Checking the completeness of the discharge of tanks sent after discharge for the consignee's seals according to the full shipping documents is not performed.

      If tanks and low-sided hopper carriages are found at the discharge stations with cargo residues, as well as with the uncleaned external surface of the boiler (bunker), a general form GU-23 shall be drawn up and the carriages shall be returned to the consignee for cleaning.

      561. Some of the cargoes transported in bulk in tanks freeze or acquire increased viscosity, which necessitates their preheating before discharge.

      Consignees of viscous and solidifying cargo must have sufficient heating means to ensure full discharge of such cargo from tanks.

      562. After the discharge (unloading) of cargo from the tank, low-sided hopper carriage, the consignee shall provide:

      cleaning the low-sided hopper carriage from the remains of cargo, dirt, ice, sludge;

      cleaning the outer surface of the boiler tank, low-sided hopper carriage, frame, running gear, brake equipment and restoring to clear visibility signs, inscriptions and stencils on the boiler;

      set all hook-hooks in a normal position and fully tighten the lock screws, using a short crowbar if necessary;

      correct setting and securing without skewing both in relation to the plane of the frame, and in relation to each other bunkers of the low-sided hopper carriage;

      removal the signs of danger;

      installation in the transport position of the parts of the drain, shut-off and safety valves, other tank equipment, tight final of the valve and plugs of the drain device;

      presence of gaskets installed in place, tight final of the lid of the tank;

      filling an empty tank with locking and sealing devices, if it is to be returned in accordance with these Rules with full shipping documents.

      In case of violation of the requirements set forth in this paragraph, the carrier shall not accept tanks, low-sided hopper carriages from consignees until the identified violations are rectified.

      563. Upon presentation of the cargo for transportation, the shipper shall present on each tank, low-sided hopper carriage or a group of such carriages a consignment note filled out in accordance with Chapter 7 of these Rules.

      564. In the event that tanks and low-sided hopper carriages are found at the washing and steaming station with residues of underfilled cargo exceeding the permissible norms, the act shall be completed on the underdrain of the tank (low-sided hopper carriage) discovered at the washing and steaming station in the form GU-7a in accordance with Annex 44 to these Rules. This act, together with the consignment note, in which an appropriate note is made on its preparation, is sent to the carrier for investigation and prosecution of the perpetrators, and is also the basis for the collection of fees from the consignee for costs.

      565. In case of detection of a malfunction of a loaded tank, due to which it is not possible to follow it further for its intended purpose, such a tank is set aside on a specially allocated station path.

      In the presence of a conductor, the tank should be under his/her protection. If a group of tanks is accompanied by one conductor, then the whole group shall be detached from the train.

      566. The representative of the carrier shall report the delay of the defective tank, and if there is a conductor, the carrier shall notify the shipper by telegraph (fax) and, if necessary, shall require the secondment of specialists and/or the sending of another tank with cargo handling devices.

      Upon receipt of the notification of the unhooking of the own or leased tank, the shipper (consignee) shall send the mobile unit or its representative to the place of unhooking the tank.

      567. If a defective tank with dangerous cargo is found along the route, dangerous cargo shall be transported in the presence of a representative of the carrier.

      During the transportation of dangerous cargo until the end of the destruction of the remaining cargo, the tank must be protected.

      568. In the event of a cargo leak or other emergency situations, the necessary measures shall be taken in accordance with the requirements of the emergency card for this cargo.

      The act of general GU-23 form shall be drawn up with the participation of the conductor, indicating the technical condition of the tank: the type of malfunction, the causes of its occurrence, measures taken to eliminate the malfunction, and also the possibility of further following the tank, and       in the absence of conductor, by the representative of the carrier. A copy of the act of the general form GU-23 shall be attached to the shipping documents.

Chapter 31. The procedure for transportation of dangerous cargo

      569. Dangerous cargo include substances, materials, products, waste from production and other activities that, due to their inherent properties and characteristics, if certain factors exist during transportation, during loading and unloading and storage, can harm the environment, serve as the cause of an explosion, fire or damage to vehicles, devices, buildings and structures, as well as the death, injury, poisoning, burns or illness of people, animals and birds.

      570. The shipper shall present to the carrier for each dangerous cargo shipment a consignment note filled out in accordance with the Rules for the Transport of Dangerous Cargo by Rail, approved at the fifteenth meeting of the Council on Rail Transport of the Member States of the Commonwealth of April 5, 1996, and for transportation in international traffic - in accordance with Annex 2 to SMGS (Agreement on International Goods Transport by Rail).

      At the top of the consignment note, the shipper shall affix red stamps provided for the cargo.

      571. Dangerous cargo to be accompanied by the conductors (specialists) of the shipper (consignee) shall be transported in compliance with the requirements of the Rules for the Transport of Dangerous Cargo by Rail, approved at the fifteenth meeting of the Council on Rail Transport of the Member States of the Commonwealth of April 5, 1996, and for transportation in international traffic - in accordance with Annex 2 to the SMGS.

      The shipper shall supply the conductors with special equipment and clothing, a first-aid kit, a set of tools, and primary fire-fighting equipment.

      572. If a carriage malfunction is detected along the route, due to which it cannot follow the intended purpose, the carriage shall be disconnected from the train, served on specially designated tracks and be under protection.

      573. Tare and packaging must be strong, serviceable, meet established state standards and completely exclude leakage and spillage of cargo, ensure its safety and security of transportation.

Chapter 32. Conducting special studies and examinations

      574. In case of need to establish the size or reason for shortage, damage or spoil to the cargo and the amount by which its value has decreased, a special study or examination of the quality of the cargo, and, if necessary, the container in which the cargo is loaded at the expense of the consignee, shall be carried out upon delivery.

      A special study or examination shall also be carried out in order to identify the cause and or the estimated cost of the cargo, if necessary, if it is sold by the carrier.

      575. In case of disagreement with the expert opinion, the representative of the carrier shall make a reservation about this with motives and shall take measures to appoint a second examination or create an expert commission, and, if necessary, appeal the expert opinion in court.

      If necessary, the carrier shall appoint a second examination.

      576. The examination shall be carried out with the participation of the carrier, and with the delivery of cargo at the destination station - with the participation of the consignee.

      For perishable cargo, the head of the train or the mechanic of the refrigerator section shall participate.

      577. The results of special studies and examinations shall be documented in an act. The act of special research and examination, in addition to the expert, shall be signed by all persons participating in the examination.

      578. The findings of special studies and examinations answer the question about the causes of damage (spoilage) of the cargo, their size, and also by what amount the cost of cargo decreased. The findings of the examination shall be grounded and shall not be based on an assumption.

      579. The following information shall be reflected in the opinion of an expert:

      The degree of damage or spoil to the cargo;

      the possibility to repair the damaged cargo

      the cost of repair or by how many percent the value of the cargo has decreased due to damage,

      the possibility of its full or partial use;

      the reasons the cargo damage could occur, in particular: whether it is a result of packaging mismatch with state standards, technical specifications or the nature of the cargo; whether damage or deterioration occurred from the property of the cargo itself;

      the possibility to replace damaged or missing parts, items and the cost of such a replacement.

      If a specialist or an expert finds it difficult to indicate the exact cause of damage, damage to the cargo or its packaging, he/she shall indicate in the act the grounds for impossibility to accurately determine the cause of damage or spoil to the cargo.

      In case of disagreement with the expert opinion, the representative of the carrier shall make a reservation about this with grounds and, if necessary, shall appeal the expert opinion in court.

      580. For containers of cargo, a special study or examination shall establish:

      the cause of leakage of liquid cargo - constructive or others, and which exactly ones;

      whether the riveting from which the barrels are collected for the transportation of this cargo is sufficiently sustained;

      whether the adjustable stops are deepened sufficiently and whether the leak or falling of the bottom is a consequence of a shallow hole and whether the hoops have been strengthened;

      whether the container meets its intended purpose and the established standard with the number of the standard and detected deviations from the standards;

      whether soldering, welding of barrels or cans is done correctly and whether the covers are hermetically closed;

      in case of fires with dangerous cargo, the conformity of the products with the requirements of the standard or technical conditions and the presence of special markings on the packages indicating the measures for cargo protection are established;

      if necessary, the remains of hazardous products are passed for examination in order to establish whether there were any deviations from the requirements of the standard or technical conditions in this product that could lead to the ignition of cargo or rolling stock.

      581. The act of special research or examination shall be issued to the carrier for subsequent application to the commercial act.

      582. Special research and examination shall not be carried out if the cost of shortage, damage (spoilage) to the cargo does not exceed the size of ten monthly calculation indexes, and also if the cost of special research and examination exceeds the amount of losses. In these cases, the size or reason for the shortage, damage (spoilage) to the cargo and the amount of losses shall be determined jointly by the carrier and the consignee and shall be indicated in the commercial act.

Chapter 33. The procedure for transportation of cargo on special conditions

      583. In the case when transportation of certain cargo cannot be carried out in accordance with these Rules, transportation of cargo can be carried out on special conditions on the basis of an agreement between the shipper, consignee and the carrier, in individual occasional cases on the basis of a letter of guarantee. These special conditions take precedence over the conditions set forth in these Rules.

      Transportation of cargo under special conditions shall be established in the following cases:

      1) when transporting cargo, the carriage of which is not provided for by these Rules;

      2) during the transportation of cargo, the transportation of which shall be carried out with a mismatch of the packaging, packaging and condition of the cargo, the requirements of standards, specifications or when using new types of containers and packaging;

      3) when transporting perishable cargo for a period exceeding the deadline for transportation established by these Rules;

      4) when transporting using rolling stock, containers in which these Rules do not provide for the transportation of certain types of cargo;

      5) in other cases not provided for by these Rules.

      584. Transportation of cargo under special conditions shall provide for:

      the conditions for acceptance of cargo for carriage;

      the procedure for determining the mass of cargo and execution of shipping documents;

      the procedure for the delivery of cargo to the consignee;

      responsibility of the parties regarding the safety of the transported cargo;

      release of the carrier from liability in the event that he fulfills his obligations under the contract;

      compensation of the carrier’s expenses related to transportation of cargo on special conditions;

      features and method of transportation, escort or maintenance of it along the route, the period of transportability.

      585. When the need arises to transport cargo under special conditions, the shipper shall contact the carrier with a written request at least 5 calendar days before the deadline for submitting an application for transportation of cargo established by these Rules.

      586. Transportation of cargo on special conditions may be carried out on the basis of a letter of guarantee or an agreement in which the shipper (consignee) guarantees that no claims will be made regarding the quality and quantity of the transported cargo.

      587. The carrier, within 10 calendar days after receiving the appeal, shall make a decision on the possibility of transporting cargo on special conditions.

      588. When the carrier makes a positive decision on transportation of cargo under special conditions, the carrier shall inform the involved structural units by telegram where the main conditions of these shipments shall be indicated (station of departure and destination, type of cargo, type and type of rolling stock, liability of the parties, period of validity of the special conditions).

      If it is impossible to carry out cargo transportation on special conditions, the carrier shall send a reasoned refusal to the shipper.

      589. On the consignment note in the column “Name of cargo”, the shipper under the name of the cargo shall make a note: “Transportation under special conditions, and the number and date of the telegram that announced the procedure for the transportation of this cargo or indicating the number of the contract for transportation of cargo on special conditions.”

Chapter 33-1. The procedure for transportation during transit of cargo

      Footnote. The rules were supplemented by Chapter 33-1 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 320 dated May 28, 2020 (see paragraph 4 for the order of enforcement).

      Transportation of cargos by rail shall be carried out in accordance with the Law, international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan and these Rules.

      589-1. The transit of cargo includes:

      1) transportation of cargo by rail through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, starting and ending outside the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and carried out under a single shipping document (consignment note) issued for the entire route;

      2) import of cargo by road from one country, accepted at the station of the Republic of Kazakhstan and drawn up according to internal shipping documents with destination to another station of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which upon arrival at the station of destination of the Republic of Kazakhstan is reloaded onto road transport for export to another country;

      3) import of cargo by road from one country, accepted at the station of the Republic of Kazakhstan and drawn up by the SMGS consignment note, with destination to the railway station of another country;

      4) import of cargo by rail from a railway station of one country, drawn up by an SMGS, CIM / SMGS consignment note with destination to the station of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which, upon arrival at the station of destination of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is reloaded onto road transport for export to another country;

      5) import of cargo by rail from a railway station from one country, issued by the SMGS consignment note, CIM / SMGS with destination to the station of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which, upon arrival at the station of destination of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was sent by rail with destination to a railway station of another country;

      6) import of cargo by sea transport from one country, issued by the SMGS consignment note, with destination to the station of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which, upon arrival at the station of destination of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was sent by rail with registration of the SMGS consignment note with destination to the railway station of another country;

      7) import of cargo by sea transport from one country, issued by the SMGS consignment note, with destination to the station of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which, upon arrival at the station of destination of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to internal shipping documents, was sent with destination to another station of the Republic of Kazakhstan, from which the cargo was reloaded to road transport for export to another country;

      8) import of cargo by rail from a railway station from one country, issued by the SMGS consignment note, CIM / SMGS to the station of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which, upon arrival at the station of destination of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to internal shipping documents, was sent to another station of the Republic of Kazakhstan, from which the cargo was sent by rail under the SMGS consignment note with the destination to a railway station of another country.

      589-2. The provisions of subparagraphs 2), 3), 4), 5), 6), 7) and 8) of paragraph 589-1 of these Rules shall not be applied to:

      - transportation of cargo belonging by right of ownership or other legal basis to an individual or legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan, transported through the single unified territory of the Customs Union;

      - transportation of empty wagons belonging to a legal entity or individual of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of ownership or other legal basis and traveling as cargo on their own axles;

      - transportation of cargo imported into the territory of the member states of the Customs Union from third countries, for which, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taxes, fees and charges have been paid, as well as customs clearance has been carried out.

      589-3. Calculation of payment for the transportation of cargos in the case provided for by subparagraph 1) of paragraph 589-1 of these Rules shall be carried out in accordance with international agreements (treaties) to which the Republic of Kazakhstan is a party.

      Calculation of payment for the transportation of cargos in the cases provided for in subparagraphs 2), 3), 4), 5), 6), 7) and 8) of paragraph 589-1 of these Rules shall be carried out in accordance with the calculation procedure specified in the Tariff guide (price list ) of the carrier, taking into account the provisions specified in international agreements (treaties) to which the Republic of Kazakhstan is a party.

      Payment of transportation charges in the cases specified in subparagraphs 1), 2), 3), 4), 5), 6), 7), 8) of paragraph 589-1 of these Rules shall be made by the payers specified in the transportation documents.

      Paragraph 1. Procedure for acceptance of transit cargos for transportation

      589-4. The representative of the consignor, one day before presenting the transit cargo for transportation, notifies the carrier in writing of the planned shipment of the transit cargo, indicating the method, place of import / export of the transit cargo and the mode of transport by which the transit cargo was imported.

      At the departure station, upon presentation of transit cargo for transportation, the consignor provides shipping documents and other documents (certificate, license, veterinary certificate, customs declarations).

      The carrier checks the correctness of information in the documents provided for in part two of this paragraph during the transit of cargo.

      If, prior to the conclusion of the contract of transportation, the carrier discovers incomplete and (or) non-conforming information in the railway bill of lading provided for in part two of this paragraph, the shipper shall draw up a new railway bill of lading.

      Until a new consignment note is issued, the carrier shall refuse to accept the cargo for transportation.

      All payments due for the transportation of transit cargo and other payments and fees associated with transportation of transit cargo shall be paid by the consignor, the forwarder until the moment the cargo is dispatched. A receipt for accepting the cargo (and for international transportation - a duplicate of the consignment note) indicating the amount of the freight charge shall be issued to the shipper by the carrier's representative at the departure station when processing the shipping documents.

      The carrier suspends the provision of services for the transportation of cargo, until the payment for transportation of cargo and other due payments for previous transportation of cargo are paid.

      Paragraph 2. Procedure for drawing up a consignment note and shipping documents

      589-5. Upon presentation by the consignor for transportation of transit cargo imported into the Republic of Kazakhstan by other modes of transport with further transportation in international traffic with an destination to railway stations of other countries, the SMGS consignment note shall be issued in the following order:

      in the column "consignor's declarations" of the SMGS consignment note, the following marks shall be put down: "Imported ____________ by transport (the mode of transport is indicated) from ____________ (the country of initial departure is indicated)".

      Section 3. Procedure for delivery of cargo

      589-6. When delivering the cargo, the carrier checks for the presence in the SMGS consignment note of a mark on the export of cargo by another mode of transport, determines the type of transit of the cargo, as well as the final country of destination according to the shipping document attached to the consignment note.

Chapter 34. The procedure for cleaning and washing carriages and containers after unloading

      590. The consignee shall ensure the acceptance of cargo arriving at his address, the release of rolling stock, its cleaning, and, if necessary, washing in accordance with this Chapter.

      591. After unloading cargo, carriages and containers shall be presented for transportation in technically sound condition, completely unloaded, cleaned inside and outside, with closed doors, hatches, sides, covers of drain devices in accordance with the operating instructions for the respective types (kinds) of carriages.

      An unloaded and cleaned carriage, container from the consignee shall be accepted by the representative of the carrier with a list in the bill for the supply and cleaning of carriages or in the note of the receiver.

      592. Carriages and containers (except for tank carriages, low-sided hopper carriages) shall be recognized as cleared, from which, after unloading the cargo, all residues or accumulations of cargo were removed, inside and outside, on the body of the carriages, and in (on) containers, as well as on the chassis of the carriages (beams, trolleys, covers, hatches) and inter-carriage connections, except for fixed and removable equipment of carriages, which is not issued with the load.

      Tank carriages and low-sided hopper carriages shall be recognized as cleaned, provided that there are no cargo residues on the inner and outer surfaces of the boilers or bunkers.

      When unloading cargo from tanks with an upper discharge, the remains of the unloaded cargo shall be allowed in the amount no more than 1 centimeter measured under the upper hatch.

      Signs and stencils on the carriage, container and frame of the carriage must be legible.

      593. When transporting bulk cargo by ring routes, the permissible cargo balances in carriages after unloading shall be established only by written agreement of the shipper and the consignee, the carrier based on the requirements for ensuring traffic safety.

      594. Atmospheric precipitation in open rolling stock is not remains of previously transported cargo and a sign of pollution. Cleaning carriages from precipitation shall be carried out by the shipper.

      595. The outer and inner surfaces of the carriage, container must be cleaned of the remains of the protective film, emulsions, as well as stickers, labels, tags, chalk markings, polluting the carriage, unless the same labels are present on an empty carriage, container or when transported in carriage, container of other cargo is provided for by these Rules.

      596. All methods of cleaning carriages and containers must ensure their safety, as well as prevent environmental pollution.

      597. If it is found in the carriage or container after unloading the remains of the cargo previously transported in them, the consignee must completely clear the carriage and container of the remains of all cargo.

      598. The consignee shall make a claim to the shipper for loading cargo at his address in an uncleaned carriage, container. The carrier at the request of the consignee can take part in confirming the presence in the carriage, container of the remains of the previously transported cargo with the preparation of the act of the general form GU-23.

      599. Washing of covered carriages shall be carried out after the unloading of the cargo listed in the List of cargo, after unloading of which the washing of covered carriages should be carried out in accordance with Annex 46 to these Rules.

      600. Washing of carriages after unloading the cargo specified in the List of cargo, after unloading of which washing of covered carriages according to Annex 46 to these Rules should be carried out, shall not be performed in the following cases:

      when transporting polluting and fetid cargo by ring routes, if these carriages are used for loading the same cargo;

      in cases when the carriage after unloading one polluting (fetid) cargo is loaded in the order of dual operations with another polluting (fetid) cargo.

      601. Grain carriages are also subject to washing by consignees after unloading of non-grain cargo. After unloading the malt, the consignee ventilates grain carriages in order to eliminate a specific smell.

      602. If the consignees do not have the capacity to wash the carriages, washing may be carried out by the carrier at the expense of the consignee with payment of transport costs to the washing station.

      Disinfection of goods and vehicles shall be carried out by consignees or the relevant bodies of state control (supervision), at the expense of the consignee, with payment of transport costs to the point of washing.

      603. After unloading of animals, poultry, raw products of animal origin, washing, veterinary and sanitary treatment of carriages and containers are provided by the consignee or carrier at the expense of the consignee.

      604. In the case after unloading the carriages or containers, except for our own and rented ones in which the dangerous cargo were packed, leakage, spillage, a specific smell or scattering of part of the contents are detected, it is necessary to clean the carriage, container and, if necessary, wash and neutralize the carriage, container with means and at the expense of the consignee.

      605. If the carriage or container was not cleaned and processed at the place of unloading, this carriage or container shall be transported on the terms of the dangerous cargo previously transported.

      606. Carriages or containers in which dangerous cargo were transported in bulk and which are not used for re-transporting the same cargo should be completely cleaned after unloading.

      607. In case of violation of the requirements set forth in these Rules, the carrier may refuse to accept uncleaned carriages or containers. While the carriages and containers are being cleaned, the consignee shall pay the carrier a fee for using the carriages.

      608. The direction of empty carriages for washing or veterinary-sanitary treatment shall be carried out according to full transportation documents with payment of cargo charges.

Chapter 35. "Procedure for transportation of own empty wagons (containers)

      Footnote. The Rules have been supplemented by Chapter 35 by order № 220 of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.05.2021 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      609. For the transportation of an empty own wagon (container) by rail, the consignor shall provide the carrier with a railway waybill filled out taking into account the features of this chapter, including through EDI in the SAS, integrated with the information systems of the National Infrastructure Operator.

      The consignor shall indicate the following information in the railway bill:

      the purpose of transportation of own empty wagon (container), which is indicated in column 4 of the reverse side of the consignor’s special declarations and marks of the consignor (for loading cargo, for repairs, for temporary placement of wagons, for washing, steaming or veterinary and sanitary treatment, under reloading and other purposes provided for by these Rules);

      In the case of own empty wagons (containers) for loading cargo, the consignor shall indicate in the railway waybill information about the consignor and the number of the submitted application for the transportation of GU-12 form, for the loading of which the empty own wagon (container) was sent.

      610. In the case of an own empty wagon (container) for repair or for washing, steaming, veterinary and sanitary treatment, the railway consignment note shall contain information on the corresponding name of the enterprise providing repair, washing, steaming, veterinary and sanitary treatment services and the consent of the recipient is attached to receive an empty own wagon (container), which is transferred via EDI to the SAS, integrated with the information systems of the National Infrastructure Operator, or using other electronic communication means.

      In the case of an own empty wagon (container) going to the destination station for temporary placement on railway sidings, the consent of the owner of the railway siding to the temporary placement of own empty wagons in accordance with Appendix 47 to these Rules shall be attached to the railway consignment note, which is transmitted via EDI to the SAS integrated with the information systems of the National Infrastructure Operator, or with the help of other electronic communication means, about which a corresponding note shall be made in the railway bill.

      In the case of an empty own wagon (container) going to the destination station for temporary placement on the station tracks, the consent of the National Infrastructure Operator for the temporary placement of own empty wagons in accordance with Appendix 47 to these Rules shall be attached to the railway bill, which is transmitted via EDI to the SAS, integrated with information systems of the National Infrastructure Operator, or using other electronic means of communication, which is indicated in the railway bill.

      When sending an empty own wagon (container), which is a foreign vehicle of international carriages for temporary placement on station tracks on the basis of an agreement with the National Infrastructure Operator, the recipient (the person responsible for the use of wagons (containers)) shall be indicated, which, in compliance with these Rules, shall ensure further dispatch of wagons (containers) after temporary placement.

      611. Upon arrival of an empty own wagon (container), with the exception of those assigned to railway stations that are part of the railway lines of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at the entrance border station, in the absence at the destinations station of an application for the carriage of cargos of the GU-12 form, the carrier shall notify of this the owner of his own empty wagon (container), consignor, consignee by posting relevant information on the official website of the carrier.

      The owner of his own empty wagon (container), consignor, consignee, within 12 hours from posting the above information on the official website of the carrier, shall notify the carrier by posting the relevant information on the official website of the carrier or using EDI, including in the SAS integrated with information systems of the National Infrastructure Operator:

      about the number of the application for the carriage of cargoes of the GU-12 form, for the execution of which such an empty own wagon (container) must be used;

      about another purpose of transportation of this empty own wagon (container).

      If the owner of the empty own wagon (container) fails to provide such information, untimely or incorrectly submits it and there is an application for the carriage of cargoes of the GU-12 form at the destination station, the parameters of which (name of the owner of the own wagon (container), the validity term of the application form GU-12, type of railway rolling stock) allow for its use for loading within the framework of this application form GU-12, an empty own wagon (container) is counted as the next one for this application form GU-12.

      612. The carrier shall not accept an empty own wagon (container) for transportation:

      1) in the absence at the destination station of information about the number of the submitted application for transportation of the GU-12 form;

      2) in the absence at the destination station of enterprises providing services for repair, washing, steaming, veterinary and sanitary treatment of wagons (containers) indicated in the railway bill and absence of the recipient’s consent to accept the empty own wagon (container);

      3) in the absence of an agreement for temporary placement on sidings or station tracks or the recipient’s consent to receive an empty own wagon (container), when indicating the purpose of the empty own wagon (container) to the destination station for temporary placement at the station or the railway sidings;

      4) in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international treaties (agreements) of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      613. When transferring to the sidings of enterprises, the parties transferring / receiving the wagon shall check the wagon for the presence of components, parts, damage. In this case, the damage or lack of parts, assemblies and malfunctions found on the wagons, the state of special devices shall be recorded in the book of full-scale inspection of wagons of the VU-15 form.

      After inspecting the wagons, representatives of the delivering and receiving parties shall compare the entries in the VU-15 form book and certify them with their signatures, indicating the identified malfunctions in front of each wagon number.

      The carrier that accepted the empty wagon for transportation shall check the presence of all components and parts, removable devices on the wagon and ensure the safety of the wagon components and parts and its good condition.

      614. This chapter does not apply to the acceptance for transportation of empty own wagons (containers) in export traffic.

  Annex 1
to the Rules for transportation of
cargo by railway transport
form GU-12

Application (plan) for transportation

      Application registration date ________________________ _______ 




      Shipper __________________________________________________________


      Address _________________________________________________________


      Bank ___________________________________________________________


      Access road ______________________________________________________


      (agreement №, name, postal address of the branch owner)

      on ____________ 20 ____

Planned, unplanned (cross out the unnecessary)

name of station of departure

(name of the nomenclature group of cargo)

Sign of carriage

Plan number

Branch number



Shipper Code

Codes of types of carriages

Exact cargo name

Cargo code


GCEO (general classifier of enterprises and organizations)


According to CTR (classes of transport rates)

According to HSTN (harmonized system of tariff nomenclature)

Name of the road (abbreviated) and destination station, transshipment point and destination

Code of the road, destination station, border station, transportation point and destination

Code and name of country of destination

Consignee code and name

The number of tons per month

Name of the types of carriages

Number of carriages per month
















      Hereby I am responsible for the accuracy of the information entered in the application, stamp here

      Shipper ______________ ____________ _______________________________

      (position) (signature) (last name first name patronymic)

      _____________________ Date ________ 


      The application form GU-12 shall be filled in the following order:

      in the column “Carrier” - the name of the carrier shall be indicated, within the scope of which the shipper and the departure station are located;

      in the column “Shipper” - the exact full name of the shipper shall be indicated;

      in the column “Address” - the postal address of the shipper, his contact phone number, fax, email address (if any) shall be indicated;

      in the column “Bank” - the name of the bank, all bank details: individual bank code (BIC), bank account, bank name, taxpayer registration number (TRN) of the shipper shall be indicated;

      in the line “Access road” the name of the access road, the number of the agreement, the postal address of the branch owner shall be indicated;

      in the line “Mark on approval of the branch owner” the surname, name, patronymic of the representative of the branch owner, signature, seal shall be indicated;

      in the line “For ________ ____ year” the month during which the shipper intends to transport shall be indicated;

      in the column “Name of the departure station” the exact name of the departure station shall be indicated in accordance with Tariff Guide № 4, approved by the Rail Transport Council of the

      Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia (hereinafter referred to as the Tariff Guide № 4);

      in the line “ Planned, unscheduled (cross out the unnecessary)” - depending on the type of application, the unnecessary shall be crossed out;

      in the column “Name of the nomenclature group of cargo” Name of the nomenclature of cargo, which corresponds to this type of transported cargo, shall be indicated;

      in the line “Carriage affiliation” the carriage affiliation shall be indicated (inventory - 1, own, rented - 2);

      in the column “Sign of transportation” shall be indicated:

      0 - interregional

      1 - export to third countries through port stations,

      2 - export to third countries through border station,

      3 - export to the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia.

      the column "Plan №" shall be filled in by the representative of the carrier at the departure station for each nomenclature of cargo;

      in the column “Branch No”, the number of the road compartment within which the departure station is located shall be indicated;

      in the column “Departure Station Code”, the code of the departure station shall be indicated in accordance with Tariff Guide № 4;

      in the column “Code of the cargo nomenclature group” shall be indicated in accordance with the nomenclature of cargo;

      in the column “Shipper code”, the four-digit shipper code be assigned by the carrier to the shipper and the code are the general classifier of enterprises and organizations (GCEO);

      in the column “Codes of carriage deliveries” the codes of carriage deliveries shall be indicated in accordance with the list of individual genera of cargo carriages;

      column 1 “Exact name of the cargo” shall indicate the exact name of the cargo sent to this destination, an abbreviated or incomplete name of the cargo shall be prohibited;

      column 2 “Cargo code” shall indicate the six-digit cargo code in accordance with the Unified tariff and statistical nomenclature of cargo;

      column 3 “Cargo code” shall indicate the cargo code in accordance with the Harmonized Nomenclature of Cargo;

      column 4 “Name of the road (abbreviated) and station of destination, transshipment point and destination” shall indicate:

      in international traffic - the name of the destination railway (abbreviated) and the full name of the destination station, in accordance with Tariff Guide № 4;

      in interregional communication - the full name of the destination station in accordance with Tariff Guide № 4;

      column 5 “Code of the road, destination station, border station, transshipment point and destination” shall indicate:

      in inter-regional communication - the code of the destination station in accordance with Tariff Guide № 4;

      in international traffic - the code of the railway and the code of the destination station;

      in international traffic to third countries - codes and full name of the border station according to the names of the border stations of the railways of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Republic of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania for the transportation of export cargo or port stations that transship export cargo into sea and river transport in accordance The list of port stations that transship export cargo from railway to sea and river transport;

      Reduction of the name of the border station and transshipment station shall be prohibited;

      column 6 “Code and name of the country of destination” shall indicate the code and name of the country of destination according to the classifier of countries of the world and territory (names and codes) only when transporting cargo in international traffic to third countries; 

      column 7 “Code and name of the consignee” is filled out when transporting cargo in international traffic through port stations with the code and the exact full name of the consignee to whose address the cargo were actually sent;

      column 8 “The number of tons per month” shall indicate with an accuracy of one ton the gross weight of the cargo indicated in the List of nomenclature groups of cargo, the transportation of which is planned in tons and carriages, as well as in international traffic and direct mixed international rail traffic;

      columns 9-13 “Name of the types of carriages”, “Codes of types of carriages”, “Number of carriages per month” shall indicate the number of carriages at each destination station according to the type of carriages;

      column 14 "Total" is mandatory, even if the transportation is planned in one of the kinds of rolling stock.

