On approval of the Rules for rendering military funeral honors to employees of the national security bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan

New Unofficial translation

Order No. 6/қе of the Chairman of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of January 21, 2019. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on January 23, 2019, No. 18225.

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 81 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of February 13, 2012 “On Special State Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, I hereby ORDER:

      1. To approve the appended Rules for rendering military funeral honors to employees of the national securities bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      2. In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Personnel Department of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall:

      1) ensure state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) within ten calendar days of the state registration of this order, send its copy in Kazakh and Russian to the Republican State Enterprise with the Right of Economic Management “Republican Center of Legal Information” of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for its official publication and inclusion into the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      3) within ten calendar days of the state registration of this order, send its copy to print periodicals for official publication;

      4) place this order on the website of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication;

      5) within ten working days of the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, submit information on the implementation of measures, provided for in subparagraphs 1), 2), 3) and 4) of this paragraph, to the Legal Department of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      3. The personnel of the national security bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be familiarized with this order.

      4. This order shall take effect ten calendar days after its first official publication.

      Chairman of the
      National Security Committee of
      the Republic of Kazakhstan K.Massimov

  Approved by
Order № 6/қе as of January 21,
2019 of the Chairman of the
National Security Committee
of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Rules for rendering military funeral honors to employees of the national security bodies
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Chapter 1. General provisions

      1. These Rules for rendering military funeral honors to employees of the national securities bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan are developed in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 81 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of February 13, 2012 “On Special State Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and establish the procedure for rendering military funeral honors to employees of the national security bodies of the Republic Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as NSB).

      2. The basic concepts used in these Rules are as follows:

      1) honor escort - a team of employees appointed to render honors during the burial of NSB employees;

      2) guard of honor - a group of employees appointed to render honors to the State Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan or the NSB flag brought to the funeral and fire farewell volley during the burial of the NSB employees;

      3) a color bearer - an employee appointed to carry the State Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan or the NSB flag to the place of the mourning event.

      3. Military funeral honors are rendered to the following categories of the NSB employees (hereinafter referred to as the employees):

      1) those who died in the line of duty or as a result of injury (wound, damage, shell shock), and also a disease;

      2) the participants of the 1941-1945 Great Patriotic War, military operations and peacekeeping operations in the territories of other states, regardless of the total length of service in special state bodies.

      4. No honors are rendered if:

      1) the death was a result of illegal actions committed by a deceased (dead);

      2) the spouse, close relatives or legal representative of a deceased (dead) wish to bury him/her without the rite of rendering honors.

Chapter 2. Procedure for rendering military funeral honors to employees of the national
security bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan

      5. The arrangement of rendering honors to the persons specified in paragraph 3 of these Rules is entrusted to the heads of structural units, departments, territorial and other NSBs (hereinafter referred to as authorized managers) of the last place of service (residence) of the deceased (dead), or a place of burial.

      The arrangement of rendering honors to employees who served in the NSB secret units (including those who were in reserve or retired) is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by these Rules.

      When rendering honors to a deceased (dead) employee, who was in reserve or retired, representatives of veteran organizations may be included in the organizational group.

      6. To render honors, an authorized manager or a person acting for him/her issues an order to appoint an honor escort consisting of:

      1) the guard of honor;

      2) groups for carrying the body (coffin with the body) out and lowering it into a grave;

      3) groups for carrying orders and medals of the deceased (dead), if any.

      If necessary, the guard of honor post paired sentries and color bearers with the State Flag or NSB flag without a cover and with a mourning ribbon.

      The order shall indicate the composition, uniform, armament and the chief of the honor escort, and also vehicles (if necessary).

      The uniform of the honor escort shall be formal. In the cold season, it is allowed to wear field uniform.

      The guard of honor for firing farewell volley is given blank cartridges, which shall be received and written off in accordance with the NSB regulatory legal acts.

      7. The honor escort does not salute during the funeral.

      8. If necessary, a car for transporting the body (coffin) of the deceased shall be available.

      9. To carry orders and medals of the deceased (dead), one person shall be appointed for each pillow with an order or medals. These persons wear a mourning ribbon on their left sleeves.

      Orders and medals of the deceased (dead) are fixed to 15x15 cm red (purple) fabric cushions framed by a golden border around the perimeter.

      Each order is fixed to a separate cushion. Several medals are fixed to one and the same cushion.

      In case of a decision to bury the deceased (dead) in a combat suit, a headdress (service cap) shall be fixed to the coffin.

      10. When a deceased (dead) employee is buried in another populated locality, with the permission of an authorized manager, NSB employees may escort the body (the coffin with the body) of the deceased to the place of burial and participate in the funeral.

      11. At least one day before the expected arrival of the body (coffin with the body), the authorized manager of the unit whose employee died or a person acting for him shall notify the authorized manager of the unit at whose place of deployment the funeral or transshipment will be carried out or a person acting for him of the time of arrival of the body (coffin with the body) of the deceased at the place of funeral or transshipment points.

      12. The time of posting the guard of honor at the body (coffin with the body) of the deceased is determined by the chief of the honor escort.

      13. If necessary, the guard of honor posts two pairs of sentries. One pair of sentries shall be on both sides of the body (coffin with the body) of the deceased, two steps away from it, at the head, the second pair - at the feet of the deceased. Both pairs of sentries face each other and stand to attention.

      Sentries shall wear a mourning ribbon on their left sleeves.

      14. Upon arrival at the place of carrying out the body (the coffin with the body), an honor escort lines up with the front facing the exit of carrying out the body (coffin with the body).

      15. When carrying out the body (coffin with the body) from a building, an honor escort advances in the following order: in front there is an employee with a portrait of the deceased followed by other employees carrying orders and medals of the deceased in order of seniority at a distance of three-five steps away from him, behind them at the same distance there are employees with wreaths (if necessary). They are followed by persons escorting the deceased and the guard of honor with the body (coffin with the body).

      16. When carrying the body (coffin with the body) to the place of burial on foot, paired sentries go on both sides of the body (coffin with the body).

      When carrying the body (the coffin with the body) to the place of burial by car, the paired sentries escort the body (coffin with the body) inside this car or the next following car.

      17. The NSB employees (military personnel), who arrived at the funeral, form one or two ranks at the place where the body (coffin with the body) will be carried out and on the way to the place of burial on both sides of the path along which the procession will go.

      18. Upon arrival at the place of burial, employees with wreaths, orders and medals, and also paired sentries, stand at the grave.

      19. Before lowering the body (coffin with the body) of the deceased into the grave, a mourning rally is held.

      During the lowering of the body (the coffin with the body), the State Flag or the NSB flag shall be declined. The employees appointed from the guard of honor fire three volleys.

      20. Orders, medals, badges of honorary titles of deceased (dead) employees awarded posthumously, as well as documents on their awarding, shall be kept by his/her family for cherishing the memory of the dead.

      With the consent of heirs of the deceased (dead), his/her awards and awarding documents are transferred to museums for storing and exhibiting.

      If the deceased (dead) has no heirs, his/her state awards (if any) and awarding documents are returned in accordance with Article 39 39 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of December 12, 1995 “On State Awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

      21. In case of cremation of the body of the deceased, an honor escort lines up at the crematorium facing the front in parallel to the direction of the funeral procession.

      When lowering the body (coffin with the body) of the deceased for cremation, the chief of the honor escort signals to decline the State flag or the NSB flag and fire three volleys.

      22. In each case, the rite of rendering military funeral honors is carried out with the agreement of relatives or persons arranging the funeral of the deceased (dead).

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