      The monthly application for the cargo transportation plan shall indicate the results in columns 10-14.

  Annex 2
to the Rules for transportation of
cargo by railway transport
form GU-12K

Application (plan) for transportation

      Application registration date ________________________ _______ 




      Shipper ________________________________________________


      Address _________________________________________________________


      Bank ___________________________________________________________


      Access road _________________________________________________

      __________________________________________ on ____________ 20 ____

      (agreement №, name, postal address of the branch owner)

      Planned, unplanned (cross out the unnecessary)


Forwarder name


Note on branch owner approval
Carriage affiliation

Cargo in containers

Name of station of departure

Transportation code

Transportation point code

Plan number

Transportation department number


Shipper code

      (name of the nomenclature group of cargo)

Exact cargo name

Cargo code



Including large capacity

According to CTR of CIS

According to HSTN

Name of the road and station (for mixed railway-water communication, the station and the transshipment port and port or destination marina)

Code of the road, destination station, border station, transportation point and destination

Code and name of country of destination

Consignee code and name

















      Hereby I am responsible for the accuracy of the information entered in the application, stamp here

      Shipper ______________ ____________ _______________________________

      (position) (signature) (last name first name patronymic)

      Date ________ 



      Filling in columns 1-7 of the application for the plan of cargo transportation of the GU-12K form shall be carried out similarly to filling out the form GU-12.

      Columns 9, 11 shall indicate the number of containers, columns 8, 10 indicate the mass of the cargo loaded in them, with an accuracy of 1 ton.

      The monthly application for the cargo transportation plan shall indicate the results for columns 8-11.

  Annex 3
to the Rules for transportation of
cargo by railway transport

The list of nomenclature groups of cargo, the transportation of which
is planned in tons and carriages





Oil and oil products


Peat and peat products


Combustible slate stone


Fluxing agent


Iron and manganese ore


Non-ferrous and sulfur ore


Black metals


Metal constructions


Ferrous scrap


Non-ferrous metals, products from them and non-ferrous scrap


Chemical and mineral fertilizers


Chemicals and soda


Construction cargo


Industrial raw materials, molding materials


Granulated slags






Timber cargo




Animal meat and oil




Potatoes, vegetables and fruits


Table salt




Sugar beet and seeds




Grinding products


Compound feed


Seed cake




Transshipment of cargo from water to rail


Import shipments


  Annex 4
to the Rules for transportation of
cargo by railway transport
form GU-11

Decade application

      To the head _______________________________________________________

      branch ____________________________________________ for loading

      cargo ___________________________________________________________


      (name of the shipper)

      by _______________________________________________________________

      (plan or additional task)

      during the period from _____________ to _______________ of the month of 20__

Date of the month

Exact cargo name

Number of carriages



Low-sided hopper carriages




Mineral trucks





destination road















      table continuation

Number of shipping routes

Destination (dispensing) station

Trains (groups





      Note. Column 11 for cargo transportation which is planned only in carriages shall not be filled.

      stamp here

      Head of the company ______________________


      "___" _________ 20__

  Annex 5
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport

The list of certain types of cargo carriages

Name of the types of carriages










low-sided hopper carriages






tanks for light petroleum products



tanks for dark petroleum products



tank carriages bitumen open carriages



chemical tanks



acid tanks









mineral carriers



cement carriers



pellet trucks



grain trucks



fitting platforms



  Annex 6
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport
  Form GU - 114

Transportation Plan
(name of the nomenclature group)

      station routes _____________________________________________

      on ____________________________ month 20 ____

      Name and detailed address of the shipper ____________________


The exact name of the cargo

Destination road

Destination station

Dispensing station













      Note: For routes directed to the spray points, column 2 indicates the railway of the final destination of the cargo.

      stamp here

      Head ___________________________________


  Annex 7
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport
  Form GU-1

Registration card

      fulfillment of transportation plan № ________________ for ___________ month 20__

      station ________________________________________________ railway

      Type of cargo ___________________________________________ static load


      Shipper _______________________________________________

      Address ______________________________________________

      bank account № ____________ in bank ____________________



Filed carriages (cont)


Reason for underload

Signature of responsible employees

car (cont)


car (cont)
















Plan for a month













Absence of carriages





Absence of carriages









Snow blockades

Snow blockades





Snow blockades

Snow blockades





Snow blockades

Snow blockades









1st decade




      table continuation































      25 carriages were under loaded for the 1st decade: ___________________ tn. in that part due to the fault of the shipper there are no carriages. _________ tn. due to the fault of the carrier 10 car. _______ tn.





No cargo







Absence of carriages







No cargo







Accident at the enterprise

Accident at the enterprise












Absence of carriages














Accident at the enterprise

Accident at the enterprise







Accident at the enterprise

Accident at the enterprise







Absence of work force



2nd decade









      30 carriages were underloaded for the 2nd decade: ____________ tn. in that part due to the fault of the shipper 13 car. ____ tn. due to the fault of the carrier car. _____ tn.



Filed carriages (cont)


Reason for underload

Signature of responsible employees

car (cont)


car (cont)
















Plan on month





Absence of cargo





Absence of cargo





Absence of carriages





Absence of carriages













Front employment





Front employment










3rd decade


      table continuation





































      35 car. were underloaded for the 3rd decade ______________________ tn. in that part due to the fault of the shipper 30 car. __________ tn. due to the fault of the carrier 5 car ___________ tons 

Total for month




Not loaded per month 90 car. _____________ tn. in that part due to the fault of the shipper 43 car.________ tn. due to the fault of the carrier 15 car. ________ tn.

Responsibility for non-compliance with the adopted plan (application) accrued on

Shipper mark



1st decade

2nd decade

3rd decade

per month

1st decade

2nd decade

3rd decade

per month


Car. (cont) or tons




Failure to supply carriages for loading

Car (cont) or tons




The amount of the fine




The amount of the fine




The total amount of the fine due to the fault of the shipper




The amount of the fine




Station Manager ________

station name

      Balance in favor of (carrier) 34580 KZT ______________________________ tiyn

      ________________________________________________ carrier, shipper signature name


      1. car. - carriage.

      2. Name - Full name.

  Annex 8
to the Rules for transportation of
cargo by railway transport

      Terms of Cargo Delivery

      The delivery terms of cargo transported within the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as of own (rented) empty carriages, shall be determined along the entire route based on the following standards:

      1) During transportation

      cargo speed: daily mileage (km)

      Route shipping 550

      Carriage shipment 330

      Small, container

      medium tonnage

      large-capacity 180

      2) During transportation

      high speed: daily mileage (km)


      cargo on trains

      machine-cooled 660

      Perishable cargo in

      refrigerated sections

      Fish and fish products,

      transported in carriages -

      glaciers routes 500

      Other perishable

      cargo carried in carriages

      individually cooled

      and glacier carriages, as well as

      covered carriages:

      cooling routes 420

      routes without cooling 540 

      carriage shipments with

      cooled 330

      carriage shipments

      without cooling and

      non-perishable cargo,


      shipments 380

      non-perishable cargo,

      transported by small shipments 330

      Animals transported

      routes 430

      Animals transported

      single carriages and

      groups of carriages 360

      Refrigerated containers 330

  Annex 9
to the Rules for transportation of
cargo by railway transport
Form GU-23

Act of general form

      Station _____________________________________________________________ railway

      Train number ___________________ on the haul __________________________________

      "______" _______________ 20___

      This act was drawn up in the presence of the following persons:




      Departure station ____________________________________________________ railway

      Station of destination _________________________________________________ railway

      Shipment № ____________________ "______" __________ 20 ______



      Carriage, container № ________________ Name of cargo ____________________



      Description of circumstances that caused the preparation of the act:












      1. This act is drawn up in cases where it is not required to draw up a commercial act or the act of another special form.

      2. railway - Railway

      3. The line “Train №” shall be filled in when drawing up the act on the train.

      4. The act shall be signed by persons participating in the certification of circumstances that served as the basis for the drawing up of the act, but not less than two persons.

      Form GU-23VTs

      General form act

      Station _________________________________________________________________

      (code, name)

      Train № _______________ Index ___________________________________________

      On the haul _________________ "______" _______________ 20___

      This act was drawn up in the presence of the following persons:


      (position, surname)


      Departure station _______________________________________________________ train

      Station of destination ________________________________________________________

      Sending № ___________ Date of receipt of the cargo for transportation _________ 20 ___

      Consignee/Shipper _________________________________________________

      (name, SPA single personal account)

      Payer _______________________________________________________________

      (name, SPA single personal account)

      Number of carriage, container _________________________________________________

Railway administration code

Carriage number



Name of the cargo

Cargo weight (ton)

Carriage type


Estimated time

Amount for use (KZT)

Amount of collection (KZT)



      Description of circumstances that caused the preparation of the act:





      Total usage fee: ____________

      Total charge for storage of cargo: ___________

      VAT: ________________________________

      Total VAT: _________________________

      Signatures: ___________________________ _____________________________________

      (position) (full name)

      Notes: 1. railway - Railway

      2. SPA - single personal account.

      3. Name - Full name.

  Annex 10
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport
  Form GU-45

Station______________ ______________________

      Check list of acceptance/supply inspector for supply and picking of carriages №________

      Customer ___________________________________________________________

      (name, SPA (single personal account))

      Payer ______________________________________________________________

      (name, SPA (single personal account))

      Place of supply ______________________________

      Loop supply distance ____________ km

      Supply was completed by locomotive ______________ Train index _______________

Carriage number

Name of the cargo

Cargo weight (ton)

Name of cargo operation

Operation execution time (day, month, time, minutes)

Shunting time (hour, minute)


Supply/transportation of the carriage to the exhibition track

notifications of completion of the cargo operation/return of the carriage to the exhibition track

carriage picking











      Total carriages: ____________

      Place for notes:

      Carriage accepted by______________________ Carriage delivered by _________________

      Accepted by acceptance/supply inspector ____________ Delivered by acceptance/supply inspector _______________

      Check list was completed according to the bill of supply and picking № _______________

      Cargo cashier (station agent) _______________________________________ 

      Note. SPA - single personal account

      GU-45 VTs form

      Station ______________________

      Check list of acceptance/supply inspector for the supply and picking of carriages № ______

      Consignee/Shipper _________________________________________

      (name, SPA single personal account)

      Payer _____________________________________________________________

      (name, SPA single personal account)

      Place of supply ____________________________________________________________

      Loop supply distance ________________ km

      Supply was completed by locomotive _______________

      Train Index __________________________________

Carriage number

Name of the cargo

Cargo weight (ton)

Railway Administration Code

Carriage Accessory

Name of cargo operation

Operation execution time (day-month, hours-minutes)

Supply/Acceptance Delay

Shunting time (hour, minute)


Supply/transportation of the carriage to the exhibition track

notifications of completion of the cargo operation/return of the carriage to the exhibition track

carriage picking

Time (hour, minute)

Act № of the general form GU-23















      Total carriages: ____________Place for notes:

      Carriage accepted by______________________ Carriage delivered by _________________

      Accepted by acceptance/supply inspector ____________ Delivered by acceptance/supply inspector _______________

      Check list was completed according to the bill of supply and picking № ______________

      Cargo cashier (station agent) _______________________________________ 

      Note. SPA - single personal account


  Annex 11
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport
  Form GU-46

The bill of supply and picking carriages № _______

      Agreement for the supply and picking of carriages № ____________

      Name of access road _________________

      Consignee/Shipper ___________________________________________

      (name, SPA single personal account)

      Payer _____________________________________________________

      (name, SPA single personal account)

      BIN/IIN _______________________________________________

      Payment account _________________________________________

      Supply was completed by locomotive _________________________

      Loop supply distance _______________ km

      Check list of acceptance/supply inspector for the supply of the carriage №_______________

Carriage number

Name of the cargo

Name of cargo operation

Time spent by carriages on access road (day, month, hr., min.)

Total time spent by carriages on the access road (hours)

supply on the access road

supply on the access road

supply on the access road









      table continuation

Norm of technological operation

The amount of fees for the use of carriages (KZT)

Fee multiplicity

Amount of fees for using carriages with an increased rate (KZT)

Fees for the supply and picking of carriages (KZT)

Shunting time (hours, minutes)

shunting fee (KZT)










      Signature of consignee (shipper) ________________

      Signature of the carrier __________________

      Note: single personal account - single personal account

      GU-46 VTs form


      The bill of supply and picking carriages No________

      Agreement for the supply and picking of carriages № _____________

      Name of access road __________________

      Consignee/Shipper ___________________________________________

      (name, single personal account)

      Payer _____________________________________________________________

      (name, single personal account)

      BIN/IIN ______________________________

      Payment account ___________________________

      Supply was completed by locomotive _________________

      Loop supply distance ____________ km

      Fee for using carriages _______________________ KZT

      Fee for the supply and picking of carriages ______________________ KZT

      Shunting fee ________________________ KZT


Carriage number

The time spent by carriages on the access road (day, month/hours, minutes)

Total time spent by carriages on the access road (hours)

Norm of technological operation

Amount of carriage use fee (KZT)

Supply/Acceptance Delay

Fee multiplicity

Shunting time (hour, minute)


Name of the cargo

Carriage affiliation

Act № of the general form GU-23

estimated time (hours)

The date of drawing up the act (day, month, year) 

supply on the access road

completion of the cargo operation

carriage picking

Amount of fees for using carriages with an increased rate (KZT) 

name of the cargo operation

The number of carriage supply check list of acceptance/supply inspector

The time of drawing up the act (hours, minutes)

The amount according to the act (KZT)














      Signature of the consignee (shipper) _________

      Signature of the representative of the carrier _________________

      Note. SPA - single personal account

  Appendix 12
to the Rules for cargo transportation
by railway transport

List of services related to cargo transportation

      Footnote. Appendix 12 – as amended by order № 220 of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.05.2021 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      1. Transshipment of cargoes, containers from wagons of one gauge to wagons of another gauge width;

      2. Freezing of goods;

      3. Relocation of wagons to bogies of a different gauge;

      4. Declaration of the cargo value;

      5. Services related to customs inspection of the carried cargoes;

      6. Securing of the cargo;

      7. Services rendered in case of delay of wagons on transit railways by types of rolling stock;

      8. Supply of ice wagons with ice;

      9. Provision of fuel for heating of wagons;

      10. Watering of the transported animals;

      11. Services related to detention of Chinese railway wagons for reloading of cargoes into 1520 mm gauge wagons;

      12. Re-issuance by the carrier of transportation documents of one transport right to another;

      13. Settlement transactions for the carriage of cargoes with the representative of the carrier at stations, ports and piers under powers of attorney and on behalf of consignors and consignees;.

      14. Filling out the transportation document at the request of the client;

      15. Notification of consignees about the cargoes that arrived at their address at the destination station under an agreement with the client;

      16. Notification of consignees about the approach of cargoes, wagons and containers under an agreement with the client;

      17. Issuance of certificates for freight traffic, at the request of the client;

      18. Issuance of a permit (visa) for admission and loading of cargos;

      19. Filling out at the request of the consignor of the second copies of registration cards for the implementation of the plan for the cargo carriage;

      20. Search for cargo, at the client’s request;

      21. Delivery-cleaning of wagons, by agreement with the client

      22. Cargo storage;

      23. Weighing and checking the weight of cargoes at the client’s request;

      24. Cleaning, washing, disinfection, as well as disinfestation of wagons and containers infected with barn pests;

      25. Provision of consignors with wagons, containers at their request;

      26. Forwarding of cargoes. at the client’s request;

      27. Delay of a representative of the security service accompanying the cargo due to the fault of the consignor (consignee) beyond the established deadlines for the cargo loading and unloading;

      28. Acceptance of cargo earlier than the appointed day of loading;

      29. Confirmation of the additional cargo transportation plan. at the client’s request;

      30. Roll-in/roll-out of wagons to and from ferry crossings;

      31. Customs declaration of cargoes under an agreement with the client;

      32. Customs declaration of vehicles of international transportation;

      33. Shunting work, not combined in time with the supply and removal of wagons, performed on sidings at the separate request of the consignor, consignee, branch owner at the client’s request;

      34. Run of the carrier's locomotive from another station to the station where there is no carrier's locomotive, to provide services at the client’s request;

      35. Information services for the provision of a set of scanned copies of transportation and shipping documents at checkpoints under an agreement with the client;

      36. Sealing at a border station or a junction station of railways of different gauges;

      37. Registration of a copy of the road list at the client’s request;

      38. Services for joining and separating container trains in transit traffic. at the client’s request;

      39. Services for the selection of rolling stock in accordance with the application of the consignor at the client’s request;

      40. Services for the provision for temporary use of transfer places for special and military transportation.

  Annex 13
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport
  Form GU-106

Act on the technical condition of the carriage, container

Drawn up “


(station stamp)

This act has been drawn up in that inspection of the carriage, container



Railway carriage "

"___ basic
carrying capacity


type of car


at the factory

Time and place of repair of the carriage, container:



planned current

Malfunction detected

The cause of the malfunction

Conclusion on the possibility of loss, damage to cargo due to the presence of the mentioned above malfunction


From the carriage depot.

(position, full name, signature)

works (underline as necessary)

from the station

(position, full name, signature)

<1 > When indicating the causes of the malfunction, it is necessary to reflect the nature of the damage and its origin, i.e. whether it has traces of new damage or old, due to wear or mechanical, as a result of shrinkage of the skin of the structure or violation of the technology of repair work, the circumstances confirming the conclusion must be reflected.

  Annex 14
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport

Technical requirements for locking and sealing devices for carriages and containers

      1. Locking and sealing devices (hereinafter referred to as LSD) are intended for locking and sealing containers and railway cargo carriages: covered, tanks, hoppers, refrigerators, etc., to be sealed in accordance with the Instructions for the transportation of cargo, should exclude access to the transported cargo without damage LSD and provide protection against unauthorized entry to the transported cargo through lockable devices (doors, loading and unloading hatches).

      2. LSD must comply with the design of the locking elements of cargo carriages and containers.

      3. The design of the LSD should provide:

      1) one-time use of LSD and its components;

      2) the impossibility of opening the LSD without destroying at least one of the visible elements;

      3) breaking force not less than:

      for carriages (except for specialized railway tanks and tank containers intended for the transportation of liquefied gases, acids and other liquid chemical cargo) - 18 kN (1.8 tf);

      for specialized railway tanks and tank containers intended for the transportation of liquefied gases, acids and other liquid chemical cargo - 3.5 kN (0.35 tf);

      for containers - 12 kN (1.2 tf);     

      4) opening force of the LSD with a rigid blocking element (bolt type) is not more than 30 kN;

      closing force no more than 70 N (7 kgf);

      6) possibility of removing LSD from specialized railway tanks and tank containers intended for the transport of liquefied gases, acids and other chemical cargo, using a non-sparking tool, the working parts of which should be abundantly greased with grease, solid oil or other grease;

      7) the surface hardness of the metal elements of the LSD of the core structures, which in cases of unauthorized opening are most susceptible to destruction by a conventional tool, not less than 40 HRC;

      8) performance under the influence of mechanical loads (shocks, hits, vibration) arising in the operating conditions of the operation of railway cargo carriages and during the loading and unloading operations with containers;

      9) impossibility of reusing LSD without clearly visible traces in case of opening;

      10) impossibility of opening the LSD without visible signs of damage with mass-use tools: a bench saw, a pair of nippers, pliers, a screwdriver, a wrench, a hammer, a nail puller, a mount, a crowbar, a sledgehammer;

      11) impossibility of counterfeiting, directly at the carriage or container, any of the components of the LSD in a closed state;

      12) possibility to visually or manually monitor the status of the LSD in the closed position;

      13) possibility to remove special devices: pullers, pliers, wire cutters, scissors for cutting the rope, etc.;

      14) possibility to install manually or with simple tools;

      15) applying the information provided for in the Rules;

      16) clarity of the applied information and its safety during operation;

      17) placement in the combined holes of the locking devices of carriages and containers and reliable retention;

      18) protection against intentional making subtle, removable or maskable changes before installing on a rolling stock in order to create conditions for unauthorized opening and reinstallation of the LSD.

      4. When the permissible loads (tensile and rotating) are applied to the LSD with a flexible blocking element (cable type) that is in a closed state, both during operation and during testing, the total increase in the LSD loop due to deformation (extension) of the flexible element and possible the movement of the locking (fixing) element of the LSD should be no more than 20 mm.

      5. New types of LSD shall be allowed for use in the presence of the conclusion of a specialized laboratory, issued according to the results of its tests.

      6. According to the operating conditions, regarding the impact of climatic factors, LSDs should be manufactured in the design of       NF 1 GOST 15150-69. (Ambient temperature from - 60 C to + 55 C, relative humidity 100% at 25 C).

      7. According to the operating conditions, in terms of the impact of mechanical factors, LSDs must withstand mechanical loads acting on devices mounted on the compressed parts of cargo carriages and on products transported by road.

      8. Permissible parameters of vibration during operation:

frequency range, Hz


amplitude values of acceleration in the direction
impact, m/s 2 (g):

in vertical

30 (3,0)

in horizontal

30 (3,0)

      9. Permissible parameters of multiple shock impacts under operating conditions:

maximum acceleration in the direction of impact, m/s 2 (g)


150 (15)


150 (15)

duration of impact acceleration in the direction of impact, ms


      10. Permissible parameters of single shock impacts in operating conditions:

maximum acceleration in the horizontal direction of impact, m/s 2 (g)

30 (3,0)

duration of impact acceleration in the direction of impact, ms


      11. LSD should have the smallest possible overall dimensions and weight.

      12. LSD should have convenient and safe external forms that do not injure hands when working with them.

      13. The design of the LSD must ensure the convenience of locking and inspection from the ramp, stand, access ladder, from the ground, etc., including checking the closed state along the route and at the points of commercial inspection.

      14. In the case of closing the LSD with a tool, the force on its handles should be no more than 150 N (15 kgf).

      15. The force that must be developed on the handles of special devices for removing the LSD should be no more than 200 N (20 kgf).

      16. The information applied to the LSD should be easily readable from a distance of 1 m in normal light conditions and in artificial light conditions of at least 50 lux.

      17. LSD must remain operational and meet the technical requirements within 12 months from the time of their application and 24 months from the date of manufacture.

      18. The design of the LSD must ensure the safe operation of people and explosion and fire safety. When removing the LSD, sparking is unacceptable in order to prevent fire or explosion of the transported cargo.

      19. The design of the proposed patent application shall be confirmed by the title documents of the national or Eurasian Patent Office.

      20. The information established by the Rules shall be applied to the LSD.

      21. The number and text information must be applied to the LSD in a font that differs in form from the font provided for by GOST. All parameters of the specified font should be presented in the design documentation for the LSD.

      22. The non-destructible element of the LSD shall have the information provided for in the Rules. Similar information can be applied to the constituent elements of the LSD.

  Annex 15
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport

The list of cargo, the transportation of which in containers, tanks, covered and specialized
carriages is allowed without locking and sealing devices, but with the mandatory use of a twist

Anthracite (packaged)
Asbestos (packaged)
Asbosurite (packaged)
Aspid in pieces (packaged)
Asphalt (packaged)
Basalt (packaged)
Ferrous metal tanks
Cans (boxes) of canned food (used)
Wooden drums for winding cable and wire ropes, unassembled and disassembled
Bentonite (bentonite clay) (packaged)
Birch bark (birch bark) (packaged)
Bitumen (bituminous stone) (packaged)
Shards of gypsum, clay, pottery, graphite, brick, glass, porcelain, earthenware, chamotte fight (packed)
Briquettes for paving, coal, ore, peat
Disassembled and unassembled trolleys
Var (dry wood resin) (packaged)
Squeezes (cake) tannins (in package)
Drywall (gypsum marl) (packaged)
All clay (packaged)
Alumina sulfate in pieces (packaged)
Graphite in pieces (packaged)
Mineral mud for baths
Guza (cotton in boxes)
Diatomite (infusorian land) (packaged)
Burnt and crude metallurgical dolomite
Earth, except for dyeing (in package)
All kinds of ash (in packaging)
All kinds of lime (in packing)
All kinds of cinder (in package)
Asbestos, asbestos-cement, asphalt products (except roofing), concrete, cement-concrete, reinforced concrete, from
natural and artificial stone, cement
All kinds of stone (in package)
Steel caissons
Pounded and ground brick (in package)
Cement clinker (packaged)
Ore concentrates (except for tungsten, tin, rare metals, lead, zinc, scheelite)
All kinds of bark (in package)
Natural corundum in pieces

Raw plain bone not in use (in package)
Vine, broom (willow twigs)
All kinds of husk (in package)
All kinds of chalk (in packaging)
Oil bitumen
Rubber and horn trimmings (packaged)
All kinds of ashes
Sawdust wood (in package)
Asbestos, slate, slate, forestry and chemical waste
All kinds of pitch (in packing)
Asphalt slabs and tiles
Plates of reed, plaster, pressed from waste wood, peat insulation
Powder asbiferous, asphalt, lime, chamotte (in package)
Metallurgical magnesite powder (packaged)
Ground corn cobs (packaged)
Dust top (ore) (packaged)
Shell rock, sea and river shell (construction) (packaged)
All kinds of ore (except arsenic)
Soot white
Sugar beet
Mica in pieces
Wood, coal, oil, shale resin
Wood shavings (packaged)
Peat and peat products (in package)
Broken graphite crucibles
Rags (rags)
Coal, bone, wood (in packaging)
Recycled materials, excluding knitted wastes
Fluxing agent
Tankage (the remains of glass production)
All kinds of sludge (in packaging)
Old paper bobbins (packaged)
Wooden boards (except for bread and vegetable boards and grids for livestock transportation), reed
Eternite (slabs and asbestos-cement tiles)
Other cargo, the transportation of which is allowed on open rolling stock, except for timber cargo and firewood.

      Note: Both door linings of carriages and containers are fastened with twists of annealed wire with a length of 250-260 mm, a diameter of 6 mm for carriages, large containers and 4 mm for medium tonnage containers.

      The twist wire shall be passed so that it covers the door trim and the ear of the carriage strut, then both ends of the wire are inserted into a metal plate, which moves along the wire close to the door trim, after which twisting is performed.

      The procedure for applying cable spins shall be similar to the procedure for applying LSD.

  Annex 16
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport
  Form GU-29-0

Set of transportation documents

Space for special notes and stamps


Carriage type

Carriage number

Load cap. carriage

Number of axes

Information on bearing

Type of oversize

Coupling code, type of tank.


Carriage body volume ________ m3

Technical norms of loading t

(cargo, big)

Station and departure road

Station and destination road

Shipper (full name)

Consignee (full name)

Shipper postal address

Consignee postal address



Signs of the shipper

Number of places


Name of cargo

Weight in kg, determined

Tariff notes:



Group Position


Class of the cargo

Excl.tariff №

Type of shipping

Carriage served instead

Calculation of payments for _______ km



Total places (in words)

Total net weight

Upon departure



Cargo charge

Total weight (in words)


Gross weight


Railway security

Payments collected at departure station

Collection of declared. value

Cargo cashier _______

Declared value of KZT

Total at shipment

(in words)

The method of determining the mass

Type of railway

On arrival

(On the scales: according to the standard, according to the stencil, according to the measurement, by calculation. The standard weight of one place)

Cargo charge


Information about LSD

type of LSD and k/signs

(depart., railway)

Railway security

Acceptance/supply inspector of the carrier

Hereby I am responsible for the accuracy of the information entered in the road bill

The charge for declared the value

(Signature when determining the mass of the carrier)

(Position and signature of shipper

Payments collected at destination station

Cargo cashier


Total upon arrival

By application № ________________

      The importation of cargo is allowed on ________ the date of _______ months. ___ ______

      Station manager ____

      The loading is scheduled for ________ the date of _______ months.

      (reverse side)

      Date stamps

Acceptance of cargo for transportation

Unloading of cargo by a carrier or supply for unloading by means of a consignee

Cargo delivery clearance

6. The cargo is placed and secured in accordance with §§ __ pic. ___ of chapter ___ Technical conditions correctly
Shipper _________________________________________________________
(position and signature legible)
Shippers or the organization carrying out loading and securing of cargo is responsible for non-compliance with the Technical conditions of loading and securing of cargo

4. Special shippers statements and notes

2. Importation of cargo in parts

5. Carrier notes

Date, month

Number of places


Date, month

Number of places

3. Shipment

6. Notes on the delivery of cargo

Date, month

Number of places


Date, month

Number of places

  Form GU-29-O

№ of book on arriv.

№ of pack

Road bill 2

      Delivery time expires _____

Carriage type

Carriage number

Load cap. carriage

Number of axes

Bearing information

Type of oversize

Coupling code, type of ank


Carriage body volume _______ m3

Technical rate of loading


(cargo, big)

Station and departure road

Station and destination road

Shipper (full name)

Consignee (full name)

Shipper’s postal address

Consignee’s postal address



Signs of the shipper

Number of places


Name of the cargo

Weight in kg, determined

Tariff notes:



Group, position


Class of the cargo

Excl. tariff №

Type of shipment

Carriage supplied in return

Calculation of payments per km



Total places (in words)

Total net weight

Upon departure



Cargo charge

Total weight (in words)

With gros.

Gross weight


Railway security

Payments collected at departure station __________________________

Collection of declared. value

___________ Cargo cashier_____________ (signature)

Declared value __________________________________________________________ KZT
(in words)

On arrival

Cargo received ___date ___ month ______

Carriage charge

by power of attorney № ______ dated ______


Passport series _______ №______________

Registered in. ________________________
st. _____________ build №_________________ appart. №_____________

Railway security

Consignee's receipt __________________

Collection of declared. value

Payments collected at destination station
according to the receipt of various fees №._________

Cargo cashier (signature)

Total on arrival

      (the reverse side of the road bill 2)

      Date stamps

Acceptance of cargo for transportation

Unloading of cargo by a carrier or filing for unloading by means of a consignee

Cargo arrival

Clearance of cargo

Date stamps of crossing points (affixed in strictly sequential order of cell numbers)













  Form GU-29-О

Book number arriv.

Type of load.

Type of message

Signs of load

Dest country 

Counterfoil of the road bill 3

Pack number

Carriage type

Carriage number

Load cap. carriage

Number of

Bearing Information

View of oversized.

Coupling code, type of cysts.


(cargo, big)

Carriage body volume m3 Technical loading rate t

Station and Departure Road

Station and Departure Road

Shipper (full name)

Shipper (full name)

Shipper’s postal address

Shipper’s postal address



Signs of the shipper

Number of places


Name of the cargo

Weight in kg, determined

Tariff notes



Group, position


Class of the cargo

Excl.Tariff №

Type of shipment

Carriage supplied in return

Calculation of payments for _______ km



Total places (in words)

Total net weight

Upon departure



Carriage charge

Total weight (in words)

With gross

Gross weight


Railway security

Payments collected at departure station

Collection of declared. value

Cargo cashier___________________________ (signature)

Declared value ______________________________________KZT
(in words)

Total for shipping

Received a receipt in the receipt of cargo upon registration of reception _________________________
(Shipper Signature)
Departure station stamp

Date of receipt of cargo for transportation

      Form GU-29-О

      Receipt of cargo acceptance

      Delivery time expires _____

Carriage type

Carriage number

Load cap. carriage

Number. axes

Bearing Information

Type of oversize.

Coupling code, type of tank


Carriage body volume m3 Technical loading rate t

Station and Departure Road

Station and destination road

Shipper (full name)

Consignee (full name)

Shipper’s postal address

Consignee’s postal address



Signs of the shipper

Number of places


Name of the cargo

Weight in kg, determined

Tariff notes:



Group, position


Class of the cargo

Excl.Tarif number

Type of shipment

Carriage supplied in return

Calculation of payments for _______ km



Total places (in words)

Total net weight

Upon departure



Carriage charge

Total weight (in words)

with br.

Gross weight


Railway security

Payments collected at departure station

Collection of declared. value

Commodity cashier ___________________________ (signature)

Declared value ______________________________________ tenge
(in words)

Total for shipping

      Issued by the shipper

      Departures station stamp

Date of receipt of cargo for transportation

  Annex 17
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport
  Form GU-27

Space for special notes and stamps.


Carriage type

Carriage number

Load cap. carriage

Number. axes

Bearing Information

View of oversized.

Coupling code, type of tank


Carriage body volume ________ m3

Technical rate of loading t

(cargo, big)

Station and Departure Road

Station and destination road

Shipper (full name)

Consignee (full name)

Shipper’s postal address

Consignee’s postal address



Signs of the shipper

Number of places


Name of the cargo

Weight in kg, determined

Tariff notes:



Group, position


Class of the cargo

Excl.Tariff number

Type of shipment

Carriage supplied in return



Total places (in words)

Total net weight

Upon departure



Cargo charge

Total weight (in words)


Gross weight


Railway security

Payments collected at departure station

Collection of declared. Value

Commodity Cashier _______

Declared value of tenge

Total for sending

(in words)

The method of determining the mass

railway marks

On arrival

(On the scales: according to the standard, according to the stencil, according to the measurement, by calculation. The standard weight of one place)

Cargo charge


Information about LSD

LSD type and to/signs

(depart., railway)

Railway security

Carrier transceiver

Hereby I am responsible for the correctness of the information entered on the consignment note

Fee announced. p con- cern

(Signature when determining the mass of the carrier)

(Position and signature of shipper legible)

Payments collected at destination station

Commodity Cashier


Total upon arrival

By application № _______________

      The importation of cargo is allowed on ________ the date of _______ months. ___ "______

      Station Manager _________________________________________

      The loading is scheduled for ________ the date of _______ months.

      (The reverse side of the form GU-27)

      Date stamps

Acceptance of cargo for transportation

Unloading of cargo by a carrier or filing for unloading by means of a consignee

Clearance of cargo

1. The cargo is placed and secured in accordance with §§ __ pic. ___ chapters ___
Technical specifications right
Shipper ____________________________________________________________
(position and signature legible)
Shippers or the organization carrying out loading and securing of cargo is responsible for non-compliance with the Technical conditions of loading and securing of cargo

4. Special Shippers Statements and notes

2. Importation of cargo in parts

5. Carrier notes

Date, month

Number of places


Date, month

Number of places

3. Shipment

6. Notes on the delivery of cargo

Date, month

Number of places


Date, month

Number of places

  Annex 18
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport
  Form GU-29k

Place for special notes and stamps

Delivery Expires

for the carriage of cargo in a universal container

Container Owner Code

Container number

Container size and type codes

Container size

Special Container notes

Speed _________________ (cargo, large)
Carriage type

Carriage type

Carriage number

Carriage loading capacity, t

Number of axles

Carriage mass, kg

Gross weight of the carriage kg


Departure Station

Destination station

Shipper (full name)

Consignee (full name)

Shipper’s postal address

Consignee’s postal address



Transfer station

Loading a container onto a carriage by means (cross out the unnecessary)

The mass of the cargo together with the packaging kg, determined by the shipper

Number of places


Name of the cargo
Code __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Total places
(in words)

Total net weight

Total net weight

Total net weight
(in words)

Gross weight of the container

Declared value ____________________________________________________ tenge
(in words)

Tariff notes


Payments made at departure station

Type of shipment

Excl. tariff number

Calculation of payments per km


Information about LSD
(shipping, carrier)

Type LSD


Type LSD


On shipping

Carriage charge

Collection for declared value

Hereby I am responsible for the correctness of the information entered on the consignment note
(shipper position and signature legible)

Payments made at destination station

By application number _________________
The importation of the container (cargo) is allowed on "__" _______________________
Loading of the container assigned to "__" _______________________

Total upon arrival

Visa № _______________________ Carrier ___________________________________________
"___" ______________________________


Documentation of acceptance of cargo for transportation

Arrival at destination station

Documentation of acceptance of cargo for transportation

Arrival at destination station

Date and time of unloading
____ date _____________ month
___________ hours. _________ m in.
Place of unloading ______________

 Date and time of unloading
____ date _____________ month
___________ hours. _________ m in.
Place of unloading ______________

1. The cargo in the container is placed and secured in accordance with the Instructions for transportation of cargo correctly
Shipper ___________________________________
(position, full name and signature legible)
The shipper or the organization loading and securing the cargo is responsible for observing the conditions for the placement and securing of cargo established by the Cargo Transportation Instructions

3. Shipper's special statements and notes

2. The container for this consignment note is accepted
"___" _____________________________________
Container location coordinates ___________________________________
Carrier ______________________________________________
(signature legible)

4. Carrier notes

5. Delivery notes

Arrival Book №

Folder number

Delivery time expires ______

      ROAD BILL 2 for loading cargo in a universal container

Container Owner Code

Container number

Container size and type codes

Container size

Special Container notes

(cargo, big)
Carriage type

Carriage type

Carriage number

Carriage loading capacity, t

Number of axes

Carriage mass, kg

Gross weight of the carriage kg


Departure Station

Destination station

Shipper (full name)

Consignee (full name)

Shipper’s postal address

Mailing address



Transfer station

Loading a container onto a carriage by means (cross out the unnecessary)

The mass of the cargo together with the packaging kg, determined by the shipper

Number of places


Name of the cargo
Code __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Total places (in words)

Total net weight

Total net weight

Total net weight
(in words)

Gross weight of the container

Declared value
____________ tenge
(in words)

Tariff notes


Payments made at departure station
__________________ Carrier ______________________ (signature)

Type of shipment

Excl. tariff number

Calculation of payments per km



Original consignment note
received a number ___________________ ___________ _________ months
by power of attorney № _________________ dated _____________________
ID card (passport) series
________ № _______________ issued ______________
Ul.__________________________________, building
№ _______________, Number № ________________
Consignee's receipt __________________________________

Upon departure

Cargo charge

Fee Listing. p con- cern

Total for sending

On arrival

Cargo charge

Payments made at destination station
__________________________________ Carrier ______ (signature)

Fee Listing. p con- cern

Total upon arrival


Documentation of acceptance of cargo for transportation

Arrival at destination station

Consignee notification of arrival

Issue of original bill of lading to consignee

Date and time of unloading
____ date _____________ month
___________ hours. _________ min
A place
unloading ______________

Time _______ hour. ______ min.
_________________ __________
carrier signature










  Annex 19
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport
  Form GU-27ds

COUNTERFOIL of transfer bill AG

For the transportation of empty tanks from under the discharge of light petroleum products
Tank №
out of
(indicate the name and
Light merged code
oil product)
(full name
the organization that unloaded the cargo
Bill Filling Date
position and signature legible

consignee stamp


Ag waybill
For the transportation of empty tanks from under the discharge of light petroleum products

Tank number

Tank Calibration Type

Number of axles

Empty Tank Departure Station
Shipper (full name of the organization that unloaded the cargo)
Name and code of cargo drained from the tank
The tank is completely drained, the inner and outer surfaces of the boiler are cleaned of cargo residues, dirt (sludge) and ice
Position ________________________
Signature __________________________
_______ date _______ months 20 ______
Seal or stamp of consignee
Carrier's calendar stamp at the departure station; consignee's empty stamp

      The consignment note is filled in on a typewriter, with stamps or ink.

      The consignment note with erasures, blots, corrections, and also filled with a pencil shall not be accepted.

      Note on compilation of act on the underdraining of tanks found at the loading point:

      The tank arrived for loading at the station. ___________________________ railway.

      __________ date _________ month _____ 20___

      Signatures certifying the drawing up of the act: ________________________

      Representative of the carrier _______________________________________

      Shipper representative

      or washing and steaming point _____________________________

Carrier stamp at the station

      The list of light petroleum products

      Alkylate, alkylbenzene, asidole, stable acid gasoline, gasoline for industrial use, motor gasoline, leaded gasoline, gas oil, vacuum distillate, kerosene, natural gas condensate, mineral and petroleum oils, bristock (oil for rolling mills P-28) , vapor (cylinder oil 52), bicycles (oil for high-speed mechanisms), viscosine (cylinder oil 24), oils (aviation, automobile, motor-and-tractor, petrolatum, spindle, viscine, diesel, for hypoid gears, presses and rolling mills, for manufacture of solid oil, industrial, cable, compressor, condenser, machine, motor, axial, refrigerator, separator, ship, transmission, transformer, turbine, turbogenerator, turbo-reducer, cylinder, sewing), naphthyl, paraffin, petrolaton, diesel fuel, T 1, TS-1 and TS-2, white spirit, kerosene-gas oil fraction, hexane fraction, petroleum ether.

  Form GU-27 sp

Counterfoil of consignment note АА 000000*

For the transportation of empty tanks for cement, lime and other materials transported in bulk, cement hoppers, mineral carriers, grain carriers, apatite trucks, pellet trucks, cold rolled steel platforms, covered carriages for paper transportation, covered carriages for the transportation of carriages, two-tier platforms for transportation carriages, all-metal cargo carriages (CMVG), conveyors, low-sided hopper carriages, platforms and boxcarriages.
Date of filling the consignment note
Carriage № ____________________
Carriage type __________
unloaded ___________
(full name
organization that unloaded the cargo) after unloading the carriage
(specify from residues
what cargo details
fastenings, garbage, etc.
the carriage is cleaned)
cleared of residues
(position and signature legible)
Consignee stamp

Consignment note AA 000000 * for the transportation of empty tanks for cement, lime and other materials transported in bulk, cement hoppers, mineral carriers, grain carriers, apatite trucks, pellet trucks, cold-rolled steel transportation platforms, covered paper carriages, covered carriages for passenger carriages carriages, two-tier platforms for the transportaton of carriages, all-metal cargo carriages (CMVG), conveyors, low-sided hopper carriages, platforms and boxcarriages.
Loading and unloading hatches are closed. Unloading
devices work properly.
Position ________________________
Signature __________________________
_______ date _______month.

Carriage number

Carriage type

Empty Carriage Departure Station
Empty Carriage Destination Station
Full name of the organization that unloaded the cargo ______
Name and code of unloaded cargo __________________
arrived 20 ___
The carriage has been unloaded completely. 
Indoor and outdoor
surfaces are cleared of the remains of cargo.
Loading and unloading hatches are closed. 
devices work properly.
Position ________________________
Signature __________________________
_______ date _______ months 20 ______
Seal or stamp of consignee
Carrier's calendar stamp at the departure station
empty carriage.
The delivery note shall be filled in on a typewriter,
stamps or ink. Consignment note with
erasures, blots, corrections, and
filled with pencil shall not be accepted.

      The reverse side of the consignment note (filled out by the carrier's representative at the loading station)

      Empty tank for cement, lime and other bulk materials, hopper cement truck, mineral tanker, grain truck, apatite truck, pellet truck, cold rolled steel platform, covered paper carriage, covered carriage for cars, two-tier carriage for cars , all-metal freight car (AMFC), conveyor, gondola, platform and covered wagon (underline as necessary).

      No ._______ arrived at the station ________________________________


      _________ date _____ month 20_________

      When examining the wagon established that:







      Completeness of unloading and cleaning of the carriage (the presence in the carriage of the remains of cargo, garbage, unreleased details), the condition of the stencil inscriptions on the carriage, loading and unloading devices, their transport position and the suitability of the carriage for loading).

      The carriage was under cleaning ___________ hours

      Representative of the carrier __________________________

      Shipper Representative ______________________

  Form GU-27 dt

Counterfoil of consignment note АG

For the transportation of an empty bunker open carriage for the transportation of an empty or empty tank from under the discharge of dark oil products, following the regulatory task of the carrier ___________________
Consignee stamp
Tank (low-sided hopper carriage)
№ ________
out of ________________________________
(indicate name and code
fused dark
oil merged
(full name
organization merged or
unloaded cargo)
Date of filling the consignment note ______________________________
(position and signature legible)

Consignment note АG
For transportation of an empty low-sided hopper carriage for transportation of an empty or empty tank from under the discharge of dark oil products following the regulatory task of the carrier
Tank number (low-sided hopper carriage)       Tank Calibration Type      Number of axles

Station of departure of the empty tank (low-sided hopper carriage)
Shipper (full name of the organization that unloaded the cargo
Name and code of cargo merged from the tank (low-sided hopper carriage)
The tank is drained (the low-sided hopper carriage is completely unloaded, the inner and outer surfaces of the boiler (bunker) are free of cargo, dirt (sludge) and ice
Consignee agent
Position ________________________
Signature __________________________
_______ date _______ months 20 ______
Seal or stamp of consignee
Carrier calendar stamp at the empty tank departure station.

      The consignment note shall be filled in on a typewriter, with stamps or ink. The consignment note with erasures, blots, corrections, and also filled with a pencil shall not be accepted.

Note on compilation of act on the underdraining of tanks found at the loading point:

      The tank (low-sided hopper carriage) arrived under loading at the station.

      ______________________________________________________ railway

      __________ date _________ month _____ 20___

      Signatures certifying the drawing up of the act:

      Representative of the carrier _____________________________

      Representative of the shipper

      or washing and steaming point __________________

Station carrier stamp

The list of dark petroleum products

      Autol, viscous bitumen, liquid bitumen, AzNII depressant, demulsifier, (neutral black contact), lacoyle, softener fuel oil, direct race fuel oil, lubricating oil, heating oil, marine fuel oil, dark mineral oil, shale oil, hydrochloric oil, crude oil, crude oil for the production of drying oil, niogrin, heavy oil residues, liquid pitch, semi-tar, tar, heavy oil, mixtures of spent petroleum products, soap stock, sulfofresol, crude oil for the production of carbon black, motor fuel, oil fuel.

  Annex 20
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport
  Form GU-27е


      Space for special notes and stamps.

      The original of the consignment note № ____________

      per route/group of carriages/coupler________________

Delivery time expires ___
Speed _______
(cargo, high) carrier


departure station

destination station

shipper (full name)

consignee (full name)

Shipper's postal address

Consignee’s postal address



transfer stations

loading onto carriages by shipper

The mass of cargo in kg determined by the Shipper Together (cross out the unnecessary)

number of carriages

number of places


total carriages (in words)

total places (in words)

total weight (in words)

      table continuation

      Method for determination of mass _____________________________________________


      (for all according to the standard, by stencil, by calculation, by measurement

Declared value_________________________________ KZT
(in words)

      Payments made at departure station _________________________________

      ____________________ Carrier _________________________


1. The cargo is placed and secured in accordance with ____pic. ____ chapters _____________
Section ____________ Specifications correctly

Shipper ________________________________________________________________
(position, full name and signature legible)

Tariff notes


Class of the cargo

Type of shipment

The carriage is served in exchange

Excl. Tariff №

Payment calculation
for __________ km.


      The shipper or the organization performing the loading and securing of the cargo is responsible for non-compliance with the Technical conditions of loading and securing

The mass of the cargo has been determined with the participation of the carrier

Hereby I am responsible for the correctness of the information entered on the consignment note

(position and signature
carrier legible)

(shipper position and signature legible)

Payments made to destination __________________ Carrier
____________________________ (signature)

      By application № ___________

      Cargo loading assigned to "______" ____________________

      total at arriv.

Visa № _________________________
Carrier ______________________

"_____" ________________

Upon shipping

Cargo charge

Explorer qty ___

Collection for the declared value

Total when shipping

On arrival

Carriage charge

Conductor qty ___

Collection for the declared value

Carriage number

Carriage type

Number. Axes

Lifting capacity, tons

Weight in kg

number of places




carriage containers









Total tariff

Total number of carriages

Total number of places

Total total weight

      Shipper _________ Station Receiver ________________________

      Position and signature legibly signature legibly)


Clearance of cargo for transportation

Arrival at destination station

Consignee notification of arrival

Issue of original bill of lading to consignee

      Time ______ hour. ________ min. _____ ________________________________________

      shipper signature

1. Special Shippers Statements and notes

2. Notes on the issue of cargo ______________________________________

      3. Notes along the route


Carriage № _________________________

Carriage № _______________________________

Carriage № ________________________

Detached at st.___________________

Detached at st. _________________________

Detached at st. __________________

For reasons______________________

For reasons_____________________________

For reasons______________________

Prepared form the act overall number of ________ __________

Prepared form the act overall number of ________ __________

Prepared form the act overall number of ________ __________

Carrier representative

Carrier representative

Carrier representative

Carriage release station stamp

Carriage release station stamp

Carriage release station stamp

4. Carrier notes ___________________________________________________________

  Annex 21
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport
  Form GU-112


      Railway bill number ___________________________________________

      Departure Station ________________________________________________________

      Destination Station _________________________________________________________

      Shipper __________________________________________________________

      Consignee ___________________________________________________________

Type of packaging

The marks of every place

Sum of declared value of each place

Name of items packed in each place

Number of items

Declared value of certain items (KZT)







      Total places __________ totaling _____________ KZT.

      Signature of the shipper __________________________________

      Inventory accepted _____________________________________________

      position and surname of the carrier representative

      Carrier's calendar stamp at the departure station

      When transporting cargo for personal, family, household and other needs not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activity, it shall be filled at the discretion of the shipper.

  Annex 22
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport

Norms of accuracy of weighing cargoes on carriage scales

Name of the cargo

Weighing error no more than% of the mass of cargo


Bulk transported gourds, potatoes, beets and other vegetables



Bulk transported oilseeds and legumes...
Bulk transported in molasses tanks, vegetable oils, marine animal fat



Lignite and coal, anthracite, oil shale, coal and slate dressing waste, peat, coal and peat briquettes, silicate block, gypsum, lime, chalk powder, limestone, cement, iron ore, non-ferrous metal ores



Bulk transported grain and grain seeds, bran and mixed fodder, flour of all sorts, cereals of all kinds

±0,1 +0,35


Non-ferrous metal ores enriched (concentrates)



  Annex 23
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport

Agreement between the main Branch Owner



      __________________ (name) 


      and the company (name) ______________________________________

      for the supply and picking of carriages.

      The company _______________________________________________

      (name) ____________________________________

      on behalf of _________________________________


      ______________________________ on the one side and the company



      (full name of the company) 

      on _________________________________

      __________________ (position, full name) entered into this Agreement as follows:

      1. In accordance with the Rules for transportation of cargo and under the terms of this Agreement

      to the Agreement for the supply - picking of carriages, for the operation of the access road from

      ____________ № _______, the supply (picking) of carriages arriving at


      (company name) to the access road _____________________________________________

      (name of the branch owner)

      2. The supply and picking of carriages shall be carried out by the locomotive of the Road or the main Breeder with the arrangement along the fronts (cross out the unnecessary). The distance for collecting fees for the supply and picking of carriages is accepted _____________ km loop according to the Agreement between the Branch Owner and the Railway.

      3. On the access road, the terms for loading and unloading are established in accordance with the Rules for the transportation of cargo, parts 1 and 2.




      4. On the access road, a simultaneous front for loading and unloading for homogeneous cargo in the following sizes:









      Size of simultaneous supply __________________________________ carriages.

      5. Responsibility for idle carriages is ______________________________


      (company name)

      6. Accounting for idle carriages by numbering method.

      This Agreement is valid on ____________________

      from _______________________ 201__ till ______________________ 201 ___

      Addresses of the parties:

Branch owner



____________________________________ ____________________________________



      Account of the company № _________________ in ___________________

      _____________________________________ branch of the city._____________


      Branch Owner:

      Enterprise: ______________________________ _______________________________ (full name) (full name) Consent of the Station Head: _____________________________________________________________________________

      Note: With the consent of the Head of the station gives permission to supply carriages to the access road. The agreement remains in the files of the station.

  Annex 24
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport


Name of the cargo

When loading in four-axle carriages

Indoor and isothermal



Container and piece cargo




Cargo carried in bulk without packing except undernamed:



a) alabaster, gypsum, lime, chalk, mineral fertilizers, cement



b) jars, glass bottles, bottled water, clay and glassware



c) gravel, soil, sand, gravel



d) dolomite, building stone, carbonite, all kinds of ores, coal, fluxes



e) shaped refractory products



e) all kinds of brick








Carriages, tractors, agricultural and other carriages on the go



5 6

Wood cargo and firewood
Animals, when loading in one tier
when loading in two tiers

3.10 0.55 1.50

3.40 - _


Unpacked meat: chilled



frozen when loading into a carriage in an amount of: up to 30 tons;



over 30 tons




Name of the cargo

When unloading from four-axle

carriages per hour and min

indoor and isothermal



Packaged and piece cargo




Cargo carried in bulk without packing except undernamed:



a) alabaster, gypsum, lime, chalk, mineral fertilizers, cement



b) jars, glass bottles, bottled water, clay and glassware



c) gravel, soil, sand, gravel



d) dolomite, building stone, carbonite, all kinds of ores, coal, fluxes



e) shaped refractory products



e) all kinds of brick








Carriages, tractors, agricultural and other carriages on the go




Wood cargo and firewood




when placed in one tier.



when placed in two tiers.




Unpacked meat:



ice cream immersed in a carriage in an amount of up to 30 tons



over 30 t




      Technological time of loading, unloading (clearance) of container-packing cargo by loaders with a loading capacity of up to 1.5 tons using drip trays or packaged without drip trays (per hour per one covered carriage)

Cargo name

With packet breakdown



Loads in bags and sacks with a mass of space:
up to 30 kg




31-50 "




51 kg and more




Loads in piles, bales, open and closed crates, cans, packs weighing a lot:
up to 30 kg




31-50 "




51-80 "




81-100 "




101 kg and more




Drum-and-barrel loads with mass of place:

up to 30 kg




31-50 "




51-80 "




81-120 "




121-300 "




Groupage and small lot cargo in different containers




Chemical cargo
In bags weighing up to 30 kg




31 kg and more




In boxes weighing up to 30 kg




31-50 "




51-80 "




81 kg and more




In barrels and drums weighing up to 30 kg




31-50 "




51-80 "




81-120 "




121 kg and more



Table 4 Technological time for loading heavy loads, containers, metals and metal products with cranes and forklift trucks with load gripping devices in the form of a hook (per hour per carriage)

Cargo name

Number of cargo

Consoleless gantry electric cranes

Two-console gantry electric cranes

Overhead Electric Cranes

steam and railway ICE cranes

forklift trucks and truck cranes

Carrying capacity, t

up to 5

up to 5

7.5 to 10

up to 5

from 6 to 10

from 6 to 25

from 3 to 5


Containers of all types loaded and empty

8 pcs








10 "








12 "









Cargo in boxes and unpacked with a mass of up to 3 tons

Up to 40 t








40 t. And more









Same weight from 3 to 6 tons

up to 40 t








40 t. and more









Cable and cable on a drum weighing up to 3 tons

up to 40 tons








40 t. and more









The same mass place 3 tons more

up to 40 tons








40 t. and more









Pipes, metal and asbestos-cement, high-quality metal in bundles

up to 25 tons








25 t. and more









Rails, beams, channels, sheet metal

up to 40 tons








40 t. and more








Table 5 Technological time of loading metal by cranes equipped with an electromagnetic stove (per hour per carriage)

Name of the cargo

The mass of cargo in the carriage, t

less than 40

40 and more


Metal ingots



Pressed scrap metal (in bags)






Table 6 Technological time for loading bulk cargo (per hour per carriage)

Cargo name

Jib cranes and excavator cranes with a clamshell scoop with a capacity of 1.5m3

low-sided hopper carriage

to the platform


All kinds of lumpy coal, combustible shales, all kinds of fuel briquettes, carbonite



All kinds of small coal






All kinds of sand



Gravel, crushed stone, pebble, all ore



Coal and granulated slag, dry clay



      Notes. 1. When using jib cranes and excavator cranes with clamshell scoops with a capacity of 2 m 3, the loading time is reduced by 10%, with clamshell scoops with a capacity of 2.5 m3 - by 20%, etc.

      2. The loading periods for excavators equipped with buckets are calculated in accordance with Annex 27 to these Rules.

Table 7
Technological time for loading bulk cargo by gantry and other cranes equipped with clamshell scoops (per hour per low-sided hopper carriage)

Cargo name

Clamshell scoop capacity, m3

Loading terms for one low-sided hopper carriage, hour






Carbonite dust




All kinds of lumpy coal, fuel briquettes, combustible shales




Fine coal




Manganese ore



Table 8
Technological time of loading timber with the main types of cranes equipped with a cargo hook (per hour per carriage)

Name of cargo and type of carriage

Unconsoleted gantry crane with lifting capacity up to 5 t

Two-console gantry crane with a lifting capacity of up to 5 t

Two-console gantry crane with a lifting capacity of 7.5 to 10 tons

Overhead crane with lifting capacity up to 5 t

Overhead crane with a lifting capacity of 6 to 10 tons

Crane on the railway, steam and with internal combustion engine with a loading capacity of 6 to 25 tons, portal loading capacity of 10 tons

auto-loader, truck crane with lifting capacity from 3 to 5 t


Using the upper narrowed part of the loading outline


Wood round all kinds









All kinds of lumber








Without using the upper narrowed part of the loading outline


Wood round









All kinds of lumber








Low-sided hopper carriage with using upper tapered part loading outlines


Wood round all kinds









All kinds of lumber








Without using the upper narrowed part of the loading outline


Wood round all kinds









All kinds of lumber








Table 9
Technological time of loading bulk grain cargo (per hour per carriage)

Cargo name

Loading through tempering pipes

up to 50 t/h

Over 50 t/h


Heavy grain (rye, wheat, corn, etc.)
Lightweight grain (oats, barley, etc.)
Sunflower, cotton seeds, bran, compound supply



Table 10 Technological time for loading timber cargoes by a tower crane, peat - by the MOGES
peat loader and bauxite ore - by the excavator EKG-4-61

Name of mechanisms

Cargo name

Loading periods for one four-axle carriage, hour

low-sided hopper carriage


Rail-mounted tower crane with a lifting capacity of 5 tons

Wood construction and ornamental round and sawn all sizes and species.
Fixing wood: using the upper narrowed part of the loading outline without using the upper narrowed part of the loading outline




Peat loader of the MOGES system with a capacity of 400 t/h

Peat all kinds




EKG-4-61 excavator with a bucket capacity of 4 m3

Bauxite ore



Table 11 Technological time for loading cars on their own on a two-tier platform

Name of the cargo

Loading time for one platform, h

Passenger cars


Table 12
Technological time for loading peat with a peat loader TPP-0 (1)

Name of the cargo

Duration of loading one carriage

Low-sided hopper carriage

Low-sided hopper carriage extended sides




Table 13 Technological time for loading peat with a peat loader TPP-0 (1) in a special peat carriage

Name of the cargo

Loading time for one special peat carriage, hour



Table 14
Technological time for loading a four-axle carriage with crushed stone by excavators when
moving carriages along the front (in min


Type of excavator

Bucket capacity, m 3


Low-sided hopper carriage

shunting devices

shunting locomotives

shunting devices

shunting locomotives


Э-2001, Э-2002














Э-2503, Э-2505



























Table 15
Technological time for loading grain cargo (per hour per one covered carriage)

Cargo name

ShVZ carriage unloading machine with a capacity of 180 t/h

Carriage-unloader UVZ-100 with a capacity of 140 t/h

All kinds grain




Table 16 Technological time of unloading (dumping) of packaging materials by loaders with a loading capacity of up to 1.5 tons using pallets (per hour per one covered carriage)

Cargo name

With packet breakdown



Loads in bags and bags with a mass of space:
up to 30 kg




31-50 "




51 kg and more




Loads in piles, bales, open and closed crates, cans, packs weighing a lot:
up to 30 kg




31-50 "




51-80 "




81-100 "




101 kg and more




Drum and cargo loads weighing up to 30 kg




31-50 "




51-80 "




81-120 "




121-300 "




Groupage and small lot cargo in different containers




Chemical cargo
In bags with a mass of space:
up to 30 kg




31 kg and more




In boxes weighing:
up to 30 kg




31-50 "




51-80 "




81 kg and more.




In barrels and drums with a mass of space:
up to 30 kg




31-50 "




51-80 "




81-120 "




121 kg and more



Table 17
Technological time of unloading (dumping) of heavy cargoes, containers, metals and metal products by cranes and forklifts with load-gripping devices in the form of a hook
(per hour per carriage)

Cargo name

Number of cargo

Gantry electric gantry cranes

Two-console gantry electric cranes

Overhead Electric Cranes

steam and railway ICE cranes

forklift trucks and truck cranes

Carrying capacity, t

до 5

до 5

от 7,5 до 10

до 5

от 6 до 10

от 6 до 25

от 3 до 5


Containers of all types loaded and empty

8 pcs

























Cargo in boxes and unpacked with a mass of up to 3 tons

up to 40 t








40 t. and more









The same mass from 3 to 6 tons

up to 40 t








40 t and more









Cable and cable on a drum weighing up to 3 tons

up to 40 tons








40 t. and more









The same mass from 3 tons or more

up to 40 tons








40 t. and more









Pipes, metal and asbestos-cement, high-quality metal in bundles

up to 25 tons








25 t. and more









Rails, beams, channels, sheet metal

up to 40 tons








40 t. and more








Table 18
Technological time of unloading (dumping) of metal cranes equipped with an
electromagnetic stove (per hour per car)

Name of the cargo

The mass of cargo in the carriage, t

less than 40

less than 40


Metal ingots.



Pressed scrap metal (in bags)






Table 19
Technological time of unloading (dumping) of bulk cargo by gantry and other cranes
equipped with clamshell scoops (per hour per carriage)

Cargo name

Grapple capacity, m 3

Unloading terms per low-sided hopper carriage, h






Carbonite trifle




All kinds of lumpy coal, fuel briquettes, combustible shales 




Fine coal




Manganese ore



Table 20
Technological time of unloading (dumping) of bulk cargo

Cargo name

On elevated tracks and overpasses with a height of more than 1 m, receiving bunkers and trenches (per hour for the entire group of low-sided hopper carriages) along the front)

Jib cranes and excavator cranes with clamshell scoops with a capacity of 1.5 m 3, hour

on one side

on two sides

on one low-sided car

On one platform


All kinds of small coal except brown






All kinds of lumpy coals (except brown), carbonite, all kinds of fuel briquettes





Including anthracite plate






All kinds of brown coal












All kinds of slag






All kinds of sand






Gravel, crushed stone, all kinds of ore






Sugar beet and other root crops






      1. When using jib cranes and excavator cranes with clamshell scoops with a capacity of 2 m 3, the unloading period is reduced by 10%;

      with clamshell scoops with a capacity of 2.5 m3 - by 20%.

      2. Dates of unloading by excavators equipped with buckets are calculated in accordance with Annex 27 to these Rules.

      3. The time of unloading includes (t prep+ t fin) equal to: 0.1 h - when using jib cranes and excavator cranes; 0.12 hours - on highways (on two sides); 0.15 hours - on highways (one way)

      4. For enterprises with an average daily unloading of bulk cargo of up to three carriages, inclusive, upon receipt of an enlarged group of carriages or a route, the time for unloading open carriages through the lower hatches increases in proportion to the additional (in excess of three) number of carriages simultaneously installed on the front. Up to 3 carriages - according to table № 20, from 4 to 6 carriages the indicated terms are doubled, from 7 to 9 carriages - three times, etc. however, the term for the entire batch of carriages submitted must not exceed the total amount established for the non-mechanized method of unloading one carriage of a given cargo.

Table 21
Technological time of unloading (dumping) of timber the main types
of cranes equipped with a cargo hook

Using the upper narrowed part of the loading outline

Name of cargo and type of carriage

Unconsoleted gantry crane with lifting capacity up to 5 t

Two-console gantry crane with a lifting capacity of up to 5 t

Two-console gantry crane with a lifting capacity of 7.5 to 10 tons

Overhead crane with lifting capacity up to 5 t

Overhead crane with a lifting capacity of 6 to 10 tons

Crane on the railway, steam and with internal combustion engine with a loading capacity of 6 to 25 tons, portal loading capacity of 10 tons

with a forklift truck crane with a lifting capacity of 3 to 5 tons


Wood round all kinds



All kinds of lumber








Without using the upper narrowed part of the loading outline


Wood round all kinds









All kinds of lumber








Low-sided hopper carriage

Using the upper narrowed part of the loading outline


Wood round all kinds









All kinds of lumber








Without using the upper narrowed part of the loading outline


Wood round all kinds









All kinds of lumber








Table 22
Technological time of unloading (dumping) of bulk grain cargo
(per hour per one covered carriage)

Cargo name

Carriage unloader with a capacity of 100 t/h and more

Mechanical twin shovels VNITO

Inertial carriage unloaders IRM 6, IRM7


All kinds of grain (rye, wheat, barley, oats, etc.)





Sunflower, cotton seeds, bran, compound supply




Corn on the cob



Table 23
Technological time of unloading (dumping) of cargoes by special mechanisms
(per hour per carriage)

Cargo name

Carriage dumpers of various types 1

Elevator - bucket unloaders S-4492492492 *


Different coals, metallurgical limestone, crushed stone, sand, gravel



All kind of ore



      Notes.1 Given the time for thrust and securing the wagon.

      * The unloading time includes time (t prep+ t concl) equal to 0.08 h.

Table 24
Technological time for unloading (dumping) carriages on their own
from a two-tier special platform

Name of the cargo

Duration of unloading of one four-axle carriage, min

Passenger cars


Table 25
Technological time of unloading (dumping) of mineral fertilizers by MVS machines

Name of the cargo

Duration of unloading of one covered four-axle carriage, h

Mineral fertilizer


Table 26
Technological time of unloading (dumping) from cement hoppers

Name of the cargo

Duration of unloading, min, of one hopper-cement truck for points with receiving hoppers with a capacity, m3

less than 70

70 and more




Table 27
echnological time of unloading (dumping) from cement tank trucks

Name of the cargo

Duration of unloading of one cement truck tank, hour

Cement, shale ash, mineral fertilizers


Table 28
Technological time of unloading (dumping) from a mineral carriage (in min)

Name of the cargo

One carriage, in specially equipped single hoppers

Simultaneously unloaded group of carriages on elevated tracks and trench warehouses

Mineral fertilizers



  Annex 25
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport

Act on Access Road Examination

      Station ________________________________________________________ Department of Transportation

      ________ year _________ month _________ date.

      Commission of:



      Access Road Specialist (Engineer) ________________________


      Chairman of the Commission

      Station Manager ______________________________________________

      Representative of the Branch Owner or Counterparty


      made a access road examination

      ________________________________________________________________ (full name)

      for a contract for the supply and picking of carriages, the development of an STP, the production of RNOs or the calculation of time for maneuvering operations (underline as necessary).

      The Commission established the following:

Result of the examination

1. Name of the Branch Owner or Counterparty
2. Legal and postal address of the Branch Owner or Counterparty
3. Bank details
4. The junction of the access road, the number of junction arrows, which path adjoins
5. The total length of the access road (m), including on the balance of the NLC (m)
6. Characterization and technical condition of the track (rails, sleepers, ballast, artificial structures)
7. Place of supply of carriages:
for supply to the access road and picking of the access road
8. Whiche locomotive provides access service
9. The procedure for the supply and return of carriages (methods)
10. Name of cargo arriving at the access road and departing from the access road
11. Places of loading, unloading and their capacity (number of risers for discharge, loading)
12. The number of simultaneously delivered carriages for access
13. The procedure for transmitting a notification to the NLC on the supply of carriages (who transmits, receives, phone numbers)
14. The order of transfer of the carrier’s notification of readiness for picking carriages (who transmits, receives, phone numbers)
15. Availability of technical equipment on the access road:
a) unfreezing facilities and their capacity
b) carriage scales and their carrying capacity
c) shunting facilities (including in the working park)
d) loading and unloading mechanisms (technical specifications)
e) other technical means
16. The list of access roads of other organizations adjacent to the path of the main owner (name, length)
17. The distance for collecting the fee for the supply and picking of carriages in both directions (km)
18. The average number of carriages transferred to the access road
19. Other data necessary for the development of contracts for the supply and picking of carriages
20. Proposals of the commission to reduce the time spent by carriages on the access road

      Station Manager _________________________________________________________

      Commission members:




      Access road Inspector: _____________________________________

      Representatives of the Branch Owner or Counterparty


  Annex 26
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport

Determination of terms for loading and unloading operations with cargo carriages
A. Calculation of technological time for mechanized loading, unloading
(dumping) of cargo from carriages

      1. The technological time for loading, unloading (dumping) of carriages in a mechanized way shall be established by calculation based on the performance of the mechanisms with the most rational use and rational organization of loading and unloading operations, taking into account the peculiarities of loading and unloading operations under given conditions. When setting the terms for loading, unloading (dumping) of carriages, it is necessary to take into account the maximum combination of operations.

      2. The estimated time for loading, unloading (dumping) of carriages includes time costs for:

      a) preparatory operations t prep - removal of seals, twists, opening doors, hatches, installation or removal of barriers in the doorway, installation of racks, trays, bridges, sampling;

      b) final operations t finl - closing carriage doors, setting up spins and seals, linking cargo, picking carriages after unloading (dumping), closing hatches, leveling loaded cargo;

      c) actually loading the cargo into the carriage or unloading (dumping) the cargo from the carriage by means of mechanism t load, including the necessary movements of the carriage or mechanism.

      When loading, unloading (dumping), a group of carriages “p”, preparatory operations with all carriages except the first and final operations with all carriages except the last shall be combined in time with other loading and unloading operations and, therefore, are not taken into account when calculating the total time spent on loading and unloading.

      The calculation formula for determining the time for loading and unloading carriages:

      T=t prep+nm+t load+t fin(1)

      where m is the number of simultaneously loaded or unloaded carriages when using several mechanisms.

      Costs of time for performing operations of actually loading cargo into a carriage or unloading (dumping) cargo from a car:

      t load=qct aux 2 P

      where q in is the average mass of the cargo in the carriage, t;

      P - productivity of the loading and unloading mechanism, t/h;

      t aux time spent on auxiliary operations during loading and unloading, not included in the duty cycle (movement of a carriage or mechanism not included in the duty cycle, breaks in work for imposing an intermediate linkage of long loads, etc.), min. 

      3. The time spent on individual preparatory, auxiliary and final operations, such as slinging cargo, opening and closing carriage doors, installing and removing racks, etc., performed manually and therefore not amenable to calculation, are set by photo-timing. The accuracy of recording when photographing the production process is 1 min and when timing is 1 s.

      4. The volume of photo-timing observations depends on the duration of operations. When the duration of individual operations is up to 10 s, at least 50 observations must be made, with a duration of 10 s to 1 min - at least 30 observations, with a duration of 1 minute or more - at least 20 observations, with a duration of 3 to 10 minutes - not less than 15 observations. The results of individual observations that significantly deviate from the bulk of the observations as a result of errors made during photo-timing observations or the unsatisfactory performance of this operation by a worker shall be excluded from the obtained time-synchronous data on the duration of operations. Then calculate the average duration of the operation, which is taken in further calculations as a normal waste of time.

      5. The performance of the mechanism shall be established by calculation as the amount of cargo that can be processed in 1 hour of continuous operation with its rational organization and the most efficient use of the mechanism in these specific conditions.

      For machines of periodic (discontinuous) action - cranes, auto-loaders, excavators, carriage dumper, etc. productivity (in t/h):

      P=qc*3600t c=(3)

      where q c is the average mass of the cargo reloaded in one cycle, t;

      t c - the duration of one cycle of work, c.

      For continuous machines - continuous self-moving unloaders, loading elevators, conveyors of various types, etc. - productivity (in t/h):

      when processing bulk cargo

      P=3600∙gF v, (4)

      where g is the density of the cargo, t/m 3;

      F is the average cross-sectional area of ​​the continuous flow of cargo, m 2;

      v is the average speed of the cargo flow, m/s.

      when processing of piece cargo (t/h)

      P=3,6 q c*3600a (5)

      where q is the average mass of 1 pc. cargo, kg;

      a is the average distance between the moving pieces of cargo, m;

      v is the speed of the carrier body of the machine, m/s.

      6. The duration of the working cycle of a periodic machine t c in the formula (3) shall be determined by the length of time from one load capture to the next capture and is set based on the data on the technical characteristics of the machine: load capacity, speeds of the executive bodies, speed for self-moving vehicles and t d. The calculations take into account the possibility of combining the working movements of the machine in time.

      When calculating the productivity of continuous machines, the cargo flow rate is taken equal to the speed of movement of the working elements carrying the load. 

      The average mass of units of piece cargo or the average cross-sectional area of ​​the flow of bulk cargo in formulas (4) and (5) is determined by direct measurements.

      Example 1. Determination of the duration of unloading of small coal from a single open carriage with a jib crane on a railway line of the type KDV-15.

      Initial data. The clamshell scoop capacity q c = 1.5 m3. Grapple average fill ratio = 0.7. The bulk density of coal is y-0.8 t/m3. The average lifting height of the clamshell scoop H p = 1.5 m. The average angle of rotation of the crane jib = 130 about. When unloading, the clamshell scoop drops to hon = 2 m. The clamshell scoop lift speed v p = 30.8 m/min, the clamshell scoop lower speed 0 o = 33.9 m/min. The crane does not move with each cycle, but as it is unloaded and in only one direction. The average time of movement of the crane on the length of the low-sided hopper carriage t aux = 0.2 minutes. The rotation frequency of the rotary part of the crane n0b = 2.9 rpm The average grapple closure time t1 = 4 s; average clamshell scoop opening time t5 = 3 s. The duration of the preparatory operations t prep= 0 min; final t fin = 4 min.


      1. Determination of the duration of the crane operating cycle tl = 4 s - load capture by a clamshell scoop;

      t c=t 1+t2…t8;

      t 2=+hpvp+t unl1,5*6030,8+2=4,9c-lift of clamshell scoop with cargo

      t3=b*60 130*60aux + t unl=2,9*360+2,5=10 c-turn of a crane with cargo

      t4h lownxn low+t'np3=2*6033,9+1,5=5c-lowering scoop with cargo t5=3c-dumping coal from the scoop

      t6=hlowv lift+t"unl=2*60+1,530,8=5,4c-lifting of empty scoop

      t7=b*60n rev*360+tunl=10c

      t8=hpvlow+t"unl=33,9+1,5=4,1c-lowering empty scoop into carriage

      The operations of lowering the clamshell scoop with the load, pouring out coal and lifting the empty clamshell scoop are fully combined in time with the operations of turning the crane. Therefore, the components t4, t5, t6 will not be included in the calculation of the duration of the working cycle.


      2. Determination of the amount of cargo reloaded in one working cycle,

      qc=qs Cyg=1,5*0,7*0,8=0,84t

      3. Determination of the performance of the crane according to the formula (3) tc=time of cycle, qc=quantity in cycle

      4. Determination of the time spent on the operation of the actual unloading of cargo from the carriage t load according to the formula (2)

      t load=P+t aux=91,6qc*60+0,2 =40,8 min 62*60

      5. Determination of the duration of coal unloading from a single open carriage

      T=t prep+t load+t fin=0,40,8+4=44,8 min=0.75 h

      Example 2. Determination of the duration of unloading of heavy cargo from a low-sided hopper carriage by a double-gantry gantry crane with a lifting capacity of 5 tons, a span of 11.3 m.

      Initial data. Heavy loads (concrete blocks) are unloaded, the mass of a separate place q c = 4 t. The average mass of a cargo in a carriage q c = 60 t.

      Data technical specifications of the crane. Cargo lifting speed v lift = 8 m/min; trolley speed vt = 30 m/min; the speed of the crane v to p = 60 m/min.

      The average height of lifting cargo above the carriage and lowering the hook into the carriage h1 - 1.9 m; the average height of lowering the load on the stack and lifting the hook above the stack h2 = 3.2 m; the average travel distance of the crane truck per cycle in one direction Lp = 8 m; total crane movements on average per cycle Lcr = 9 m.

      The duration of the preparatory and final operations when unloading heavy cargo from a low-sided hopper carriage t prep= t fin = 0; auxiliary operations time t aux is also equal to zero, since movement of the mechanism along the discharge front is included in the crane operating cycle; the duration of the operation of the dowel t1 = 70 s.


      1. Determination of the duration of the working cycle tc, consisting of the following elements tc:

      t 1 = 70 с - is the time for the dowel of one place of heavy cargo;

      L t * 60 80 * 60t3 = vt + t unload = 30 + 3 = 19 s - time for movement of the crane truck with cargo at l = 8 m;

      h2 * 60 3.2 * 60t4 = vn + t unload = 30 + 3 = 27 s - the time of lowering the load to the site with h2 = 3.2 m;

      t5 = 10 s - time for the removal of cargo at the site;

      h2 * 60 3.2 * 60t6 = vn + t unload = 8 + 3 = 27 s - time for lifting the hook above the stack at h2 = 3.2 m;

      t7 = t3 = 19 s — time for moving the crane trolley to the carriage;

      h * 60 1.9 * 60t8 = vn + t unload = 8 + 3 = 17 s - time for lowering the crane hook into the car;

      L cr * 60 9 * 60

      t9 = v cr + t unload = 60 + 3 = 12 s - the time it takes to move the crane along the discharge front by an average of 9 m per cycle.

      The movement of the crane truck from the stack to the carriage t7 is fully combined with the lifting of the crane hook without load t6.

      Thus, the cycle time is

      t c = t 1 + t2 + t3 + t4 + t5 + t6 + t7 + t8 + t9 = 70+17+19+27+10+27+17+12 =199 с.

      2. Crane productivity at unloading of heavy cargoes at qc = 4 т

      qc*3600 4*3600

      P = tc = 199 = 72,5 t/h.

      3. The time spent on operations of unloading cargo from the carriage t load is determined by the formula (2)

      qв* 60 60*60

      t load = P + t aux = 72,5 + 0 = 50 min = 0,83 h.

      4. Total time of unloading a low-sided hopper carriage

      Т = t pre + t load + t fin = 0+50+0 = 50 min = 0,83 h.

      Example 3. Determination of the duration of loading in a covered four-axle boxcarriage of tare cargo (boxes) with two electric loaders KVZ-04:

      a) when loading packages on pallets;

      b) when loading with the disbandment of packages in the carriage.

      Initial data. Loading of box cargoes into a carriage with a mass of one box of 40 kg shall be carried out. The dimensions of the box are 560X240X220 m. The cargo prepared for loading at the enterprise’s warehouse is packed in packages on standard flat pallets in four rows of seven boxes in a row. The mass of the package is 1120 kg and the package with a pallet of 1145 kg. At least 52 packages are prepared for loading a four-axle carriage. The average cart carriage distance, taking into account angular rides and turns l av = 40 m. The speed of electric forklifts with a load of vunl (dv) is 6.5 km/h, without a load of vpor (dv) = 7.5 km/h; fork lifting speed with load v lift = 4.25 m/min; cargo lowering speed v low = 12.5 m/min; tilt time of the forklift frame back t2 = 3.8 s, forward t6 = 3 s. The average height of raising or lowering the cargo for the convenience of its movement h0 = 0.2 m; the average height of the load for installing the package in the second tier in the carriage is hav = 0.9 m. The average acceleration and deceleration time when moving the loader is tav = 4 s. The average time for disbanding the package and stacking the boxes in the carriage trf = 2 min. 5 empty pallets are taken out of the carriage loader, which consumes t aux = 12 min. When loading unformed packages, the auxiliary time for trimming individual places is t aux = 5 min. The preparatory operations: opening the carriage door, installing the transition bridge takes tpod = 4min, the final operations: picking the transition bridge, closing the carriage door, etc. t fin = 5 min.

      Calculation Procedure

      a) When loading unformed packages on pallets. 1. Determination of the average duration of the working cycle of the electric lift truck;

      t c = t1 + t2 +...+ t7;

      t1 = 2 с - load capture by electric forklift forks;

      t2 = 3,8 с - tilt of the forklift frame back;

      h0 0,2*60t3 = vn = 4 ,25 = 2,8 c - raising or lowering the package from the second stack of the warehouse for movement;

      lср 40*3,6t4 = v load (mov) + t unl = 6,5 + 4 = 26 с - movement of the loader with cargo, taking into account the angular arrival before installing the package in the carriage;

      h0 0,2*60t5 = v low = 12,5 = 1 с - lowering the load when installed in the first tier;

      hср 0,9*60t5’ = v lift = 4,25 = 12,7 с - load lifting when installed in the second tier;

      t6 = 3,0 с - tilt of the forklift frame forward and load return;

      lср 40 * 3,6 t7 = v emp (mov) + t рз = 7,5 + 4 = 23 с - movement of the loader without load.

      The movement of raising and lowering the forks of the loader without load, as well as the tilt of the frame without load, are fully combined with the movement of the loader.

      The duration of the cycle when installing the package of cargo in the lower tier in the carriage will be t c =2+3,8+2,8+26+1+3+23=61,6 с.

      The duration of the cycle when installing the package in the upper tier in the carriage will be t in (ц) =2+3,8+2,8+26+12,7+3+23=73,3 с.

      The average duty cycle will be

      27*61,6 + 25*73,3t c = 52 = 67,2 с.

      2. Determination of the average productivity of one loader according to the formula (3)

      q ц 3600 1,145* 3600

      P = t c = 67,2 = 61,5 t/h

      3. Determination of the time spent on loading operations according to the formula (2) with the simultaneous operation of two electric forklifts

      qв 60 60*60

      tload = 2P + t aux = 2 * 61,5 + 5 = 33,5 min

      4. Determination of the duration of loading four-axle carriage packages on pallets

      Т = t pre + t load + t fin = 4+33,5+5 = 42,5 min - 0,71 h.

      b) When loading with the disbandment of packages.

      1. The average duration of the working cycle of electric forklifts when working with packet disbanding is determined by the duration of the operation of packet disassembling and stacking boxes in a carriage t rf = 2 min. Each of the loaders during this time manages to complete all operations for the delivery of a new package to the carriage and waits for several seconds when the new package can be put on an empty pallet. Thus, the duty cycle t c = t rf = 120 s.

      2. Determination of the average productivity of the loader according to the formula (3) т/ч= t/h

      3. Determination of the time spent on loading operations according to the formula (2) with the simultaneous operation of two electric forklifts

      tгруз=t loading

      tвсп=t auxiliary



      4. Determination of the time spent on loading operations according to the formula (2) with the simultaneous operation of two electric forklifts

      Т = t prep + t load + t fin = 4+65,6+5 = 74,6 min = 1,24 hr.

      B. Features of determining the timing of loading carriages from bunkers and semi-bunkers

      Hopper and half hopper loading device used in loading a bulk cargo carriages weight - coal, ore, limestone, etc., -. are continuous means of mechanization. When calculating the terms for loading carriages from bunkers and semi-bunkers according to formulas (1), (2) and (4), the following provisions should be observed:

      a) before the carriage is delivered under the bunkers, their readiness for loading must be ensured, the presence of cargo is established, the serviceability of loading equipment and mechanisms, as well as shunting winch, is checked;

      b) upon arrival of the carriages and after their installation under the bunkers, the preparatory operations are only the operations of opening the bunker locks or the loading funnel tray of the half-bunker.

      Fastening shunting rope winch, shunting switch on and off the winch, filling of sawdust or other introduction into the carriage cFe dstv straight ofilaktiki from freezing, checking of mechanical fastening low-sided hopper carriage doors etc. coincides with the basic operation of the filling carriage.

      For valves with mechanical actuators, the opening and closing times shall be indicated in the technical data bill and do not exceed 3-5 seconds. The opening time of the jaw and sector shutters manually is no more than 2 seconds, the opening time of the slide and tray shutters is 3-5 seconds.

      During lateral loading from bunkers in preparation time, the duration of the installation of trays, leaks, mobile funnels is included;

      c) the duration of the main operation t load when filling the carriages is determined by the formula (2), and the time t t aux includes the breaks during passage between the carriage spaces under the bunker estrus and, accordingly, the time of opening and closing the gates.

      The performance of a bunker or semi-bunker device is determined by the formula (4). The cross-sectional area (in m 2) of the cargo flow from the outlet of the hopper is determined by the following formulas:

      1) with a rectangular hole

      F = (A - a ') (B - a') t (6)

      where A and B are, respectively, the length and width of the outlet of the hopper, m;

      a 'is the size of a characteristic piece of cargo, m;

      2) with a round hole

      where D is the diameter of the hole of the hopper, m;

      The velocity of the flow of cargo (in m/s) from the horizontal hole of the hopper is determined by the formula

      where - is the expiration coefficient (for dry granular and powdery cargo = 0, .55 ÷ 0.65; for coarse and lumpy = 0,3 ÷0,6; for dusty = 0,2÷0,25);

      R - is the hydraulic radius of the outlet R = F/P, where F is the cross-sectional area of, м2; Р - section perimeter, m;

      - the angle of inclination of the gutter, deflecting the flow and creating a backwater.

      At mall kinds points, loading of a group of carriages of the same supply shall be carried out simultaneously through several hopper hatches with high total productivity, so that it is possible to carry out continuous movement of carriages during loading - “loading on the go”. In these cases, the loading period is determined based on the speed of movement of the carriages with a shunting winch (in h) according to the formula


      t groups (gr) = 3600 v l + t aux (8)

      where n is the number of carriages in the group;

      / in - the average length of the carriage along the axes of automatic couplings, m;

      vl - speed of the shunting winch cable, m/s;

      t aux- time spent on fastening and uncoupling the shunting winch cable, as well as pulling the cable when the total length of the group of loaded carriages exceeds the working cable length.

      In cases when the carriages are not loaded on the truck scales, the extra time for the dosing operation is taken into account as the final time when loading the last group carriage. The dosage of all other carriages must be aligned in time with the main loading operation.

      Example 1. Loading of coal from bins

      Initial data

      Loading shall be carried out simultaneously from two central hopper hatches. Outlets of hatches have dimensions in length A = 700 mm, in width B = 600 mm. The characteristic size of a piece of coal is a '= 100 mm, the bulk mass of coal is 0.87 t/m 3; coal discharge coefficient = 0.57. It is required to calculate the time spent on loading a group of carriages of one feed consisting of 12 open carriages with a technical norm for loading carriages q in = 62 tons. The average size of the gap between the carriages is lpr = 1.5 m, the speed of the shunting winch cable is vl = 0.18 m/s. Preparatory operations with the first carriage occupy, according to the timing data, tsub = 2 minutes, final operations - 3 minutes, including the operation of opening and closing the hopper locks t shutter = 5 s.

      Calculation Procedure

      1. Determination of the cross-sectional area of the coal stream passing through the outlet of the hopper, according to the formula (6)

      F = (0,7 - 0,1) (0, 6- 0,1 ) =0,3 м2.

      2. Determination of the hydraulic radius of the cross section of the flow

      F 0,3.

      R = P= 2 (0,7-0,1)+2 (0,3-0,1) = 0,136 m.

      3. Determination of the hydraulic radius of the cross section of the flow (7)

      v = 5,9*0,57 0,136=1,24 m/s.

      4. Determination of the average flow rate of coal according to the formula (4)

      P = 3600*0,87*0,3*1,24 = 1170 t/h.

      5. The average time of filling coal with one carriage simultaneously through two hatches

      qв* 60 62*60t load = 2P = 2*1170 = 1,57 min.

      6. The average duration of the break for closing and opening the shutters, as well as the movement of a group of carriages after filling each next carriage will be

      Lpр 1,5t mov = vл + 2 tclos = 0,18 + 2*5 с 0,32 min.

      There will be 11 such breaks during loading of 12 carriages.

      7. Determination of the total time spent on loading 12 open carriages - the loading period for a group of carriages according to the formula (1)

      n Т = t prep + m * tload + t aux + t fin = 12 2+ 1 * 1,57 + 11*0,32 +3 = 27,3 min 0,46 h.

      n T = t prepr + m * t load + t aux + t fin = 12 2+ 1 * 1.57 + 11 * 0.32 +3 = 27.3 min 0.46 hours

      Example 2. Loading of coal from bunkers during continuous movement of loaded carriages - loading on the go.

      Initial data

      The loading of a group of 12 open carriages shall be carried out prepthe same conditions as in example 1, however, the speed of the shunting winch cable is taken to be vl = 0.12 m/s,

      Therein, the most rational way of loading coal is “on the go”, without stops, which will make it possible to more fully realize the existing average productivity of loading devices of 2340 t/h. To eliminate the need for interruptions in the flow of coal during passage between the carriage gaps, the outlet hatches of the bunkers are equipped with flip trays. The average length of carriages between the axles of the automatic coupler l = 14 m, the total length of the group L = 12 * 14 = 168 m.

      In addition to the initial data of Example 1, it was assumed that the working length of the shunting winch cable is l tr = 100 m, as a result of which during the loading of carriages it is necessary to take a break to unhook the cable, drag it to lper = 70 m and attach it to the carriages again. Unhitching and securing the cable takes t father = 0.4 min, opening and closing the shutters - 5 s 0.1 min each.

      Calculation Procedure

      1. Determination of the average loading time of one carriage from the condition of its continuous movement prepthe hopper

      l at 14 t load = 60 vl = 60 * 0.12 = 1.92 min. 

      2. Determination of the duration of the break in work for the hauling of the cable

      lper 70 t aux = 2 t shutter + 2 t father + 60 vl = 2 * 0.01 + 2 * 0.4 + 0.12 * 60 = 10.6 min. 

      3. Determination of the total cost of time for loading 12 open carriages - the term for loading carriages - according to the formula (1)

      T=t prep+mtload+taux+tfin=2+1*1,92+10,6+3=38,6min0,65 h

      Example 3. Loading of coal from semi-bins.

      Initial data

      The coal feed conveyor line for loading is composed of belt conveyors with a belt width of B = 800 mm, with three-roller grooved supports. The angle of inclination of the side rollers supports 20 about. The conveyor belt is uniformly filled. Bulk mass of coal = 0.85 t/m 3. The angle of repose of coal in motion on the conveyor belt = 30 about. The cross-sectional area of ​​the cargo layer on the tape at 80% filling is equal to F = 0.07089 V 2 (1 + 2.6 tgp) = 0.07089-0.82 (l + 2.6 tg 30o) = 0, 11 m 2.

      The speed of the tape v l = 1,8m/s; the maximum angle of inclination of the conveyor that delivers the cargo to the loading point, = 20o, which causes a decrease in the productivity of the conveyor line by 17%.

      To avoid interruptions in loading during passage between the carriages spaces, flip gutters are used.

      It is required to determine the loading period for a group of five open carriages with a technical loading rate q in = 62 tons.

      The time spent on preparatory and final operations is 2 and 3 minutes, respectively.

      Calculation procedure

      1. Determination of the performance of the conveyor line, feeding coal to the carriages, according to the formula (4):

      P = 3600 * 0.85 * 0.11 * 1.8 = 605 t/h.

      2. Determination of the average time of filling one carriage with coal

      tload=qc*60 P+2*60605 t=5,9 min

      3. Determination of the total time spent on loading five open carriages according to the formula (1):

      n 5 T = t pre + mt load + t fin = 2 + 1 * 5.9 + 3 = 34.5 min. 

      B. Features of determining the timing of the loading of the wood with winches and elevators

      When loading roundwood into open rolling stock, the TL-1, TL-3, etc. winches with a pulling force of 1.5 to 5 tons are widely used, and the EZD-3 timber loading elevators are also used. Timber in the volume necessary for the full supply of carriages must be prepared in advance at the loading track. For loading with winches, bundles of wood separated by gaskets should be prepared.

      Calculation of terms for loading carriages shall be carried out according to the general formula (1). The duration of preparatory and final operations, as well as auxiliary operations performed during the loading process, is established on the basis of timing observations. Below is a table of the average duration of these operations established by experimental observations when loading low-sided hopper carriages and four-axle platforms.

      The time spent (in min) directly on loading roundwood into a carriage when using winches is determined by the formula:

      t load=qpcstc*qn* +taux(8)

      where t c - the average duration of the loading cycle of a bundle of wood, min;

      q pc - the volume of one wood pile in the carriage, pl, (dense), m 3.

      Table 1)

Name of operations

Duration of operations, min

Low-sided hopper carriage

Four axis platform

Preparatory operations t prep- installation
racks, laying gaskets, installation
Auxiliary operations t aux:

10 to 13

12 to 16

middle linking of the wood and laying of intermediate gaskets.


" 12 " 16

carriage moving during loading during transition
to laying the next stack....................



Final operations t fin upper linking racks
and trimming logs.......

10 to 12

12 to 18

      When loading a wood with a length of 6.5 m, the average value of q pcs = 25 dense m 3;

      qn is the volume of the bundle of wood when loading with TL-1 winches on average,

      qn = 1.25 dense m when loading with HL-3 winches on average,

      qn = 3.75 dense m 3;

      - the number of wood stacks in the car;

      t aux- time spent on auxiliary operations, min)


      t load = (P + t prep) + t aux, (9)

      where qsht is the volume of the wood pile in the carriage, dense m3; 1 - the number of wood stacks in the car; P - elevator capacity, t/h;

      t prep- the time spent on trimming logs performed with the elevator stopped. Experienced timing observations found that t prepr is not more than 16 minutes per stack;

      t aux- time spent on auxiliary operations of applying middle linking and laying of intermediate gaskets (see table 1).

      Example 4. Determination of the period for loading long round timber (6.5 m) using TL-1 winches;

      a) for loading one low-sided hopper carriage;

      b) for loading a four-axle platform.

      Initial data

      Cable winding speed on the winch drum vl = 0.6 m/s; the volume of the wood bundle captured in one cycle qn = 1.25 dense m 3; the average range of transportation of the pack from the stack to the inclined slopes lp = 4.5 m; the height of the bundle into the carriage along inclined slopes hlift = 5 m; the average depth of lowering the pack into the carriage hop = 2 m; the number of stacks loaded into the carriage, t = 2; the capacity of each stack q pcs = 25 dense m3.

      The values ​​of t prep, t auxand t fin, established on the basis of timing data, are taken from the table, respectively equal for a low-sided hopper carriage of 13 and 12 min, for a four-axle platform - 15, 16 and 17 min, the duration of the loading cycle of each pack of wood is determined by the duration of the individual components timekeeping operations:

      a) dill packs of wood chokers on a stack at the loading track:

      t fast = 0.25 min;

      b) uncoupling the chokers and pulling the cables t rac = 0.25 min;

      c) pulling the cables with chokers to an average distance of 4.5 m for the dowel of the next pack t pc = 0.2 min.

      Trimming of immersed logs in the carriage shall be carried out in parallel with the execution of other operations.


      1. Determination of the average duration of the loading cycle of one pack of wood in the car:

      Tc = t fast + t prep+ t lowering + t races + t ref = = 0.25 + 0.36 + 0.12 + 0.25 + 0.2 = 1.18 min. 

      where t prepis the average time spent on supplying a bundle of wood from the stack to the inclined ones laid down by an average distance of 4.5 m and along the beds to the carriage by a distance of 5 m at a cable winding speed vl = 0.6 m/s taking into account 0.1 min for acceleration and deceleration:

      4,5 +5

      t prep= 0.6 * 60 + 0.1 = 0.36 min;

      t lowering -, the time required to lower the pack into the carriage to an average depth of 2 m, with braking:


      t lowering = 0.6 * 60 + 0.06 = 0.12 min.

      2. Determination of the time spent directly on loading the low-sided hopper carriage, taking into account the auxiliary operations of laying the middle gaskets and moving the carriage to load the second stack

      25 dense m 3

      t load = 1.18 * 1.25 dense m3 * 2 +3 = 49.2 min

      Determination of the total time for loading one open carriage according to the formula (1)

      T = 13 + 49.2 + 12 = 74.2 min = 1.25 hours

      3. Determination of the amount of time spent directly on the loading of four -o waist platform based support operations placing medium pads, overlay medium linking and advancing the platform for loading the second stack:

      25 dense m 3

      t load = 1.18 * 1.25 dense m3 * 2 +16 = 62.2 min

      Determination of the total loading time of one four-axle platform according to the formula (1):

      T = 15.0 + 62.2 + 17 = 94.2 min = 1.57 hours

      Example 5. Loading of roundwood with timber loading elevators EZHD-3.

      Initial data

      A round timber 6.5 m long is loaded into a low-sided hopper carriage with an EZD-3 type elevator. The average volume of one log q br -0.2 dense m (diameter 20 cm). Immersed logs are rolled onto the elevator hooks from stacks with a capacity of 25 dense m 3, pre-laid along the loading front. The pitch of the hook elevator = 3584 mm, the speed of the lifting chain v e = 0.35 m/s. The time spent on preparatory, final and auxiliary operations approximately corresponds to the same costs when loading the wood with winches and are taken according to the table (1). It is required to determine the loading time:

      a) one low-sided hopper carriage with a loading rate of 50 dense m 3;

      b) one four-axle platform of the same capacity.


      1. Determination of the time spent directly on loading the logs into the low-sided hopper carriage with the elevator according to the formula (9) (in min):


      t load = (P + t prep) + t aux,

      where according to the formula (5) when expressing qbr in dense m 3, the productivity P (in dense m3/h) is equal to:

      q br

      P = 3600 * * ve

      Substituting the value of P in the formula (9), we obtain

      60qpcs t

      t load = (P + t prep) + t aux =

      25 * 3,584

      t load = (0.2 * 0.35 * 60 + 16) * 2 + 3 = (21 + 16) * 2 + 3 = 77

      a) determine the total time spent on loading one low-sided hopper carriage according to the formula (1)

      T = 13 + 77 + 12 = 102 min 1.7 h.

      2. The time spent directly on loading the logs on the four-axle platform by the EZD-3 elevator is determined similarly to the calculation of the time spent on loading the logs in a low-sided hopper carriage, however, auxiliary operations in this case are longer (see table on page 228). Thus,

      25 * 3,584

      t load = (0.2 * 0.35 * 60 + 16) * 2 + 14 = 88 min;

      b) determine the total time spent on loading one four-axle platform according to the formula (1)

      T = 15 + 88 + 17 = 120 min = 2 hours

      D. Features of determining the timing of cargo loading in special bunker-type carriages

      1. Loading in special bunker-type carriages shall be carried out at points equipped with devices for supplying bulk cargo from above using special trays, leaks or discharge pipes. A prerequisite for the normal operation of the item is the timely preparation of all technical devices and the availability of a sufficient amount of cargo intended for loading.

      2. The technological process of loading cargo provides for compliance with safety requirements, fire safety and labor protection. With insufficient equipment of the loading point, measures are being developed for the technical re-equipment of the point, aimed at reducing the complexity of the operation and providing better working conditions.

      3. The estimated time for loading bunker-type carriages includes the time spent on the following operations:

      Prep t preparatory operations - opening two or three charging hole lids with roof carriage and unlocking constipation and fixation -m Hur, filling in the ends hatches selling pipe installation launders, troughs, chutes, etc. Typically, with these operations.. the operations of securing the shunting winch cable and others are combined;

      final operations t fin - exit to the roof of the carriage, cleaning the tempering pipes, gutters, trays, leaks, cleaning the roof of the carriage from spilled cargo, closing loading hatches, closing shutters and latches, hanging seals. These operations shall combine the operations of uncoupling the shunting winch cable, cleaning the last carriage from the outside, etc.;

      The basic operations of loading cargo into a carriage t load. When loading group of carriages this time includes also, time for intermediate operations of moving carriages with shunting means.

      Time for dosing operations shall not be additionally provided. Dosing operations shall be combined with the basic loading operations, for which it is recommended that the loading fronts be equipped with weighing and dosing devices that provide loading of the cargo mass corresponding to the technical loading standard of the carriage.

      4. Timing shall be calculated according to formulas (1), (2) and (4), taking into account formulas (6), (7) and (8) when loading from bunkers.

      Example 1. Determination of the duration of loading grain (wheat) into a group of grain carriages at a harvesting elevator.

      Initial data. Loading takes place through the discharge pipe of the elevator from the loading hopper with a horizontal outlet with a diameter of 350 mm. The bulk density of grain is 0.75 t/m 3, on average q c = 65 t is loaded into a carriage. Under loading, carriages are fed in enlarged groups. During the loading process, the carriages are repeatedly sequentially moved to the whole length of the carriage and the tempered pipe is reinstalled at least three times. The length of the carriage to its automatic coupler axes is LB = 14.7 m. The speed of the shunting winch cable is vl = 0.18 m/s.

      Fastening the shunting winch cable according to the timing data takes 1.5 minutes and is combined with the operations of raising workers to the upper platform, accessing the roof of the carriage by opening two loading holes and operations of refueling the discharge pipe into the first hatch of the carriage. Preparatory operations require 3 minutes; the operation of opening (closing) the bunker shutter 5 s; the duration of the final operations for cleaning the tempering pipe, closing the last two hatches on the last carriage of the group, activating the clamps, as well as releasing the shunting winch cable is 3 minutes.


      1. Determination of the cross-sectional area of the grain flow passing through the outlet of the hopper g of the formula (6 '), taking the grain size a' = 6 mm = 0.006 m,

      (D - a ) 2 3.14 (0.35 - 0.006) 2

      F = 4 = 4 = 0.0928 m 2

      2. Determination of the hydraulic radius of the cross section of the flow from the round outlet

      3. Determination of the average productivity of the bunker loading device by the throughput of the bunker with a known value of the expiration coefficient for grain = 0.6 according to formulas (4) and (7). According to the condition, sin = 1 and the flow rate


       = 5.9-0.6 0.086 = 1.04 m/s;

      Pb = 3600-0.75-0.0928-1.04 = 260 t/h.

      4. When moving a carriage with a shunting winch during loading and intermediate auxiliary operations are spent

      Here t t - time permutation of the outlet pipe.

      5. Determination of the average time to complete the loading operation of one carriage according to the formula (2)

      q at * 60 65 * 60

      t load = Pb + t aux = 260 + 4,5 = 19.5 min

      6. Determination of the total time spent on loading three grain carriages with the number of simultaneously loaded carriages m = 1 according to the formula (1)

      n 3

      T = t prep+ m * t load + t fin= 3 + 1 * 19.5 + 3 = 64.5 min.

      Example 2. The loading of granular potassium chloride in a group of five mineral carriages

      Initial data

      Loading shall be carried out in turn in each mineral carrier through loading funnels of small capacity and two loading troughs, to which cargo from the warehouse is fed by two belt conveyors. The width of the grooved tape of the conveyors is 630 mm, the tape is inclined to the horizon at an angle of 10 about.

      The speed of the tape v lx = 2 m/s, the density of potassium chloride m = 1.03 t/m 3, the angle of repose in motion = 20 about. The average weight in a carriage q c = 64 tons. Weighing shall be carried out simultaneously with loading on a carriage scale.

      Download simultaneously in two loading hatches along the axis of the carriage, after which the carriage moves to the middle of the next two hatches at a distance of 4.5 m. The speed of the shunting winch cable is 0.18 m/min. The total length of the carriage along the axes of the automatic coupler L in = 13.2 m

      Preparatory operations (securing the shunting winch cable, opening the loading hatches with the release of the locks on the first carriage of the group, installing the gutters) take 3 minutes; final operations with the last carriage of the group (cleaning the gutters, closing loading hatches with cleaning the hatch sections of the roof, actuating the clips, releasing the shunting winch cable) take 4 minutes.


      1. Determination of the performance of belt conveyors. The angle of repose of the load in motion = 20o; coefficient of performance reduction when the conveyor is tilted by 10o c n = 0.95. The cross-sectional area of the cargo flow on the conveyor at 80% filling of the belt is determined by the formula (see example 3, p. 226).

      G = 0.07089B 2 (1 + 2.6 tg ) = 0.07089-0.632 (1 + 2.6-0.364) = 0.0546 m2.

      The productivity of two belt conveyors with v = 2 m/s, m = 1.03 t/m3 and c n = 0.95 will be

      Pc = 2-3600 Fv m s n = 2 * 3600 * 0.0546 * 2 * 1.03 * 0.95 = 760 t/h.

      2. On the movement of carriages to supply another carriage for loading cargo, given that during the boot process, he has been moved by a distance l1 = 4,5 m, spent time

      L in - l113,2 -4,5

      t aux = tper = 60 vl = 60 * 0.18 = 0.8 min.

      3. Determination of the average time spent on the operation of loading the cargo into one carriage according to the formula (2)

      q at * 60 65 * 60

      t load = Pk + t aux = 760 + 0.8 = 5.9 min.

      4. Define the total time spent on loading five carriages of mineral carriages with granular potassium chloride according to the formula (1)

      n 5

      T = t prep+ m * t load + t fin= 3 + 1 * 5.9 + 4 = 36.5 min.

      D. Features of determining the timing of unloading cargo from special bunker-type carriages

      1. The bulk cargo shall be unloaded from special bunker-type carriages at receiving station equipped for point unloading or unloading along the front.

      The main requirement for equipping the reception center shall be to ensure sufficient capacity to accommodate the received cargo and the availability of high-performance mechanisms for transporting the unloaded cargo to warehouses in order to maximize the benefits of mechanized unloading inherent in the design of hopper carriages.

      For stations that do not have sufficient receiving capacity and high-performance equipment complexes, measures shall be developed and implemented to speed up unloading, reduce the complexity of auxiliary operations and ensure all labor protection and safety requirements.

      2. The estimated time for the unloading of bunker-type carriages includes the time spent on the following operations:

      preparatory operations t prep - opening one or two covers of loading hatches in accordance with the Instructions for the operation of carriages, and the worker goes to the roof of the carriage and releases the locks and latches; connecting the compressed air line (for carriages with pneumatic control of the covers of the unloading hatches), raising the sleeves above the receiving hoppers or hanging protective covers to protect against the bulk load (when loading carriages with central unloading openings), opening the unloading hatches. With these operations are usually combined in time (and during unloading - with operations of direct unloading) hanging vibrators, securing the shunting winch cable, releasing the latches of the mechanisms for unloading the hatches;

      final operations t fin- the inspection of the body inside through the loading hatches using a portable lamp or a directional searchlight, cleaning the remaining cargo from the walls with a scraper on a long handle or by other methods, closing the loading hatches, closing the shutters, and latches. These operations combine the operations of cleaning covers or lowering the protective sleeves, checking the condition of the covers of unloading hatches and cleaning them, as well as the operations of cleaning vibrators, shutting off the compressed air line, blowing and cleaning the frame and carriages of the carriage, closing the unloading hatches, removing the shunting winch cable, etc.;

      the main operations of unloading t load - emptying the cargo and, if necessary, moving the carriage during its unloading and related auxiliary operations (lowering and subsequent lifting of the protective sleeves or cleaning and hanging covers that protect against cargo scattering).

      3. Productivity in the main unloading operation for Prod bunker-type carriages depending on the number of simultaneously unloading hatches (throughput of hatches) shall be determined by the formula


      Prod =3600 Z мF 2 o Prod = 3600 Z m F 2 o

      3,2 g R - м f *kд

      where z is the number of simultaneously opened unloading hatches of the carriage;

      m is the density of the cargo, t/m3;

      F. - cross-sectional area of ​​the cargo flow m according to formulas (6) or (6 ); F

      R - the hydraulic radius of the cross section of the cargo flow, m; R = P

      where P is the perimeter of the cross section of the cargo flow, m;

      - the expiration rate is taken according to the instructions in section B to the formula (7);

      o is the initial shear resistance, characterizing the initial adhesion between the particles, Pa;

      f is the coefficient of internal friction of the cargo;

      k d - the strain coefficient of the flow of cargo, poured out of the carriage. For carriages with side hatches k d = 1; for grain and cement carriages kd = 0.7 0.8

      Next, the duration of the actual cargo operation is determined by the formula (2).

      To guide the selection of data on the physical and mechanical properties of the cargo, a table with the characteristics of the main types of bulk cargo is given.

      Example 1. Unloading granular ammonium nitrate from a cement truck.

      Initial data

      Unloading shall be carried out in receiving rail bunkers simultaneously from both pairs of unloading hatches of the carriage. From each bunker, cargo shall be transported to the main passage of the warehouse by belt conveyors. The density of ammonium nitrate is m = 0.88 t/m 3, the granule size is not more than a '= 3 mm. Initial, shear resistance o = 0, outflow coefficient = 0.55, internal friction coefficient f = 0.83. The size of the rectangular unloading hatch of the carriage A = 0.4 m; B = 0.5 m. The strain coefficient of the cargo flow k d = 0.8.

      The technical norm of the carload q v = 44 t The speed of the shunting winch cable vl = 0.12 m/s. Determination of the time spent on unloading cargo from one carriage.

      Preparatory operations - the entrance to the carriage roof from the upper platform to open two loading hatches and the combined operations of raising the receiving arms of the rail hopper and opening the unloading hatches with the helms - take 4 minutes.

      The main unloading operation shall be carried out with the simultaneous pouring of cargo through four open hatches of the carriage z = 4.

      Final operations (entrance to the roof of the carriage, inspection of the body inside the carriage, closing the loading hatches with the actuation of the locking device and the combined operations of lowering the receiving protective sleeves, closing the unloading hatches with a preliminary inspection and cleaning of the covers and setting the latches at the helms) take 7 minutes.

      Physical and mechanical properties of cargo

Cargo name

Density, t/m 3

Coefficient of internal friction

The angle of repose in motion, degrees

Storage Traceability

Initial shear resistance, Pa

loose bulk cargo

bottom layer

Ammonium sulfate granular...
Calcium nitrate
Potassium chloride
Potassium chloride
Potassium salt
Potassium sulfate
Kali magnesia.....
"Ammonized 2........
Diammonium phosphate
Small gypsum plaster
and powdery..





In wet
environment compresses more
in dry environment compresses weaker
not compresses
" "
compresses weaker "
" " "
compresses weaker "
" " " " "
compresses weaker
compresses weaker
compresses moderately
" "
consolidates "
compresses weaker


      1 Initial shear resistance for non-creep loads accepted  o = 0

      2 Not recommended for transport in hopper carriages.


      1. Determination of the cross-sectional area of ​​the cargo flow from one outlet of the carriage according to the formula (6):

      F = (А - а') (В - а') = (0,4-0,003) (0,5-0,003) = 0,197 м2 = 0,2 м3.

      2. Determination of the hydraulic radius of the cross section of the flow

      F 0,197 .

      R = P = 2(0,4-0,003) + 2 (0,5-0,003) 0,11 м.

      3. Determination of the average discharge through four hatches of the carriage according to the formula (10)


      Prod =3600 Z мF 2 o

      3,2 g R - м f *kд =


      =3600*4*0,88*0,2*0,55 3,2*9,81 *0,11*0,8 = 2072 t/h.

      4. Determination of the average time to perform the main operation of unloading through four hatches of the carriage according to the formula (2)

      qв*60 44*60

      t load = Prod = 2072 =1,27 min.

      5. The total time required for unloading one carriage will be


      T = t prep+ m t load+ t fin= 4 + 1,27 + 712,3.

      Based on these time expenditures, the total productivity of the conveyor belts that remove the cargo from the rail bunkers and transport it to the warehouse shall be established.

      Example 2. Unloading apatite concentrate from mineral carriages at the discharge point of a chemical plant.

      Initial data

      Apatite concentrate is supplied for unloading by routes, which are divided into separate feeds in accordance with the length of the front of unloading (dumping) (11 mineral carriages each). Lateral trenches in terms of capacity are sufficient to unload the whole route. All eleven carriages are simultaneously connected to the compressed air line.

      Preparatory operations (connecting the hoses of the compressed air line, releasing the clamps, hanging the vibrators, sequentially turning the three-way cranes and opening the covers of the unloading hatches on the first four carriages) take 2 minutes. Entrance to the carriage roofs from the upper platform, equipped along the front of unloading (dumping) and equipped with walkways, opening two loading hatches of each carriage in accordance with the carriage instruction manual is fully combined with these preparatory operations.

      Final operations (turning three-way cranes, and closing the covers of the unloading hatches, actuating the clips and detaching the hoses, removing the vibrators) take 2.5 minutes. Simultaneously with these final operations, the entrance to the roof of the carriages shall be carried out, inspection of the completeness of unloading by inspection through open loading hatches, closing of loading hatches and locking of the locking device.

      The density of apatite concentrate m = 1.6 t/m3 = 1600 kg/m 3. This is a fine friable powder, the initial shear resistance is t 0 = 200 Pa, the coefficient of internal friction is f = 0.65; the coefficient of expiration from the hole from the hatch of the carriage = 0.25. The mass of the cargo in the carriage q c is 64 tons. The strain coefficient of the cargo flow during rash from the hatches is kd = 1.

      The calculation shall be carried out for the unloading of one carriage supply to the unloading front.

      Calculation Procedure

      1. Determination of by the formula (10) the discharge performance from four unloading hatches, taking the flow cross section equal to the cross section of the manhole openings 0.84 * 2.382 = 2.0 m 2 and the hydraulic radius of the transverse flow from one manhole

      F 0.84 * 2.382.

      R = P = 2 * 0.84 + 2 * 2.382 = 0.31 m;


      Prod = 3600 * 4 * 1.6 * 2.0 * 0.25 2 * 200

      3.2 * 9.81 * 0.31 - 1600 * 0.6 * 1 = 35 136 t/h.

      2. The time spent on the main unloading operation according to the formula (2) will be

      q at * 60 64 * 60

      t load = PROD + t aux = 35 136 = 0.11 min.

      Therefore, the estimated time for the main discharge operations take time and work of attaching the vibrator t aux = 2 min, combines with the primary unloading operation.

      3. Determination of the total time spent on unloading apatite concentrate from a group of 11 carriages in the given conditions according to the general formula (1)

      n 11

      T = t prep + mt load + t fin = 2 + 4 * 2 + 2.5 = 10.0 min.

      Annex 27
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport


      allowed to be stored in open warehouses, platforms and sites

Wooden and steel tanks and barrels
Ferrous metal bandages
Drums for cable and ropes
BardaBitumen petroleum solid (types
BN-1U, BN-U)
Bitumen (bituminous stone)
Shards of plaster, clay, pottery, graphite, brick,
glass, porcelain, earthenware, chamotte
Ferrous metal discs
Bottles, baloons (cylinders)
Unmachined shafts and rollers
Fragments of stoves (metallurgical waste
Graphite in pieces
Gas tar
Resin (resinous substance)
Soil (except tinting)
All kinds of outcast
Asbestos-cement, asphalt, concrete, concrete-cement products,
reinforced concrete, building of natural and artificial stone, cement tiles (tile) all kinds, except majolica
communication and power cables in drums (coils)
All kinds of stone
Steel ropes
Steel wire rod
Agricultural road rollers
Steel caissons
Cyrus (mountain wax)
Glazed brick, ordinary clay, silicate,
hollow, polished, slag
Cement clinker
Carbonite and coke
Wooden, metal wheels
Cast iron brake shoes
Iron pyrite, copper, sulfur
Mine rings
Ore concentrates (except for apatite, tungsten, nepheline, tin, rare metals, lead, zinc
Tree bark
Housings for cranes
Ship hulls
Simple bone is not in business
Steam boilers
Round wood, sawn and fixing

Steel, cast iron
Ferrous scrap
Anthracene, tar, fir oil
Building and ornamental wood materials (other than valuable
wood species)
Machines for industrial equipment
Agricultural machines
Clay muffles
Skin stripping
Ferrous rims
Agricultural implements
Metal axes
Ferrous Waste
Coal tar pitch in container
All kinds of sand, except quartz for fine ceramics
Pyro granite
Pedestals made of ferrous metals
Cast iron heating radiators
Broom (willow rods)
Shell rock
Shell (building) sea and river
All ores (except arsenic)
Pressed hay and straw
Ferrous metal benches
Rail fastenings
Combustible shales
Gas, wood, coal tar in containers
All kinds of steel, except dynamo, de capira and auto steel
All kinds of machines
All kinds of pipes, except non-ferrous metal pipes
Cast-iron tubing
Charcoal, stone
Flotation tails
Vats, wooden, from ferrous metals
Roofing Tiles
Cast iron rough not in business
Ferrous Tires
Glass cracklings (residues from the manufacture of glass)
Coal sludge
Crushed stone
Wooden shields made of twigs and reeds
Wooden crates

  Annex 28
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport

      Terms (time) of cargo storage

      Fresh milk, ice. 6 hours

      Fresh cut flowers. 12 hours 

      Fresh vegetables, except cabbage, potatoes and beets.

      Cut plants.

      Fresh fruits and berries.


      Meat and meat products, dairy products, except fresh milk, animals and birds, yeast.

      One day

      Caviar of sturgeon, salmon and other types of fish, ready to eat, in packaging;

      Food potatoes, beetroot and fresh cabbage.

      Melons in a container.

      Fat and fat of animals.

      Non-alcoholic drinks, mineral waters.

      Wine alcohol.

      Bakery products.

      Unfinished leather, hides and fur.

      Inorganic and organic chemistry products in containers.

      Two days

      All perishable cargo that arrived in refrigerated carriages, refrigerated containers.

      Vegetables, mushrooms, fruits and berries, salted, pickled, canned.

      Living plants, except for cut ones.

      Food eggs.

      Canned food and juices.

      Perishable cargo, not mentioned in this paragraph, which arrived in boxcarriages or universal containers.

      Three days

      Mineral fertilizers in the package.

      Products from reeds, vines, bast, bast fibers, twigs, straw and similar, except for wicker furniture.

      Packed recyclables.

      Pressed wood shavings in briquettes.

      Five days

      Other cargo not specified in this paragraph, except for perishable and household items.

      Thirty days

      Household things.

      For undocumented cargo, the following storage deadlines shall be set:

      12 hours - cargo which storage period in accordance with this paragraph is 6 hours;

      one day - cargo which storage period in accordance with this paragraph is 12 hours;

      increased by one day - cargo which storage period in accordance with this paragraph is one and two days;

      increased by 5 days - cargo which storage period in accordance with this paragraph is three and five days.

  Annex 29
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport
  Forms GU-27-U-VTs

      Waybill for transportation of cargo (except bulk)


      According to plan №, loading shall be assigned to the Visa Number

      The head of the station _____________ SU-27-U-VC (accounting for SU-27)



      UNIVERSAL CONSIGNMENT NOTE on_carr .__ on_small_shipment_on_group_count_on_plan_carr.




      Speed Railway type



      Station of departure Code Station of destination Code

      Shipper Code Consignee Code

      GCEO Shipper GCEO Consignee

      His address His address

      Payer Code

      Bank details:

      Bank reference on centralization. calculations №




      Signs and stamps Name Number of places Weight in kg

      Shipper Pack. (package/places) defined:








      Mass determined: Method for determining mass:

      Loaders.c redstvami: commodity receiving carrier:



      Hereby I confirm the correctness of the information entered on the consignment note. Shipper:

      The cargo is placed and secured according to: CHAPTER: PARAGRAPH: SECTION:

      Shipper: From carrier:



      TARIFF MARK: codes 00 00 00 00 Pr.z am.car. Class of the cargo

      Group, pos. Scheme Coef.tar: Type of ship. Dist.



      CARRIAGE INFORMATION: Section No Cargo charge, tenge

      Type. Carriage Number Roll G/P Axles Weight, Kg Cond. Oversize. Volume II at Shippment

      When Issuing Net Carriage Tare Gross.Body








      Type of calculation

      Form of calculation:



      Shortage of ______________ tenge Search of ______________ tenge

      Payer __________________________ (________________)

      Calculation type _______________ (___) Calculation form: _________

      CARGO CASHIER _________________

      Cargo accepted for transportation


      Acceptance of cargo for transportation 

      Clearance of cargo

      or filing for unloading

      by means of the consignee


      Consignment note f. GU-27-U-VTs for the transportation of bulk cargo



      According to plan №, loading is assigned on the Visa Number

      The Head of the station_____________

      GU-27-U-VTs (accounting for GU-27)




      on_carr.__ on_small_send_on_group_count_count_on_plan_carr.




      Speed Railway type



      Station of departure Code Station of destination Code

      Shipper Code Consignee Code


      According to plan №, loading is assigned to the Visa Number

      The Head of the station _____________

(accounting for GU-27)

UNIVERSAL CONSIGNMENT NOTE on_carr.__ on_small_shipment_on_group_count_on_carr_plan COMMUNICATION



      Speed Railway type Departure Station Code

      Destination Station Code

      Shipper Code Consignee Code

      GCEO Shipper GCEO Consignee

      His/Her address His/Her address

      Payer Code

      Bank details:

      Bank reference on centralization. calculations №




      Signs and stamps Name Number of places Weight in kg

      Shipper Cargo Pack. (package/places) defined:






      Mass determined: Method for determining mass:

      Loade by: commodity receiving Carrier:

      Hereby I confirm the correctness of the information entered on the consignment note.

      Shipper: _______

      The cargo is placed and secured according to: CHAPTER: PARAGRAPH: SECTION:

      Shipment: _______ From.P Carrier: _______

      TARIFF MARK: codes 00 00 00 00 Carr chang Cargo class

      Group, pos. Scheme Coef.tar: Type of ship. Dist.


      Type. Number Of Carriage Roll G/P Axles MASS, Kg. Oversize. Volume. AT SHIPPMENT


      carr. and NET TARA Gross overs. Kuz.




      Type of calculation

      Form of Payments:


      When issuing the final settlement paid: _______________ t.

      Shortage ______________ t. Overs. ______________ t.


      Calculation Type _____________________ (___) form

      payments: _____________________________________

      CARGO CASHIER _________________

      Cargo accepted for transportation


      Acceptance of cargo for transportation unloading of cargo Railway Issuance

      cargo or filing for unloading

      means of the consignee





      Consignment note f. GU-27-U-VTs for transportation of cargo (except bulk) by route or group of carriages


      According to plan №, loading is assigned to the Visa Number

      Initial.c dancing __________________

      GU-27-U-VTs (accounting for GU-27e)

      Consignment note f. GU-27-U-VTs for transportation of cargo (except bulk) by route or group of carriages


      According to plan №, loading is assigned to the Visa Number

      The head of the station __________________

      GU-27-U-VTs (accounting for GU-27e)


      on_carr .__ on_small_shipm_on_group_count__on_plan_on car


      RAILWAY Type Speed

      Station of departure Code Station of destination Code

      Shipper Code Consignee Code

      GCEO Shipper GCEO Consignee

      Address Address

      Payer Code

      Bank details:




      Oversize Index

      Signs and stamps Name Number of places

      Shipper cargo weight in kg

      Pack (package/places) identified:




      Mass determined: Method for determining mass:

      Loaders.by means: Acceptance/delivery inspector Carrier

      Hereby I confirm the correctness of the information entered on consignment note.

      Shipper: _______

      The cargo is placed and secured according to: CHAPTER: PARAGRAPH:

      Shipper: _______ From the station: _______

      TARIFF MARKS: Codes.Carriag.inf. Class of the cargo

      Group, p. Scheme Coef.tar: Shipp.type. Dist.


      CARGO CHARGE, t.

      № Type of carriage Roll G/p Axes Weight kg___ t

      Qty. Ex P Note



      CarriagesNet kg Tare kg Gross kg C tank






      Type of calculation

      Form of calculation:



      Shortage ______________ t. Overp ______________ t.

      Payer ___________________________________ (________________)

      Calculation type __________________ (___) Form of calculation: _________________

      CARGO CASHIER _________________

      Cargo accepted for transportation


      Acceptance of cargo for transportation

      unloading cargo train

      Clearance of cargo

      or filing for unloading

      by means of the consignee





      Consignment note f. GU-27-U-VTs for cargo transportation (except liquid)

      route or group of carriages


      According to plan №, loading is assigned to the Visa №

      Head of the station__________________

      GU-27-U-VTs (accounting for GU-27e)




      to route_to_carriage_group




      RAILWAY Type Speed

      Station of departure Code Station of destination Code

      Shipper Code Consignee Code

      GCEO Shipper GCEO Consignee

      Address Address

      Payer Code

      Bank details:

      Bank statement on centraliz. calculations No



      CARGO DETAILS Oversize index

      Signs and stamps Name Number of places

      Shipper cargo weight in kg

      Pack (package/places) identified:




      Mass determined: Method for determining mass:

      Loaded.by means: Acceptance/delivery inspector Carrier

      Hereby I confirm the correctness of the information entered on consignment note.

      Shipper: _______

      The cargo is placed and secured according to: CHAPTER: PARAGRAPH:

      Shipper: _______ From the station: _______

      TARIFF MARKS: Codes.Carriag.inf. Class of the cargo

      Group, p. Scheme Coef.tar: Shipp.type. Dist.


      CARGO CHARGE, t.

      № Type of carriage Roll G/p Axes Weight kg___ t

      Qty. Ex P Note



      Carriages Net kg Tare kg Gross kg C tank






      Type of calculation

      Form of calculation:



      Shortage ______________ t. Overp ______________ t.

      Payer ___________________________________ (________________)

      Calculation type __________________ (___) Form of calculation: _________________

      CARGO CASHIER _________________

      Cargo accepted for transportation


      Acceptance of cargo for transportation Unloading of railway cargo Drawing up of cargo delivery or supply for unloading by means of the consignee


Carriage № ______________________
Detached at the station

Carriage № ____________________
Detached at the station

Carriage № ______________________
Detached at the station

_______________________________ railway

____________________________ railway

______________________________ railway

on_the grounds___________________

on_the grounds___________________

on_the grounds___________________

The act of general
form № ___________________________

The act of general
form № ___________________________

The act of general
form № ___________________________

Dated ________________________

Dated ________________________

Dated ________________________

The head of the station

The head of the station

The head of the station

Carriage release station stamp

Carriage release station stamp

Carriage release station stamp

      Consignment note form GU-27-U-VTs for transportation of cargo in a universal container


      According to plan №, loading is assigned to the Visa Number

      The head of the station__________________

      GU-27-U-VTs (accounting for GU-27в)


      for_cargo_tranportaton_in_ universal_knt_mps_group


      RAILWAY Type Speed

      Departure station Code Destination station Code

      Shipper Code Consignee Code

      GCEO Shipper GCEO Consignee

      Address Address

      Payer Code

      Bank details:

      Bank statement on centraliz. calculations №




      Signs and stamps Name Number of places

      Shipper cargo weight in kg

      Pack (package/places) identified:




      Mass determined: Method for determining mass:

      Loaders.by means: Acceptance/delivery inspector Carrier

      Hereby I confirm the correctness of the information entered on consignment note.

      Shipper: _______

      The cargo is placed and secured according to: CHAPTER: PARAGRAPH:

      Shipper: _______ From the station: _______

      TARIFF MARKS: Codes.Carriag.inf. Class of the cargo

      Group, p. Scheme Coef.tar: Shipp.type. Dist.


      CARGO CHARGE, t.

      № Type of carriage Roll G/p Axes Weight kg___ t

      Qty. Ex P Note



      :Carriages Net kg Tare kg Grosskg C tank






      Type of calculation

      Form of calculation:



      Shortage ______________ t. Overp ______________ t.

      Payer ___________________________________ (________________)

      Calculation type __________________ (___) Form of calculation: _________________

      CARGO CASHIER _________________

      Cargo accepted for transportation


      Acceptance of cargo for transportation unloading cargo train

       Clearance of cargo 

      or filing for unloading

      means of the consignee



  Annex 30
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport

Road bill form GU-29-U-VTs for the transport of cargo (except bulk)

      Layout number __________ Pack number _________ Arrival book number








      Delivery time expires


      Station of departure Code Station of destination Code

      Shipper Code Consignee Code

      GCEO Shipper GCEO Consignee

      Address Address

      Payer Code

      Bank details:




      Signs and stamps Name Number of places

      Shipper cargo weight in kg

      Pack (package/places) identified:


      Mass determined: Method for determining mass:

      Loaded by means: Acceptance/delivery inspector Carrier__________


      TARIFF MARK: codes 00 00 00 00. carr.chang. Cargo class

      Group, pos. Scheme Coefficient.tar: Shipping type. Dist.


      Type № Carriag. Roll G/p Ax _____ WEIGHT kg _____ Ex Not Ob


      carr. and NET Tare Gross Oversiz. body.


      TOTAL: ___________


      Type of payment

      Form of payment:


      AT FINAL SETTLEMENT PAYED:___________________ t.

      Shortage______________т. Excess______________т.

      Payments collected at the destination station according to the receipt of various payments №_______________

      CARGO CASHIER___ ( )

      Payer__________________________________________________ Code

      Bank details of the consignee

      Account №_____________________________________________________________________

      Cargo received __.__.____________ by power of attorney dated.

      Passport details: __________________________________

      CONSIGNEE RECEIPT __________________ ( )

      Cargo accepted for transportation


      Acceptance of cargo Arrival of cargo Unloading or delivery Clearance of cargo for carriage for unloading

(affixed with a legible imprint on the reverse side) Act marks

Act drawing station

Act №


Railway carriage___________________
Detached at the station
_____________________________ railway
On the grounds
The act of general form has been drawn up
Number _____ by ________
The additional road bill has been written out
Number __________ of _________
The head of the station
Carriage release station stamp

Railway carriage_________________________
Detached at the station
_____________________________ railway
On the grounds
The act of general form has been drawn up
Number _____ by ________
The additional road bill has been written out
Number __________ of _________
The head of the station
Carriage release station stamp

Railway carriage_________________________
Detached at the station
_____________________________ railway
On the grounds
The act of general form has been drawn up
Number _____ by ________
The additional road bill has been written out
Number __________ of _________
The head of the station
Carriage release station stamp

      Road bill form GU-29-U-VTs for the transportation of liquid cargo

      Layout number __________ Pack number _________ Arrival book number




      for carriage transportation with liquid cargo


      Delivery time expires

      RAILWAY Type Speed

      Station of departure Code Station of destination Code

      Shipper Code Consignee Code

      GCEO Shipper GCEO Consignee

      Address Address

      Payer Code

      Bank details:

      Bank statement on centraliz. calculations №


      Signs and stamps Name Number of places

      Shipper cargo weight in kg

      Pack (package/places) identified:


      Mass determined: Method for determining mass:

      Loaded.by means: Acceptance/delivery inspector Carrier__________


      TARIFF MARK: codes 00 00 00 00. carr.chang. Cargo class

      Group, pos. Scheme Coefficient.tar: Shipping type. Dist.


      Type № Carriag. Roll G/p Ax _____ WEIGHT kg _____ to Lqd type


      carr. and NET Tare Gross C tank.


      TOTAL: ___________

      CHARGED AT SHIPPING: t. Type of payment

      Form of payment:


      AT FINAL SETTLEMENT PAYED:___________________ t.

      Shortage______________rub.. Excess______________т.

      Payments collected at the destination station according to the receipt of various payments №_______________

      CARGO CASHIER___ ( )

      Payer__________________________________________________ Code

      Bank details of the consignee

      Account №_______________________________________________________________


      Cargo received __.__.____________ by power of attorney dated.

      Passport details: __________________________________

      CONSIGNEE RECEIPT __________________ ( )

      Cargo accepted for transportation


      Acceptance of cargo Arrival of cargo Unloading or delivery Clearance of cargo for carriage for unloading

(affixed with a legible imprint on the reverse side)

      Notes on acts

Act Station

Act №


Railway carriage_________________________
Detached at the station
_____________________________ railway
On the grounds
The act of general form has been drawn up
Number _____ by ________
The additional road bill has been written out
Number __________ of _________
The head of the station
Carriage release station stamp

Railway carriage_________________________
Detached at the station
_____________________________ railway
On the grounds
The act of general form has been drawn up
Number _____ by ________
The additional road bill has been written out
Number __________ of _________
The head of the station
Carriage release station stamp

Railway carriage_________________________
Detached at the station
_____________________________ railway
On the grounds
The act of general form has been drawn up
Number _____ by ________
The additional road bill has been written out
Number __________ of _________
The head of the station
Carriage release station stamp

      Bank details:

      Bank statement on centraliz. calculations №

      CARGO DETAILS Counterfoil of the road bill form GU-29-U-VTs for the transportation of cargo

      (except liquid)

      Layout number __________ Pack number _________ Arrival book number








      Delivery time expires

      RAILWAY Type Speed

      Station of departure Code Station of destination Code

      Shipper Code Consignee Code

      GCEO Shipper GCEO Consignee

      Address Address

      Payer Code

      Signs and stamps Name Number of places

      Shipper cargo weight in kg

      Pack (package/places) identified:


      Mass determined: Method for determining mass:

      Loaded.by means: Acceptance/delivery inspector Carrier__________


      TARIFF MARK: codes 00 00 00 00. carr.chang. Cargo class

      Group, pos. Scheme Coefficient.tar: Shipping type. Dist.


      Type № Carriag. Roll G/p Ax _____ WEIGHT kg _____ to Lqd type ON SHIPPING ON DELIVERY

      carr. and NET Tare Gross C tank..


      TOTAL: ___________

      CHARGED AT SHIPPING: t. Type of payment

      Form of payment:


      Received receipt of cargo ______________

      signature shipper Station stamp

 Counterfoil of the road bill form GU-29-U-VTs for the transportation of liquid cargo

      Layout number __________ Pack number _________ Arrival book number






      COUNTERFOIL OF ROAD BILL for carriage transportation with liquid cargo


      Delivery time expires

      RAILWAY Type Speed

      Station of departure Code Station of destination Code

      Shipper Code Consignee Code

      GCEO Shipper GCEO Consignee

      Address Address

      Payer Code

      Bank details:

      Bank statement on centraliz. calculations №

      CARGO DETAILS counterfoil of road bill

      Signs and stamps Name Number of places

      Shipper cargo weight in kg

      Pack (package/places) identified:


      Mass determined: Method for determining mass:

      Loaded.by means: Acceptance/delivery inspector Carrier__________


      TARIFF MARK: codes 00 00 00 00. carr.chang. Cargo class

      Group, pos. Scheme Coefficient.tar: Shipping type. Dist.


      Type № Carriag. Roll G/p Ax _____ WEIGHT kg _____ to Lqd type


      carr. and NET Tare Gross C tank.


      TOTAL: ___________


      Type of payment

      Form of payment:


      Received receipt of cargo ______________

      signature shipper Station stamp

      Receipt for cargo reception of the form GU-29-U-VTs for transportation of cargo

      (except liquid)

      Layout number __________ Pack number _________ Arrival book number





      Delivery time expires

       RAILWAY Type Speed

      Station of departure Code Station of destination Code

      Shipper Code Consignee Code

      GCEO Shipper GCEO Consignee

      Address Address

      Payer Code

      Bank details:

      Bank statement on centraliz. calculations №


      Signs and stamps Name Number of places

      Shipper cargo weight in kg

      Pack (package/places) identified:


      Mass determined: Method for determining mass:

      Loaded.by means: Acceptance/delivery inspector Carrier__________


      TARIFF MARK: codes 00 00 00 00. carr.chang. Cargo class

      Group, pos. Scheme Coefficient.tar: Shipping type. Dist.


      Type № Carriag. Roll G/p Ax _____ WEIGHT kg _____ Ex Not Ob. ON SHIPPING ON DELIVERY

      carr. and NET Tare Gross Oversiz. body


      TOTAL: ___________


      Type of payment

      Form of payment:


      Station stamp

      Receipt for cargo reception for transportation of liquid cargo form GU-29-U-VTs

      Layout number __________ Pack number _________ Arrival book number





      for carriage transportation with liquid cargo


      Delivery time expires

      RAILWAY Type Speed

      Station of departure Code Station of destination Code

      Shipper Code Consignee Code

      GCEO Shipper GCEO Consignee

      Address Address

      Payer Code

      Bank details:

      Bank statement on centraliz. calculations №


      Signs and stamps Name Number of places

      Shipper cargo weight in kg

      Pack (package/places) identified:


      Mass determined: Method for determining mass:

      Loaded.by means: Acceptance/delivery inspector Carrier__________


      TARIFF NOTES: codes 00 00 00 00.Pr zam carriage. Class of the cargo

      Group, pos. Scheme Coefficient.tar: Shipping type. Dist.


      Type № Carriag. Roll G/p Ax _____ WEIGHT kg _____ Ex Not Ob ON SHIPPING ON DELIVERY

      carr. and NET TARA GROSS see tank.


      TOTAL: ___________


      Type of payment

      Form of payment:


      ISSUED TO THE SHIPPER Station stamp

      Road bill form GU-29-U-VTS on a route or a group of carriage

      Layout number __________ Pack number _________ Arrival book number



      Shipping Route №





      to group shipping


      Delivery time expires

      RAILWAY Type Speed

      Station of departure Code Station of destination Code

      Shipper Code Consignee Code

      GCEO Shipper GCEO Consignee

      Address Address

      Payer Code

      Bank details:

      Bank statement on centraliz. calculations №


      CARGO DETAILS Oversize index

      Signs and stamps Name Number of places

      Shipper cargo weight in kg

      Pack (package/places) identified:


      Mass determined: Method for determining mass:

      Loaded.by means: Acceptance/delivery inspector

      TARIFF MARK: codes 00 00 00 00. carr.chang. Cargo class

      Group, pos. Scheme Coefficient.tar: Shipping type. Dist.


      Type № Carriag. Roll G/p Ax _____ WEIGHT kg _____ Ex 

      Nt Ob On shipping on delivery

      carr. c kg ov p

      TOTAL: carr. and NET TARA GROSS kg tare.


      Type of payment

      Form of payment:


      AT FINAL SETTLEMENT PAYED:___________________ t.

      Shortage______________т. Excess______________т.

      Payments collected at the destination station according to the receipt of various payments №_______________

      CARGO CASHIER___ ( )

      Payer__________________________________________________ Code

      Bank details of the consignee

      Account №_____________________________________________________________________

      Cargo received __.__.____________ by power of attorney dated.

      Passport details: __________________________________

      CONSIGNEE RECEIPT __________________ ( )

      Cargo accepted for transportation



      Acceptance of cargo Arrival of cargo Unloading or delivery Clearance of cargo for carriage for unloading


      (affixed with a legible imprint on the reverse side)

      Counterfoil of road bill form GU-29-U-VTS on a route or a group of carriages

      Layout number __________ Pack number _________ Arrival book number






      counterfoil of road bill to group shipping

Delivery time expires Speed

      Station of departure Code Station of destination Code

      Shipper Code Consignee Code

      GCEO Shipper GCEO Consignee

      Address Address

      Payer Code

      Bank details:

      Bank reference on centralization. calculations №


      Oversize index

      Signs and stamps Name Number of places

      Shipper cargo weight in kg

      Pack (package/places) identified:


      Mass determined: Method for determining mass:

      Loaded.by means: Acceptance/delivery inspector Carrier__________


      TARIFF NOTES: Tariff notes

      Group, pos. Scheme Coefficient.tar: Shipping type. Dist.


      Type № Carriag. Roll G/p Ax _____ WEIGHT kg _____ Ex Not Ob. Note.


      carr kg places ov

      TOTAL: Net kg Tare kg Gross kg Tar


      TOTAL: ___________


      Type of payment

      Form of payment:


      Received receipt of cargo ______________

      signature shipper Station stamp

      Receipt of cargo acceptance form GU-29-U-VTS on a route or a group of carriage

      Layout number __________ Pack number _________ Arrival book number


      Shipping route



      to group shipping


      Delivery time expires

      RAILWAY Type Speed

      Station of departure Code Station of destination Code

      Shipper Code Consignee Code

      GCEO Shipper GCEO Consignee

      Address Address

      Payer Code

      Bank details:

      Bank statement on centraliz. calculations №


      Oversize index

      Signs and stamps Name Number of places

      Shipper cargo weight in kg

      Pack (package/places) identified:


      Mass determined: Method for determining mass:

      Loaded.by means: Acceptance/delivery inspector Carrier__________


      TARIFF NOTES: codes 00 00 00 00.Pr chan carriage.Without change. Class of the cargo

      Group, pos. Scheme Coefficient.tar: Shipping type. Dist.


      Type № Carriag. Roll G/p Ax _____ WEIGHT kg _____ Ex Not Ob Number Note ON SHIPPING ON DELIVERY

      carr kg places ov

      TOTAL: carr. and NET TARA GROSS kg Tara


      Type of payment

      Form of payment:


      ISSUED TO THE SHIPPER Station stamp

      Counterfoil of road bill form GU-29-U-VTS for cargo transportation in universal containers

      Layout number __________ Pack number _________ Arrival book number





      For container shipping


      Delivery time expires


      Station of departure Code Station of destination Code

      Shipper Code Consignee Code

      GCEO Shipper GCEO Consignee

      Address Address

      Payer Code

      Bank details:

      Bank statement on centraliz. calculations №


      Signs and stamps Name Number of places

      Shipper cargo weight in kg

      Pack (package/places) identified:


      Mass determined: Method for determining mass:

      Loaded.by means: Acceptance/delivery inspector Carrier__________


      TARIFF NOTES: codes 00 00 00 00.Pr chang carriage. Class of the cargo

      Group, pos. Scheme Coefficient.tar: Shipping type. Dist.

      № of container

      Type of contact Net kg Tara cont. kg gross kg Seals Qty NumberTariff



      Type № Carriag. Roll G/p Ax _____ WEIGHT kg _____

      Ex Not Ob Number Note.


      carr. and NET TARA GROSS kg overs carg.




      Type of payment

      Form of payment:


      Received receipt of cargo ______________

      signature shipper Station stamp

      Receipt of acceptance of the cargo form GU-29-U-VTS for cargo transportation in universal containers

      Layout number __________ Pack number _________ Arrival book number




      For container shipping


      Delivery time expires


      Station of departure Code Station of destination Code

      Shipper Code Consignee Code

      GCEO Shipper GCEO Consignee

      Address Address

      Payer Code

      Bank details:

      Bank statement on centraliz. calculations №


      Signs and stamps Name Number of places

      Shipper cargo weight in kg

      Pack (package/places) identified:


      Mass determined: Method for determining mass:

      Loaded.by means: Acceptance/delivery inspector Carrier__________


      TARIFF NOTES: codes 00 00 00 00.Pr chang carriage. Class of the cargo

      Group, pos. Scheme Coefficient.tar: Shipping type. Dist.

      №of container

      Type of contact Net kg Tara cont. kg gross kg Seals Qty Number



      Type № Carriag. Roll G/p Ax _____ WEIGHT kg _____

      Ex Not Ob Number Note.


      carr. and NET Tare Gross Oversiz. body.




      Type of payment

      Form of payment:


      ISSUED TO THE SHIPPER Station stamp

  Annex 31
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport





Cargo name

Type of carriages



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Chromite ore sinter

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches (only for cold sinter) and specialized carriages.


Iron ore sinter

- "-


Manganese sinter

- "-


Agglomerate titanium o- magnetite ore

- "-



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages



Covered carriages - hoppers for fertilizers (carriage N- mineral fertilizer)


Alabaster (gypsum), ground

Specialized carriages



Covered carriages - hoppers for fertilizers (carriage N- mineral fertilizer)


Anhydrite (feldspar and light spar) ground

Specialized carriages



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Ballast for railways (all items)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Barite (heavy spar)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Borogips granular

Specialized carriages


Verticulitis swollen

- "-



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Drywall (gypsum marl)

Specialized carriages



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Gypsum for fluxing

Specialized carriages


Plaster, not named in the alphabet

- "-


Gypsum technical

- "-


Clay not named in the alphabet

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages



Specialized carriages


Clay powder

Specialized carriages


Crushed peas

Covered carriages - hoppers for grain (carriages - grain carriers)



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Expanded clay gravel

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages



Covered carriages - hoppers for grain (carriages - grain carriers)


Soil (ordinary land)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Dert (coarse grain)

Covered carriages - hoppers for grain (carriages - grain carriers)



Covered carriages - hoppers for fertilizers (carriage N- mineral fertilizer)


Dolomite for the glass industry

Specialized carriages


Metallic calcined dolomite

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Crude metallurgical dolomite

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Raw dolomite, not named in the alphabet

- "-


Dorsil (crushed stone artificial)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Brown iron

- "-


Magnetic iron ore

- "-


Chromium iron (chromite)

- "-


Sponge iron, waste

- "-


Infusorian soil - d andatomite, tripoli, flasks, kieselguhr, etc., not named in the alphabet

- "-


Garden and garden land

- "-


Bean Grain

Covered carriages - hoppers for grain (carriages - grain carriers)


Pea seeds

- "-


Corn grain

- "-


Bean Grain

- "-


Cereals not named in alphabet

- "-


Grain waste

- "-


Wood ash

Specialized carriages


Coal ash

- "-


Shale ash

- "-


Peat ash

- "-


Ash not named in alphabet

- "-


Limestone (limestone)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Limestone for fluxing

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Ground limestone, not named in the alphabet

Specialized carriages


Gas lime

- "-


Slaked lime (fluff)

- "-


Hydraulic lime

- "-


Fluxing lime

- "-


Carbonate lime

- "-


Lime phosphoric

- "-


Lime not named in the alphabet

- "-



- "-


Potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate)

Covered carriages - hoppers for fertilizers (carriage N- mineral fertilizer)


Potassium chloride (potassium chloride)

- "-



- "-


Urea (artificial urea)

- "-


Carbanilide (diphenyl -th -urea)

- "-



- "-


Quartzites of Baikal, Krivoi Rog and KMA (iron ore raw materials)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Keki (non-ferrous concentrate waste)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Expanded clay

- "-


Non-ferrous metal clinker

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Cement clinker

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Sour coke

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Blast furnace coke

- "-


Lignite coke

- "-


Foundry coke

- "-


Pitch coal coke

- "-


Shale coke

- "-


Electrode coke

- "-


Carbonite not named in alphabet

- "-



- "-



- "-


Coal pyrite

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Barite concentrate

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Iron ore concentrate (hematite)

- "-


Potassium magnesium concentrate

Covered carriages - hoppers for fertilizers (carriage N- mineral fertilizer)


Pyrite sulfate concentrate

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Coal concentrate

- "-


Chromite ore concentrate

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages



Specialized carriages


Buckwheat groats (crushed)

Covered carriages - hoppers for grain (carriages - grain carriers)


Buckwheat groats (core)

- "-


Corn grits

- "-



- "-


Oat groats

- "-


Pearl barley

- "-


Groats poltava

- "-


Wheat groats type of Artek, Poltava

- "-


Barley groats

- "-


Croup not named in alphabet

- "-


Kukersit (oil shale)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Litin (powder for plaster)

Specialized carriages


Fluxing chalk

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Ground and crushed chalk

Specialized carriages


Technological chalk

- "-


Carbonite grind

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Pumice trifle

Specialized carriages



- "-


Monocalcium phosphate

Covered carriages - hoppers for fertilizers (carriage N- mineral fertilizer)


Ground marble

Specialized carriages


Flour (powder)

- "-


Flour (powder) aspidny

- "-


Belit flour (aluminum production waste)

- "-


Vitamin flour from green wood

- "-


Pea flour

Carriages - flour carriers


Dolomite flour (ground dolomite)

Specialized carriages


Wood flour

- "-


Button Flour

- "-


Corn flour

Carriages - flour carriers


Oat flour

- "-


Wheat flour 1 grade

- "-


Wheat flour 2 grades

- "-


Premium wheat flour

- "-


Wheat flour not specified in the alphabet

- "-


All rye flour

- "-


Rye and wheat flour

- "-


Slate flour

Specialized carriages


Soya flour

Carriages - flour carriers


Grass flour

Specialized carriages


Phosphorite flour

Covered carriages - hoppers for fertilizers (carriage N- mineral fertilizer)


Coniferous flour

Specialized carriages


Barley flour

Carriages - flour carriers


Flour not named in the alphabet

- "-


Feed pellet

- "-


Sodium carbonate

Covered carriages - hoppers for fertilizers (carriage N- mineral fertilizer)


Sodium tripolyphosphate

- "-



- "-



- "-



- "-



- "-



Covered carriages - hoppers for grain (carriages - grain carriers)



- "-


Iron ore cinder

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Pyrite cinder (pyrite)

- "-


Shale cinders

- "-


Cores of colored ores

- "-


Iron ore pellets

Carriages - pellet trucks, all-metal low-sided hopper carriages with and without hatches (only for cold pellets)


Manganese ore pellets

- "-



Specialized carriages


Carbonite nut

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Wheat bran

Covered carriages - hoppers for grain (carriages - grain carriers)


Rye bran

- "-


Bran barley pressed and unpressed

- "-


Bran, not named in the alphabet

- "-


Granite or stone screening

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Lime waste of apatite and nepheline dressing plants

- "-


Lime waste from various industries, not elsewhere specified in the alphabet

- "-


Calcium phosphate ore waste

- "-


Grain flour waste

Covered carriages - hoppers for grain (carriages - grain carriers)


Lithoid pumice

Specialized carriages


Pumice, not named in the alphabet

- "-


Perlite expanded

Specialized carriages


Perlite not named in the alphabet

- "-


Sand quartz, except building

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Building sand

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Molding sand

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Sand lining

Specialized carriages



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Pyrite (pyrite) every

- "-


Pyroxides, pyrolusites (manganese ore)

- "-



Covered carriages - hoppers for grain (carriages - grain carriers)



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Diabase powders

Specialized carriages


Asbiferous powder

- "-


Asphalt powder

- "-


Graphite powder

- "-


Dunite powder

- "-


Lime powder

- "-


Metallurgical magnesite powder

- "-


Mineral powder

- "-


Chromite refractory powder

- "-


All kinds of fireclay powder

- "-


Portland cement decorative

Covered carriages - hoppers for cement (hopper - cement trucks)


Portland cement building

- "-


Portland cement building export (BSS)

- "-



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages



- "-


Corncob collapsed

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches


Ears of corn

Covered carriages - hoppers for grain (carriages - grain carriers)


Wood powder press

Specialized carriages


Precipitate (dicalcium phosphate)

Covered carriages - hoppers for fertilizers (carriage N- mineral fertilizer)


Coal middlings

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches



Covered carriages - hoppers for grain (carriages - grain carriers)



Covered carriages - hoppers for cement (hopper - cement trucks)



Covered carriages, covered carriages - hoppers for grain (carriages - grain carriers)


Millet (groats)

- "-


Water-jacket-type dust

Specialized carriages


Inert dust

- "-


Carbonite dust

- "-


Dust top (ore)

- "-


Boiler dust

- "-


Flour dust

Carriages - flour carriers


Cement kiln dust

Specialized carriages


Shell rock

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Sea and river shell

- "-


Shell, not named in the alphabet

- "-


Rice (groats)

Covered carriages - hoppers for grain (carriages - grain carriers)


Unshelled rice (raw rice)

- "-


Other rice

- "-


Hulled rice (unpolished rice)

- "-



- "-


Roshtein colored ores

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Alunite ore, aluminum, not named in the alphabet, tungsten, ilmenite, alum, cobalt, lithium, copper, copper-zinc, copper-pyrites (copper pyrites), molybdenum, nepheline, nickel, tin, polymetallic, lead, mercury zinc, strontium, antimony, titanomagnetite, zinc

- "-


Swamp ore, borate, barite, quartz, magnesite, fluorite (fluorspar, fluorite, fluorite concentrate)

- "-


Agglomeration iron ore (sinter ore)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Blast iron ore

- "-


Iron open-hearth ore

- "-


Iron ore, not named in the alphabet

- "-


Manganese ore, not named in the alphabet

- "-


Sulfur ore

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Chrome ore (chromite)

- "-


Precious metal ores

- "-


Non-metallic ores not specified in the alphabet

- "-


Non-ferrous metal ores, not named in the Alphabet

- "-


Ferrous ores not listed in alphabetical order

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages



Covered carriages - hoppers for grain (carriages - grain carriers)



Specialized carriages


Sunflower seeds

Covered carriages - hoppers for grain (carriages - grain carriers)


Castor seeds

- "-


Hemp seeds

- "-


Flax seeds

- "-


Oilseeds not listed in alphabetical order

- "-


Soybean seeds

- "-


Cotton seeds

- "-



- "-



- "-


Rice chop

- "-


Barley chop

- "-


Alphabet not specified

- "-



Covered carriages - hoppers for fertilizers (carriage N- mineral fertilizer)


Combustible shales not specified in the alphabet

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Mix of rocks with asbestos

- "-


Cereal mix

Covered carriages - hoppers for grain (carriages - grain carriers)


A mixture of ash and slag from thermal power plants

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches specialized carriages


Sand and gravel mixture

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Sorghum (kaolin, dzhugara, etc.)

Covered carriages - hoppers for grain (carriages - grain carriers)


Special cement for drilling

Covered carriages - hoppers for cement (carriages - cement trucks)


Barium non-pyrophoric alloys

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches specialized carriages


Ammonized superphosphate

Covered carriages - hoppers for fertilizers (carriage N- mineral fertilizer)


Superphosphate double

- "-


Superphosphate simple

- "-


Mining and chemical raw materials for the production of fertilizers (all items except datolite concentrate)

- "-


Talc ground

Specialized carriages



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages



- "-


Termite (crushed stone from slag pumice)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages



Covered carriages - hoppers for cement (carriages - cement trucks)



Covered carriages - hoppers for grain (carriages - grain carriers)


Coal stove fuel

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches


Peat milling for agriculture

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Peat milling fuel

- "-


Peat milling, not named in the alphabet

- "-


Tricalcium phosphate

Covered carriages - hoppers for fertilizers (carriage N- mineral fertilizer)


Brown coal

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms


Small brown coal

- "-


Granular coal

Specialized carriages


Black coal type G - Gas

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms


Black coal type D

- "-


Black coal type F - fat

- "-


Black coal type C - coke

- "-


Black coal type LC - low-caking

- "-


Black coal type OS - lean caking

- "-


Black coal type HF

- "-


Black coal type M - meager

- "-


Black coal type Silesian (Polish)

- "-


Black coal not mentioned in the alphabet

- "-


Dusty coal

Specialized carriages


Potassium magnesium fertilizer (cainite)

Covered carriages - hoppers for fertilizers (carriage N- mineral fertilizer)


Nitrogen fertilizers, not mentioned in the alphabet

- "-


Potash fertilizers, not named in the alphabet

- "-


Phosphate fertilizers, not named in the alphabet

- "-


Chemical and mineral fertilizers, all that are not named in the alphabet

- "-


Welding fluxes (for automatic electric welding)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Fluxes not named in the alphabet

Specialized carriages



Covered carriages - hoppers for fertilizers (carriage N- mineral fertilizer)



- "-


Pyrite flotation tails

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages



Covered carriages - hoppers for grain (carriages - grain carriers)


Oatmeal flakes "Hercules"

- "-


Wheat flakes

- "-


Rice Flakes

- "-


Cement waterproof expandable

Covered carriages - hoppers for cement (carriages - cement trucks)


Gypsum-alumina cement M-300, M-400

- "-


Alumina cement of various grades

- "-


Cement cement

- "-


Cement not named in the alphabet

- "-


Tsemyanka (ground brick, crushed)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages



Covered carriages - hoppers for grain (carriages - grain carriers)



- "-



- "-


Coal charge

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches


Shkvar (the remains of glass production)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Phosphate slag (tomosclag)

Covered carriages - hoppers for fertilizers (carriage N- mineral fertilizer)


Vanadium production slags

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Granulated slags

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Blast furnace slags

- "-


Magnesium slag

- "-


Slag open-hearth

- "-


Metallurgical slags for remelting, not named in the alphabet

- "-


Electric furnace slags

- "-


Slags, other than granular and metallurgical, for smelting, not named in the alphabet

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Slag containing non-ferrous metals

- "-


Slag Portland cement M-200, M-300, M-400

Covered carriages - hoppers for cement (carriages - cement trucks)


Iron-sludge sludge

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Coal sludge

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms


Sludge of non-ferrous metals and their ores, not named in the alphabet

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Concentrate of non-ferrous ores (washed and ground ore)

- "-


Spar lime

- "-



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Granite crushed stone

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Crushed stone from gravel DR-8 and below

- "-


Shungite crushed stone (shungite)

- "-


Crushed stone, not named in the alphabet

- "-


Electrocorundum in grain and powder

Specialized carriages

  Annex 32
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport


Cargo name

Type of carriages


Alabaster (gypsum) in pieces

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Anhydrite (feldspar and light spar) in pieces

- "-



- "-



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with platform hatches and specialized carriages



Covered carriages



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Askangel (white clay)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Natural asphalt

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Asphalt (asphalt)

- "-


Cold asphalt concrete (cold asphalt mix)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Balances of all kinds of tree species up to and including 1.5 m long, except for conifers

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms


Balances of all kinds of wood over 1.5 m long, inclusive except conifers

- "-


Coniferous wood balances

- "-



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Graphite fight

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Fight and scrap of corundum stones

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Ceramic fight

- "-


Chromomagnesite brick fight

- "-


Fireclay brick fight

- "-


Fight of a brick not named in the alphabet

- "-


Fight of emery grinding and grinding stones

- "-


Refractory products

- "-


Glass fight

- "-


Porcelain fight

- "-


Earthenware fight

- "-


Electrode fight

- "-


Steel castings

- "-


Board (stone processed)

- "-


Briquettes asphalt for pavings

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Brown coal briquettes

- "-


Iron ore briquettes

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Peat briquettes and semi-briquettes

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Wood waste briquettes

- "-


Steel chips briquettes

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Cast iron briquettes

- "-


Coal briquettes

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Briquettes of carbonite and semi-coke

- "-


Briquettes of titanomagnetite ore

- "-


Chromite ore briquettes

- "-


Color ore briquettes

- "-


Cobbles cast from blast furnace slag

- "-



- "-


Gliezh (land)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Clay (lump) bentonite, dyeing, cloth, porcelain (kaolin), earthenware, molding

- "-


Acid and refractory clay, not named in the alphabet

- "-


Refractory clay

- "-



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages



- "-



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages



- "-



- "-


Longyear mine

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms


Dorsil (crushed stone artificial)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Fuel wood for hydrolysis production

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms


Fuel wood for technological needs, not named in the alphabet

- "-


Firewood Longitude

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches


Firewood from all kinds of wood, not named in the alphabet

- "-



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Round spruce fir

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms


Poles and stakes

- "-


Pulp (pomace, pulp) potato

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches


Beet pulp (squeeze, pulp) beet

- "-


Quality billet for rolling

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Blank for rolling ordinary

- "-


Axial and forging blank

- "-


Steel billets not specified in the alphabet

- "-


Pipe blank

- "-


Natural stone aggregate

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Bituminous stone (bitumen)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Cobble stone (cobblestone)

- "-


Crushed stone (but)

- "-


Gypsum stone

- "-


Technological limestone (limestone)

- "-


Lithographic stone

- "-


Building stone, not named in the alphabet

- "-


Talc stone (talc in pieces)

- "-


Fireclay stone

- "-



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches


White late and late ripe white cabbage

Universal carriages - covered


Potatoes for industrial processing

- "-


Quartz and quartz concentrate

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Quartzites, except for the Bakal, Kryvoi Rog and ICA

- "-


Kyanite (mineral)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Linden bark

Universal carriages - covered


Bark not named in the alphabet

- "-


Cornet (pressed horn shavings)

- "-


Korye tanning and dyeing

- "-


Bone for gelatin production

- "-


Food bone

- "-


Ridge of all kinds of wood

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms


Xiolite (building material)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Lapiditis in pieces

- "-


Timber of all kinds of species up to and including 2 m long

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms


Hydrotechnical timber

- "-


Timber for the production of matches (match ridge)

- "-


Round timber, except fasteners, not specified in the alphabet

- "-


Timber for construction

- "-


Shipbuilding timber

- "-


Tare timber (tare range)

- "-


Timber plywood (ridge plywood)

- "-


Vine, broom (willow twigs)

Universal carriages - covered


Oversized steel scrap and wastes

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Scrap and wastes, pig-iron, oversized

- "-


Refractory scrap

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Combined steel scrap

- "-


Scrap iron for packaging

- "-


Ferrous metal scrap not named in the alphabet

- "-


Crude magnesite for the production of refractory materials

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Asphalt mass

- "-



Universal carriages - covered


Chalk in pieces

Specialized carriages


Ferrous metals, not named in the alphabet

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Marble in pieces

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Construction garbage

- "-



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches


The influxes, growths of all kinds of wood, not named in the alphabet

Universal carriages - covered


Cutting of ferrous metals from rolling production

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Scale of ferrous metals

- "-


Olivine (mineral)

- "-


Wastes asbestos and slate

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Wood waste

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches


Lightweight steel waste and scrap bags

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Logs of all kinds of wood

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Additive domain

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Feldspar product

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Props (miner racks)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms


Rails - scrap

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Horns, hooves

Universal carriages - covered


Non-ferrous metal ores (concentrates)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Saponate (Kil)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Sugar beet

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches


Syenite (mineral)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Silicate - soluble sodium (block silicate)

- "-


Steel blooming ingots

- "-


Steel ingots up to 3 t

- "-


Charge steel ingots

- "-


Steel bars, not named in the alphabet

- "-


Slabs (steel billets)

- "-


Wooden posts

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms


Open-hearth shavings

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Loose steel shavings

- "-


Ferrous metal shavings, not named in the alphabet

- "-


All kinds of wood shavings

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Thermoblock (stone cement-diatomite-slag)

- "-


Peat lump fuel

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Trace (natural stone)

- "-



- "-


Fertilizing organic fertilizers (composts)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches


Tufa lime

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages


Tufa not named in the alphabet

- "-


Food pumpkin

Universal carriages - covered



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Ferroalloys in pieces, ingots, crushed with particle sizes greater than 13 mm: ferromanganese, ferrosilicon manganese, ferrosilicochrome, ferrochrome, manganese metal grades Mn 965 and Mn 95, silicocalcium grades SK 10, SK 10 R, SK 15, SK 15 R

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches


Celestine (mineral)

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages



All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches and specialized carriages



- "-


Cast iron

All-metal low-sided hopper carriages with hatches, platforms and specialized carriages


Foundry high-manganese cast iron

- "-


Foundry phosphorus cast iron

- "-

  Annex 33
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport


      Gas tanks


      Auto disinfection machine

      Tires not carried on their axles


      Auto repair shops

      Vending machines for the sale of products and cargo (water, pencils, milk, butter, etc.) in containers <*>

      Automatic machines for cutting the roll from a format drum in a container <*>

      Round hosiery machines in containers <*>

      Press forging machines in containers <*>

      Packaging machines in containers <*>

      Automatic machines cutting for tiles in containers <*>

      Cesspool carriages

      Trucks in and out of repair


      Passenger carriages

      Carriages equipped with film, radio and electrical installations, seismic stations

      Special сarriages

      Non-axle carriage racks

      Carriage drinkers

      Refrigerated trucks

      Automatic couplings and parts thereof

      Truck tractors


      Cement trucks


      Agalmatolite (mineral)

      Iron ore sinter

      Manganese sinter

      Agglomerate of titanomagnesite ore

      Chromite ore sinter


      Sinter ore (sinter iron ore)

      Units for bleaching and washing fabrics in containers <*>

      Units for the production of soft roofing materials in containers <*>

      Milking units (milking sets) in containers <*>

      Brick-making aggregates in containers <*>

      Dyeing units for fabric and knitted fabric in containers <*>

      Tread and chamber aggregates in containers <*>

      Forming and rolling units in containers <*>

      Units forming in containers <*>

      Electric cutting units in containers <*>

      Alabaster (gypsum) in pieces of the sixth and seventh groups

      Aluminum (large-sized aluminum ingots weighing more than 400 kg, semi-finished products

      of aluminum and aluminum alloys more than 3 meters long or weighing more than 200 kg. In containers or bags)

      Anhydrite (feldspar and light spar) in pieces



      Autogenous welding devices in containers <*>

      Disinfection apparatus in containers <*>

      Sugar-cooking apparatus in containers <*>

      Thermal, frying and food-cooking apparatus in containers <*>

      Dough-preparation apparatuses in containers <*>

      Electric welding machines in containers <*>

      Devices - air humidifiers in containers <*>


      Arbolit packages



      Arches concrete, cement and slag

      Gas and water fittings (in containers or with protection of individual parts) <*>

      Boiler fittings made of ferrous metals (in containers or with protection of individual parts) <*>


      Askangel (white clay)

      Aspirators (fans for cleaning grain) in containers <*>

      Natural asphalt


      Cold asphalt concrete (cold asphalt mix)


      Metal tanks <*>

      Balances of all kinds of wood

      Wooden beams <*>

      Reinforced concrete beams

      Beams and channels № 10 and more

      Steel beams not riveted, not mentioned in CTR (classes of transport rates)

      Riveted steel beams

      All kinds of ballast for railways (gravel, sand, gravel, asbestos waste)

      Steel cylinders <*>

      Ferrous metal bandages

      Disinfection baths

      Wooden drums for electric cables, wires, etc. <*>

      Ferrous metal drums <*>

      Barite (heavy spar)

      Water towers


      Concrete distributors

      Concrete mixers


      Bimetals with a base of ferrous metals

      Bitumen (bituminous stone)

      Bitumen petroleum constructional solid grades in containers

      Blocks agglomerated concrete

      Granite blocks

      Reinforced concrete blocks

      Ferrous metal blocks

      Sand-lime blocks

      Ceramic blocks

      Marble blocks

      Silicate blocks

      Wall blocks

      Turnout blocks on sleepers

      Tuff blocks

      Foundation blocks

      Slag concrete blocks

      Blocks slag (cinder blocks)



      Graphite shards

      Shards and scrap of carborundum stones

      Shards and scrap of corundum stones

      Ceramic shards

      Brick shards

      Shards of emery grinding and grinding stones

      Refractory products

      Glass shards

      Porcelain shards

      Earthenware shards

      Electrode shards



      Ferrous metal discs

      Steel castings

      Furrowers and hollowers

      Harrows packs

      Board (stone processed)

      Briquettes asphalt for pavings

      Brown coal briquettes

      Iron ore briquettes

      Peat briquettes and semi-briquettes

      Wood waste briquettes

      Steel chips briquettes

      Cast iron briquettes

      Coal briquettes

      Briquettes of carbonite and semi-coke

      Manganese ore briquettes

      Briquettes of titanomagnetite ore

      Chromite ore briquettes

      Color ore briquettes

      Cobbles cast from blast furnace slag

      Bars for turnouts

      Bridge bars for railways

      Axle boxes (except aluminum)



      Gypsum bin

      Wooden bunker

      Metal bins

      Booth (rubble stone)

      Trolleys - platforms

      Carriage pushers steel

      Railway carriages, transported on their own axles

      Carriages - mobile homes

      Vacuum press

      Steel and cast iron rolling rolls

      Shafts and rollers made of ferrous metals

      Rollers of all types metal

      Ferrous metal baths in containers

      Fans for grain cleaning (aspirators) in containers

      Workbenches in containers

      Helicopters <**>

      Scales <*>


      Vibrators for construction in containers <*>

      Vibratory trays

      Vibrating platforms

      Vibration stamps


      Oil and water heating in containers <*>

      Water heaters (economizers) in containers <*>

      Water distributors in containers <*>

      Blowers in containers <*>

      Air heaters in containers <*>

      Wafers for sheets in containers <*>

      Tractor drags

      Vulcanizers - formators in containers <*>

      Squeezed vegetables

      Sleeping tenderloin

      Towers and masts for drilling and exploration

      Wooden towers and shelters for drilling rigs

      Gabbro (mineral)

      Gas holders

      Gas purifiers in containers <*>

      Gas generators in containers <*>


      Hartsink (calcareous char) in specialized containers

      Hematite (iron ore concentrate)

      Generators in containers <*>

      Hydrojacks in containers <*>

      Hydro controls in containers <*>

      Gypsum mixers in containers <*>


      Gypsum slag blocks

      Gliezh (land)

      White clay (askangel)

      Clay bentonite

      Acid-resistant and refractory clay, not mentioned in CTR

      Clay dyeing

      Clay clay

      Porcelain clay (kaolin)

      Clay faience

      Molding clay, except refractory clay

      Adhesive clay containers <*>

      Alumina in specialized containers

      Clay mixers in the container <*>

      Clays not mentioned in CTR

      Refractory clay

      Golenders in containers <*>


      Blacksmith forges in containers <*>

      Rake of horse and tractor traction <*>

      Expanded clay gravel



      Graphite in pieces



      Soil (land)

      Peat ground

      Tar in packaging

      Tar sprayers in containers

      Doors metal bags <*>

      Electric motors (motors) in containers <*>

      Disintegrators in containers <*>


      Details of large block houses


      Diesel engines <*>

      Diesel generators <*>



      Longyear mine

      Dolomite for the glass industry

      Metallic calcined dolomite

      Crude metallurgical dolomite

      Raw dolomite, not mentioned in CTR

      Houses (lodges) garden

      Prefabricated houses, baseless, of volumetric blocks

      Prefabricated houses made of particle board

      Houses with arbolite walls

      Disassembled standard and non-standard switchboard houses

      Cableways suspended in containers <*>

      Dorsil (crushed stone artificial)

      Boards asbestos-cement Aceid packages

      Grooved boards for floors with packages <*>


      Fuel wood for hydrolysis production

      Fuel wood for technological needs, not mentioned in CTR

      Extract wood in packs

      Tractors not carried on their axles


      Firewood longitude

      Firewood from all kinds of wood, not mentioned in CTR

      Fodder yeast (hydrolysis, sulfate) in soft specialized containers


      Smoke exhausters in a container <*>

      Round spruce fir

      Sawn spruce fir


      Brown iron

      Magnetic iron ore

      Chromium iron (chromite)

      Sponge iron (waste)

      Gutters for pipes asbestos-cement

      Concrete cement gutters

      Reinforced concrete gutters

      Gutters for pipes, lithoid

      Cement gutters

      Ferrous gutters

      Poles and stakes

      Pulp (pomace, pulp) potato

      Beet pulp

      Quality billet for rolling

      Blank for rolling ordinary

      Axial and forging blank

      Steel blank

      Pipe blank

      Wooden blanks for pencils

      Wooden blanks for hoops

      Wooden draft blanks

      Steamers - mixers in containers <*>

      Natural stone aggregate

      Sectoral locks

      Container-type building inventory

      Infusorian land: diatomite, tripoli, flasks, kieselguhr, etc., not mentioned in CTR

      Ordinary land (soil)

      Garden and garden land

      Grain crushers in a container <*>

      Crushers in containers <*>

      Grain loaders in containers

      Grain dryers in containers

      Steel coils


      Limestone for fluxing

      Andesitic products

      Asbestos-cement products

      Asphalt products

      Concrete products

      Graphite and coal products in containers <*>

      Reinforced concrete products for hay towers

      Reinforced concrete products

      Building products made of artificial stone

      Building products made of natural stone

      Concrete products

      Cement products

      Slag concrete products

      Molds (metal molds for castings)

      Coarse and succulent feed choppers in containers


      Injectors in containers <*>

      Incubators in containers <*>

      Tool for drilling and oil equipment in containers <*>

      All kinds of cables (in bays, drums) <*>

      Cabins are automobile

      Calendars in containers <*>

      Industrial metal heaters in containers <*>

      Calcium chloride (calcium chloride) anhydrous in specialized containers

      Bituminous stone (bitumen)

      Cobble stone (cobblestone)

      Crushed stone (but)

      Gypsum stone

      Limestone (limestone)

      Lithographic stone

      Processed stone (board)

      Building stone

      Talc stone (talc in pieces)

      Cement-diatolite-slag stone (thermal block)

      Slag cement stone

      Fireclay stone

      Slag concrete stone

      Slag stone

      Prefabricated stones

      Reed <**>


      Steel ropes (cables) <*>

      Kaolin (porcelain clay)

      Frameworks from ferrous metals

      Steel frames for hay towers

      Potato digger

      Potato planters

      Steel wire rod (in coils)


      Road rollers

      Agricultural rollers

      Baikal, Kryvoi Rog and KMA quartzites (iron ore raw materials)

      Quartzites, except for groceries, Kryvoi Rog and KMA

      Keki (non-ferrous concentrate waste)

      Expanded clay


      Kyanite (mineral)

      Keel (saponate)

      Trading boothes

      Asbestos-cement brick

      The brick is hydraulic

      Gypsum brick

      Clay ordinary brick

      Hollow clay brick

      Dinas brick

      Brick is brick, except refractory

      Brick front white

      Brick front red

      Ground brick, crushed (cement)

      Brick foam-diatomite, diatomaceous and trepilny

      Silicate brick

      Glass hollow brick

      Building brick, not specified in CTR

      Slag brick

      Brick clinker

      Non-ferrous metal clinker

      Cement clinker

      Foundry ladles

      Sour coke

      Blast furnace coke

      Lignite coke

      Foundry coke

      Petroleum coke

      Pitch coal coke

      Shale coke

      Carbonite not mentioned in CTR

      Electrode coke


      New carriage and locomotive wheels

      Ferrous wheels

      Cast and forged machine wheels

      Wheel sets carriage and locomotive

      Asbestos brake shoes

      Cast iron brake shoes

      Wheel sets carriage and locomotive

      Asbestos brake shoes

      Cast iron brake shoes

      Water-heating columns in containers <*>

      Artificial stone columns

      Natural stone columns

      Metal columns


      Copper pyrites (copper pyrites)

      Coal pyrite

      Ferrous metal rings

      Stakes and poles

      Beet harvesters

      Combines for farming

      Combine harvesters, except agricultural <*>

      Parts kits for houses with wood concrete walls

      Parts Kits for Standard Homes

      Sets are returnable


      Composts (fertilizing organic fertilizers)

      Compressors in containers <*>

      Conveyors for casting washbasins in containers <*>

      Conveyors for casting toilets in containers <*>

      Conveyors for hardening asbestos-cement pipes in containers <*>

      Hoisting conveyors in containers <*>

      Wooden glued constructions

      Reinforced concrete structures

      Metal constructions <*>

      Metal constructions, not mentioned in CTR <*>

      Cargo owner's special containers

      Universal inventory containers for repair and repair

      Universal new containers

      Barite concentrate

      Iron ore concentrate (hematite)

      Non-ferrous metal ore concentrate

      Pyrite sulfate concentrate

      Coal concentrate

      Chromite ore concentrate

      Manganese ore concentrates

      Diggers and hoists for beets and other root crops


      Linden bark <**>

      Feeders in containers <*>

      Root crushers in containers <*>

      Root washing in containers <*>

      Root cutters in containers <*>

      Housings for cement kilns

      Ship hulls

      Natural corundum

      Korye tanning and dyeing <**>



      All metal boilers open <*>

      Plaster boilers

      Steam boilers

      Steam boilers

      All kinds of load-lifting cranes, except for transported on its own axles

      Crystalline silicon (ferroalloy) in closed specialized containers

      Mechanized lining

      Peat crumb <**>

      Kruporushki in a container <*>

      Cast iron covers

      Xylolite (building material)

      Cubes for stone paving

      Bus bodies

      Carriage body

      Carriage bodies

      Kukersit (oil shale)


      Lapiditis in pieces

      Winches in containers <*>

      Share shares

      Hot rolled steel tape in rolls

      Cold rolled steel tape in rolls

      Scaffolding tubular metal (inventory) packages

      Timber of all kinds

      Hydrotechnical timber

      Timber for the production of matches (match ridge)

      Round timber, except for fasteners, not mentioned in CTR

      Timber for construction

      Shipbuilding timber

      Tare timber (tare range)

      Timber plywood (ridge plywood)

      Log loaders

      Stairs wooden packages <*>

      Stairs metal bags <*>

      Asbestos-cement sheets wavy, half-wavy and flat in containers and (or) packages

      Asbestos Sheets

      Roofing bitumen sheets in specialized containers

      Roofing bituminous sheets in specialized containers

      Steel and iron castings


      All kinds of boats (except rubber) <*>

      Vine, broom (willow twigs) <**>


      Non-axle locomotives

      Oversized steel scrap and wastes

      Scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and their alloys <*> (see paragraph 3), except for shavings of magnesium and magnesium alloys

      Scrap and wastes, pig-iron, oversized

      Refractory scrap

      Combined steel scrap

      Scrap iron for packaging

      Ferrous scrap, not mentioned in CTR

      Dry bast <**>

      Hemp bast <**>

      All kinds of cultivators in containers <*>

      Flax choppers in containers <*>

      Ferrous metal hatches in bags

      Crude magnesite for the production of refractory materials (introduced by the Decree of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation of February 21, 2000 № D-374u)

      Magnesium chloride (bischofite) in specialized containers

      Anode mass

      Reinforced concrete masts

      Masts metal telegraphic for electric wires, etc.

      Automatic blowing machines for making bottles, cans, etc. in containers

      Asbestos machines in containers <*>

      Paper-making machines in containers <*>

      Milling and cutting machinery in containers <*>

      Machines for the production of wood-fiber boards in containers <*>

      Machines for planting anchor heads in containers <*>

      Machines for bending reinforcement in containers <*>

      Machines for excavation and land reclamation works in containers <*>

      Machines for uprooting, cleaning stones, bushes and stumps (uproots) in containers

      Machines for decoration and packaging of paper and cardboard in containers <*>

      Machines for straightening metal gaskets in containers <*>

      Machines for preparing paper pulp in containers <*>

      Machines for stitching soles in containers <*>

      Fertilizer spreading machines, not mentioned in CTR

      Machines for cleaning blocks in containers <*>

      Hay machines

      Road carriages

      Grain-cleaning machines in containers <*>

      Machinery and equipment for construction, road and peat industry in containers <*>

      Stone-cutting machines for the extraction of building stone and blocks

      Forging machines in containers

      Cutting tape machines in containers <*>

      Forestry machines

      Slate sheet forming machines in containers <*>

      Milling and bobbing machines in containers <*>

      Type-setting machines in containers <*>

      Tightening machines in containers

      Braiding machines in containers <*>

      Cleaning machines in containers <*>

      Steam machines

      Binding machines in containers <*>

      Printing machines in containers <*>

      Spinning, twisting machines for artificial and natural fibers in containers <*>

      Rotary machines (rotators) in containers <*>

      Agricultural machines, not mentioned in CTR

      Rod machines in containers <*>

      Washing machines (except household) in containers <*>

      Drying machines for fiber, yarn and fabric in containers <*>

      Scraper, roving, carding machines for cotton and wool in containers <*>

      Knitted machines for making cloths in containers <*>

      Forming machines in containers <*>

      Sleeper machines

      Sprinkling machines

      Copper (copper ingots weighing more than 200 kg in packages weighing from 1,500 to 5,000 kg, except for export shipments)

      Chalk in pieces in specialized containers

      Fluxing chalk

      Carbonite grind

      Mortar in soft specialized containers

      Metal plastic

      Non-ferrous metals in ingots, blanks, ingots, ingots, not mentioned in CTR, weighing more than 1 ton of one product.

      Ferrous metals, not mentioned in CTR

      Mixers in containers <*>

      High-speed and crane mixers in containers <*>


      Forging hammers

      Off-axle motor vehicles

      Electric motors (engines) in containers <*>

      Marble in pieces and blocks

      Steel molds

      Construction garbage

      Meat grinders (except for household) in containers <*>

      Cattle manure with peat bedding

      Rail linings and pads in packs

      Asbestos brake linings in packs

      Asbobakelit brake linings in packs


      The influxes, growths of all kinds of wood, not mentioned in CTR

      Fire pumps in containers <*>

      Slag pumps in containers <*>

      Pumps not specified in CTR in containers <*>

      Primary nickel in specialized containers of type CK-1-3,4 MMU

      Rotary disc scissors in containers <*>

      Norias in container <*>

      Obapol (for fastening rocks)

      Mining equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) <*>

      Woodworking equipment and spare parts (in containers) <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) for felting - felt industry <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) for the cable industry <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) for foundry <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) for the food and flour industry <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) for trade enterprises, public catering <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) for the production of asbestos cement products (asboshifer and asbotrub) <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) for the production of gypsum, gypsum products and lime <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) for the production of reinforced concrete structures and parts <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) for the production of ceramic masses and ceramics <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) for the production of plastics <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) for the production of building materials (brick and tile) <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) for the rubber industry <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) for glass and glass industry <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) for textile and haberdashery industry <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) for the textile industry <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) for the knitting industry and the production of nonwoven materials <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) for the pulp and paper industry <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) for the cement industry <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) for ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) for the clothing industry <*>

      Equipment, spare parts for it and materials (in containers) electrotechnical <*>

      Equipment, spare parts for it and machines (in containers) for various purposes <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers), stone-mining and stone-processing <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) leather - shoe <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) dyeing - finishing <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) forging and pressing <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) hoisting - transport <*>

      Fire fighting equipment and spare parts (in containers) <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers) printing <*>

      Refrigeration equipment and spare parts (in containers) <*>

      Equipment and spare parts for it (in containers), energy <*>

      Fixed equipment installed on the carriage (turnstiles, racks, cartridges, prisms, etc.)

      Cutting of ferrous metals from rolling production

      Iron ore cinder

      Pyrite cinder (pyrite)

      Shale cinders

      Cores of colored ores

      Scale of ferrous metals

      Pellets of iron ore and manganese ore cold (introduced by the Decree of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation of February 21, 2000 № D-374u)

      Olivine (mineral)

      Sawdust wood (in briquettes) <**>

      Reinforced concrete supports

      Plexiglas sheet (plastic compounds, plexiglass) in specialized containers

      Carbonite nut

      Granite or stone screening

      Asbestos waste (crumbs and dust), not mentioned in CTR, in soft specialized containers

      Wastes asbestos and slate

      Lime waste of apatite and nepheline dressing plants

      Lime waste from various industries, not mentioned in CTR

      Calcium phosphate ore waste

      Wood waste <**>

      Wooden pavilions dismantled in packages <*>

      Pavilions not mentioned in CTR

      Lightweight steel waste and scrap bags

      Expanded clay panels

      Reinforced concrete wall panels

      Wall panels, not mentioned in CTR

      Steam locomotives not carried on their axles

      Steam generators for heating greenhouses in containers <*>

      Pasteurizers (machines for pasteurization of milk) in containers <*>


      Foam mixers in containers <*>


      Crossings are deaf, crossings, crosses, rail fastenings

      Sand for locomotive sandboxes

      Sand quartz, except building

      Building sand

      Molding sand


      Cement rotary kilns

      Industrial electric furnaces in containers <*>

      Logs of all kinds of wood

      Lumber for the equipment of cargo carriages for people


      Lumber not specified in CTR

      Electric saws in containers <*>

      Pyrite (pyrites sulfuric)

      Pyroxides, pyrolusites (manganese ore)

      Chamber and slag feeders in containers <*>

      Grate feeders in containers <*>

      Spoon feeders in containers <*>

      Staple feeders in containers <*>

      Chain feeders in containers <*>

      Gliders <**>

      Decorative laminated paper plastic in boxes <*>

      Plastic compounds (plexiglass sheet, plexiglass) in specialized containers

      Laminate wood plastics in boxes <*>

      Asbestos-cement plates (eternit)

      Asbestos and slag plates

      Asphalt plates

      Concrete slabs

      Plaster plates

      Plaster gypsum plates

      Plaster cement plates

      Granite slabs

      Refractory diabase plates

      Wood - fiber boards with weather protection bags

      Slabs of wood - particle with protection against precipitation

      Reinforced concrete slabs

      Reinforced concrete slabs of hollow flooring

      Reinforced concrete slabs not mentioned in CTR

      Slabs of artificial stone polished and polished, not mentioned in CTR

      Natural stone slabs polished and polished, not mentioned in CTR

      Expanded clay plates

      Foam concrete slabs

      Heat-insulating peat plates <**>

      Cast iron plates

      All kinds of plows

      All sorts of carts, except wooden

      All kinds of wooden carts

      Plate feeders in containers <*>

      Wooden pallets in bags

      Mold trays

      Wooden supports (garden and grape) packages

      Transformer substations

      Peat litter <**>

      Polyethylene in soft specialized containers

      All kinds of steel strip (strip steel), not mentioned in CTR

      Steel strips and sheets (strips)

      Semiautomatic devices for cutting bricks in containers <*>



      Carriage semi-trailers


      Decorative portland cement in bags formed into bags using shrink film

      Portland cement for construction in bags formed into bags using shrink film




      Metal pistons in containers <*>

      Collapsed corncobs <**>

      Rough feed balers

      Grape presses in containers <*>

      Vulcanizing presses in containers <*>

      Ironing presses in containers <*>

      Presses for cutting down upper and lower parts of shoes in containers <*>

      Presses for the manufacture of bricks and tiles in containers <*>

      Forging presses in containers <*>

      Cotton presses in containers <*>

      Worm presses in containers <*>

      Refrigerated counters in containers <*>

      Additive domain

      Carriage trailers

      Tractor trailers

      Steel wire (including coated with other metals) in coils

      Feldspar product

      Iron and steel products not specified in CTR

      Wooden gaskets

      Coal middlings

      Props (miner racks)

      Iron balances


      Steel bent profiles

      Steel profiles, high precision

      Pozzolancement in bags formed into bags using shrink film

      Slate breakers in containers <*>

      Liquid manure spreaders

      Three-way disconnectors in containers <*>

      Shell rock

      Sea and river shell

      Sawmill frames

      Mortar mixers

      Concrete Reactors

      Regulators in containers <*>

      Metal tanks

      Rubber mixers in containers <*>

      Reinforced concrete rails

      Rails metal new P-50

      Rails metal new P-65

      Rails metal new P-75

      New metal rails, not specified in CTR

      Old metal rails

      Rails - scrap

      Rheostats in containers <*>

      Steel carriage and locomotive springs

      Refrigerated trucks

      Track lattice (links of the upper structure of the railway track on sleepers)

      Rotors in containers <*>

      Roshtein colored ores

      Knife switches in containers <*>

      Alunite ore

      Aluminum ore, not mentioned in CTR

      Apatite-nepheline ore

      Barite ore

      Swamp ore

      Borate ore

      Tungsten ore

      Agglomeration iron ore (sinter ore)

      Blast iron ore

      Iron open-hearth ore

      Iron ore, not mentioned in CTR

      Ilmenite ore

      Quartz ore

      Alum ore

      Cobalt ore

      Lithium ore

      Magnesite ore

      Manganese ore (pyroxides, pyrolusites)

      Manganese ore, not mentioned in CTR

      Copper ore

      Copper-zinc ore

      Copper pyrite ore (copper pyrite)

      Molybdenum ore

      Nepheline ore

      Nickel ore

      Tin ore

      Polymetallic ore

      Mercury ore in specialized containers

      Lead ore

      Lead zinc ore

      Sulfur ore

      Strontium ore

      Antimony ore

      Titanomagnetite ore

      Fluorite ore (fluorspar, fluorite, fluorite concentrate) in pieces and gravity

      Phosphorite ore (phosphorites)

      Chrome ore (chromite)

      Zinc ore

      Precious metal ores in specialized containers

      Non-metallic ores, not mentioned in CTR

      Non-ferrous metal ores, not mentioned in CTR

      Ferrous metal ores not specified in CTR

      Aircraft <**>

      Dump trucks

      Saponate (kil)

      Metal piles

      Sugar beet

      Traffic lights (masts)

      Lead (blocks weighing 1 ton or more)

      Semaphores in containers

      Mowing machines

      Magnetic separators in containers

      Milk and grain separators in containers <*>

      Cement separators

      Nets of ferrous metals, except bed in bays


      Syenite (mineral)

      Silicate - a block (sodium silicate, sodium silicate, soluble glass) soda, soda - sulfate, sulfate

      Silumin (an alloy of aluminum with silicon in large ingots weighing more than 200 kg)


      Oil shale (kukersit)

      Combustible shales, not mentioned in CTR

      Copper ingots weighing more than 200 kg in packages weighing from 1,500 to 5,000 kg (except for export)

      Steel blooming ingots

      Steel ingots up to 3 t

      Charge steel ingots

      Steel bars, not mentioned in CTR

      Slabs (steel billets)

      Cold asphalt mix (cold asphalt concrete)

      Mix of rocks with asbestos waste

      A mixture of ash and slag from thermal power plants (with environmental protection)

      Sand and gravel mixture

      Gas tar (in barrels)

      Coal tar, not mentioned in CTR (in barrels)

      Off-axle snow blowers

      Hydraulic reducers in containers <*>


      Straw Lifts

      Technical salt in soft specialized containers

      Sorting grain (slides, snakes) in containers

      Barium non-pyrophoric alloys

      Means of transportation (trolley TT-20 "Bukhara" heavy, etc.), not mentioned in CTR

      Steel "silver" <*>

      Transformer steel sheet <*>

      Sheet steel <*>

      Steel strip (all kinds of steel strip), not mentioned in CTR <*>

      Long steel <*>

      Sheet steel <*>

      Drilling rigs in containers <*>

      Vibrating machines in containers <*>

      Woodworking machines in containers <*>

      Tire assembly machines in containers <*>

      Machine tools for cleaning gaskets in containers <*>

      Mortising machines in containers <*>

      Metal-cutting machines and spare parts for them in containers <*>

      Boring machines in containers <*>

      Drilling machines in containers <*>

      Planing machines in containers <*>

      Weaving machines in containers <*>

      Lathes in containers <*>

      Milling machines in containers <*>

      Grinding machines in containers <*>

      Steam-powered machines in containers <*>

      Stators in containers <*>

      Glass for roofs, walls and ceilings in specialized containers

      Glass for mosaic work (smalt) in specialized containers

      Glass sheet, in specialized containers or containers <*>

      Glass, technical and building, in specialized containers

      Fiberglass sheet in boxes

      Glass ruberoid in specialized containers

      Fiberglass in specialized containers


      Wooden carriage racks

      Mining racks (props)

      Metal mine racks

      Wooden posts

      Natural strontianite

      Domain shavings, open-hearth

      Loose steel shavings

      Ferrous metal shavings

      All kinds of wood shavings, except for packaging, pressed in briquettes <**>

      Steps made of faux stone bags

      Vessels not mentioned in CTR


      Gangways (ladders) in wooden packages

      Tali in containers <*>

      Talc in pieces (talc stone)

      Metal tanks (tanks)

      The wooden container is returnable, not mentioned in CTR (packages) with protection against atmospheric precipitation

      New wooden packaging (bags) with weather protection

      Hydraulic rams in containers

      Carts for carriages

      Carts for molds

      Monorail clamshell carts

      Telfers in containers <*>

      Off-axis tenders

      Diesel locomotives not carried on their axles

      Terezit (sand)

      Thermoanthracite (coke)

      Thermoblock (cement - diatomite slag stone)

      Termite (crushed stone from slag pumice)

      Pushers in containers <*>

      Coal stove fuel

      Peat calcareous <**>

      Lump peat for agriculture <**>

      Peat lump fuel <**>

      Peat fuel <**>

      Peat milling for agriculture <**>

      Peat milling fuel <**>

      Peat blocks, peat plates <**>

      Peat composts <**>



      Transfers in containers <*>

      Conveyors in containers <*>

      Transformers in containers <*>

      Ladders (gangways) wooden packages

      Trace (natural stone)

      Trailers (trailers)

      Trier (grain processing machines) in containers <*>


      Steel cables (ropes) in bays

      Pipe layers

      Seamless pipes <*>

      Other water and gas pipes and their parts in containers <*>

      Wooden pipes

      Reinforced concrete non-pressure pipes and their parts in containers

      Reinforced concrete pressure pipes and their parts in containers

      Asbestos-cement pipes and couplings in specialized containers

      Pipes made of artificial stone

      Pipes from synthetic materials <*>

      Pipes ceramic drainage bags <*>

      Ceramic sewer pipes in specialized containers

      Metal pipes <*>

      Stainless pipes <*>

      Steel pipes with non-metallic coatings and their parts in containers <*>

      Welded steel pipes of large diameter (400 - 1420 mm)

      Pig-iron pipes and their parts in containers <*>

      Fertilizing organic fertilizers (composts)


      Turbodrills in containers <*>

      Turbogenerators in containers <*>

      Turbomotors in containers <*>

      Tufa lime

      Tuff, in specialized containers


      Tractor tractors

      Small brown coal in the Moscow Region basin

      Brown coal near Moscow basin

      Brown coal, except for drill coal in the Moscow Region basin

      Black coal type D

      Black coal type F - fat

      Black coal type C - coke

      Black coal type LC - low-caking

      Black coal type OS - lean caking

      Black coal type HF

      Black coal type M - meager

      Black coal type Silesian (Polish)

      Coal black

      Potash fertilizers in soft specialized containers

      Installations for testing machines (test benches) in containers <*>

      Installations for washing dishes in containers <*>

      Installations for exploratory drilling in containers <*>

      Installations for bottling and corking food products in containers <*>

      Installations for pouring metal in containers <*>

      Milking installations (milking units) in containers <*>

      Mobile plants for the manufacture of soil blocks in containers <*>

      Loading and unloading devices for lime shaft kilns in containers <*>

      Ball-sorting devices in containers <*>

      All kinds of weighting agents for drilling fluids

      Metal farms and parts thereof

      Coating Farms

      All kinds of ferroalloys (except hazardous and ferrovanadium) in specialized containers; ferroalloys in pieces, ingots, crushed with particle sizes greater than 13 mm: ferromanganese,

      ferrosilicon manganese, ferrosilicochrome, ferrochrome, metallic manganese grades Mn 965 and Mn 95, silicocalcium grades SK 10, SK 10 P, SK 15, SK 15 P

      Filters for dehydration of compressed air in containers <*>

      Ferrous Fittings

      Fluorite (fluorite ore, fluorspar, fluorite concentrate)

      Rosin fluxes

      Welding fluxes (for automatic electric welding)

      Fluxing agent

      Molds (molds), metal, for castings

      Phosphogypsum granular and for agriculture


      Brushwood <**>

      Pyrite flotation tails

      Metal chrome

      Chromite (chrome iron ore)

      Celestine (mineral)

      Expandable cement waterproof in bags formed into bags using shrink film

      Cement of all kinds of grade up to M-400 in containers, formed into bags using heat-shrink film

      Gypsum-alumina cement M-300, M-400 in bags formed into bags using heat-shrink film

      Alumina cement of various grades in bags formed into bags using shrink film

      Grouting cement in bags formed into bags using heat-shrink film

      Cement in bags formed into bags using shrink film

      Cement - guns

      Tsemyanka (ground brick, crushed)

      Centrifuges in containers <*>

      Zinc and zinc alloys (in blocks weighing more than 500 kg)

      Vats metal <*>

      Parts (details) of machines, mechanisms and equipment in containers <*>

      Parts of the railway structure

      Spare parts for tractors in containers <*>

      Spare parts for carriages, trailers, automotive semitrailers in containers <*>

      Spare parts for aircraft in containers <*>

      Spare parts for means of transportation, in containers <*>

      Parts for weights, except analytical, in containers <*>

      Parts of agricultural machinery, in containers <*>

      Parts of tractors not mentioned in CTR in containers <*>

      Foundry high-manganese cast iron

      Foundry phosphorus cast iron

      Foundry iron not specified in CTR

      High-quality pig iron

      Private pig iron

      Phosphorous pig iron

      Cast iron not mentioned in CTR

      Lump chamotte

      Grinding steel balls (with a diameter of 40 mm and more)

      Cranks (parts of machines) in containers <*>

      Checker made of coarse stone

      Coal charge

      Shkvar (the remains of glass production)

      Metal pulleys (including those fitted with rubber) in a container <*>

      Welding slag

      Phosphate slag (tomosclag)

      Vanadium production slags

      Granulated slags

      Blast furnace slags

      Magnesium slag

      Slag open-hearth

      Metallurgical slags for remelting, not mentioned in CTR

      Electric furnace slags

      Slag, except granular and metallurgical, for smelting

      Slag containing non-ferrous metals

      Slag stones (slag blocks)

      Slag Portland cement M 200, M 300, M 400

      Iron-sludge sludge

      Coal sludge

      Sludge of non-ferrous metals and their ores

      Concentrate of non-ferrous ores (washed and ground ore)

      Wooden impregnated sleepers, new

      Wooden impregnated sleepers, old

      Impregnated wooden sleepers

      Impregnated wooden sleepers

      Reinforced concrete sleepers

      Spar lime

      Feldspar, light feldspar (anhydride) in pieces

      Fluorspar (fluorite, fluorite ore, concentrate


      Heavy spar (barite)

      Sheet piles metal

      Fence with packages

      Copper matte in specialized containers

      Nickel matte in specialized containers

      Lead matte in specialized containers

      Sheet strips

      Strips are high-quality



      Shungite (shungite crushed stone)

      Granite crushed stone

      Crushed stone for ballasting the railway track


      Shungite crushed stone (shungite)

      Crushed stone

      Wood chips, except for roofing <**>

      Wooden shields (including snow)

      Ejectors in containers <*>

      Economizers (water heaters) in containers <*>


      Cat elevators in containers

      Electric locomotives not carried on their axles

      Graphite and carbon electrodes in packages, electrode and nipple blanks (with protection against atmospheric precipitation) <*>

      Electric carriages

      Electrocorundum in pieces

      Electric hammers in a container <*>

      Electric furnaces for melting metal

      Electric guns in containers <*>

      Electric carts

      Electrofilters in containers <*>


      Eternite (asbestos cement slabs)

      Anchors <*>

      Boxes wooden returnable packages <*>

      Boxes wooden new packages

      Boxes metal in bags

      Designation of footnotes marked in the List:

      <*> Allowed to be transported on open rolling stock cargo weighing more than 500 kg of one piece of cargo, lengthy and bulky, which in size cannot be loaded into a covered carriage.

      <**> During the period from April 1 to October 1, when these cargo are loaded onto open rolling stock, they shall be covered by a shipper with tarpaulins, boards, board shields or other materials that protect the cargo from sparks and exclude environmental pollution and clogging of the territory.

      Peat, wood chips with a humidity of at least 40% shall be transported without shelter. Gliders, planes and helicopters are transported in packaging or with shelter, regardless of the time of year.

      At the top of invoice, the shipper affixes red stamps - “Highly flammable”, “Cover 3/0-0-1-0”. In the carriage sheet, such stamps are affixed by the departure station.

      Annex 34
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport

      Form GU-18

name of carrier

      Certificate of conductor of cargo

      Issued ___________________________________________________________


      (Full Name)

      for escort of cargo ______________________________________________


      (type of cargo)

      on road bill № ___________________________________


      to destination station _______________________________________________


      in carriages №№ ______________________________________________________


      The certificate is valid for travel only on the train, which includes the cargo indicated in this certificate.

      The conductor is in the carriage with an accompanying cargo

      Documents submitted:

      passport (identity card) series _____________ № ___________

      travel certificate № ________________________________

      Calendar stamp

      departure station

      Carrier _______________________


      Form GU-18
(reverse side)

      Cargo Conductor shall:

      1. Ensure the safety of escorted cargo, monitor the state of fastening and stability of cargo in the carriage, and take measures to protect cargo from damage, restore cargo securing.

      2. Feed and water the accompanied animals and birds.

      3. Clean carriages from manure and garbage in places established by the administration of the railway station.

      4. Report to the head of the station about the disease of animals and birds along the way, about the malfunction of heating devices and equipment of the carriages, as well as the detection of violations of fastening or stability of cargo in the carriage.

      5. Know the service instructions for tracking dangerous cargo, developed and approved by the shipper, the dangerous properties of the cargo and fire safety measures. In the event of a fire (emergency) situation, he/she shall act in accordance with the requirements of safety rules and the procedure for liquidating emergency situations with dangerous cargo when transporting them by rail.

      6. When transporting perishable cargo, heats, ventilates the carriage, if required for this type of cargo

      7. Shall handle the cargo to the consignee.

      8. When on station tracks, he/she shall comply with the following personal safety requirements:

      cross tracks in specially designated places for this at right angles, having previously made sure that there are no approaching rolling stock on the tracks;

      shall not cross the path at the locations of arrows and crosses;

      shall not cross the path in front of an approaching rolling stock, and when passing along carriages do not pass close to them;

      shall not crawl under carriages and through an automatic coupler, as well as between closely standing carriages. He/she hall not sit on the sides of platforms, low-sided hopper carriages and shall not stand in the open doors of carriages during shunting operations;

      on electrified sections of railway tracks shall not rise above the level of the roof of the carriage. The conductor shall announce the need to rise above this level to the station duty officer.

      9. When accompanying the cargo, the conductor shall not:

      interfere with the orders of the administration of the railway station;

      smoke in the carriage in which the cargo is located;

      use stoves, kerosene stoves and other heating devices, except for typical stoves by burning solid fuel (coal, firewood);

      use lamps, candles and other lighting devices, except for lamps meeting the requirements of fire safety;

      place trestle beds, bedding, personal belongings and fuel supplies in the carriage at a distance closer than 1 m from the heating furnaces;

      leave or broadcast lanterns in places accessible to animals, and also shall not store hay, straw near open doorways and hatches;

      allow unauthorized persons enter carriages accompanied by cargo, except for authorized employees of the railway transport and law enforcement agencies who have presented an identity card;

      carrie cargo not specified in invoice; does not engage in trade in transported cargo and other cargo;

      throw out manure and garbage from carriages on station tracks in unspecified places and on hauls.

      10. The cargo conductor shall be responsible:

      for unsafe transportation of cargo;

      for damage to carriages that occurred through his fault;

      for the loss and damage to equipment and inventory of carriages;

      for violation of the requirements set forth in the certificate.

      I have read and will fulfill the requirements set forth in this certificate:

      Conductor __________________

  Annex 35
to the Rules for transportation
of cargo by railway transport
  Form VU-25

ACT No .___ on damage to the carriage

      Compiled at the station ______________________________________________




      Carrier _______________________________________________________



      Date of compilation ______ hour. ____ min.

      Carriage number

      Owner _______________________________________________________



      Date of construction (month, year)

      Date and type of the last scheduled repair ______________________________


      Name of the company that performed the repair _______________________


      Mileage at the time of carriage damage:

      ______________________ ________________________ _____________________

      accumulated after major overhaul

      Cause of damage





      Violation of ROR (railroad operating rules),

      Instructions for movement and shunting, technical conditions for loading and securing cargo, etc.

      Damaged on



      № of track, train, access road, etc.



      Culprit of the damage: enterprise _______________________


1. The list of damage to the carriage

Number of damaged parts

Damaged part cost


      Damage repair cost _________________________________


      The total amount for damage to the carriage ____________________________________


      Extra data:_______________________________________________


      2. The carriage is subject to: _____________________________________________________


      Type of repair required or exclusion from inventory



      Signatures of the carrier __________________________________________________


      Position, full name.

      Additional carrier signatures:

      1 ___________________________________________________________________


      Position, full name.

      2 ___________________________________________________________________


      Position, full name.


      Representative of the enterprise responsible for damage to the carriage



      Position, full name.


      The carriage is sent for repair at _____________________________________


      factory (depot)



      railway, or industrial enterprise




      Carriage depot _______________________________________ from the station





      waiting with the accompanying bill of the form VU-26M


      "___" ____________ _______ r.

      date of

      Signatures of the carrier _________________________________________________

      Position, full name.

      The carriage was taken from the current repair ______________________________________

      date and time 

      The serial number in the book of VU-16 _______________________________________

      Position and signature of the representative of the carriage depot

      1 Signed in case of damage to the carriage during coming-off, collisions, damage to refrigerated rolling stock.

      2 Signed with refrigerated rolling stock.

      ACT № _____ on damage to the carriage

      dated '____' _______________ _______ on carriage №

      The list of additional damages caused by the work on liquidation of a wreck, collision or coming-off a carriage:













      Major additional damage _________________ _______________

      The conclusion of the commission on classifying a carriage according to the degree of damage to the type of repair or exclusion from the inventory indicating the reason





       "____" ___________ _______

      date of

      Carrier Signatures _________________________________________

      Position, full name.

      Head of the emergency train ___________________________

  Annex 36
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport

The list of owners of containers belonging to railway administrations and their letter codes


Railway administration

Digital code of railway administrations

Owner letter code

The Republic of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan State Railway



The Republic of Armenia

Armenian railway



The Republic of Belarus

Belarusian railway




Georgian railway



The Republic of Kazakhstan

NC "Kazakhstan temіr Zholy"



Kyrgyz Republic

Kyrgyz railway



The Republic of Moldova

State Enterprise "Railway of Moldova"



The Russian Federation

Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation




Tajik railway




Office of the Turkmen Railways




SJSC "Uzbek Railways"




State Administration of Railway Transport of Ukraine "Ukrzaliznytsia"



The Republic of Latvia

SJSC Latvian Railway



The Republic of Lithuania

AOSN “Lithuanian Railways”



The Republic of Estonia

Estonian Railway JSC



  Annex 37
to the Rules for transportation of
cargo by railway transport
Form KEU-16

Order No ._______ for the removal of the container from the station and its return to the
station "_"_________________20__

      Container loaded, empty № __________ gross mass ______ t.

      (cross out unnecessary)

      Issued to the shipper, consignee

      (cross out unnecessary)



      (Full Name)



      (name of the enterprise or organization)

      Power of Attorney № __________________________________ or Agreement №

      Forwarding driver ______________________________ Vehicle №



      (Full Name)

      Container issued “__” __________20____, ______ time _____ minutes

      Receiver _______________Entity received the container _____



      The container returned "_____" ___________20____,

      _______ time minutes

      The date of sending the notification when the documents were transferred to the consignee, shipper, forwarding organization were delivered by the export of the container ______ ________ 20 ___, _____ time ________ min

      The time of using the container is __________________________.

      The amount of the fee for using the container _________________ KZT.

      Representative of the carrier at the station ____________________________________

  (full name)
  Annex 38
to the Rules for transportation of cargo by railway transport

List of cargo transported in bulk, related to freezing cargo

Name of the cargo

Name of the cargo


Agglomerate (wet)


Carbonite grind (particle size up to 10 mm)






Barite (lumpy)


Limestone flour (dolomite)




Pyrite cinder


Clay: kaolin, refractory, simple


Sand: quartz, building, molding




Retort residue


Beet pulp (raw)


Ore: gold, iron, precious metals, manganese, copper, nickel, lead, chromite, zinc


All kind of soil


Combustible shales


Limestone (washed)


Salt: stone, technical


Stone: gypsum; limestone; construction-rubble, shell rock, tuff


Coal: brown and stone (including washed and hydraulic mining)


Quartzites (washed)


Fluxing agent




Granulated slags


Clinker: Zinc, Cement


Coal sludge


Pyrites: iron, copper and sulfur-ordinary and flotation


Fin spar


Carbonite (nut)


Washed rubble




Vermiculite Concentrate


Concentrates and mattes: apatite, barite, tungsten, iron, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, pyrite (flotation tails), lead, zinc

  Annex 39
to the Rules for transportation of
cargo by railway transport

Preventive measures against freezing bulk types of goods transported in bulk
Ferrous metallurgy cargo

      1. Iron ore:

      When transporting iron ores the following items shall be used as prophylactic agents: quicklime, salt, sawdust, chaff and straw reed sinter - return. The rate of lime additive for magnetite, martite and hematite ores shall be 1 - 3%, and for ocher and brown iron ores 1 - 4% of the mass of the ore being shipped. Salt shall be added in an amount of 0.75% by weight of the ore being shipped. For ores going to agglomeration,